- 5.19.16 Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Submitting SERP Feedback
- Undelivered (UD) Mail, Bad Address and Address Research (ADR) Processing
- Undelivered (UD) Mail Batching Procedures
- Undelivered (UD) Mail Procedures
- Bad Address Processing
- Address Research (ADR) Processing
- Return Delinquency (RD) Notice Overview
- First Read on IMF Responses With Returns
- IMF Return Delinquency (RD) Notice Batching Procedures
- 2D Bar Code Procedures
- BMF Return Delinquency Notice (RD) Batching Procedures
- BMF RD E-Fax Receipts
- Misrouted E-Fax Receipts
- BMF RD E-Fax Receipts
- SBSE Fast Scan Procedures Overview
- SBSE Research and Activity Tools
- SBSE Fast Scan Screening
- Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) Overview
- Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) Batching Procedures
- Accounts Management Services (AMS) Create Batch
- Determining IRS Received Date
- Document Upload Tool (DUT) Receipts
- Form 3210
- Exhibit 5.19.16-1 TDA Batch Color Coding
- Exhibit 5.19.16-2 AMS Create Batch Error Messages
- Exhibit 5.19.16-3 BMF Forms and MFTs
- Exhibit 5.19.16-4 IMF TDI Batch Color Coding
- Exhibit 5.19.16-5 Description of Determining IRS Received Date
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 5. Collecting Process
Chapter 19. Liability Collection
Section 16. Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures
5.19.16 Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures
Manual Transmittal
March 13, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 5.19.16, Liability Collection, Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures.
Material Changes
(1) IRM - Removed requirement to send Form 8822 when working USPS Yellow Label UD mail. IPU 22U0985 issued 10-03-2022.
(2) IRM - Added new subsection containing First Read procedures on IMF/BMF Responses With Returns. IPU 22U0985 issued 10-03-2022.
(3) IRM - Changed subsection title to reflect IMF only, deleted BMF case scanning procedures and added OFP code for time reporting. IPU 22U1071 issued 11-07-2022.
(4) IRM - Removed reference to paragraph 6 in If/Then chart. IPU 23U0806 issued 07-07-2023.
(5) IRM - Added new sub-section with procedures for clerical processing of BMF RD E-Fax receipts. IPU 22U1071 issued 11-07-2022.
(6) IRM - Added new sub-section on misrouted E-Fax receipts. IPU 22U1071 issued 11-07-2022.
(7) IRM and (4) - Corrected Document 6209, Insolvency Field Office and Advisory Unit Address links. IPU 23U0806 issued 07-07-2023.
(8) IRM - Added Exception for batching of BMF RD E-Fax cases received as PDF documents. IPU 22U0985 issued 10-03-2022.
(9) IRM - Moved Exception for batching of BMF RD E-Fax cases received as PDF documents to new subsection IPU 22U1071 issued 11-07-2022.
(10) IRM - Added new subsection for Document Upload Tool (DUT) Receipts. IPU 23U0641 issued 05-18-2023.
(11) IRM - Removed note regarding CP04. IPU 23U0806 issued 07-07-2023.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 5.19.16 dated November 16, 2021 is superseded. The following IRM Procedural Updates (IPU) have been incorporated into this IRM: 22U0985 dated October 3, 2022, 22U1071 dated November 7, 2022, 23U0641 dated May 18, 2023 and 23U0806 dated July 7, 2023.Audience
The target audience is Small Business Self Employed (SBSE) Compliance Services Collection Operation (CSCO) employees who process Collection work.Effective Date
(03-13-2024)Erick Martinez
Director, Collection Inventory Delivery & Selection
Small Business/Self Employed
The objective of Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical is to screen/sort incoming taxpayer responses and create inventory batches using Accounts Management Services (AMS).
Purpose: In general, taxpayer correspondence will be sorted/processed in clerical utilizing the guidelines outlined in this IRM. Additionally, this IRM contains procedures on controlling inventories on AMS and collaborating with Submission Processing.
Audience: Small Business/Self-Employed (SBSE) employees in Campus Collection CSCO.
Policy Owner: Director, Collection Inventory Delivery & Selection, Small Business/Self Employed (SBSE).
Program Owner: SBSE Collection, Collection Inventory Delivery & Selection, Nonfiler Inventory and Analysis (NIA), Campus Nonfiler Support (CNS).
Primary Stakeholders: Submission Processing, Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO).
Program Goals: Campus Collection CSCO Clerical screens and sorts incoming taxpayer responses and creates inventory batches. By following the procedures in this IRM, employees will be able to greatly reduce the burden of taxpayer correspondence by screening for quick closures and preventing/reducing aged inventory.
This IRM 5.19.16 Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures, provides situations that employees may encounter, and how to resolve them.
The authorities for this IRM include:
IRC 6159, Agreements for Payment of Tax Liability in Installments
Treasury Reg 301.6343
Per Policy Statement 5-1, Enforcement is a necessary component of a voluntary assessment system, located at IRM A tax system based on voluntary assessment would not be viable without enforcement programs to ensure compliance. The IRS is committed to educating and assisting taxpayers who make a good faith effort to comply. However, enforcement action should be taken promptly, in accordance with Internal Revenue Manual guidelines, against taxpayers who have not shown a good faith effort to comply. Promotion of long-term voluntary compliance is a basic goal of the IRS, and in reaching this goal, the IRS will be cognizant not only of taxpayers’ obligations under our system of taxation but also of their rights.
Per Policy Statement 5-2, Collecting Principles, located at IRM : We will actively assist taxpayers who try to comply with the law, and work to continually improve the quality of our systems and service to meet the needs of our customers. All taxpayers, whether delinquent or fully compliant, are entitled to prompt and professional service whenever they deal with IRS employees. The public as a whole is our customer, not just delinquent taxpayers. Our customers expect us to promote voluntary compliance by ensuring that all promptly pay their fair share.
The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 (IRS RRA 98), Section 3705(a), provides identification requirements for all IRS employees working tax related matters.
The Director, Collection Inventory Delivery & Selection (CIDS), is responsible for formulating short and long-range program policies and procedures related to nonfiler programs.
The operations and department managers are responsible for overseeing department, team, and employee responses to taxpayers.
The team manager is responsible for overseeing team and employee responses to taxpayer inquiries. They oversee employee actions of Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) clerical staff.
Program Reports: The following daily and weekly reports are generated by management, and can assist with evaluating the performance of the clerical program:
Embedded Quality Review System (EQRS) Reports.
National Quality Review System (NQRS) Reports.
Accounts Management Services (AMS) Reports.
Monthly Monitoring Report (MMR).
Work Planning & Control (WP & C) Reports.
Case Control Activity System (CCA) Reports
Collection Activity Report (CAR).
Program Effectiveness: The program results are housed on the Collection Program and Campus Reports SharePoint site in the Monthly Monitoring Report (MMR). The MMR captures NQRS results to show monthly and cumulative stats. Evaluative (EQRS) and national (NQRS) quality reviews and consistency reviews are routinely conducted, along with Headquarters reviews to ensure case actions are timely and in accordance with the procedures in this IRM.
Phone and paper cases are routinely reviewed by Centralized Quality Review System (CQRS) and Program Analysis System (PAS) to ensure case actions are timely and in accordance with the procedures in this IRM.
Case reviews are conducted by managers to ensure compliance with this IRM.
Operational reviews are conducted by the department and operation managers annually to evaluate program delivery, conformance to administrative requirements and ensure compliance with this IRM.
Headquarters Collection Inventory Delivery & Selection (CIDS) Policy will conduct ad hoc program reviews as necessary to verify compliance with IRM requirements, address TIGTA/GAO findings, and address any trends that appear.
