Figure 3.12.21-34 provides an illustration displaying a TC 29X/30X Net-CGA-Math Error. Figure 3.12.21-34 contains portions of a Form 3552 and an error register displaying data from Sections 01, 02, and 40. The items displayed on the Form 3552 and error register portion are described as follows:In the upper left corner of the Form 3552 are three organization headings listed vertically: Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service and Director, respectivelyIn the upper right corner opposite those three headings is the Document Locator Number box, with the document locator number, 00451-242-19900-5.Immediately beneath the top part of the Form 3552, is a section of the form with the following columns: Item 31 (Reference), Item 32 (TC) as in Transaction Code, and Item 33 (Assessment). The following lists three rows of data under the above-referenced columns as follows:The first row displays 08232025, 300 (TC 300, Additional Tax Assessment by Examination or Appeals), and 866.91 (Eight hundred sixty-six dollars and 91 cents), respectivelyThe second row displays 08232025, 160 (TC 160, Manually Computed Failure to File Penalty), and 216.75 (Two hundred sixteen dollars and 75 cents), respectively.The third row displays 08232025, 190 (TC 190, Manually Assessed Interest Transferred In), and 561.19 (Five hundred sixty-one dollars and 19 cents), respectivelyThe fourth row is an entry located 16 rows down at the bottom row of the Assessment column (to the right of the Transfer Balance); and that figure is 1,644.85 (One thousand, Six hundred Forty-four dollars and 85 cents).Although there are no other entries for the Form 3552; thus, the error register fields are provided as follows:Below is an error register portion displaying data from Section 01, Section 02, and Section 40.The error register’s first line displays the following fields and entries for Section 01:Field A (Section 01) displays the Name Control, BLUE.Field B displays the SSN, 000008620.Field C displays the MFT Code (03)Field D displays an asterisk (*) with the Tax Period of 202412.Field E displays the Date of Transfer, 20250823.Field F displays the 23C Date of Assessment, 20250823.Field G displays an asterisk (*) with the Original Assessment Transaction Code, 300 (TC 300, Additional Tax Assessment by Examination or Appeals).Field H displays the Original Assessment Transaction Amount of $866.91 (Eight hundred Sixty-six dollars and 91 cents).No other entries are displayed under Section 01, BUTSection 02 (Fields A through F) displays as follows:Field A displays the Transaction Date 20250823.Field B displays the Transaction Code 160 (TC 160, Manually Computed Failure to File Penalty).Field C displays the Transaction Amount 21675 (Two hundred sixteen dollars and 75 cents).Field D displays the Transaction Date 20250823.Field E displays the Transaction Code 190 (TC 190, Manually Assessed Interest Transferred In).Field F displays the Transaction Amount 56119 (Five hundred sixty-one and nineteen cents).No other entries are displayed under Section 02, BUTSection 40 (Fields A through J) displays as follows:Field A displays the Adjusted Total of Income Tax Withheld (Form 943, Form 945, and Form 941 - MFT 01 - posted prior to 12/31/2004): Field A is blank.Field B displays the Taxable Social Security Wages (Form 941, Form 943, Form 944 and Form 945) (also known as Taxable FICA Wages Paid): Field B amount is 577175 (Five thousand, Seven hundred seventy-one dollars and 75 cents).Field C displays the Taxable Social Security Tips (Form 941 and Form 944); Field C amount is 86691 (Eight hundred, Sixty-six dollars and 91 cents).Field D displays the Taxable Medicare Wages and Tips (from Form 941)5000 (Fifty dollars and zero cents).The following items were generated beneath Section 40 for Figure 3.12.21-34:Flush with the left margin of the error register is the following text/literal: MATH ERRORAlso centered following Section 40 was the following text/literal: TC 29X-30X NET-CGACenter beneath the above-referenced message was the following text/literal: TOTAL TAX---CGAAlso centered following Section 40 was the following text/literal:Flush with the right margin tabbed following the of the error register is the following text/literal: MATH ERRORFlush with the left margin of the error register is the following text/literal: MATH ERROR was the following money amount: 86691 (Eight hundred, Sixty-six dollars and 91 cents).Flushed with the left margin of the error register is the following text/literal: TOTAL TAX---CGA was the following money amount: 00 (zero dollars and cents).There are no other entries or edit marks displayed on the error register, the Form 3552, nor for Figure 3.12.21-34.