Header box Always drop the cursor to the bottom of the screen and transmit before proceeding. Note: If prepaid credits are present, see Error Code for instructions.StartThis is the start of the flowchartDecision (1)Is the Tax Period edited correctly? Note: Search the return and attachments for the correct Tax Period if there is no written date(s) on the top of Page 1. If Yes, continue to Decision (2)If No, continue to Process (a)Process (a) Change the document and the screen. Note: Be aware of special situations, such as 52-53 week filers before changing the Tax Period.Continue to EndDecision (2)Is the return for a Decedent Estate, filed by the surviving spouse and the Date of Death was used as the Tax period? If No, continue to Decision (3)If Yes, continue to Process (b)Process (b)Change the Tax Period to agree with the correct FYM.Continue to End.Decision (3)Is the Tax Period transcribed correctly? If Yes, continue to Decision (4)If No, continue to Process (c)Process (c) Change the tax period (0.1.T.X.P.)Continue to EndDecision (4)Is the E.I.N. transcribed correctly? If Yes continue Decision (5)If No continue to Process (d)Process (d)Change the EIN and research INOLES on the new EIN to ensure the entity and the FYM agree with the document.Continue to EndDecision (5)Is C.C.C. Y or G present? If No, continue to Decision (6)If Yes, continue to Process (e)Process (e) Enter C in the Clear FieldContinue to EndDecision (6)Is the return Final? If No, continue to Decision (7)If Yes, continue to Process (f)Process (f) Enter an F in Field 01CCC.Continue to End.Decision (7)Is the return for a Short Period (not Initial or Final) with an acceptable reason attached? (See Error Code 026 for definition) If No, continue to Decision (8)If Yes, continue to Process (g)Process (g) Enter C.C.C. Y in Field 0.1.C.C.C.Continue to EndDecision (8)Does the F,.Y,.M. agree with the F.Y.M. on the document, or is there a PENDING (PN) TC 016 or 90 with the correct FYM shown on ENMOD? If No, continue to Decision (9)If Yes, continue to Process (h)Process (h) Enter C in the Clear FieldContinue to EndDecision (9)Is TC 052, 053, 054, 055, 057, 090, 091, 092, 093. 094, 095 or 096 present and is the date of the transaction within 12 months of the Tax Period on the document? See Error Code 026 for definition of TC(s). If No, research BMFOLI and continue to Decision (10)If Yes, continue to Process (i)Process (i) If the transaction code Tax Period matches the return, enter C in the Clear field.*If TC 053, 054 or 055 is present, enter a Y in Field 01CCC.If TC 059 is present, SSPND 351 or follow local procedures.If there is a Tax Period mismatch, SSPND 320 to Entity and attach Form 4227 with an explanation.Continue to EndFlow chart continued on next page.