Taxpayer inquiries are researched through IDRS or other related systems, loaded to AMS, and then distributed to tax examiners. AMS tracks employee actions and is monitored by operation, department, and frontline managers along with Collection HQ employees.
For a comprehensive listing of IRS acronyms, please refer to the Acronym database found at :Acronyms.
Below is a list of commonly used acronyms and definitions found in this IRM.
Acronym Definition ACS Automated Collection System ADR Address Research AMS Accounts Managements Services ASFR Automated Substitute for Return AUR Automated Underreporter BMF Business Master File CC Command Code CW Classified Waste CFOL Corporate Files On-line CPS Correspondence Production Services CSCO Compliance Services Collection Operations DDIA Direct Debit Installment Agreement GII Generalized IDRS Interface IDRS IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IMF Individual Master File ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identification Number IAT Integrated Automation Technologies IRS Internal Revenue Service OFP Operation Function Program POA Power of Attorney RD Return Delinquency RDD Return Due Date SIA Streamlined Installment Agreements TDA Taxpayer Delinquent Account TDI Taxpayer Delinquent Investigation UD Undelivered USPS United States Postal Service UFA Unverified Forwarding Address
While many topics are touched upon in this chapter, comprehensive guidance about all of them cannot always be included here. As you use this chapter, remain alert for references to other resources, such as related IRMs and websites. Access that guidance as needed to ensure a thorough understanding of topics.
The IRS adopted the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR) in June 2014. Employees are responsible for being familiar with and acting in accordance with taxpayer rights. See IRC 7803(a)(3), Execution of Duties in Accord with Taxpayer Rights. For additional information about the TBOR, ,see Publication 5170, Taxpayer Bill of Rights and TBOR link.
To maintain the accuracy of IRM 5.19.16, Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures, send corrections and change requests to Headquarters, via the SERP Feedback Application (Database). The SERP Staff forwards SERP Feedbacks to the appropriate Content Owner(s) in Headquarters for consideration of the requested IRM procedural changes. The Feedback system should not be used to ask questions that should be answered by your manager, lead or P& A staff or to rebut an employee or product review.
Before you submit corrections/change requests for IRM 5.19.16, Compliance Services Collection Operations (CSCO) Clerical Procedures, via the SERP Feedback Application (Database), you must consult your Lead or Manager for assistance to verify if this is a valid request for an IRM change/correction.
Suggestions should be submitted using the electronic Employee Suggestion Program. Please follow the instructions on the IRS Intranet.
Always review prior SERP Feedbacks and responses to ensure your issue has not already been addressed. See (f) below.
In all functional areas, change requests must be approved by the first line manager or designee and the responsible Planning and Analysis Analyst before submission to Headquarters. All change requests submitted by Quality Review Staff must be approved by the first line manager.
The SERP Feedback Application (Database) procedures must be followed by all field employees as well as the Quality Review Program Staff and are posted on the SERP Feedback Home page.
Before submission, re-examine the requested change(s) and cite supporting documentation. Be specific. Avoid the use of general terms such as "revise procedures". Submit only one issue/topic per SERP Feedback.
Complete all required fields on the SERP Feedback Form. The Identification field MUST be completed or the feedback will not be forwarded.
All changes are considered, but all may not be accepted. Accepted changes are published on SERP as IRM Procedural Updates (IPUs).
Determine whether your issue was previously raised. You can view responses to SERP Feedbacks via Previous Feedback Lookup by selecting IRM or topic.
Undelivered (UD) mail is any letter, correspondex letter or notice sent to the taxpayer and returned with an indication the taxpayer no longer resides at the address.
Bad Address is any letter, correspondex letter or notice sent to the taxpayer and the mail is returned or could not be delivered based on the United States Postal Service (USPS) standards and requirements. These may be returned directly from the Correspondence Production Services (CPS) print sites or returned from the USPS as UD mail.
Address Research (ADR) is a system that researches potential addresses on UD mail. If potential address(es) is found by the ADR system, it will send the 2797CG (R-U-There) letter to the taxpayer.
The ADR Online Customer Information Site houses additional information for ADR users. Refer to the customer SharePoint site for scanner barcode configurations and system user guides.
All Undeliverable mail that is received will be sorted and separated per IRM, Undelivered (UD) Mail Procedures under OFP 790-61000 with no count.
Undeliverable mail and 2797 responses should be worked in the receiving site and should not be transshipped.
It is important that all undelivered mail is worked as a priority to ensure that the taxpayer’s mailing address is current address. This action reduces undelivered mail receipts, postage cost, and provides data that can be utilized for additional research.
The following program codes and procedures must be reported under specified program code as described in the table below
Users should wait 3 minutes before logging off the ADR Online application. This will ensure scanned entries are updated in database.
If and Then Chart for Batching UD Mail
This subsection provides general procedures for processing UD mail for CSCO and ACS letters and notices that are not processed through the ADR system. If the procedures below cannot be worked by the ADR employees, then the work is performed in other areas in the CSCO and ACS Support functions. In addition, specific procedures for ACS letters UD mail not processed through ADR should be worked using IRM, Non-Scanned UD Mail (ACS Input).
Separate and work all UD mail in groups as follows:
If ... And ... Then ... Correspondex Letters Intentionally left blank -
Return to the originator's IDRS assignment number
Originating employee should work their undelivered correspondex letters using the following list:
Research IDRS to check the address was recently changed or is in a pending status.
If address was updated, reissue the correspondex letter and leave comments on AMS.
If no new address or pending address, destroy correspondex letter and update AMS comments.
If correspondex letter has a USPS forwarding address label follow the USPS yellow label directions below.
Systemic Correspondex Letters Intentionally left blank -
If correspondex letter has a USPS forwarding address label follow the USPS yellow label directions below.
If no forwarding address on USPS yellow label, destroy correspondex letter
USPS Yellow Label Indicates Undeliverable as addressed. USPS Yellow Label Indicates forwarding address. -
Verify the name on the forwarding USPS label matches the name on the notice.
Compare the current TIF cycle on CC ENMOD or the current cycle of Master File address shown on CC IMFOLE/BMFOLE to the date on the USPS yellow label.
If the USPS yellow label date is more recent than the cycle on IDRS, update the address on IDRS using AMS address update tool. AMS will update the address and leave an appropriate address change history.
If AMS is down, input History items and change address on CC ENMOD on IDRS.
If USPS address is older than what is reflected on ENMOD , leave a history on AMS reflecting the forwarding address and why address was not updated. If the USPS address already matches what is on ENMOD, no AMS comments are needed.
Reissue the letter or notice if possible; otherwise, the next notice issuance will contain the new address. For IMF Return Delinquency (RD) notices, see paragraph 9.
If the cycle on ENMOD and USPS yellow label are the same, and you are not sure which is more current, do the following:
Send a Letter 2788-C
Overlay the address on CC LPAGE with the USPS yellow label address
Send a Form 8822, Change of Address
Document action taken on AMS.
If a TDA notice or ACS LT letter was sent with the secondary taxpayer's name and address, and you are not sure if the FWD address is for the primary or secondary taxpayer
Send a Letter 2788-C to both the primary and secondary SSN
Overlay the address on CC LPAGE with the USPS yellow label address
Send a Form 8822, Change of Address
Document action taken on AMS under both SSN's
To reissue an IMF RD notice and the USPS cycle is newer then ENMOD:
After address is updated, check the RD module Status Code (SC). It must be in SC 02, and
No other modules are in TDI SC 03 or in TDA status, then
Input ASGNIC (Definer C) and enter, then
Enter TIN, name control and Notice Code "R" (R will be in position 29 of the line item), See IRM 2.4.27–5, ASGNI/ASGNB Input Display - Single and Batch. After input, the Notice Code "R" will be displayed on CC TDINQ.
when you use Notice Code "R" . It is important that you work this re-issuance in a timely manner to ensure a CP 515 is issued before the next notice is generated.
