- 3.20.12 Imaging and Perfecting Exempt Organization Returns for Public and Internal Viewing
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Responsibilities
- Program Controls
- Disclosure to the Public
- Public Inspection of Annual Returns and Applications for Tax Exempt Status
- Forms and Attachments Open for Public Inspection
- Forms, Attachments, and Information Not Open For Public Inspection
- Contributor Information Subject to Deletion
- Information That May Be Disclosed
- IRS Codes and Marks that can be Disclosed
- IRS Codes and Marks Not Disclosable
- Creating Images — Scanning Operation
- Overview of SEIN
- Glossary of Terms
- Batch Manager Module
- Receipt of Work – Timeframe Guidelines
- Loose Unattached Documents and/or Envelopes
- Initial Returns
- Control and Routing for Initial Returns
- Processing Batches of E-Filed Returns Imported into SEIN
- Imaging Amended Returns
- Refilm
- Control and Routing of Refilms
- Imaging Form 990 series returns Secured by EO Compliance (Exam)
- Form 990-EZ Filed in Lieu of Form 990-N
- Fix-its
- Controlling and Processing Fix-its
- Document Preparation
- Document Preparation — General Information
- IRC 45R Small Business Credit Form 990-T
- Document Preparation - ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- Unprocessable Return
- Frivolous Return
- Document Preparation - Editing
- Reimages
- Form 990
- Form 990-EZ
- Form 990-PF
- Form 990-T
- Form 4720
- Form 5227
- Amended Statute Period EO Returns
- Scanning
- Quality Control/Rescanning
- Validation
- Index Fields Per Form
- Rejecting Documents
- Verification
- Reassociation
- Release (Processing within the system)
- Redaction/Restriction Procedures
- Form 990-T Redacting Procedures
- Quality Review
- Imaging Political Organization Forms 990/990-EZ with the 527 Box Checked, and 8872
- Control and Routing Form 8872 and 990 with the 527 Box Checked
- Document Preparation Form 8872 and 990 with the 527 Box Checked
- Scanning Political Organization Forms
- Validation Forms 8872
- Reassociation of Political Organization Forms
- Redaction/Restriction Procedures of Political Organization Forms
- Imaging Form 2363-A
- Exhibit 3.20.12-1 Form 990/990-EZ Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection
- Exhibit 3.20.12-2 Form 990-PF Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection
- Exhibit 3.20.12-3 Form 990-T Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection
- Exhibit 3.20.12-4 Not Open On all Forms
- Exhibit 3.20.12-5 Abbreviations for Commonly Recurring Words
- Exhibit 3.20.12-6 Required - Imaging Edit Marks
- Exhibit 3.20.12-7 EO Subsection Codes
- Exhibit 3.20.12-8 Attachment Routing Guide
- Exhibit 3.20.12-9 Example Scenarios and Appropriate Actions to Take
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 3. Submission Processing
Chapter 20. Exempt Organizations Returns Processing
Section 12. Imaging and Perfecting Exempt Organization Returns for Public and Internal Viewing
3.20.12 Imaging and Perfecting Exempt Organization Returns for Public and Internal Viewing
Manual Transmittal
November 06, 2024
(1) This transmits a revised IRM 3.20.12, Exempt Organizations Returns Processing, Imaging and Perfecting Exempt Organization Returns for Public and Internal Viewing.
Material Changes
(1) IRM – Updated Program Owner.
(2) IRM – Updated W&I to Taxpayer Services (TS).
(3) IRM and (5)(d)Note – Updated W&I to TS.
(4) IRM, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 – Added routing instructions to TE/GE SPP Analyst.
(5) IRM, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 – Added routing instructions to TE/GE SPP Analyst.
(6) IRM, IPU 24U0881 issued 07-30-2024 - Updated E-Filed Returns Time Frame Age Criteria.
(7) IRM – Removed Figure 3.20.12-1 and replaced as a Glossary Terms Table.
(8) IRM – Added Table Title, Glossary Terms.
(9) IRM – Removed Glossary Terms - USB Duplicator and Universal Serial Bus (USB).
(10) IRM, IPU 24U0141 issued 01-29-2024 - Updated instruction #5 for rotating Supplemental PDF pages.
(11) IRM, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 – Added routing instructions to TE/GE SPP Analyst.
(12) IRM, IPU 24U0141 issued 01-29-2024 - Updated instructions if Form 990-T includes BUWH or IRC 45R.
(13) IRM, IPU 24U0968 issued 09-11-2024 - Updated If/Then table to route to ICT Clerical.
(14) IRM, IPU 24U0961 issued 09-06-2024 - Updated If/Then table to route to AM M/S 6552 to be scanned into CII.
(15) IRM, IPU 24U0913 issued 08-09-2024 - Updated Accounts Management (AM) Mail Stop (M/S).
(16) IRM – Removed. Form 990-T 501(c)(3) is no longer available on USB.
(17) IRM, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 – Added routing instructions to TE/GE SPP Analyst.
(18) Exhibit 3.20.12-2, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 - Updated Information for Filer Created Schedules.
(19) Exhibit 3.20.12-3, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 - Updated Information for Filer Created Schedules.
(20) Exhibit 3.20.12-3, IPU 24U0007 issued 01-02-2024- Removed Note from IRS Schedules in table.
(21) Exhibit 3.20.12-4, IPU 24U0272 issued 02-20-2024 – Updated routing instructions to TE/GE SPP Analyst in Form/Document.
