Job Aid for Form 10160, Receipt of Transport of IRS DepositInstructions on how to complete Form 10160. Form 10160 is a three part form that is completed by the IRS employees responsible for preparing tax payments received each day for deposit. The courier service responsible for transporting the deposit to the depository bank must sign the Form 10160 verifying that all field of the form are completed correctly and that they have received the deposit from the IRS. The depository bank must also sign the Form 10160 verifying that they have received the deposit from the courier. The illustration notates all the fields that must be completed. The fields include the following that are completed by the IRS: Name of CampusDate the deposit is released to the courierPrinted name and signature of the IRS employee releasing the deposit to the courierTime the deposit was released to the courierRelease serial numbersNumber of boxes released to the courierDescription of depositAny remarks neededThe courier must complete the following fields: Courier employee printed name receiving the deposit from the IRS.Signature of courier employee receiving the deposit from the IRS.The bank representative receiving the deposit from the courier must complete the following fields:Bank employee printed name and signature receiving the deposit from the courier.Date bank employee received the deposit from the courier.Time bank employee received the deposit from the courier.The illustration explains that the form is made up of three copies:Top (white) copy is sent with courier to the bank then returned to the IRS the next business day.Second (yellow) copy is sent with courier to the bank and retained by the bank.Third (pink) copy is retained by the IRS and reconciled daily with the top copy received back the following day to ensure bank delivery and time between courier and bank releases are not excessive.All copies of Form 10160 must be retained for three years from date of deposit.