- 4.19.22 CAWR Control
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Terms and Acronyms
- Related Resources
- CAWR Correspondence
- Processing Incoming Receipts
- 98C/99C Letter Reply Controlling Procedures
- Researching on IDRS
- Controlling on IDRS
- Batching and Controlling Replies
- Batching and Controlling Reconsiderations (Recons)(previously called Late Replies)
- Retrieving and Processing Form 3870
- Batching and Controlling Form 3870 Recon (previously called Late Reply)
- Batching and Controlling Prior Reconsiderations (Recons) (previously called Late Replies)
- Batching and controlling Letter 854C Replies
- Assigning Work to TEs
- Processing Incoming Receipts
- Undeliverables
- Statute Awareness
- Routing Documents
- Discovered Remittance
- Loose Forms W-2 and Form 8922 Third Party Sick Pay Recaps
- Loose Schedule D
- Exhibit 4.19.22-1 Batch Cover Sheet
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 4. Examining Process
Chapter 19. Liability Determination
Section 22. CAWR Control
4.19.22 CAWR Control
Manual Transmittal
March 22, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 4.19.22, Liability Determination, CAWR Control.
Material Changes
(1) Updated editorial changes and replace link and reference with the updated CAWR webpage.
(2) IRM 98C/99C Letter Reply Controlling Procedures: Updated procedures and added Note.
(3) IRM Batching and Controlling Replies: Updated the years in the examples.
(4) IRM Batching and Controlling Recons: Updated the years in the examples, change title for Recon and Prior Year Recon.
(5) IRM Batching and Controlling Letter 854C replies: Updated the years in the examples.
(6) IRM Undeliverables: Updated the years in the examples.
(7) IRM Undeliverable Mail for Returned SSA (CP 215 PRN 549 or PRN 550): Updated procedures.
(8) IRM Undeliverable Mail for Returned CP230 and CP240: Updated procedures.
(9) IRM Statute Awareness: Updated the dates and years in the instructions.
(10) IRM Routing Documents: Updated procedures.
Effect on Other Documents
This material supersedes IRM 4.19.22, dated 04-07-2023.Audience
Small Business-Self EmployedEffective Date
(03-22-2024)Heather J. Yocum
Director, Exam Field and Campus Policy
Small Business/Self-Employed
This section is designed to assist the clerical employees in the Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE) Document Matching Combined Annual Wage Reporting (CAWR) operations with their responsibilities.
Purpose: To provide procedures for the clerical staff in the CAWR Operation.
Audience: The primary users of this IRM are SB/SE clerical employees in the CAWR operation.
Policy Owner: Director, Exam Field and Campus Policy.
Program Owner: SB/SE BMF Document Matching.
Primary Stakeholder: Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE).
Program Goals: Program goals for this type of work can be found in IRM 1.4.22, CAWR Manager and Coordinator Guide.
The Combined Annual Wage Reporting (CAWR) is a document matching program that compares the Federal Income Tax (FIT) withheld, Medicare wages, Social Security wages, and Social Security tips reported to the IRS on the Forms 94X and Form 1040 Schedule H against the amounts reported to SSA via the processed totals of the Forms W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, and the amounts reported to IRS on Forms 1099R, Distributions from Pension, Annuities, Retirement or Profit Sharing Plans, and W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings. When referring to all Form 941, Form 943, Form 944, Form 945, this IRM will read 94X.
The CAWR program has two basic components. The two components are the Internal Revenue Service -CAWR (IRS-CAWR) program and the Civil Penalty Program-CAWR (SSA-CAWR).
The success of the CAWR Operation and achieving service wide program goals depends directly on the work performed by the clerical staff.
CAWR clerks are called upon to multi-task in order for the CAWR units to function. Each clerk performs assigned tasks and on occasion will be directed to other phases of similar but not familiar activities. For that reason, cross training is essential.
