Frequently Asked Questions for 1040 Modernized e-File (MeF)


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If you have additional questions about the 1040 Modernized e-File (MeF) program after reviewing these FAQs, you can submit them via email to the MeF Mailbox.

Index to Frequently Asked Questions

A. Forms

B. Volume Management Strategy Plan

C. Communication Testing

D. Testing

E. Timeframes

A. Forms

Q1. What forms will be included for tax year 2009?

A1. IRS is phasing in the 1040-related forms that can be filed through MeF. The list of forms is located on the Forms for 1040 MeF Program page.

Q2. Will 1040 MeF be bringing in Schedule L (Form 1040) for tax year 2009?

A2. No.

Q3. Will 1040 MeF be bringing in Schedule M (Form 1040) for tax year 2009?

A3.Yes. This form will be in production for the 2010 filing season in XML. This form will be available for ATS. 

B. Volume Management Strategy Plan    

Q1. What is the Volume Management Strategy Plan?

A1. 1040 MeF will be limiting the volume of returns it will accept for processing year 2010.  The target is 30 million accepted returns (this target is federal returns only).  IRS will speak with each company privately and provide a daily volume  with the number of returns they can submit through MeF based on history and percentage of the volume.

Q2.  When will be Volume Management Strategy Plan be provided?
A2.  The Volume Management Strategy Plan is scheduled to be provided by the end of July, 2009.
Q3.  Are the number of Form 4868 submissions limited?
A3.  No. 
Q4.  What is the acknowledgement turnaround time?
A4.  The acknowledgement turnaround time for processing year 2010 is 5 minutes in non-peak periods and 2 hours during peak periods.

C. Communications Testing

Q1. I am a software developer/transmitter and have not been a participant in MeF.  Can I begin communication testing for 1040 MeF before ATS opens in November?
A1. Yes, you may begin communications testing for MeF before ATS opens in November but you will need to take the following actions in order to gain access to the MeF system. 
  • Update your e-file Application to add the role of software developer or transmitter for Form 1120 with MeF Internet XML as the transmission method. 
  • Send an email to the MeF Mailbox and ask for test 1120 submissions to work with. 
  • Send an email to the MeF Mailbox requesting the WSDLs, IRS SSL certificates, and Strong Authentication User Guide.

Note: Adding 1120 MeF to your e-file Application even if you do not actually plan to send production 1120 forms is acceptable.  This is a workaround to gain access to MeF before 1040 MeF ATS opens.

If you need assistance updating your e-file application, please refer to the e-services online tutorials, Publication 3112,  IRS e-file Application and Participation at the MeF User Guide and Publication page or send an email to the MeF Mailbox.
Q2. I am a State and have not been a participant in MeF.  Can I begin communication testing for 1040 MeF before ATS opens in November?

A2. Yes, you may begin communications testing for MeF before ATS opens in November.  Please sent an email to the MeF Mailbox  stating your intentions and you will be sent information on how to apply for MeF.  You will also be sent other necessary technical documents. 

D. Testing

Q1. When does the Assurance Testing System (ATS) open for 1040 MeF?

A1.  November 2, 2009
Q2.  Do software developers have to test/pass through both PATS and ATS?

A2.  If you are developing software for both the current e-file system and the Modernized e-File system, you will have to test and pass through both systems.  If you are developing software for the current e-file system only, you only need to test/pass through PATS.  If you are developing software for the Modernized e-File system only, you only need to test/pass through ATS.
Q3.  What is the test publication for 1040 MeF?

A3.  Publication 1436, Test Package for Electronic Filers of Individual Income Tax Returns for Tax Year 2009 will include the information for both the current e-file system and Modernized e-file system.
Q4.  How many test scenarios will 1040 MeF ATS testing have?

A4.  1040 MeF ATS testing will include 5 scenarios for Form 1040 and 2 for Form 4868.  They will be in the format of complete returns.  See the first 3 scenarios in Publication 1436 tax year 2008 for samples.
Q5.  Will 1040 MeF use the same test scenarios as the current e-file system?

A5.  1040 MeF and the current e-file system will share 3 test scenarios.

E. Timeframes

Q1. Will 1040 MeF immediately allow year-round filing and not end October 15th?
A1. MeF does allow year-round filing; however, from mid-November until late January the MeF system goes down for maintenance. The start dates vary depending on the year. The Modernized e-File (MeF) Operational Status will provide the most current information.
Q2. Will 1040 MeF accept prior year returns?
A2. Prior year returns will be a part of the 1040 MeF functionality.  Beginning January of 2011, MeF will accept tax years 2009 and 2010 returns.  In subsequent years, 1040 MeF will accept tax returns for the current year and two prior years. Form 4868 will be accepted for the current tax year.