ASFR Intentionally left blank -
Forward all UD ASFR letters including letters with USPS yellow label, Deceased, Incarcerated, Refused or Unclaimed to the ASFR Clerical function, as stated in IRM, Undeliverable Mail.
Incarcerated Yellow postal sticker or hand written responses such as, taxpayer is in Jail -
Batch as regular work
If working as batched cases, Follow 3) below.
Deceased Yellow postal sticker, stamped deceased or any written response that indicates "deceased" -
Batch as regular work.
If working as batched cases, follow (4) below
Out of Business (OOB) Intentionally left blank -
Follow instructions in (5) below.
Power of Attorney (POA) Intentionally left blank -
Follow instructions in (6) below.
Incarcerated mail, these include Return Delinquency and Balance Due notices, process as follows:
If Then The amount of the balance due notice is below ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Input TC 530 cc 09 to the notice module or year. The amount of the balance due is above ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Accelerate to ACS by using CC STAUP 2200. The return delinquency is marked PCB (IMF) or LRA (BMF) and the amount is below ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Input TC 593 cc 82 to the notice module. The return delinquency notice is not a PCB (IMF) or LRA (BMF) and the amount is above ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ (except for Form 1065. Accelerate to ACS, see: IRM 5.19.22-5, Accelerate and/or Delay To TDI Status 03. The amount of the balance due exceeds our authority Follow procedures in IRM, Incarcerated Taxpayers. -
For Deceased mail, these include Return Delinquency and Balance Due notices, process as follows:
For Balance Due notices, follow procedures in IRM, Deceased Taxpayer - Balance Due Actions.
For RD notices, follow procedures in IRM, IMF Response Taxpayer Deceased, or IRM, BMF Response Taxpayer Deceased.
Return delinquency notices indicating OUT OF BUSINESS (OOB) modules with and without dates will be processed as shown below. After the appropriate action is taken, destroy the UD mail as classified waste (CW).
If Then The OOB date is provided Input TC 591 to the earliest tax period. If there is no open TDI module on IDRS, input TC 591 on the next period. IRM 5.19.22-5, Accelerate and/or Delay To TDI Status 03 or IRM, BMF Response Taxpayer Not Liable. The OOB date is not provided Accelerate or Delay to TDI Status 03, see IRM 5.19.2-7, Accelerate and/or Delay To TDI Status 03. For ACS LT. letters and the UD mail is marked OOB Input any useful information or comments. Change the follow-up date to the following day (OAUD,01,TPOOB). -
For Power of Attorney process as follows:
If ... Then ... USPS forwarding address "yellow label" -
Check CC CFINK to validate the POA's name and address.
If CFINK address is different from the address shown on the yellow label, route POA UD mail on Form 3210, Document Transmittal, to the appropriate centralized CAF site.
Indicate on Form 3210, "Research and update POA address, if necessary, based on USPS yellow label per Rev. Proc. 2010–16 Section 4.05 and Rev. Proc. 2010–16 Section 4.06."
Update AMS comments, as appropriate.
Report time and volume under 790–61004
USPS no forwarding address yellow label -
Do not process POA (CAF indicator) cases through ADR.
Update AMS comments with which POA/CAF representative was returned undelivered with no forwarding address and the CP notice or letter that was returned.
This subsection provides procedures for Bad Address processing for those letters or notices that are not processed through ADR processing, see IRM, Address Research (ADR) Processing. Bad Address means the address lines are not compliant with the standards of the United States Postal Service (USPS) and may or may not be delivered to the taxpayer. These bad addresses may contain IRS campus addresses, for unique campus zip codes, see IRM, Unique Campus Zip Codes, or incomplete or no address lines. The USPS standards are in Publication 28 and can be found on web site: www.usps.com/publications/pubs/welcome.htm
If the Bad Address mail is received and is not one of the listed letters or notices to be processed through ADR per IRM, Undelivered (UD) Mail Procedures, do the following:
This subsection provides procedures for the employees processing UD mail through ADR processing. UD mail processed through ADR must contain a barcode. After the UD mail is scanned into ADR, the notice or letter can be destroyed. The list of letters and notices, including Spanish versions, scanned through ADR are as follows:
Process 2797-CG responses as follows:
If... Then ... USPS yellow label indicates undeliverable as addressed -
Scan through ADR 2797 undeliverable access screen and then destroy.
Signed response from the taxpayer -
If taxpayer has agreed to the address on the 2797, scan into appropriate 2797 response screen on ADR and destroy.
If taxpayer has provided another address, update the appropriate 2797 response screen and destroy.
No signature provided -
No confirmation provided, Research CC ENMOD or CC IMFOLE/BMFOLE to see if the address was updated before sending a Letter 2788-C. Overlay, on LPAGE, the potential new address on the 2797 . Leave narrative on AMS as to actions taken and destroy 2797.
If comments are from another person providing an alternate address, scan through 2797 processing screen with appropriate drop down box to send new 2797 to alternate address.
Destroy 2797.
USPS yellow label forwarding address Scan through 2797 Response screen and use the appropriate drop down box for forward address. This will generate a new 2797. -
ADR will conduct address research of the Corporate Files On-line (CFOL), IRMF, and an outside vendor on IMF and BMF accounts. Once the notice (case) is scanned or input on the ADR system, the time line may be as follows:
A delay of 7 cycles is systemically initiated on the notices listed above, if scanned timely, and searches are done for potential new address(es) from IRMF and outside vendor.
If address(es) is found, ADR systemically sends 2797-CG R-U-There letter(s) to those address(es).
ADR suspends the case for 45 days to allow enough time for the taxpayer's response.
If no alternate address is found, ADR releases the case on IDRS to continue normal processing.
After 45 days and no response or no address is found, the case moves out of ADR and resumes normal processing.
If the taxpayer does respond during any of the processes above, the ADR employees will update the address through ADR and once posted, it moves out of ADR and resumes normal processing.
The entire maximum time in ADR could be up to 60 days.
For ACS LT letters (excluding LT-11), when ADR completes research, normally 60 days, the results will systemically be entered onto the comments field of ACS with the source of the new address found. This depends on the number of sources researched, the number of 2797CG letters issued and the receipt of the responses. The comments shown on ACS will appear as follows:
IDS CB - Trans Union Credit Bureau
IDS CBRS - Currency and Banking Retrieval System (BMF only)
IDS CP - ChoicePoint
IDS UFA - Unverified Forwarding Address
IDS IRMF - Information Return Master File
IDS ADR - No Alternative Addresses Found
For technical support and password related issues, send an e-mail to the ADR customer support mailbox: *SBSE ADR Online.
Provide a clear and detailed description with as much information as possible.
Include steps you have taken to resolve the problem.
Submit screenshots (showing error messages), if applicable.
The objective of the Taxpayer Delinquent Investigation (TDI) Program is to work Return Delinquency notice responses that were generated through Case Creation and issued to taxpayers that are identified as liable to file and have not filed a tax return by the Return Due Date (RDD).
RD receipts consist primarily of response to:
BMF CP 259, CP 518
Spanish BMF CP 959, and CP 618
IMF CP 59, CP 515, CP 516, and CP 518
Spanish IMF CP 59 (SP), CP 515 (SP), CP 516 (SP) and CP 518 (SP)
Documents, letters, notices or forms addressing tax return issues
Correspondence indicating closure of a business
Form 4442, Inquiry Referral requests
All incoming returns should go through a first read screening process prior to batching.