The Combined Annual Tax Reporting System (CATRS) is a computer platform that houses the CAWR Automated Program (CAP). CAP is a computer application that houses the CAWR programs (inventory, correspondence, reporting, document preparation, and updated to Master File). CAWR clerks will update CAP during the CAWR process.
This clerical section has been written as a guide regarding most of the common duties and assignments of a clerk. It is not all-inclusive. The following subsections outline specific tasks to be performed by the clerical staff.
The authority is covered under Pub. L. No. 94-202, sec. 232, 89 Stat. 1135 (1976) (codified at 42 U.S.C. Sec. 432).
The Director, SB/SE, Exam Field and Campus Policy is responsible for the CAWR program.
Management officials are responsible for:
Providing internal controls relating to the program, process, and activity.
Ensuring the instructions are communicated to and carried out by the proper officers and employees.
Headquarters plans to conduct program reviews for each Campus when possible. The reviews will target recommendations made during the prior visitations, adherence to the IRM and Policy directives, movement of inventory, manager and employee reviews and feedback, and any areas of concern.
This program is monitored through the CAWR Automated Program (CAP) System.
The following is a list of acronyms and their definitions used in this IRM:
Term Definition ASED Assessment Statute Expiration Date BMF Business Master File BMFOL Business Master File On-Line CAP CAWR Automated Program CAWR Combined Annual Wage Reporting CC Closing Code or Command Code EIN Employer Identification Number IAT Integrated Automation Technologies IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IMF Individual Master File IMFOL Individual Master File On-Line IRC Internal Revenue Code IRM Internal Revenue Manual MFT Master File Tax SSA Social Security Administration SSN Social Security Number TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service TC Transaction Code TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
IRS-CAWR issues the Letter 99-C and SSA-CAWR issues the Letter 98-C .
The bulk of CAWR receipts will be responses:
Letter 98C - Separate and control as an SSA-CAWR case. The current year for SSA-CAWR is the statute year.
Letter 99C - The current year for IRS-CAWR is statute year plus one year and should be controlled as a current reply.
In addition, taxpayers may also respond to Letter 2057-C closing letters, adjustment notices, notices of intent to levy, or balance due notices. Further research may be needed to identify and process these cases IRM, Researching on IDRS.
Correspondence may be received by mail, fax and/or referrals.
CAWR cases can be defined as Reply, Reconsideration (Recon)(previously called Late Reply), or Prior Recon (previously called Late Reply).
A Reply is any case with a current notice as listed above. This case will not be accompanied by any other notices and will not have an assessment or penalty applied. The cases are typically in "M" status in IDRS and do not have a closing date on CAP if applicable.
A Recon (previously called Late Reply): May have a current notice but it will be accompanied by another notice. It will have tax and/or penalty assessment. The status in IDRS is most likely closed or in suspense and if applicable it will have a closing date on CAP.
A Prior Recon (previously called Late Reply) is any case no longer on CAP. It will have the same characteristics as a Recon (previously called Late Reply). It will have tax or a penalty assessment and the correspondence may include a bill. You may have to do extensive research for this case type in IDRS utilizing command codes such as BMFOLI, BMFOLU, BMFOLT, etc.
Upon receipt of all correspondence:
When batching and controlling work, look at the date the letter was issued. If this date is close to 81 days prior to the current date, this notice can go into "No Reply" status soon. These cases need to be put on the CAP system immediately to avoid the case being assessed prior to the STAUP being input. All receipts must be controlled by 14 calendar days from the earliest IRS received date or 3 business days from receipt into the department.
The IRS received date is determined by following the priority criteria listed below:
To Control the Receipts:
On CAP, click on "EDIT"
Choose "Reply/Undeliverable Rcvd"
Click "Reply"
Enter earliest IRS received date
Enter EIN and Tax Period
Click "QUERY" and follow the procedures in the chart below:
When you are prompted And Then “Update the reply date on this 98C/99C issued” ClickOK to update the reply date. You are prompted to add the case to a batch. -
Choose No, when prompted to add a case to a batch.
