Figure 3.12.21-17 displays parts of a Form 3552 (Prompt Assessment Billing Assembly) and an error register. Figure 3.12.21-17 provides an example of an invalid record for this MFT and Reference Number. The Tax Period (Field 01-D) is 200908, the MFT Code is 02, and Reference Number is 686. Specific details regarding this illustration are provided as follows:In the upper left corner of the Form 3552 are three organization headings listed vertically: Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service and Director, respectivelyIn the upper right corner opposite those three headings is the Document Locator Number box, with the document locator number, 00351-194-13502-3.About two lines beneath that information is a single box with four conjoined boxes marked as MFT, Tax Period, Assessment Date and Trans Code. Immediately to the right of this four-part box are three rows, in vertical order, marked Notice Date, Name Control and Taxpayer Identifying Number respectively.The MFT is 02The Tax Period is 200908The Assessment Date is 07132023The Trans Code is 370Immediately to the right of the Trans Code box are the Notice Date, the Name Control, and the Taxpayer Identifying Number, in vertical sequence to one another, respectively.The Notice Date is 20230713The Name Control is PAIN, andThe Taxpayer Identifying Number is 00-0009740 A preprinted label is on the following line contains the taxpayer information box with five lines of printed text; the first line displays, in label format, the following items in the following order:The TIN is printed in the top middle part of the taxpayer information box (00-0009740)On that same line, to the right of the TIN are the literals 5-DIGIT, followed by two spaces, followed by 72201 (the ZIP code)On the following line, are the literals PC, S27 and 20 (not in close proximity to one another)The third of the taxpayer information box is the taxpayer's name: Paint AssociationThe fourth line of the taxpayer information box displays the taxpayer's street address: 203 Trotter DriveThe fifth line of the taxpayer information box displays the taxpayer's city, state and zip code: Little Rock AR 72201Flushed with the right margin of the taxpayer information box are the letters, IRS, displayed vertically (alternating with spaces between the letters)To the right of the taxpayer information box are three more items: Form Number, Plan/Report Number and Tax Period Ended, in vertical order, respectivelyOf the three, only the Tax Period Ended displays an entry: 20090831Immediately beneath this information, the Form 3552 is folded to display the following three columns with three rows of date and money amount information.The three columns are Item 31, Reference, Item 32, TC (for transaction code), and Item 33, Assessment.The first row of information beneath the three columns displays 07132023, 150, and 16,539.00, respectively.The second row of information displays 07132023, 350, and 329.00, respectively.The third row of information displays 07132023, 190, and 7,380.74, respectively.Directly beneath these three rows of information, is an error register portion displaying Section 01, Fields A through X, and Section 02, Fields A through F.Field D (200908) and Field M (686) of Section 01 contain asterisks; (*) because they are in error. The tax period is NOT prior to 198909, the Reference Number is 686, the MFT is 02 (Field C, Section 01).Also present beneath the error register insert part is the bottom part of the Form 3552, displaying Item 36 (Reference Code see enclosed notice) and Item 37 (Ref. Amount). The Reference Code in Item 36 is 686, and Item 37 Reference Amt. is blank.To the right of Item 37 are two assessment dollar amounts (located under the Assessment Column/Item 33).The amount located to the right of Item 37 and under the Assessment Column/Item 33 is $4,135.00 and directly beneath that amount is (the total amount) of $28,383.74.There are no other entries or edit marks displayed on Figure 3.12.21-17.