Pictured in Figure 3.11.10-17 is an example of Form 3245, Posting Voucher - Refund Cancellation or Repayment, using two (2) bubble boxes displaying the Primary Transaction Code and Primary Transaction Amount. The first, Primary Transaction Code bubble box extends an arrow pointing to the 720 in the box titled TC (i.e., Transaction Code). It is the first box located on the third line under the Repayment column, Form 3245. The second, Primary Transaction Amount bubble box extends an arrow pointing to the $375.00 (Three hundred, seventy-five dollars and zero cents) amount. It is the second box located on the third line under the Repayment column, Form 3245. The Primary Transaction Amount is located (to the right of the Primary Transaction Code box, and has a curved, edited line drawn underneath the dollar amount. The Return Period 2409, in the Tax Period box (upper left corner, on first line of Form 3245 (immediately to the right of the SSN/TIN box)) is underlined to show it is necessary to edit a tax period for all fiscal and prior-year documents. The Name Control CHES, for Jeff B. Chestnut is underlined (in red). OTHER INFORMATION: The first line of the form contains the title, Posting Voucher - Refund Cancellation or Repayment, flushed with the left margin of the form. To the right of the title is the DLN (Document Locator Number) block: DLN is 0054507337205-5. Directly beneath the first line of the form, on the second line, are block designations marked SSN/EIN (i.e., Social Security Number/Employer Identification Number), Tax Period, Plan Number and MFT, followed by a section for two (2) column headings, Cancellation and Repayment (which are separate sections with multiple entries, which covers the ENTIRE right side of the form). (I will cover that later in this text.) The SSN/EIN contains an EIN 00-2143659. The Tax Period is 2409. The Plan Number block is blank. The MFT is 03. Beneath the second line (mostly left side of Form 3245 are sections marked as follows: Name (for taxpayer name, address and ZIP data), Remarks (include Preparer Name, SEID and Date), Trace ID Number, and SPL REF (for Split Refund Indicator, with check boxes for 0, 1, 2, and 3). The information under the Name block is as follows: Jeff B. Chestnut; Chestnut Pharmacy; 1200 Gray Blvd; Boston, MA 02109 All of the other items (located on the left side of the Form 3245 are blank: Remarks (include Preparer Name, SEID and Date),Trace ID Number, and SPL REF NOW, back to the Cancellation and Repayment section of Form 3245:The Cancellation column contains the following lines (listed vertically): Schedule Date, TC, Amt. of Check, (gray area), TC, Interest, Check Number, Date, Schedule Number, and block with caption This voucher relates to (choice of 4 check boxes): Refund Check, SF1184, SF1098, and Other (with a blank line immediately following the word “Other” for identifying what Other is). The Refund Check box contains an x. The Repayment column contains the following lines (listed vertically): Date Received, TC, Amt. of Interest, Date, Requester SEID, and Approver SEID. The Cancellation and Repayment section of Form 3245:The Cancellation column and Repayment columns contain the following lines (listed in vertical order over 6 lines), respectively: First line: Cancellation column: Schedule Date, Repayment column: Date Received. First line (entries): Cancellation column: The Schedule Date is blank (contains no entry) First line (entries): Repayment column: Date Received is 3/14/25. Second line: Cancellation column: TC and Amt. of Check; Repayment column: TC and Amt. of Check. Second line (entries): Cancellation column: TC contains 841, but the Amt. of Check block is blank. Second line (entries): Repayment column: TC contains 720, and the Amt. of Check is $375.00 (Three hundred seventy-five dollars and zero cents). Third line: Cancellation column: (Shaded area); Repayment column: TC; Interest Third line: Cancellation column: (Shaded area) has no space for entries. Third line (entries): Repayment column: The TC block contains 772, and Interest block is blank (i.e., contains no entry). Fourth line: Cancellation column: Check Number; Repayment column: Date. Fourth line (entries): Cancellation column: The Check Number block is blank (i.e., contains no entry). Fourth line (entries): Repayment column: The Date is 3/14/25. Fifth line: Cancellation column: Schedule Number,; Repayment column: Requestor SEID; and Approver SEID. Fifth line (entries): Repayment column: Although the other fields are blank, the Requestor’s SEID is AH3RB.Sixth line: This block straddles the space beneath the Cancellation and Repayment columns and contains the following text and check boxes: This voucher relates to (choice of 4 check boxes): Refund Check, SF1184, SF1098, and Other (with a blank line immediately following the word “Other” for identifying what Other is). Please note that the Refund Check box contains an x. On the bottom margin of the Form 3245 are the following items (apparently tabbed format): Form 3245 (Rev. 2-2011); Catalog Number 19414A; Copy - 3; Department of Treasury---Internal Revenue Service. There is no more information in Figure 3.11.10-17.