Keep cases sorted by program and received date in groups of no more than 30.
IRM, Batching and Controlling Replies.
“Update the reply date on this 98C/99C issued” ClickOKto update the reply date. This case belongs to another site. This is a Recon (previously called Late Reply) case and already closed in CAP, if you continue this Recon (previously called Late Reply) will be re-opened to status 47. Click OKto update the reply date. You are prompted to add the case to a batch. -
Choose No, when prompted to add a case to a batch.
Keep cases sorted by program and received date in groups of no more than 30.
IRM, Batching and Controlling Recon (previously called Late Replies).
This is a Recon (previously called Late Reply) case and already closed in CAP, if you continue this Recon (previously called Late Reply) will be re-opened to status 47. Click OK to update the reply date. This case belongs to another site. No record found matching those criteria. you have double checked the EIN and tax period for accuracy and its correct. -
additional IDRS research is required to determine if this
is a Prior Recon (previously call Late Reply) case
belonging to your site, if not, forward to the appropriate site.
When it is determined it
belong to your site, add to
the Prior Recon (previously call Late Reply) Table.
Keep cases sorted by
programs and received date
in groups of no more than 30.
and it is determined the
case does not belong to your site
route the case to the appropriate site.
Research to determine whether the correspondence is an IRS-CAWR or SSA-CAWR case by following the steps below.
IRS-CAWR: research Command Code (CC) TXMOD on MFT 01, 05, 11, 14, and 16 for a Transaction Code (TC) 290 adjustment with blocking series 55 on the Form 94X.
SSA-CAWR: research CC TXMOD on MFT 13 for a TC 240 adjustment with a Penalty Reference Number (PRN) 549 or (PRN) 550. If no penalty is applied on MFT 13, research MFT 01.
When the taxpayer responds with the SSN used for their Schedule H, research the second page of CC IMFOLR to obtain the X-REF Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)/EIN:
If Then there is a TC 290 on MFT 30 with blocking series 05 or 07 this is identified as an IRS-CAWR case. there is no adjustment on the SSN research the EIN for TC 240 adjustment with a PRN 549 or PRN 550 this is identified as an SSA-CAWR case.
When it is determined the case is a CAWR case researchhttps://irsgov.sharepoint.com/sites/SbEHqSTpq_DocMatch/SitePages/CAWR-SSA%20.aspx to route to the appropriate campus. When the case belongs to your campus, see IRM, Controlling on IDRS.
All replies, Recons (previously called late replies) and prior Recons (previously called late replies) must be controlled accurately and timely. Efficient inventory management is essential to meeting your program objectives.
Clerical management must set up and maintain an Inventory Management process to ensure:
A batch consists of no more than 30 cases of the same program and received date.
Each batch will be recorded and tracked utilizing a separate log for each program.
Each batch must be assigned in received date order.
Each batch number is built according to the program type as outlined in IRM, Batching and Controlling Replies, IRM, Batching and Controlling Recons (previously called Late Replies), IRM, Batching and Controlling Prior Recons (previously called Late Replies.
Designate specific IDRS numbers to maintain your reply, Recon (previously called late reply) and prior Recon (previously called late reply) inventory.
The CAWR/FUTA Integrated Automation Technology (IAT) Batcher Tool must be used for this process. The tool streamlines the clerical process in batching and controlling cases directly to IDRS. It allows the user the option to send interim Letter 5825C on prior year cases, automatically input the applicable STAUP or TC 470/90 on all cases and alerts the clerical staff of a case when it has an ASED expiring within 90 days. Use of this tool is mandatory.
Once cases are controlled on CAP, you can continue to the batching stage.
A Letter 5825-C, "Interim Letter" will be issued automatically by CAP when the case is open and aged to 25 days and a follow up Letter 5825C will be issued by CAP on all cases still open when the initial Letter 5825C ages to 55 days old. Subsequent Letter 5825C will be issued automatically every 55 days until the case is closed.
