IRS Advisory Council Issues 2011 Annual Report


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IR-2011-109, Nov. 16, 2011

WASHINGTON — One of the Internal Revenue Service’s main advisory panels for tax administration today issued its 2011 annual report, covering a range of key issues affecting taxpayers.

The Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) issued its report at a public meeting. IRSAC’s primary purpose is to provide an organized public forum for senior IRS executives and representatives of the public to discuss relevant tax administration issues.

"During the past year, IRSAC has tackled many important tax policy and tax administration issues," said IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman. "We welcome the committee’s suggestions as we address future challenges."

Based on its findings, IRSAC made several recommendations on a broad array of issues and concerns including, among other things, the following:

  • Remote Work
  • Commercial Awareness
  • Empower Exam Managers as an Alternative to SBSE Fast Track Settlement Program
  • Enhance Worker Classification Compliance with Voluntary Disclosure
  • Schedule D (Capital Gains and Losses) Instructions and New Reporting Requirements, Repeater Balance Due Taxpayers
  • Refundable Adoption Credit
  • Exclusive Authority over Discipline
  • Coordination of Administrative Responsibility over Discipline

IRSAC is administered by the National Public Liaison Office. IRSAC draws its members from the tax professional community and members of academia. The Commissioner’s Advisory Group was established in 1953 and renamed IRSAC in 1998 to focus as an advisory body to the entire IRS.

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