Scan the IMF Notices and Returns for the following:
Correspondence attached to a return
Primary TIN on the return does not match TIN on the notice
Address on the return does not match the address on the notice
If any of the above conditions are present, batch and follow normal processing procedures.
If none of the conditions are present, check for the required signature(s):
If... Then... Form 15103, Form 8879, an RD notice, or appropriate letter includes a signature line and jurat statement, and is signed by the taxpayer(s) -
Mark on signature line of the return "Attached".
Attach the notice or letter behind the return.
Notate on the notice or letter "original signature attached".
There is no appropriate jurat statement and signature(s) present -
Attach Form 3531 to the front of the return.
Check the appropriate boxes on the form requesting a signature.
Return to the taxpayer in an envelope.
Leave comments on AMS that say "unsigned return"
Follow procedures below:
Use IAT FRM49 tool to input TC 599 CC 094 for a taxable return
Use IAT FRM49 tool to input TC 599 CC 096 for a non-taxable return
Write “TC 599 and CC” on left margin of the return
Detach CP notice and destroy as classified waste
Classified waste is documentation containing taxpayer entity or account information that is not part of the case and is not needed for audit trail purposes. Refer to IRM 21.5.1, General Adjustments for guidance on handling classified waste to prevent inadvertent/unlawful destruction of records.
Managerial oversight is required when providing instructions for employees to destroy documents as classified waste to ensure there is no unlawful destruction of records. Records cannot be destroyed without approval from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Forward return to Submission Processing (SP). See SERP - Who/Where - Campus Program Locator Guide for Submission Processing State Mapping.
Report time under OFP code 62210.
When work is received, take the following actions:
TDI boxes are delivered or transshipped. They should be logged in and assigned a batch number, CSCO received dated, batched number and volume.
Sign out each box to be worked with your initials or your employee number, date, and time. Once the box is completed, you must log it back in with the date and time completed.
All work in each box should be date stamped with the CSCO date that is on the Batch Assignment sheet. This includes Returns, Routes and the work that will be batched as BMF or IMF TDI. All work that isn't BMF or IMF TDI should be pulled out and sent to the appropriate designated site or area.
Cases must be batched and entered into AMS within 5 business days of receipt in the operation.
If ... Then ... Letter 2797-CG Date stamp and route to appropriate ADR unit to be worked per IRM, Undelivered (UD) Mail Procedures Form 1040-X Route to Account Management RD notices, returns, Form 4442 , Inquiry Referral or correspondence addressing return issues -
Divide by "With return" (W/R) and "Without return" (WO/R)
Put documents in the oldest IRS received date order. You can put multiple IRS received dates within a 7 day span of each other. The oldest work should be first on the cart.
Batch in volumes of 20 or less. The oldest IRS received date should be on the top of each batch. If the batch has less than 20, it should be notated on a post-it.
Aged Work -
Batch in volumes of 10 or less by month, unless instructed to do otherwise. The oldest IRS received date should be on the top of each batch.
Notate "Aged Work" on the batch log. If the batch is less than 10, it should be notated on a post-it.
Combat Zone issues -
Batch in volumes of 25 with oldest IRS received date on the top of each batch.
Beginning January 2013, all RD IMF notices will no longer have a visible Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) present on the notice.
These notices will have a 2D bar code with the TIN imbedded within it.
Scanners will need to be used to extract this information.
Employees will need to have CC TPIIP in their IDRS profile.
If ... Then ... All notices that contain a 2D barcode and there is no TIN present on attached correspondence or no return attached to notice. -
During AMS create a batch (Enter TINs) you will need to use the scanners to retrieve the TIN
Scan 2D barcode
TIN, Name Control, MFT and Tax period will pull up in the required fields of AMS create a batch (Enter TINs) process.
Since the TIN on the notice still contains the last 4 digits, the tax examiner will be able to match the case in the folder with the correct case on AMS.
CP 04 and there is no TIN present on attached correspondence. -
During AMS create a batch (Enter TINs) you will need to use the scanners to retrieve the TIN.
Scan 2D barcode
TIN, Name Control, MFT and Tax period will pull up in the required fields of AMS create a batch (Enter TINs) process.
Since the TIN on the notice still contains the last 4 digits, the tax examiner will be able to match the case in the folder with the correct case on AMS.
When work is received, take the following action:
TDI boxes are delivered or transshipped. They should be logged in and assigned a batch number, CSCO received dated, batched number and volume.
Sign out each box to be worked with your initials or your employee number, date, and time. Once the box is completed, you must log it back in with the date and time completed.
Sort the mail in separate piles prior to batching. The seven separate piles are:
BMF Notices
BMF Correspondence
BMF Returns
All Foreign Mail
Individual units Profile Mail (10 digit IDRS employee number)
Work that does not pertain to TDI
BMF Notices & Correspondence: Date stamp with the current CSCO date. Proceed to step 5 below.
BMF Returns: Exclude BMF returns from batching and route to Submission Processing per the guidance below:
Strip/detach all CP 259 and CP 518 notices from the returns, discard the CP notice as classified waste (CW). There may be situations where the taxpayer is requesting additional information or confirmation of receipt of return. In those instances, do the following:
If: Then: The taxpayer is requesting additional information, -
Date stamp and batch as correspondence.
Notate on the correspondence or notice that a return was secured and sent for processing.
Indicate on the correspondence the Form number and Tax period. (Example: 01-201406 or Form 941, 3rd QTR June 2014).
Leave returns attached to the CP 259 and/or CP 518 where the return is for a tax period other than the tax period documented on the CP notice. Then proceed to (5) below. (For example the return is for 01-201512 and the CP notice is for 01-201601).
Do not strip the envelope. Ensure the envelope is attached to the return.
Date stamp the return only if there is no existing IRS received date on the return. See IRM ,Determining IRS Received Date.
Route the return to Submission Processing following normal routing procedures.
Count the volume of the incoming returns routed, and report the volume on the Secured Return inventory report.
Do not count incoming returns as CSCO RD receipts or drop a count as production.
Refer to IRM, Fast Scan Screening, prior to batching. Take appropriate actions per the Fast Scan process, if applicable.
Batching: Employees are to take a count for each module. For CP 259 notices and returns, take a count for each received. For CP 518 and correspondence, take a count for each module on the notice.
If ... Then ... BMF Notices -
Place in IRS receive date order with the earliest date on top.
Batch in groups of 20
Batch as 62610
BMF Correspondence (white mail) pertains to: -
Any letter not attached to a notice
Post it notes
Scrap of paper the taxpayer has written information
Requests to the IRS regarding tax filing requirements
Refund issues
New Addresses
New telephone numbers
Filing status
Place in IRS receive date order with the earliest date on top.
Batch in groups of 20
Batch as 62610
Foreign Mail
A TIN that begins with 66 identifies:-
Puerto Rico (PR)
American Samoa (AS)
Virgin Islands (VI)
A TIN that begins with 98 Identifies:-
All foreign cases are routed to the Philadelphia Assistant Commissioner International (ACI) unit.
Non-BMF TDI issues -
Place Non-BMF TDI issues, such as installment agreements, money owed to IRS or BWH in appropriate place for TDA batching. For Non-CSCO work, route as appropriate.
IMF returns and correspondence Aged Work -
Batch in volumes of 10 or less by month, unless instructed to do otherwise. The oldest IRS received date should be on the top of each batch.