CAWR batches will be numbered as follows:
Tax year Program Sequence Number AA BBB CCCCC -
AA= the last two digits of the tax year of the cases
BBB= Program type. IRS-CAWR Replies will be notated as IRS. SSA-CAWR Replies will be notated as SSA.
CCCCC= Next Sequential Number available in log.
Retrieve cases already previously sorted (no more than 30 cases), of the same program and IRS received date, and assign the next available batch number from the appropriate logbook.
When updating IDRS controls manually, follow procedures below to update IDRS control:
Find C# control
Close "M" status control
Assign the batch to the appropriate Status "A" control labeled TPRR and reassign it to the number designated for the program you are working.
The CAWR/FUTA IAT Batcher Tool must be used for this process. The tool streamlines the clerical process in batching and controlling cases directly to IDRS. It allows the user the option to send interim Letter 5825C on prior year cases, automatically input the applicable STAUP or TC 470/90 on all cases and alerts the clerical staff of a case when it has an ASED expiring within 90 days. Use of this tool is mandatory.
Create a cover sheet listing each EIN/TIN of the batch, IRS Received Date, and Batch Number. See Exhibit 4.19.22-1, Batch Control Sheet or a sample cover sheet. Place cover sheet on top of the batch.
File completed batch in inventory staging area separated by program in batch number order.
When the Recons (previously called Late Replies) are sorted, you can proceed to the batching stage.
Suppress all balance due notices by inputting STAUPS or inputting TC 470 with CC 90 by ensuring the check box is checked on the IAT tool.
CAP will automatically issue a Letter 5825-C interim letter using paragraphs A, B, H, and T for SSA-CAWR and A, B, H, N and T for IRS-CAWR on any case 25 days or older. Interim letters must be issued within 30 days of the IRS Received date to adhere to Policy Statement P-21-3. A follow up Letter 5825C will be issued by CAP on all cases still open when the initial Letter 5825C ages to 55 days old. Subsequent Letter 5825C will be issued every 55 days until the case is closed.
CAWR Recon (previously called Late Reply) batches will be numbered as follows:
Tax Year Program/Recon (previously called Late Reply) Sequence Number AA BBB CCCCC -
AA= the last two digits of the tax year of the cases
BBB= Program type. IRS-CAWR Recons (previously called Late Replies) will be notated as ILR Recon. SSA-CAWR Recons (previously called Late Replies) will be notated as SSA-CAWR Recon.
CCCCC= Next Sequential Number available in log.
Retrieve cases previously sorted (no more than 30 cases), of the same program and IRS received date, and assign the next available batch number from the appropriate logbook.
When updating IDRS controls manually, follow procedures below to create IDRS control.
Access CC TXMOD.
Access CC ACTON.
Create a new "A" Status control labeled TPLR and reassign it to the number designated for the program you are working.
The CAWR/FUTA IAT Batcher Tool must be used for this process. The tool streamlines the clerical process in batching and controlling cases directly to IDRS. It allows the user the option to send interim Letter 5825C on prior year cases, automatically input the applicable STAUP or TC 470/90 on all cases and alerts the clerical staff of a case when it has an ASED expiring within 90 days. Use of this tool is mandatory.
Create a cover sheet listing each EIN/TIN of the batch, IRS Received Date, and the Batch Number. Place the cover sheet on top of the batch. See Exhibit 4.19.22-1, Batch Control Sheet for a sample cover sheet.
File the batches in earliest IRS received date order with the batch numbers in order.
When a case is worked by the field, the Revenue Officer (RO) will send a Form 3870 Request for Adjustment, to request an abatement of the CAWR tax assessment and/or civil penalty. These requests will either be paper, fax, or to a secure E-mail mailbox. The RO will put the taxpayer’s Name Control, MFT, and the last four digits of the TIN in the subject line of the E-mail to the specific Form 3870.
