질문 What is the lifetime learning credit? 대답 The lifetime learning credit is a nonrefundable tax credit with a per-family dollar limit that's available for qualified tuition and related expenses for any course of higher education, whether the student is at the undergraduate or graduate level, and for courses to acquire or improve job skills. There’s no limit on the number of years the lifetime learning credit can be claimed, and the student does not need to be pursuing a program leading to a degree. You calculate the lifetime learning credit by taking 20% of the first $10,000 of the qualified educational expenses you paid during the taxable year for all individuals. For a taxpayer with high modified adjusted gross income, a phaseout may apply. 추가 정보 Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education Am I eligible to claim an education credit? Form 8863, Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits) (PDF) 범주 Childcare Credit, other credits 하위범주 Education credits