Renewing Your ITIN? Here’s Where to Get Help

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ITIN Tax Tip 2016-02, November 17, 2016

As the year-end draws near, taxpayers with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number set to expire are encouraged to start the renewal process now. This will help to avoid delays at tax time. The IRS issues ITINs to people with a federal tax filing or reporting requirement who don’t have and cannot get a Social Security number.  

Find help renewing an ITIN here:

  • The IRS website has information in several languages to assist with the renewal process. Taxpayers can download Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, and complete it following the instructions. Then attach the required documentation to the form and mail it to the IRS. Only original documents or copies certified by the issuing agency are accepted. The IRS returns documents to applicants via standard U.S. mail within 60 days of receipt and processing of the Form W-7.
  • Acceptance Agents.  Certified Acceptance Agents and Acceptance Agents submit Forms W-7 on behalf of their clients. Rather than mailing the IRS important original documents, taxpayers have the option to work with an IRS authorized CAA. The CAAs review documentation for taxpayers and their spouses as well as passports and birth certificates for dependents. Acceptance Agents complete the Form W-7 and send the original documents or previously certified copies of the documents to IRS for processing.
  • IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers.  Taxpayers may submit W-7 applications in person with original documents at designated IRS Taxpayer Assistance Centers. Employees at designated TACs certify original and certified copies of passports, National ID cards and birth certificates. Service at the TACs is by appointment. Schedule an appointment by calling 844-545-5640. See for a list of designated TACs that offer ITIN document authentication services.

Those who have received a renewal letter from the IRS can renew the family’s ITINs together. Family members include the tax filer, spouse and any dependents claimed on the tax return.

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