The clerk or designated official will retrieve the new electronic Form 3870 once per day.
Print the attachments.
Check IDRS to see if cases are already in our inventory. If we have open cases in our inventory, the Form 3870 will be associated with the case and worked.
If the cases are in our inventory, and are closed, batch them as category 3870 and record the receipts into inventory. Use the 3870 button on CAP to control the case as a 3870. This will ensure the case is recorded properly and will restrict interim letters from being issued. Do not mix CAWR or SSA Recon (previously called Late Replies) with the Form 3870 Recon (previously called Late Replies). Forms 3870 must be batched separately.
If an electronic Form 3870 was misrouted, forward the E-mail to the correct campus and cc the RO. If the misroute is paper, forward to the correct campus and alert the RO by E-mail.
Forms 3870 will be batched and controlled as Recons (previously called Late Replies). Sort the Forms 3870 by received date (E-mail date will be the received date) and tax year. (No more than 30 cases to a batch).
Use the 3870 button on CAP to control the case as a 3870. This will ensure the case is recorded properly and will restrict interim letters from being issued. Do not issue an interim letter on these cases as the RO has already had contact with the taxpayer. Be sure to unmark the box for the Interim Letter on the IAT Batcher Tool.
Suppress all balance due notices by inputting STAUPS or TC 470/90.
CAWR Form 3870 batches will be numbered as follows:
Program Type Category Sequence Number I (IRS-CAWR Recons (previously called Late Replies))
S (SSA-CAWR Recons (previously called late Replies))3870 XXXXX Next sequential Number available in log. -
See IRM, Controlling on IDRS.
Retrieve cases already sorted of the same program (Form 3870), received date, and assign the next available batch number from the appropriate logbook.
When updating IDRS controls manually, follow procedures below to create the IDRS Control:
File completed Batch in staging area separated by program in batch number order.
When prior Recons (previously called late replies) are sorted, you can proceed to the batching stage.
Suppress all balance due notices by inputting STAUPS or inputting TC 470 with CC 90.
Issue a Letter 5825C using paragraphs A, B, H, and T for SSA-CAWR and A, B, H, N, and T for IRS-CAWR with a time frame of 60 days. Interim letters must be issued within 30 days of the IRS Received date to adhere to Policy Statement P-21-3 guidelines.
CAWR prior year batches will be numbered as follows:
Program/Prior Recon (previously called Late Reply) Sequence Number BBB CCCCC -
AA = is not applicable due to multiple tax years being combined in one batch.
BBB = Program type. IRS-CAWR Prior Recons (previously called Late Replies) will be notated as PRI Recon. SSA-CAWR Prior Recons (previously called Late Replies) will be notated as PRS Recon.
CCCCC = Next Sequential Number available in log.
Retrieve cases previously sorted (no more than 30 cases), of the same program and IRS received date, and assign the next available batch number from the appropriate logbook.
When updating IDRS controls manually, follow procedures below to update IDRS control:
Access CC TXMOD.
Access CC ACTON.
Create a new "A" Status control labeled TPLR and reassign it to the number designated for the program you are working.
A CAWR/FUTA IAT Batcher Tool must be used for this process. The tool streamlines the clerical process in batching and controlling cases directly to IDRS. It allows the user the option to send interim Letter 5825C, automatically input the applicable STAUP or TC 470/90 on all cases and alerts the clerical staff of a case when it has an ASED expiring within 90 days. Use of this tool is mandatory.
Create a cover sheet listing each EIN/TIN of the batch, IRS Received Date, and the Batch Number. Place the cover sheet on top of the batch. See Exhibit 4.19.22-1 for a sample cover sheet.
File completed batch in inventory staging area separated by program in batch number order.
Retrieve cases already sorted (no more than 30 cases) as Letter 854-C Replies.
