Exempt organizations public disclosure: Obtaining copies of documents from IRS | Internal Revenue Service

Exempt organizations public disclosure: Obtaining copies of documents from IRS


How can I view returns and determination letters on IRS.gov? (added November 27, 2023)

Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-T (for 501(c)(3) organizations), and 990-N received in 2017 or later can be viewed individually and as bulk data downloads on Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS).

Determination letters issued in 2014 or later are also available on TEOS.

How can I get a copy of an organization's annual information return from the IRS? (updated November 27, 2023)

IF you want... THEN...

A copy of an exempt or political organization's return, report, or notice, including:

  • Form 990/990-EZ
  • Form 990-PF
  • Form 990-T (for 501(c)(3) organizations)
  • Form 990-N
  • Form 8871
  • Form 8872

Visit TEOS to view an exempt organization’s notice or return.

Visit the Political organization filing and disclosure webpage to view a political organization’s notice, report or return.

Or send Form 4506-A:

Internal Revenue Service RAIVS Unit
Mail Stop 6716
Ogden, UT 84201

Fax: 855-653-9144

Do not email:
Email processing is unavailable at this time for Form 4506-A.

How can I get a copy of an organization's exemption application or determination letter from the IRS? (added November 27, 2023)

IF you want… THEN...

A copy of a determination letter or an exemption application on one of the following forms:

  • Form 1023
  • Form 1023-EZ
  • Form 1024
  • Form 1024-A

Visit TEOS to view:

  • determination letters issued in 2014 or later

Submit Form 4506-B via email:

To request an older determination letter or an exemption application, complete Form 4506-B and then use the “Submit Form” button at the bottom of the form.


Be sure to complete the form before clicking the “Submit Form” button. Do not include other attachments with the form in the email, this will delay processing.

If you are unable to email Form 4506-B using the “Submit Form” button located on the form, please contact customer service at 877-829-5500.

To determine if charitable contributions are deductible. Use TEOS.

Additional information