This is an example of Credit Transfer. Command codes are used to move credits posted to incorrect modules. These may have been posted to the wrong MFT, tax period, or taxpayer. CC TXMODA must precede CC ADD. CC ADD is a prerequisite for the generated credit transfer CC DTR. CCs ADD24 and ADD48 post in 2 cycles. CC ADD48 is used when transferring credit elect transactions. The input format overlay the TXMODA screen of the account to be debited with ADD24, the SSN, MFT, tax period, and name control of the account to be credited. ADD24 000–00–3663 MFT>30 TXPRD>200612 PLN-NUM> NM-CCTRL>PERC. The non IDRS module indicators are A secondary account not on TIF. @ indicates secondary account is on the TIF but the module is not. Blank indicates the secondary account and module are on the TIF.