Notate "Aged Work" on the batch log. If the batch is less than 10, it should be notated on a post-it.
Count each Employer Identification Number (EIN) and/or returns without a notice.
Form 2797 Date stamp and route to appropriate ADR unit to be worked per IRM, Undelivered (UD) Mail Procedures -
Missing EIN/TIN cases should be researched to locate the information on IDRS or appropriate tool prior to batching.
Cases must be batched and entered into AMS within 5 business days of receipt in the operation. See IRM,Accounts Management Services (AMS) Create Batch.
BMF RD E-Fax cases are received in Portable Document Format (PDF) on a shared drive hosted at the Philadelphia Campus. Access to the shared drive is controlled by local Management.
BMF RD fax receipts must be sorted into the following groups:
BMF RD E-fax with return.
BMF RD E-fax without return.
Misrouted E-fax receipts . See IRM
During the sorting process, scan BMF notices and returns for the following (this list is not all inclusive):
Taxpayer informing business closed on MMDDYYYY and attached return is last return required
Installment agreement or extension of time to pay requests
Requests for abatement of penalties and interest for reasonable cause
Send PDF cases with returns to Submission Processing (SP) via electronic fax. If unable to fax, print the return and route to SP. See SERP - Who/Where - Campus Program Locator Guide for Submission Processing State Mapping.
If the secured return is a combo cases, i.e., taxpayer's account containing both balance due and return delinquency module(s), input a TC 599, with the applicable closing code, if the taxpayer indicates they are interested in an installment agreement.
For cases requiring TC 599 input, follow procedures below:
Add a watermark on each PDF document with TC 599 with closing code; 094, taxable return, or 096, non-taxable return.
Use the FRM49 IAT tool to input transaction code 599 with closing code on IDRS.
If the IAT tool is unavailable, or not functioning properly:
Work the case manually, using command code FRM49 on IDRS or AMS, following established procedures. Document the reason for not using the tool on AMS.
Report IAT problems to management.
All faxes received have a fax date and time stamp in the header/footer. This date is the IRS and CSCO Receive date stamp.
Cases batched on AMS, refer to IRM, BMF Return Delinquency Notice (RD) Batching Procedures.
Report time under OFP code 62640.
Often, taxpayers will fax information, documents, etc. not related to BMF RD or any federal tax issue. These PDF cases can be deleted with no other action taken.
If possible, route case to appropriate business unit via electronic fax. If unable to route via electronic fax, print document (s) and route as a paper case.
Refer to your Lead or Manager for questions regarding fax receipts.
Fast Scan screenings greatly reduce the burden of taxpayer correspondence reviewed by the tax examiners. In turn, IRS correspondence and taxpayer account resolution is expedited, reducing interest and penalties to the taxpayer and allows for quick closures and preventing/reducing aged cases.
Situations may arise when it may not be appropriate to follow SBSE Fast Scan processing and all work will need to be batched directly for tax examiners to work. These situations may vary based on peak processing and must be approved by Headquarters.
The following are examples of some, but not all, of the cases that can be considered quick closures:
Previous Actions
Here is my payment or Did you receive my payment
Address and phone number input or changes
Mis-routed cases (Case belonging to Exam, Accounts Management, etc.)
Status 72, 22, 71 and 26
Open control base
Balances over ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ see increased CSCO authority levels. IRM, Account Actions on Referral/Redirects
Requests for balance due amounts
Streamlined Installment Agreements (SIA)
Short term full pay (up to 120 days)
Can’t pay (no financial statement needed if balance below deferral; see IRM, Tolerance and Deferral - All Employees
No count should be taken for payment only correspondence, change of address already input and any other types of work which doesn't directly impact case closure. In addition, do not take a count when routing correspondence to other offices, functions or TEs within CSCO. Clerks should not batch this type of work and if it makes it to a batch, the TE should delete it from their assigned batch volume.
Cases that cannot be closed in the fast scan process, will be batched based on batching criteria discussed in IRM, SBSE Fast Scan Screening.
You are not required to secure/verify telephone numbers on the following accounts:
If the account is not active on IDRS
ST 03: CSRs transferring cases to ACS without ACS access
ST 12: No balance due modules. This also includes instances where the account balance is resolved within the same day. Contact numbers are not required.
ST 22, 23 or 24: CSRs transferring cases to ACS without ACS access.
ST 26: Assigned to RO. See IRM, Account Actions on Referral/Redirects
ST 71: Unless modules in other statuses are present.
ST 72.
The TC 520 Closing Code Chart determines where the case resides: CDP/Appeals, Bankruptcy/Litigation, Tax Court or a Civil Penalty with Appeal Rights. Follow the TC 520 Closing Code Chart in Document 6209, IRS Processing Codes and Information, for the definitions of the CC to ensure the case is routed properly. Secure the best contact number if mixed statuses are present.
As a scanner, you will review incoming correspondence. You may need to research and/or input information using the Mail route Guide, IDRS or AMS to identify:
Taxpayer's Social Security Number (SSN)
Previous actions taken
Verify the cases Status
Verify if payments were made or received
Appropriate Operation Function Program (OFP) required for batching
The following is a list and description of tools that can be used to assist in the fast scan process:
Tool Description IDRS Toolbar The IDRS Toolbar provides access to IDRS Command Codes (CC), SUMRY, TXMOD, and STAUP, etc. Account Management Services (AMS) AMS is generally accessed to review and enter case history actions. It can be used to update new addresses and add or change telephone numbers. Mail Routing Guide The Mail Route Guide provides mail stops and routing information that can be researched by an assortment of categories; such as an alphabetical list of subjects or departments, the form number or type of letter which needs to be routed, etc. Integrated Automation Technologies (IAT) IAT supplies automated tools to IRS employees that simplify research, reduce keystrokes, and increase the accuracy of regular work processes. Program Locator Guide Provides the appropriate site to send W&I or SBSE work. CSCO e-Guide Provides quick access to IRM references and step by step guidance to resolving CSCO issues.
Address changes are input when the change is part of normal case processing or an address change is annotated on a Collection notice.
General requirements for making address changes require clear and concise written notification informing the IRS that they wish the address of record be changed. The notification should include these items:
If... Then ... The following information is present: -
Update the address through AMS. If AMS is down, use IDRS CC ENREQ.
Leave history of action taken on AMS.
Destroy and take count.
Correspondence, letters, or notices sent by the IRS and is returned with corrections marked on the taxpayer’s address information will constitute as clear and concise written notification of a change of address. The taxpayer's signature is not required. -
Update the address through AMS. If AMS is down, use IDRS CC ENREQ.
Leave history of action taken on AMS.
Destroy and take count.
The following information is NOT present on “written requests” or Non IRS Generated Notices : -
The new address
The taxpayers name
The taxpayers signature
The old address
The Social Security or Employer identification Number
Send Letter 2788-C with a Form 8822, Change of Address to the new address provided on the taxpayer’s correspondence.
Use an asterisk in the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) within the Letter 2788C. This will prevent the generation of a TIN in this field.
Leave appropriate comments on AMS notating the potential new address.
Obvious error is shown -
Make appropriate change.
Leave history on AMS why action was taken.
Continue processing request.
Z - or - Z freeze present: For more information refer to Document 6209 -
Do not change the address.
Indicate the new address on an Form 4442, Inquiry Referral and route to the appropriate Criminal Investigation Function.
Undelivered refund check present. (TC 740 or S -freeze on account) For more information on TC 740 or S- freeze see: Document 6209 -
Do not change the address.
Route to the appropriate Refund Inquiry/FTD unit.
