Post-filing season partnering (May–August) opportunities

  • Sponsor volunteer celebrations to recognize the efforts put forth over the past several months
  • Schedule a conference among coalition partners; assess and redefine the roles
  • Research to find any grant opportunities available to community service providers
  • Fund research grants to more clearly identify community incomes, demographics, etc.
  • Create a volunteer training plan that continues year-round, using computer labs available through coalition partner organizations
  • Provide a venue for the partners who provided tax preparation or other services to share ideas


The possibilities of partnering are endless and the effects are boundless. The power of coalitions is a driving force nationwide. If the mission of your organization coincides with that of IRS, why not consider becoming a partner?

To discuss partnering opportunities, send an email to, and let us know how we can help you get started.

We're glad to help

We will help you get started, so please take a minute to peruse our Partner Products and Volunteer Resource Center for products, web sites, and other materials that may be helpful in your partnership with IRS.