Start This is the start of the Reply ProceduresDecision (1)Does the tax period agree with the FYM?If No, continue to Decision (2)If Yes, continue to Process (a)Process (a)Change 01TXP to agree with the correct tax Period. On the subsequent screen, enter a C in the Clear Code Field.Continue to End.Decision (2)Does the tax period disagree with the FYM?If Yes, continue to Process (b)Process (b)Change 01TXP to agree with the correct tax period and input a TC 016, or follow local procedures.End of Reply Procedures flowchartThis is the start of the No Reply Procedures flow chartDecision (1) (Short Period)Is the return for a short period? If No, continue to Decision (2)If Yes, continue to Process (a)Process (a) Enter a Y in Field 01CCC.Continue to End.Decision (2) (Full Period)Is the last tax period with a T.C. 150 12 months or more before the return? If No, continue to Decision (3)If Yes, continue to Process (b)Process (b) Input T.C. 016 on E.N.M.O.D. with C.C. B.N.C.H.G.Input T.C. 474 on R.E.Q.77 (using 1 cycle delay) for the year and month before the beginning month of the tax period of the return being processed.When P.N. 016 generates on E.N.M.O.D., enter 5 in Field 01ADC, 3 in Field 01CCC and SSPND 430.After one cycle, clear EC 026 from return.Continue to EndDecision (3)Is the last T.C. 150 less than 12 months before the return tax period? If No, continue to EndIf Yes, continue to Process (c)Process (c) Enter Y in Field 0.1.C.C.C.Continue to EndEnd of No Reply flowchart