Exhibit 1.55.2-1, Example of an Organization ChartThis is an illustration of an example of an organization chart and includes the components outlined below.Top center, a box denotes the Office of the Director with the total number of employees shown to the right (46). Listed within this organizational component are the positions therein and the number, to the left, of each staff year allocated for the position, including: 1 position, IR-1035-01 Dir PD# 94873 NBU1 position, GS-1035-14 Public Affairs Spec PD# 94890 NBU1 position, GS-0343-12 Staff Asst PD# 92671 NBU1 position, GS-0318-08 Secretary PD# 92394 NBUBelow these positions, the total ratio is shown for manager and employees, including direct reports (1:6); to the right, the total number of employees (7) is shown.The highest level organizational component referenced above for this example displays lines or dependencies to three lower level organizational components including: Group 1Group 2Group 3Descriptions of these and other organizational components are detailed belowGroup 1 organization entries include: 1 position, IR-1035-03 Sup Pub Aff Spec PD# 96219 NBU1 position, GS-1035-14 Public Affairs Spec PD# 94890 NBU2 positions, GS-1035-14 Sr Comm. Analyst PD# 93139 BU6 positions, GS-1035-13 Comm. Analyst PD# 93409 BU1 position, GS-0343-11 Prog/Mgmt Anal PD# 92762 NBUThe total ratio for managers and employees shown is 1:10; the total number of employees for this component is 11.Group 2 organization entries include: 1 position, IR-1035-03 Sup Pub Aff Spec PD# 96219 NBU3 positions, GS-1035-14 Sr Comm. Analyst PD# 93139 BU6 positions, GS-1035-13 Comm. Analyst PD# 93409 BU1 positions, GS-0344-07 Mgmt Asst (OA) PD# 93075 NBUThe total ratio for managers and employees shown is 1:10; the total number of employees for this component is 11.Group 3 organization entries include: 1 position, IR-1035-01 Sup Pub Aff Spec PD# 94873 NBU1 position, GS-0343-14 Sr Prog /Mgmt Anal PD# 90000 BU1 position, GS-0343-13 Prog Mgmt Anal PD# 90000 BU1 position, GS-1035-14 Sr Comm. Analyst PD# 93139 BU3 positions, GS-1035-13 Comm. Analyst PD# 93409 BU1 position, GS-1035-09 Comm. Analyst PD# 92133 BU1 position, GS-0344-07 Mgmt Asst PD# 93075 NBUThe total ratio for managers and employees shown is 1:9; the total number of employees for this component is 10.The organizational entry for Group 3 also includes a direct report component, Group 3B, detailed below.Group 3B organization entries include: 1 position, IR-1035-05 Sup Pub Aff Spec PD# 92125 NBU10 positions, GS-1035-11 Comm. Analyst PD# 92132 BUThe total ratio for managers and employees shown is 1:10; the total number of employees for this component is 11.