Pictured in Figure 3.11.10-16 is an example of a Form 2287, Check Not Accepted by Bank, which was sent back to the IRS with a re-payment for a dishonored check. The taxpayer's envelope is displayed behind the Form 2287. There are three bubble boxes used to illustrate these items. The first bubble box is marked Postmark illegible, (i.e., postmark date shown on the taxpayer's envelope can’t be read). This bubble is located on the envelope to the left of the illegible postmark. The second bubble box, marked as Julian Date 168 = 06/16/25, points to the (previously blank) Date IRS Received Check box, which now contains the edited (in red) date 061625, since the Form 2287 did not have a Transaction Date. An arrow extends from the third (bottom) bubble box, marked as Enter Julian Date from DLN as the Transaction Date and points to the Julian Date in the DLN (that is, the sixth, seventh, and eighth digits). The DLN Julian Date 168 is June 16, 2025. The Name Control CYPR, for Suzie Cypress, and the MFT of 30 (for Form 1040) in the MFT box, are both underlined (in red). OTHER INFORMATION: The Figure 3.11.10-16 displays the taxpayer’s envelope behind the Form 2287. The taxpayer’s name and address are Suzie Cypress, 2 Pine Place; Reno, Nevada 89510. The postmark is illegible (cannot be read or clearly). A Postmark Illegible bubble is to the left of the postmark. Printed at the top margin of the Form 2287 is Credit Posting Voucher. The first line beneath the top margin contains four (4) blocks and are listed as follows (left to right): Check/Payment Not Accepted by Bank; Department of the Treasury; Internal Revenue Service; Taxpayer Identification Number; Tax Period; and Amount of Check/Payment. The Taxpayer Identification Number is SSN 000-00-8879. The Tax Period is 2412 (underlined in red). The Amount of Check/Payment is $765.00 (Seven hundred sixty-five dollars and zero cents). The second line contains four (4) blocks and are listed as follows (left to right): Name, Form, MFT, and Penalty Amount. The Name block is blank. The Form is 1040. The MFT is 30 (underlined in red). The Penalty Amount is $25.00 (twenty-five dollars and zero cents). The third line contains three (3) blocks, listed as follows (left to right): DC Control Number, Date IRS Received Check/Payment, and Other Charges. The DC Control Number and Other Charges are blank, but A Julian Date 168 = 06/16/25 bubble points to the Date IRS Received Check/Payment now edited (in red) date of 061625. The fourth line contains four (4) blocks listed as follows (left to right): Document Locator Number, Date of Notice, Check/Payment Posting Date, and Total Amount Due. An Enter Julian Date from DLN as the Transaction Date bubble extends an arrow pointing to the Julian Date (i.e., the sixth, seventh and eighth digits in the DLN). The Document Locator Number is 00211168110400-5. Although the Date of Notice and Check/Payment Posting Date blocks are blank, The Total Amount Due is $790.00 (seven hundred ninety dollars and zero cents). The bottom third of the Form 2287 contains the following items: The first caption (flushed with the left margin of Form 2287) is This bank did not accept the enclosed check/payment because (followed by a blank area used to explain reason(s) the bank did not accept the payment. Several lines down (also flushed with the left margin) is the following text: This is a Credit Posting Voucher. Please do not write on this side of the form. If you are requesting penalty relief, write on the back of this form. Return the lower part of this form with your payment to the address below. Across from these items (on the right side of Form 2287) are the taxpayer’s name and address: Suzie Cypress, 2 Pine Place; Reno, Nevada 89510 (same address information as on the envelope). Printed at the bottom right corner of the Form 2287 are the following: Form 2287 (Rev. 7-2019) Part 1 - Taxpayer Copy; Catalog Number 26325Y www.irs.gov. No OTHER INFORMATION is on Figure 3.11.10-16.