This shows the transcription lines for Page 1 of Form 940, Revision 2023. Transcription Lines are as follows: Tax Period, EIN, Name, Address, City, State, ZIP Code, Type of Return, SIC, Received Date, CCC, Action Code, Line 1a, State Code, Line 1b, Multi-State Indicator, Line 2, Credit Reduction Checkbox, Line 6, Form 940 Schedule R Indicator (right hand margin), Line 7, Total Taxable FUTA Wages, Line 8, FUTA Tax Before Adjustments, Line 9 (Taxable FUTA Wages times .054= Maximum Tax), Line 10, Excluded Wages and/ or Late Payments, Line 11, Credit Reduction Amount, Line 12, Total Taxes Adjusted, Line 13, Total Deposits and Payments, Line 14, Balance Due, Line 15, Overpayment, Check one: (box) Apply to next return. Send a refund.