Filing season statistics for week ending February 26, 2021


알림: 역사 콘텐츠

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2021 Filing season statistics

Cumulative statistics comparing 2/28/2020 (day 33 of 2020 Filing Season) and 2/26/2021 (day 15 of 2021 Filing Season)

Individual income tax returns 2020 2021 % Change
Total returns received 59,305,000 45,271,000 -23.7
Total returns processed 57,085,000 39,402,000 -31.0
E-filing receipts      


43,936,000 -22.6
Tax professionals 26,410,000 18,344,000 -30.5
Self-prepared 30,326,000 25,592,000 -15.6
Web usage      
Visits to 291,906,000 493,500,000 69.1
Total refunds      
Number 45,552,000 28,301,000 -37.9
Amount $139.593 billion $85.484 billion -38.8
Average refund $3,064 $3,021 -1.4
Direct deposit refunds      
Number 42,636,000 27,228,000 -36.1
Amount $134.202 billion $83.408 billion -37.8
Average refund $3,148 $3,063 -3.2