Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending May 21, 2021 | Internal Revenue Service

Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending May 21, 2021


알림: 역사 콘텐츠

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Cumulative statistics comparing 5/22/2020 and 5/21/2021

Individual Income Tax Returns: 2020 2021 % Change
Total Returns Received 132,351,000 * 148,012,000 11.8
Total Returns Processed 119,722,000 135,773,000 13.4
E-filing Receipts:      

119,544,000 *

138,563,000 15.9
Tax Professionals 60,372,000 74,195,000 22.9
Self-prepared 59,172,000 64,368,000 8.8
Web Usage:      
Visits to 1,198,616,000 1,372,697,000 14.5
Total Refunds:      
Number 89,840,000 95,632,000 6.4
Amount $249.041 Billion $270.345 Billion 8.6
Average refund $2,772 $2,827 2.0
Direct Deposit Refunds:      
Number 74,808,000 87,045,000 16.4
Amount $217.923 Billion $252.374 Billion 15.8
Average refund $2,913 $2,899 -0.5

* Total includes returns filed to obtain Economic Impact Payments by those who would not usually file income tax returns.