Letter 854C Replies will be batched using the IAT Batcher Tool as follows:
The Control Status Code will be "A" .
The Control Category Code will be "854C" .
The Activity Code will be "854C" .
Input the appropriate Assignee Employee Number.
Input the appropriate IRS received date.
The Batcher Tool will: send interim Letter 5825C, input IDRS CC STAUP or TC 470/90 as appropriate and alert the clerical staff when a case has an ASED expiring within 90 days.
A cover sheet listing each TIN in the batch, the IRS received date, and batch number will be generated. Place the cover sheet on top of the batch.
When establishing IDRS controls manually (for example: the Batcher Tool is unavailable), follow the procedures below to establish the IDRS control:
Suppress all balance due notices by using IDRS CC STAUP with definer "S" or by inputting TC 470 with CC 90, as appropriate.
Input interim Letter 854C.
Create a cover sheet listing each TIN in the batch, the IRS received date, and batch number and attach to the batch.
The procedures below must be followed when assigning work to a TE:
Pull the batch with the earliest received date from the staging area.
Access CC TXMOD on IDRS and using CC ACTON, reassign the cases in the batch to the TE's IDRS number. Whenever assigning a case directly to a TE after the sorting phase assign the case on IDRS directly to the specific TE number.
This section is to be used for all Letter 98C and Letter 99C that are returned undeliverable. Undeliverable mail received from the mail room can be identified one of two ways:
Unopened original CAWR correspondence.
An opened original CAWR correspondence with the envelope affixed to the back.
All letters 98C or 99C undeliverable mail is to be researched for a better address within 14 calendar days of receipt. If a better address isn't found the case must be controlled within those same 14 days to stop the suspense time frame from expiring.
Check the envelope for a yellow Post Office (P.O.) forwarding sticker. If a yellow sticker is present, compare the entity on the yellow sticker to the name and address using CC ENMOD to verify it is the same taxpayer. If so, then determine if the address on the USPS yellow sticker is more current than the address on ENMOD. If the USPS sticker is more current use the address to reissue the letter.
When there is not a PO forwarding sticker present, research IDRS for a new/better address. A new/better address may be found using Command Codes ENMOD, INOLES, NAMEE, and BRTVUE.
If CC ENMOD shows an SSN that is responsible for the entity, use CC INOLE definer "S" for the SSN to research for a new/better address. If CC ENMOD shows a Mr. and Mrs. listed, address the notice to only the taxpayer that owns the SSN found on ENMOD for disclosure purposes.
If And Then A new address is found it is within 30 days of the mail out date re-mail all information, including the original envelope, to the new/better address. A new address is found it is after 30 days of the mail out date -
print the IDRS CC screen containing the new/better address.
attach the print to the Undeliverable mail.
input Undeliverable date onto CAP.
Batch the Undeliverable to a TE.
A new address is NOT found N/A input Undeliverable date and batch for a TE to work. -
Undeliverable batches will be numbered as follows:
Tax Year Program/Undel Sequence Number AA BBB CCCCC -
AA = the last two digits of the tax year of the cases.
BBB = Program Type. IRS-CAWR-Undeliverable will be notated as UNI or UNS.
CCCCC = Next Sequential Number available in log.
Retrieve cases previously sorted (no more than 30 cases) of the same program and IRS received date and assign the next available batch number from the appropriate logbook.
When updating IDRS controls manually, follow procedures below to update IDRS control:
Create a cover sheet listing each EIN/TIN of the batch, IRS Received Date, and Batch Number. See Exhibit 4.19.22-1 for a sample cover sheet. Place cover sheet on top of the batch.
File completed batch in inventory staging area separated by program in batch number order.
Research undeliverable correspondence with operational errors, incomplete or incorrect name and erroneous or extraneous data. Make corrections and re-mail all information, including the original envelope to the new/better address if one is found.
Research the undeliverable in IDRS for a better address. See IRM, Undeliverables. If a better address is found, re-mail all information, including the original envelope to this (new/better) address. Do not update CAP.
