IRS grants relief for taxpayers affected by reduction of maximum deductible Health Savings Account contributions


알림: 역사 콘텐츠

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IR-2018-107, April 26, 2018

WASHIGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today announced relief for taxpayers with family coverage under a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) who contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA). For 2018, taxpayers with family coverage under an HDHP may treat $6,900 as the maximum deductible HSA contribution.

A change in the inflation adjustment calculations for 2018 under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, reduced the maximum deductible HSA contribution for taxpayers with family coverage under an HDHP by $50, to $6,850.

Revenue Procedure 2018-27 PDF announces this relief for affected taxpayers and allows the $6,900 limitation to remain in effect for 2018. The $6,900 annual limitation was originally published in Revenue Procedure 2017-37 PDF.
For more information about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in Dec. 2017, visit the Tax Reform page on