Figure 3.12.21-18 displays a part of the Form 3413, Transcription List (Account Transfer-in), and Section 01 of an error register portion. Fields A through Q. This figure is an example showing all three fields appear invalid if either the Date of Assessment, the Transaction Code and the Transaction Amount are missing. In this example, Fields 01-F (23 C--Date of Assessment/Transaction Date), Field 01-G (Original Assessment Transaction Code), and Field 01-H (Original Assessment Transaction Amount) are blank and contain asterisks (*). Details of Figure 3.12.21-18 are provided as follows:The first line beneath the form title and the DLN information displays the column headings Section 01, Sections 02 - 19, and Account Information. Account Information title heads the third column, and the fourth column, to the right of Account Information, displays no header. Only the first column, Section 01, displays the taxpayer information in Fields A through H, as follows:The DLN of this document (Form 3413) is 00451-137-10100-3.The Form 3413 contains four (4) columns with the following headings: Section 01, Section 02 - 19, and two (2) Account Information columns (only one is marked with the heading Account Information).Section 01, Fields A through I, contain the following information:Field A) Name Control, shows the Name Control BEAR.Field B) EIN or SSN and TIN Type, displays the EIN 00-0004810.Field C) MFT Code, displays the MFT 02. Field D) Tax Period, displays tax period 202212.Field E) Date of Transfer, shows 05/10/23 as the date of transfer.Field F) 23C Date of Assessment), shows 05/10/23 as date of assessment.Field G) Original Assessment Transaction Code is 150Field H) Original Assessment Transaction Amount is $2,010.00.Field I) Transfer-in Amount is blank.The three (3) other columns to the left of Section 01, entitled as Section 02 - 19 and Account Information, and the rows beneath those headings contain NO processing or taxpayer information.Directly beneath this part of the Form 3413 is a portion of the paper error register, displaying Section 01, Fields A through Q.Fields F, G and H on the register are all blank, but contain asterisks (*) because they appear invalid when the required information is missing.