When a new/better address is not found, give to a TE to file the correspondence.
Research undeliverable correspondence with operational errors, incomplete or incorrect name and erroneous or extraneous data. Make corrections and re-mail all information, including the original envelope to the new/better address if one is found.
Research the undeliverable and IDRS for a better address. See IRM, Undeliverables. If a better address is found, re-mail all information, including the original envelope to this (new/better) address. Do not update CAP.
When a new/better address is not found, attach the undeliverable notice to its corresponding DLN from IDRS.
A statute of limitation is a time established by law to review, analyze and resolve taxpayer and/or IRS related issues. The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) requires that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will assess, refund, credit, and collect taxes within specific time limits. These limits are known as the Statutes of Limitations. When they expire, the IRS can no longer assess additional tax, allow a claim for refund or credit by the taxpayer, or take collection action. The determination of Statute expiration differs for Assessment, Refund, and Collection.
Failure to protect an assessment statute can result in disciplinary action against the responsible employee. The responsible area/employee is identified as the area/employee that had the case when the case was within 90 days of the ASED and either took no action to protect the statute or allowed the statute to expire (barred statute).
For CAWR clerical a Statute imminent case is identified by the Assessment Statute Expiration Date (ASED) which is 3 years from the due date of the return. (Example 202112 tax year returns were due by 04/15/2022: therefore, the ASED for 202112 cases will be 04/15/2025). The ASED can be found on IDRS command code TXMOD or command code BMFOLT.
The CAWR Batcher Tool will assist you in identifying a statute tax year case. The tool will not batch the case and it will print it out on the error listing with ASED in the remarks section. These cases will be manually batched and controlled on IDRS to a designated management official who will be responsible for making sure the case is reviewed and/or worked immediately to protect the statute.
To manually batch these cases, use the following procedures:
For Input Command Code Acton Then IRS-CAWR cases -
Control the case to the 10 digit IDRS number of the designated management official with the correct IRS received date.
For SSA-CAWR cases -
Control the case to the 10 digit IDRS number of the designated management official with the correct IRS received date.
Clerical function is responsible for all outgoing mail. This mail may consist of internal mail, misdirected mail, or external mail.
Internal mail is routed to other areas using a Form 3210, Document Transmittal. The receiving area will acknowledge the receipt of the cases by sending a signed copy of the Form 3210 back to the originating area. These forms must be maintained in a log in the CAWR unit for 30 days.
At times misdirected mail may be received. Mail not related to the CAWR program will be routed back to the mail room for proper routing if the mail room was in error routing it to Clerical. If the letter was addressed to CAWR and did not fit CAWR criteria, forward to the proper area and issue a Letter 86-C to the taxpayer. For additional information on issuing 86C letters see IRM, Referring Taxpayer Inquiries/Forms to Another Office. Also see http://serp.enterprise.irs.gov/content/who-where/who-where.html for instructions in routing misrouted.
When the Tax Examiners complete their daily casework, clerks forward to Files/Extraction. Follow local procedures for routing these folders to the Files Function.
Form 9338, Closed Case Result Sheet for Returned SSA Cases and Form 6494, Correction of W-3 Transmittals are filled out by the TEs and sent to SSA at least monthly. Send each tax year to SSA with a separate Form 3210 as a batch cover. All Form 3210 and Form 9338, (with attached paper Forms W-3/W-2) should be sent to the following address:
Social Security Administration Division of Business Services 2-B-02 NT Wabash Building 6100 Wabash Avenue Baltimore, MD 21215
At times Forms W-2/W-3 or Forms W-2C/W-3C are received prior to SSA Processing: These Forms will be notated with "URI" across the top.
