Filing Season Statistics for Week Ending April 30, 2021


알림: 역사 콘텐츠

본 문서는 기록 자료 또는 역사 자료로서 현행 법이나 정책, 절차>를 반영하고 있지 않을 수 있습니다.


Cumulative statistics comparing 5/01/2020 and 4/30/2021

Individual Income Tax Returns: 2020 2021 % Change
Total Returns Received 125,474,000 * 121,168,000 -3.4
Total Returns Processed 113,095,000  110,257,000 -2.5
E-filing Receipts:      

113,110,000 *

113,617,000 0.4
Tax Professionals 56,965,000 61,282,000 7.6
Self-prepared 56,145,000 52,335,000 -6.8
Web Usage:      
Visits to 1,020,304,000 1,256,364,000 23.1  
Total Refunds:      
Number 86,471,000 81,485,000 -5.8
Amount $240.450 Billion $233.491 Billion -2.9   
Average refund $2,781 $2,865 3.0
Direct Deposit Refunds:      
Number 71,977,000 74,965,000 4.2
Amount $210.518 Billion $219.962 Billion 4.5
Average refund $2,925 $2,934 0.3

* Total includes returns filed to obtain Economic Impact Payments by those who would not usually file income tax returns.