Figure 3.12.21-22 includes a display of a Form 3552 and an of the error register portion to provide an example demonstrating what is meant by NOT leaving intervening blank fields within a section. Details regarding what is shown in Figure 3.12.21-22 are provided as follows: Figure 3.12.21-22 shows a register with entries in Section 02, Fields A, B, C, G, H, and I, BUT Fields D, E, and F are blank. Correct the register by moving the entries from Fields G, H, and I into Fields D, E, and F, respectively. This figure displays the data moved FROM Fields G, H, and I TO Fields D, E, and F, which are 20230628 (date), 170 (transaction code), and 6800 (the transaction amount is sixty-eight dollars and zero cents), respectively. An Action Code 6 is entered in the margin to the left of Section 02, alerting the ISRP data transcriber to make the corrections as directed in Section 02, deleting Fields G, H, and I, and leaving no blank intervening fields in Section 02.In the upper left corner of the Form 3552 are three organization headings listed vertically: Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service and Director, respectivelyIn the upper right corner opposite those three headings is the Document Locator Number box, with the document locator number, 00251-193-15601-3. Two lines beneath that information is a single box with four conjoined boxes marked as MFT, Tax Period, Assessment Date and Trans Code. Immediately to the right of this four-part box are three rows, in vertical order, marked Notice Date, Name Control and Taxpayer Identifying Number respectively. The MFT is 30 The Tax Period is 202212 The Assessment Date is 20230628 The Trans Code is 370 The Notice Date is 20230628 Beneath the Notice Date, the Name Control is CHER Beneath the Name Control, the Taxpayer Identifying Number is 000-000-6666Immediately beneath this information, the Form 3552 was folded to reveal the part of the Form 3552 with the columns under Item 31 (Reference), Item 32 ((TC) as in Transaction Code), and Item 33 (Assessment). The following four (4) rows of information are contained under the above-listed columns as follows on the Form 3552:The first row displays 06282023, 150, and 5,387.00 (five thousand, three hundred eighty-seven dollars and zero cents), respectivelyThe second row displays 06282023, 160, and 1,212.08 (one thousand, two-hundred twelve dollars and eight cents), respectivelyThe third row displays 06282023, 170, and 68.00 (sixty-eight dollars and zero cents), respectivelyOn the bottom row of the Assessment column (to the right of the Transfer Balance) is 6,667.08 (six thousand, six hundred, sixty-seven dollars and eight cents).Immediately beneath this Form 3552 is a part of the error register, displaying Section 01 (Fields A through Q) and Section 02 (Field A through I)At the top of the error register (first line) are the following four items: 2-198-000111, KLM, 1371, and 00251-193-15601-3 (Document Locator Number)Field A (Section 01) on the error register displays the name control (CHER)Field B displays the SSN (000006666)Field C displays the MFT Code (30)Field D displays the Tax Period (202212)Field E displays the Date of Transfer (20230628)Field F displays the 23C Date of Assessment (20230628)Field G displays the Original Assessment Transaction Code of (150)Field H displays the Original Assessment Transaction Amount of (538700 (five thousand, three hundred eighty-seven dollars and zero cents)).Field I displays the Transfer-in Amount of (666708 (six thousand, six hundred sixty-seven dollars and eight cents)).Field J through Field Q (Section 01) contain no entriesA 6 is edited to the left of Section 02 to inform the ISRP operator that information in Section 02 must be changed. Section 02 currently displays the following entries:Field A (Section 02) on the error register displays the Transaction Date (20230628)Field B displays the Transaction Code (160)Field C displays the Transaction Amount 121208 (one thousand, two-hundred twelve dollars and eight cents).The literals 20230628 are edited above the blank Field D (Transaction Date) in Section 02 of the error register.The literals 170 are edited above the blank Field E (Transaction Code) in Section 02 of the error register.The literals 6800 are edited above the blank Field F (Transaction Amount) in Section 02 of the error register. Lines are drawn through the following three entries in Section 02 of the error register (to be moved to the three blank fields preceding them::Field G, Transaction Date (Section 02) the entry 20230628, on the error register.Field H, Transaction Code (Section 02) the entry 170, on the error register.Field I (eye), Transaction Amount (Section 02) the entry 6800 (sixty-eight dollars and zero cents), on the error register.Using Action Code 6, ISRP will move the (lined-through) entries currently in Section 02: FROM Fields G, H and I, TO (the currently blank) Fields D, E and F (also in Section 02) respectively. Since Fields D, E, and F are blank no blank, intervening fields can be In the record. ISRP operators will move the data FROM Fields G, H, and I TO Fields D, E, and FFields G, H, and I should be blank after ISRP moves that data to Fields D, E, and F.There are no other entries or edit marks displayed on Figure 3.12.21-22.