Pictured in Figure 3.11.10-4 is an example of a Form 809, Part 1 Posting Voucher (also named as Receipt for Payment of Taxes) with entity information. The Name Control AMBE is underlined in red because no Check Digits are present. OTHER INFORMATION: On the top line of the Form 809 are three boxes: The first has Form 809 (Rev. May 2009). The second reads as Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service, Part 1 - Posting Voucher. The third area is marked for the Receipt Number. The first line beneath the above-listed information are four (4) boxes: Tax ID Number, Name Control, Deposit Trace ID, and Designated Payment Codes. The Tax ID Number is 000-00-7643. The Name Control (underlined in red) is AMBE. The Deposit Trace ID is blank (contains no entry). The Designated Payment Codes contains the following series of DPCs 01 through 15, 24, 31, 33, 34, 35, 50, 51, 99 and a blank underline (presumably used for writing in the appropriate DPC). The second line beneath the above-listed information contains five (5) boxes: Tax Form Number, Period Covered, MFT, Type of Payment, and an Assessment Information section (comprised of six (6) lines and two columns of data). The Tax Form Number contains an edited 1040. The Period Covered contains an edited 2412. The MFT is blank. The Type of Payment box contains three check boxes (for checking the appropriate type): Cash, Check, Money Order (here, the Cash box is x’d). The Assessment Information section contains six (6) lines (and two columns each, marked as follows: Assessment Amount, Accrued penalty, Accrued Interest, Fees TC 360, Other TC, and Total Amount Received. Of the six boxes, there is an 850.00 (eight-hundred fifty dollars and zero cents) amount in the second column for each, the Assessment Amount and Total Amount Received, respectively. On the left side of the form (opposite of the Assessment Information section, are several lines of information, described as follows: The fourth line of information (directly beneath the Tax Form Number line area is the following text paragraph: Payment received from (enter name and address on the lines below). If cash is received, see the note on Part 3. On the lines beneath the above-listed instructions, are the following taxpayer name and address: Alexander C. Amber, 48 Tan Court, Atlanta, GA 30304. Directly beneath the taxpayer’s name and address information are the following boxes/items: Signature of IRS Employee, Date, Employee SEID Number, and the bottom portion of the Assessment Information section. The Signature of IRS Employee is Brenda Brown. The Date is 9/25/2025. The Employee SEID Number is AKB4H. In the bottom margin of the Form 809 is the following information (possible tab spacing between them): Catalog Number 20650E, Part 1 - Posting Voucher, www.irs.gov, Form 809 (Rev. 5-2009). No other information is on Figure 3.11.10-4.