This is an example of a 2022 revision Form 3800, General Business Credit, page 1, Part I and Part II, with field designators.Under Part I Current Year Credit for Credits Not Allowed Against Tentative Minimum Tax (TMT)1. General business credit from line 2 of all Parts III with box A checked: field contains Passive activity credits from line 2 of all Parts III with box B checked: field contains Enter the passive activity credits allowed from line 2 for 2021: field contains Carryforward of general business credit to 2021. Enter the amount from line 2, Part III with box C checked: field contains Carryback of general business credit from 2022. Enter the amount from line 2 of Part III with box D checked: field contains Add lines 1, 3, 4, and 5: field contains>.Under Part II Allowable Credit10b Certain allowable credits field contains