Appeals cases should be pulled prior to being batched, but if an Appeals case was batched in as a 61150, take the following actions:
Route to designated area or local Collection Appeal (CAP) coordinator.
Leave history on AMS.
If routing out to another site, send appropriate Letter 86-C.
If the taxpayers request is dealing with a Balance Due issue, Batch as 61150.
If ... And ... Then ... TC 520 CC 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 ,88 or 89 Taxpayer is inquiring about the Bankruptcy proceedings -
Complete Form 4442, Inquiry Referral
Fax to (855) 235-6787 or
Route to appropriate Insolvency National Field/Centralized Site Directory
Send Letter 86-C
Leave history on AMS
Destroy correspondence as classified waste
TC 520 CC 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 ,88 or 89 The taxpayer is requesting a full pay or an installment agreement -
Input a TC 971 AC 043 if it meets criteria in IRM, Pending IA Criteria
Input STAUP 22/09 on all notice status accounts
Route case to appropriate Insolvency National Field/Centralized Site Directory
Send Letter 86-C
Leave appropriate history on AMS
TC 520 CC 76 or 77 Collection Due Process issue (CDP) -
Pull up SERP, WHO/WHERE tab/ACS-CDP coordinators
Send Letter 86C
Notate State & BOD - CDP Coordinators
Route to appropriate ACS-CDP coordinator
Leave history on AMS
TC 520 CC 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80 or 82 Intentionally left blank -
Route to appropriate Advisory unit found on SERP Who/Where
Send Letter 86C
Leave history on AMS
Will file or has filed There is no TC 520 or ST 72 Batch as 61150 -
Taxpayer states they cannot pay full amount, unemployed, on welfare, etc., batch as 61150.
Death Certificate is attached to a notice or the taxpayer has a balance due, batch as 61150
Issue is dealing with Direct Deposit issues, batch as 61125.
If the case is dealing with an IRS employee:
Notate "Employee" on the correspondence
Complete Form 11377, Taxpayer Data Access and submit to your manager
If you know the employee, give the case to your Manager or Lead to be reassigned.
Hardship/Disaster requests should be batched as 61150.
Refer to IRM 5.19.21, Campus Procedures for Handling Identity Theft, when Identity Theft (IDT) correspondence is received.
If response indicates Innocent Spouse or has a Form 8857 attached, then take the following action:
Date Stamp with received date and immediately complete Form 13538 to CSC: Attention Stop 840F.
If no form is attached, batch as 61150.
Interest and Penalty abatement requests:
If ... Then ... Correspondence has a collection issue Follow correspondence batching procedures in IRM, Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) Batching Procedures If penalty abatement is the only issue Route to Image Control Team (ICT) per mail routing guide. -
Name Change requests should be done through AMS or CC ENREQ.
Offer In Compromise (OIC) cases:
If ... And ... Then ... Status 71 Unreversed TC 480 only -
Route to the appropriate Centralized Offer In Compromise (COIC) office found on OIC-Centralized Service Center Locations .
Send Letter 86-C
Status 71 Unreversed TC 480 and TC 780 -
Route to the appropriate Monitoring Offer In Compromise (MOIC) office found on OIC-Compliance Campus Locations for the Monitoring of Accepted Offers.
Send Letter 86-C
Not in Status 71 Intentionally left blank Batch as 61150 -
When an open control base is present:
Belongs to CSCO employee in your area, route to the TE to associate with their case
Does not belong to CSCO employee, use CC FIEMP to locate employee information and call or send an E-mail asking if the employee needs the information you have or if you can continue processing.
If the employee wants the case, route to them, leave AMS comments and input appropriate STAUP if needed.
Unable to identify the employee control base, batch in appropriate program code
Payment issues:
If ... And ... Then ... Payment only or green payment notation No new information provided such as new address and/or telephone Destroy as classified waste. Payment only or green payment notation New information provided such as new address and/or telephone Take the following actions: -
Follow address change procedures listed above (1).
Update telephone number.
Destroy as classified waste.
Taxpayer is requesting to change their current payment arrangement CC IADIS does reflect the change Destroy as classified waste. Taxpayer is requesting to change their current payment arrangement CC IADIS does not reflect the change Batch as 61120 Taxpayer indicates they made a payment Payment was located using CC IMFOLP/BMFOLP Destroy as classified waste. Taxpayer indicates they made a payment Cannot locate the payment using CC IMFOLP/BMFOLP Batch as 61150 Payment is late or taxpayer did not receive notice/voucher In Status 64 Batch as 61120 Payment is late or taxpayer did not receive notice/voucher In Status 60 Destroy as classified waste Example:
If the taxpayer states "I did not receive my payment coupon, so here is my payment for the month of " , a reply is not needed.
Power of Attorney (POA)issues:
If ... Then ... Form 2848 only -
POA is not on CC CFINK
Route to appropriate POA Unit based on the Consolidated State Mapping for Centralized Authorization File (CAF) located in the Program Locator Guide
Document on AMS that POA was routed and notate the POA ID number and full name
If POA is already on CC CFINK, destroy the POA as a copy.
Correspondence from the POA to remove them from the taxpayers account -
Route to appropriate POA unit based on the Consolidated State Mapping for Centralized Authorization File (CAF) located in the Program Locator Guide
Document on AMS POA request routed.
Attached to CSCO issues Batch in appropriate program -
Frivolous responses follow IRM, Identifying Frivolous Returns/Correspondence and Responding to Frivolous Arguments .
Spanish Correspondence should be worked according to local procedures.
No SSN/EIN, use available tools to try and locate missing information.
Use CC NAMES/NAMEE to research for missing SSN. If no results, research using Accurint, if available.
If ... Then ... SSN/EIN was located Work accordingly SSN/EIN was not located and there is no name, address, telephone or alternate way to contact the taxpayer for the information Destroy as classified waste. "No SSN/EIN found" SSN/EIN not located, but there is an alternative way to contact the taxpayer for the information Batch in the correct program and write in the top right corner "No SSN/EIN" . -
Status 22 accounts:
If ... And ... Then ... In status 22 before the CSCO received date Does not meet pending Installment agreement per IRM, Requests Not Meeting Pending IA Criteria In status 22 before the CSCO received date meets pending Installment agreement per IRM, Requests Meeting Pending IA Criteria -
Route to appropriate ACS site
Input TC 971 AC 043
Input STAUP 22/09 on all other balance due status accounts
Send Letter 86-C
Moved to status 22 after the CSCO received date Intentionally left blank Work as CSCO work and do not route to ACS site -
Will pay statement, completed Form 9465 or a statement requesting a monthly payment request, Batch as 61120.
Won't pay statements batch as 61150.
Outgoing Correspondence should follow requirements in IRM, Balance Due Outgoing Correspondence Guidelines
A balance due account occurs when the taxpayer has an outstanding liability for taxes, penalties and/or interest.
Balance due accounts are automatically monitored through computer analysis and placed in a specific status based on age and/or activities.
As a result of computer analysis, several notices are generated to the taxpayer informing them of the balance due outstanding liability.
When a taxpayer balance due inquiry is received, it is important you are aware of the Master File and Collection Status Codes and Definitions to determine whether you should work the account; for detailed information: see Document 6209, Section 8A-3 - MF and IDRS Collection Status Codes.
TDA work consists of notices, letters and correspondence from the taxpayer that concerns the Balance Due on their account. To meet collection criteria, the response should consist of "can't pay" , "won't pay" or "will pay later" .
When work is received take the following action, or follow local procedures:
Each box is logged in and assigned a batch number.
A batch assignment sheet is placed on the top of each box with the CSCO date, Batch number, and Estimated Volume.