If Then use the following address: Form W-2/W-3 are sent via United States Postal Service (USPS)
Social Security Administration
Data Operations Center
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18769–0001Forms are mailed by other postal service, for example, United Parcel Service (UPS) or Federal Express
Social Security Administration
Data Operation Center
ATTN: W-2 Process
1150 E. Mountain Drive
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702–7997Forms W-2C/W-3C are sent via USPS
Social Security Administration
Data Operations Center
P.O. Box 3333
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18767–3333Forms W-2C/W-3C are mailed by other postal service, for example, UPS or Federal Express
Social Security Administration
Data Operation Center
ATTN: W-2c Process
1150 E. Mountain Drive
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702–7997 -
Taxpayers may request assistance from the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). TAS is an independent organization within the IRS created by Congress to help taxpayers resolve problems with the IRS and recommend changes to prevent the problems. Form 12412, Operations Assistance Requests (OARs), are received from TAS in the Clerical Function by both mail and fax. When a Form 12412 is received in CAWR, it must be treated in an expeditious manner. Clerical should take the following actions for all OARs received:
Date Stamp each Form 12412.
Hand carry these cases to the TAS Liaison in your Unit or Functional Area.
Cash and non-cash remittances found outside of the Receipt and Control secured/restricted area are "discovered remittances" .
When a Remittance is discovered, you must:
Immediately notify your manager/lead.
Access CC INOLES to verify the name.
At the bottom of the CC INOLES screen type the MFT, YEAR/Quarter, 670/ 570, Rec'd date, and money amount.
Print three copies of the CC INOLES screen. One attached to the case and two attached to the Remittance.
Complete a Form 4287"Payment Posting Voucher" .
Hand carry both the remittance, Form 4287 and INOLES prints to your Manager.
If remittance is found attached to a case while working in the office, take the following steps:
Attach one copy (original) to the remittance and give it to the manager/Lead Tax Examiner who will give to the Clerical Manager/Lead Clerk to place in a locked box (lock box).
Attach the second copy of Form 3244 to the response.
If the remittance is found attached to a case while teleworking, immediately take the following steps:
Notify your manager immediately.
E-mail completed Form 3244 and 4287 to your Manager and Coordinator/ Assistant Coordinator.
Place remittance in a sealed envelope and store in a secure place (locked desk or cabinet).
Document remittance details (i.e., leave a case note or history item).
Make an appointment to bring Discovered Remittance into the operation and deliver it to the technical Manager/Lead Tax Examiner within 2 business days.
Technical Manager/Lead Tax Examiner will accept the discovered remittance, print Form 4287 and Form 3244.
Manager/Lead Tax Examiner will deliver the discovered remittance to the Clerical Manager/Lead Clerk.
Any loose Form W-2 or Form 8922 received into the department need to be researched on CAP:
If And Then There is a case on CAP it is assigned to a TE give the Form W-2 or Form 8922 to the TE assigned to the case. There is a case on CAP it is not assigned to TE give the Form W-2 or Form 8922 to your lead for further research. If there is not a case on CAP N/A give the Form W-2 or Form 8922 to your lead for further research.
Schedule D "Report of Discrepancies Caused by Acquisitions, Statutory Mergers, or Consolidations" information is now stored in the CAP system for all tax years. Loose paper Forms 941 Schedule D are routed to Philadelphia Service Center (PSC) CAWR. These Forms will be entered into the CAP system by a designated employee by following these procedures:
Click "edit" . Select TE Miscellaneous and then "CAWR SCHD" .
Click on "Plus Sign" .
Enter the EIN.
Enter the tax period.
Enter the other party EIN.
Enter the transaction date.
Click "YES" when prompted to apply the record.
Destroy the paper Schedule D.
Below is an example of the Batch Cover Sheet used by the IAT Document Batcher tool. The header will show the IRS Received Date, Batch number, and Case type.
Tax Period |
Program |
Control |
Interim Letter Issued |
Additional Issues |
EIN | Number | YYYYMM | SSA OR IRS CAWR | Number | Yes or No | Yes or No | Comments |