We recommend when using Free File Fillable Forms that you review the minimum computer requirements. Caution: This program does not support mobile devices Use a Recommended Browser and Operating System When the minimum computer requirements are not met, issues with your browser, operating system or device will occur and you may not be able to recover account or tax return information. Recommended operating systems and browsers Operating Systems: Windows and Mac only Browsers: Free File Fillable Forms will work best when using the latest version of these browsers: Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Mozilla Firefox Safari Browser settings: Set the language to default Set the font size to Medium (Recommended) Enable JavaScript and cookies Turn off: Pop-up blockers Tracking blockers Auto-fill features Optimize your experience You can optimize your Free File Fillable Forms experience by meeting these minimum requirements: Processor: Intel Core i3 RAM: 4 GB Scale and layout: Set at 125% (Recommended) Monitor: 1920 x 1080 (Recommended) Display resolution Internet Connection: High-speed connection Other Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or above (for printing) Oldest supported operating systems: Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Mac OS X 10.14 (Mojave)