Sign out each box with your initials or your employee number, the date and time. Once complete, notate the log with the date and time completed.
Everything in the box should be date stamped with the exception of returns.
Acknowledge all Form 3210. Place Part 1 in the 3210 file and mail Part 3 to the originator. This should be done daily or at least by the end of the week.
Search for any live check(s) in your work. If found, give the check(s) along with the stamped case to your Lead.
Sort one box of work at a time.
All inventories worked through AMS will be batched and entered within 5 business days of receipt in the operation.
Cases should be batched:
IRS received date within a 5 day span allowed in each batch, with the earliest date as the batch date. For more information on determining the IRS received date see IRM, Determining IRS Received Date.
Same CSCO received date in a batch
Maximum of 25 cases per batch unless otherwise stated.
No count should be taken for payment only correspondence, change of address already input and any other types of work which doesn't directly impact case closure. In addition, do not take a count when routing correspondence to other offices, functions or TEs within CSCO; Clerks should not batch this type of work.
Batch cases in colored folders or Batch slips depending on local procedures. For an example of color folder batching, see Exhibit 5.19.16-1, TDA Batch Color Coding
Take the following action for Identity Theft (IDT) and Return Preparer Misconduct cases.
For Identity Theft cases - Refer to IRM 5.19.21, Campus Procedures for Handling Identity Theft , when Identity Theft (IDT) correspondence is received.
Refer to IRM 3.10.72-1 Routing Guide/Local Maildex, when Return Preparer Misconduct correspondence Form 14157, Complaint: Tax Return Preparer and Form 14157-A, Tax Return Preparer Fraud or Misconduct Affidavit is received.
Take the following action in sorting Forms for batch creation on AMS:
If ... And ... Then ... CP 521 or CP 523 Taxpayer correspondence attached or notated on the notice IMF batch as 61150
BMF batch as 61320Form 433–FForm 433–AForm 433–BForm 433-H Intentionally left blank IMF batch as 61190
BMF batch as 61320Form 433–FForm 433–AForm 433–BForm 433-H Form 433–D with Banking information provided or attached Voided check IMF batch as 61190
BMF batch as 61320Form 433–D No bank information or no voided check attached IMF batch as 61120
BMF batch as 61320Form 433–D Bank information or voided check attached. IMF batch as 61125
BMF batch as 61320Form 1040-V Request for a payment plan written on the form Batch as 61120 Form 1040-V Comments indicating payment made Batch as 61150 Form 1040-V Comments unrelated to payments, no comments or Attached Form W-2 Route per Mail routing guide Form 2159 No bank information or no voided check attached IMF batch as 61120
BMF batch as 61320
(Doc type 2159)Form 4442, Inquiry Referral Case concerning Direct Debit Installment Agreement (DDIA) issue 1. For the following conditions: IMF batch as 61124
BMF batch as 61320-
Skip Payment
Bank account closed
Lower/change payment amount
Change payment date
Payment not deducted from checking account
Multiple payments deducted in one month
Faxed 4442 receipt, TP changing bank account/routing number and signed F.433-D.
An error in debiting the taxpayer’s account.
2. For the following conditions:
IMF batch as 61125
BMF batch as 61320-
Revise DDIA to add new tax liability, not changing payment amount
Faxed 4442 receipt of a newly signed F.433-D.
Form 4442, Inquiry Referral Any issue not dealing with a DDIA request, but meets collection criteria IMF batch as 61150
BMF batch as 61320Form 4844 Reinstatement IA requests only BMF batch as 61320 Form 9465 Attached to CP 2000 Make a copy of the CP 2000 and attach it to the Form 9465. Forward CP 2000 to appropriate area.
IMF batch as 61120
BMF batch as 61320
(Doc type Form 9465).Form 9465 Attached to Form 4549 Make a copy of the Form 4549 and attach it to the Form 9465. Forward Form 4549 to appropriate area.
IMF batch as 61120
BMF batch as 61320
(Doc type Form 9465).Form 9465 Form contains complete information, there are no written comments or attachments and does not contain bank information Batch as GII ready 61121 Form 9465 Form contains complete information and the routing and bank account information is complete and there are no written comments or attachments Batch as GII ready 61122 Form 9465 Could not be processed through GII IMF batch as 61120
BMF batch as 61320
(Doc type 9465)Form 9465 Could not be processed through GII and contains bank information IMF batch as 61125
BMF batch as 61320
(Doc type 9465 DDIA)Form 9465 Case stamped or marked "Transhipped for filing in DDIA files" or "To be maintained in Files" Follow local procedures for DDIA filing data base All Other Forms Not listed above Research the Mail Routing Guide and route using appropriate routing Forms and procedures. See IRM 3.10.72-1, Routing Guide/Local Maildex. -
Take the following action for batching Correspondence.
No count should be taken for payment only correspondence, change of address already input and any other types of work which doesn't directly impact case closure. In addition, do not take a count when routing correspondence to other offices, functions or TEs within CSCO; Clerks should not batch this type of work.
If ... Then ... Contain these key words: -
Will pay the balance in full
Request to set up payments
Extension of time to pay
Will pay by a specific date
Will pay specific amount by a specific date
Add another year to existing payment plan
Want to pay
Want to increase/decrease/skip or reinstate payment plan
IMF batch as 61120 (Doc type IMF Correspondence)
BMF batch as 61320Contain these key words: -
Taxpayer cites numerous issues including a request to make payments
Does not request an installment agreement
Will send what I can/Can’t Pay
Letters from third party or vendor
Request is for penalty and interest abatement
Credit counseling service letters
IMF batch as 61150 (Doc type IMF TDA Correspondence)
BMF batch as 61320Contains these key words: -
Military deferment
States they have or will be deployed to a combat zone
IMF batch as 61160 (Doc type Combat Zone) Contains bank account information or voided checks IMF batch as 61125 Written in a foreign language or the taxpayer is using the Spanish version of a collection Form IMF batch as 62810 Contains an EIN or Business Form and you are not an SBSE site Route to appropriate SBSE site State Tax Forms Mail to Appropriate State Department of Revenue Under State income Tax Contact Information Addressed to ACS Support Return to appropriate ACS support function if the case is still in ST 22; otherwise process. ACS Support and Status 22 TAS Liaisions Routing slips indicated another area of operation (Exam, AUR, AM, etc.) Put stop number on routing slip, if missing, and send to appropriate function Routing slips indicates employee assigned Route to appropriate team -
With Pencil, notate on the upper right-hand side of the color-coded folders the earliest IRS received date, the CSCO received date, the number of cases in the folder and the document type. This will assist the employee who will create batch on AMS.
Correspondence can be screened per IRM prior to batching or during AMS create batch. Report time and volume under 61110.
Once cases have been batched and they are ready for AMS create batch, put on the cart in oldest IRS received date order.
Accounts Management Services (AMS) is used to assign batches of work to the appropriate employees. AMS can automatically determine how the employee will receive work based on their AMS profile.
You must sign on IDRS first before accessing AMS.
Take the following action to create a batch on AMS.
From the AMS Home page select "Inventory" in the "Case Management" section.
Select "CSCO" tab.
Select "Create batches" in the "Inventory Summary " section.
Create Batch screen will be displayed. Input the following information: OFP code, Document type, Batch volume, IRS and CSCO received date.
Select "Enter Tin" to proceed.
You are required to input: Tin, Name Ctrl, MFT, TXPD. The IRS received date will reflect the date you input on the create batch screen, you will need to change this to reflect the correct IRS received date on the case. Use the Tab key to navigate.
