KAFRMdefiner RR- calls up the screen for UPRCFUPRCFOLD CAF NUMBERThis will be pre-populated with the CAF Number, entered on the CFINK command code input line.OLD N/CThis will be pre-populated with the Name Control currently on the CAF, related to the CAF Number entered with CFINK..PTINPTIN of the old Representative, if applicable, will be displayed.NEW CAF NUMBERCAF Number a third party wishes to have his current number changed to.Restrictions:The new number cannot already exist on the database.The first two digits must be valid, i.e. 20, 32, 50, 80, 26, 78, 65, 12, 43, 90, 01, 02, or 03.If the new number begins with 03, the entire number must notbe greater than the last number assigned by CAF.NEW N/CMust be present and should be created according to rules set forth in the Name Control Job Aids, Documents 7071 and 7071APRACTICE CODEMust be one of the following:[[slashb]] = no changeD = disbarredE = deceasedR = retiredS = suspendedI = inactive2 = reset to space (good standing)SUSPENSE: START DATE This is the date the suspension started (mmddyyyy format). This date must be within 6 months (plus/minus) of the current date.END DATE This is the date the suspension ends (mmddyyyy format). This date can be up to 5 years pst the current date.NEW NAME (INDIVIDUAL) :FIRSTThird party's first name - maximum 20 characters (total of first name, middle name, last name and suffix may not exceed 35)MIDDLEThird party's middle name - maximum 20 characters (total of first name, middle name, last name and suffix may not exceed 35)LASTThird party's last name - maximum 20 characters (total of first name, middle name, last name and suffix may not exceed 35)SUFFIXJR, III, etc. - maximum 10 characters (total of first name, middle name, last name and suffix may not exceed 35 characters. Note: Do not include any authorization level information (e.g. ATTY, EA, A, B, C, etc.) in this field. That information does not belong in the THIRD PARTY record.NEW NAME (BUSINESS) :Third party's Business Name - maximum 35 charactersSECOND NAMEThird party's second name, often a business nameUsed in some instances to indicate multiple locations (i.e. Location 2)STREETThird party's street address, domestic or foreign.UNDELIVERABLETo change, must be one of the following:[[slashb]] = no changeU = undeliverable2 = reset field to blank (deliverable)CITYThird party's city, domestic or foreign.USA ST-CDThird party's 2-character State abbreviation. Note: This field is only used for USA.FOREIGN PROV/CNTYThird party's 17-character Province/county/territory name. Note: This field is only used for foreign countries.COUNTRYThird party's ISO 2 character country code with 35 character name. Enter only the the 2 character code and the full name will be re-displayed after entry.See list in IRM 21.3.7POSTAL CODEThird party's zip or postal code, domestic or foreignNote: NANP – The North American Numbering Plan serves 19 countries including the USA. The NANP countries have the same telephone numbering system format: PHONE and FAX numbers will continue to be formatted YXX-YXX-XXXX where Y can be any digit from 2 thru 9 and X can be any digit. EXTENSION can be up to 10 digits. NANP countries are: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos, USA, and the US Territories – American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Island, Puerto Rico, US Virgin IslandsPHONEThird party's phone number, if NANP EXTThird party's extension, if NANP and is optional.FAXThird party's FAX number, if NANPOTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIESPHONEThird party's phone number, if other countries. Includes:011 (This is pre-populated)phone country code (3 digits)area code (Up to 5 digits & optional)number (up to 9 digits)FAXThird party's extension, if other countries. Includes:011 (This is pre-populated)phone country code (3 digits)area code (Up to 5 digits & optional)number (up to 9 digits)SDLNSource Document Locator Numbernn-nnnn-nn-nnn-nn format, where... nn=purge year - last 2 digits of the year in which the paper document is to be purged from the files; typically 7 years after input nnnn=control cycle - yyww format; not later than current cycle nn=document location office nnn=block series - numeric; 000-999 nn=sequence number - numeric; 00-99Note:Oral TIAs need a ‘P’ at the end of the sequence number of the SDLNRequired FieldSIGNATURE DATEThe date the input document was signed by the taxpayer/third party (mmddyyyy format).Required FieldCOMMENTSLine 23 will contain any Representative comments for the old Representative. These comments were entered by CAF personnel.