News Releases for June 2010 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for June 2010

알림: 역사 콘텐츠

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IR-2010-78, June 25, 2010 –– Guidance for those affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and new efforts to help affected taxpayers, including a special Gulf Coast Assistance Day on July 17, are now available.

IR-2010-77, June 21, 2010 — Notice 2010-48 extends to July 30, 2010, the April 30 deadline for restating affected 401(k) plans, as well as other pre-approved defined contribution plans.

IR-2010-76, June 18, 2010 — Applications must be postmarked no later than July 21, 2010.

IR-2010-75, June 18, 2010 — The Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) presented its 2010 Annual Report to Congress.

IR-2010-74, June 16, 2010 — Professionals who have reported income from repaid or forgiven loan amounts on their 2009 returns may be due refunds.

IR-2010-73, June 11, 2010 — The IRS and Treasury invite comments on regulations about the administration of the tanning services excise tax that becomes effective July 1, 2010.

IR-2010-72, June 4, 2010 — Applications for 2011 grant cycle must be received by July 16, 2010.

IR-2010-71, June 3, 2010 — Approximately 200 IRS offices, at least one in every state, will be open.

IR-2010-70, June 1, 2010 — The IRS will debut its latest educational program for tax professionals, the webinar IRS Live, on June 9, 2 p.m. ET.

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