After the information is entered, select "Add Case" . The case will be compared to data on IDRS. If the information matches IDRS, the case will be reflected in the "New Batch " section. If the Name Control and TIN do not match, an error message will appear. See Exhibit 5.19.16-2, AMS Create Batch Error Messages for more information to resolve this type of error.
Once all TIN's are entered, select Submit
This will take you to the "Validate Batch" screen. Select Accept if the information is correct. If you made an error, you can "Edit Batch" or "Edit Tin" before you Accept.
If you entered more or less cases than the amount you originally indicated, you will be directed to a comment screen prior to the "Validate Batch " screen. Choose "yes" and leave a note indicating why the batch volume was smaller. Choose "No" to continue inputting more TIN's if the amount is greater.
The Batch Sheet will appear with an "Employee" assignment or assigned to the "Queue" . Select "Print " . Attach the print to the folder and begin a new batch.
Place Completed batch(es) in designated area for distribution.
Maintaining the integrity of the IRS received date is a Servicewide requirement. It is paramount to ensure fair and equitable tax administration.
You must establish an IRS received date if the document does not contain a valid IRS received date stamp or does not contain a hand-written IRS received date entry. Determine a date in the priority below:
U.S. Postal Service Postmark Date/Foreign Postmark. Designated Private Delivery Service.
SCAMPS (service center automatic mail processing system) digital date.
Revenue Officer's Signature Date/TAC office signature date or date taxpayer signed the Form coming from a TAC office or Revenue Officer.
Signature Date only within current year.
Julian Date
CSCO or oldest service center or field office stamp minus 3 business days.
For more information see IRM, Determining the Received Date or Exhibit 5.19.16-5, Description of Determining IRS Received Date.
IRS Received dates for faxes.
Faxes from Taxpayers: When a fax is received directly from the taxpayer, the fax date that prints on the document will be used as the IRS received date.
Internal IRS Faxes: Find the IRS received date either stamped or written. If neither of them exist follow the procedures above.
Form 3870, Request for Adjustment attached return is missing the Revenue Officers (RO) handwritten received date, then reject back to the RO for missing received date.
The Document Upload Tool (DUT) is an application on IRS.gov where taxpayers can upload documentation they are requested or required to provide; by using a one-time use only Unique Access Code (10-digit alphanumeric code). The DUT provides employees with an option to receive necessary documentation from taxpayers in real time. It also provides taxpayers with an alternative to provide necessary documentation securely. Wherever EEfax is referenced as an acceptable means of securing documents throughout IRM 5.19.16 the DUT will also be acceptable, when available. DUT responses are electrically submitted into the DUT portal. CSCO clerks will log into the DUT portal and download taxpayer correspondence, in received date order, to a local shared drive. Files may be retrieved as soon as they are uploaded by the taxpayer. Files received via the DUT will be labeled with the date and time much like correspondence received via fax. Once DUT responses have been loaded onto the local shared drive, CSCO clerks will batch the responses following normal procedures to be worked by Tax Examiners. Access to the shared drive is controlled by local Management.
CSCO clerks will log into the DUT portal and download taxpayer correspondence, in received date order, to a local shared drive. Files may be retrieved as soon as they are uploaded by the taxpayer. Files received via the DUT will be labeled with the date and time much like correspondence received via fax.
Once DUT responses have been loaded onto the local shared drive, CSCO clerks will batch the responses following normal procedures to be worked by Tax Examiners.
Access to the shared drive is controlled by local Management.
Form 3210, Document Transmittal is a 4-part general purpose transmittal form used by all IRS functions.
Preparation of a Form 3210, Document Transmittal is the responsibility of the office originating the document and making the determination that security handling is required.
The following instructions should provide general direction on monitoring and maintaining Form 3210
If ... Then ... We completed Form 3210 and are requesting acknowledgment -
Place Originator copy of Form 3210 in a review file and check once a week to verify the document has been received.
Once acknowledgment has been received, maintain the document in a new suspense file for one year.
Receiving areas have seven (7) calendar days to acknowledge Form 3210. If acknowledgment has not been received within 7 days, allow 10 more days before contacting the receiving area for verification that the documents were received.
Receiving site confirms documents were received and form was returned, make a notation on the 3210 in the suspense file of the conversation and place in the suspense file to be maintained for three years.
Incoming Form 3210 needing to be returned to originator -
Sign and date any Form 3210 containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or requesting acknowledgement from receiving unit.
Acknowledgement copy should be signed, dated and returned within 7 days of receipt.
Place recipients copy with the same signature and date in a suspense file to be maintained for one year from the date of acknowledgment, as outlined in Document 12990, IRS Records Control Schedule (RCS) 28, Item 2, according to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved retention and disposition requirements for Form 3210.”.
Non-essential Form 3210 -
Many Form 3210 documents are used as a routing form from one department to another and do not require acknowledgement.
If the form does not contain any PII information or does not indicate that acknowledgement is required on the form, then disregard the form.
Do not maintain these documents in any suspense file.
Folder Color | Load TIN | Program | Document Types |
Pink | Yes | 61120 |
Burgundy | Yes | 61190 | Financial Analysis Monitoring |
Yellow | Yes | 61140 |
Orange | Yes | 61150 |
Purple | Yes | 61145 |
Manila | Yes | 61125 | IMF DDIA |
Red | Yes | 61124 | 4442 DDIA issues only |
Green | Yes | 62180 | MLI Bal Due Notice Corr |
Gray | Yes |
TC130/CP44/188 Transcript |
Blue | Yes | 61512 |
Intentionally left blank | Intentionally left blank |
Forms | MFT |
706 (SSN with V or W) | 52 |
709 (SSN with V or W) | 51 |
720 | 03 |
730 (Monthly) | 64 |
940, 940EZ | 10 |
941 (Quarterly) | 01 |
943 | 11 |
944 | 14 |
945 | 16 |
990 | 67 |
990C | 33 |
990PF | 44 |
990T | 34 |
1041 | 05 |
1041A | 36 |
1042 | 12 |
1065 | 06 |
1066 | 07 |
1120 | 02 |
2290 | 60 |
5227 | 37 |
11C | 63 |
8804 | 08 |
8752 | 15 |
CT1 | 09 |
966 | N/A |
Folder Color | Load TIN | Program | Document Types |
Gray | Yes | 62220 | All IMF returns regardless of attachments |
Orange | Yes | 62230 | All correspondence without returns |
Red | Yes | 62230 | Any TDI Correspondence without a return that has an IRS received date 23 days or older. |
Pink | Yes | 62820 | All IMF TDI Spanish returns and TDI Spanish notice responses (MLI) |
Type | Description |
U.S. Postal Service Postmark Date/Foreign Postmark./Designated Private Delivery Service | See IRM, Determining the Received Date |
SCAMPS (service center automatic mail processing system) digital date | The SCAMPS date is located on the front center of the envelope, and is the day the document is received in the mailroom |
Revenue Officer's Signature Date | Some forms are completed by Revenue Officers and they sign and date the bottom portion of that form. You should use this date as the IRS received date. |
Julian Date | Some forms are removed from an original return and there is a three digit code written in red on the top-front of the detached form. This date is known as the Julian date. For more information on determining what the actual date is see IRM 3.11.10-4, Julian Date Calendar, Perpetual and Leap Year |
Current CSCO received date minus 3 days | CSCO received dates can also be oldest service center or field dates. These are more common on transhipped work or work being routed in from other departments. |
Hand written dates | Many documents have a hand written date that indicate detached. These are the IRS received date of the document that was routed to another area for processing. If there is no indication that the hand written date is detached or indicates IRS received date with it, then follow the appropriate steps to determine IRS received date. |