Fact Sheets 2010 | Internal Revenue Service

Fact Sheets 2010


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FS-2010-12, January 2010 — The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a tax credit for people who work but do not earn high incomes.

FS-2010-11, January 2010 — Requirement applies when total value of all foreign accounts exceeds $10,000.

FS-2010-10, January 2010 — The Internal Revenue Service offers free help to taxpayers who need answers to their federal tax questions and help with filing a return.

FS-2010-09, January 2010 — Consumers should protect themselves against online identity theft and other scams that increase during and linger after the filing season. Such scams may appropriate the name, logo or other appurtenances of the IRS or U.S. Department of the Treasury to mislead taxpayers into believing that the scam is legitimate.

FS-2010-08, January 2010 — Most taxpayers this year will use IRS e-file to file their federal tax returns or get extensions of time to file. Here's what you need to know about e-file and other electronic options.

FS-2010-07, Jan. 4, 2010 -- Two special tax credits offer taxpayers an opportunity to lower their tax bill or increase their refunds this filing season.

FS-2010-06, January 2010 — Tax credits have been extended for first-time homebuyers and extended to long time residents buying buying new principal residences.

FS-2010-5, January 2010 - In an effort to help individuals build their savings and retirement funds, a new direct deposit option in 2010 allows taxpayers to use their tax refunds to purchase U.S. Series I Savings Bonds.

FS-2010-4, January 2010 — American Opportunity credit, energy credits, vehicle tax deduction and more.

FS-2010-03, January 2010 — IRS fact sheet on how to choose a tax return preparer and avoid preparer fraud.

FS-2010-02, January 2010 — IRS issued a fact sheet on tax filing season 2010 efforts to ensure accurate return preparation

FS-2010-01, January 2010 — The IRS Return Preparer Review leads to recommendations for new requirements of paid tax return preparers.

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