(22) Exhibit 3.20.12-5 – Updated Table to be 508 Compliant and added a table title.
(23) Editorial changes made throughout the IRM for clarity. Reviewed and updated grammar, punctuation, links, titles, website addresses and IRM references as needed.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 3.20.12, dated November 13, 2023, is superseded. This revision also incorporates interim guidance from IRM Procedural Updates (IPUs) - 24U0007 issued January 02, 2024, 24U0141 issued January 29, 2024, 24U0272 issued February 20, 2024, 24U0881 issued July 30, 2024, 24U0913 issued August 09, 2024, 24U0961 issued September 6, 2024, and 24U0968 issued September 11, 2024.Audience
Taxpayer Services (TS)Small Business/Self-Employed (SB/SE) Submission Processing Employees
Effective Date
(01-01-2025)Judith A. Cook
Acting Director, Shared Services
Tax Exempt and Government Entities
Purpose - Instructions for imaging and perfecting Exempt Organization (EO) returns for public and internal viewing.
Audience - SOI Imaging Clerks at the Ogden Campus is the primary audience for this IRM.
Policy Owner - The Director, Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE), Business Systems Planning (BSP).
Program Owner - Submissions Processing Programs and Oversight (SPP&O).
Primary Stakeholders - Exempt Organization Headquarters who rely on the Imaged returns to comply with IRC 6104.
Any instructions written at the campus (e.g., desk procedures) to clarify the IRM 3.20.12, Imaging and Perfecting Exempt Organization Returns for Public and Internal Viewing, can only be implemented once the instructions are approved by the TE/GE Submission Processing Programs Staff.
Form 2061, Document Clearance Record, must be signed and on file.
If procedures are implemented the TE/GE Submission Processing Programs Staff approval, the resources will be transferred back to TE/GE.
TE/GE does not fund procedures that are not approved by the business owner.
Refer to additional IRMs with IRM 3.20.12 that includes, but not limited to the following:
IRM 11.3, Disclosure of Official Information.
IRM 3.5.20, Processing Requests for Tax Return/Return Information.
All notices and/or letters used during the processing of TE/GE submissions must be approved by the TE/GE Submission Processing Programs Staff.
The Form 2061, Document Clearance Record, must be signed and on file.
No local letters will be approved or implemented.
Taxpayer Services (TS) is funded by TE/GE based on receipts processed. Refer to table below for how a count is taken. Only one count per receipt and no count is taken as a receipt produced unless the functions are completed as indicated in the table below.
How a receipt is Counted
Type of Receipt Point of Count Explanation Paper Return Released from the SOI EO Imaging Network (SEIN) System One count per return is taken after the following functions are completed: -
Doc Prep
Quality Control
Restricting - If required
Quality Review
E-filed Return Released from the SEIN System One count per return is taken after the following processes are completed: -
Quality Control
Restricting - If required
Quality Review
Refilms Released from the SEIN System One count per return is taken after the following processes are completed: -
Doc Prep
Quality Control
Restricting - If required
Quality Review
Use the following Organization, Function and Program (OFP) codes when processing the following forms.
Function and Program (OFP)
Function Activity Program & Program Title 360 Scanning, Re-scanning, Validation, Verification, Re-association, Release, Restricting, Quality Review -
13117 - All Form 990 series returns Secured by EO Compliance (Exam)
13131 - Form 990-PF Paper
13330 - Form 990-PF E-filed Return
13133 - Form 990-PF QC
13139 - Form 990-PF Refilm
13140 - Form 990-T Paper
13340 - Form 990-T E-filed Return
13143 - Form 990-T QC
13149 - Form 990-T -Refilm
13161 - Form 4720
13360 - Form 4720 E-filed Return
13169 - Form 4720 - Refilm
13190 - Form 5227
13290 - Form 5227 E-filed Return
13199 - Form 5227 Refilm
13452 - Form 990
13412 - Form 990-POL with 527 checked
13413 - Form 990 QC
13380 - Form 990 E-filed Return
13419 - Form 990 Refilm
13423 - Form 990-EZ
13422 - Form 990-EZ POL
13425 - Form 990-EZ QC
13390 - Form 990-EZ E-filed Return
13429 - Form 990-EZ Refilm
16012 - Form 8872
16019 - 8872 Refilm
550 Clerical support for the EO Imaging Function, cleaning scanners. -
13100 - Clerical Support
13105 - Form 2363-A, Request for IDRS Input for BMF/ EO Entity Change
720 Document Preparation - Preparing the document for scanning. See IRM, Document Preparation. -
13100 - Doc Prep All EO Returns/Documents
880 Reviews conducted on the EO images created by Ogden Imaging Unit. The reviews charged to this time must be requested by TE/GE. -
13100 - Imaging Reviews Requested by TE/GE
Foreign and U.S. possession organizations must report amounts in U.S. dollars and state what conversion rate the organization uses. If a return is received and the amounts are not provided in U.S. dollars (numbers 0–9, or any combination of those numbers), the return is to be treated as an unprocessable return.
Post the results on an agreed site where TE/GE, TS and other management officials can access the data.
The sample is no less than 40 filings a month per unit.
The review is conducted within the Imaging operation.
Report hours used to conduct the review under 880-13100.
During the review, verify:
All index information was entered correctly, see IRM, Validation.
All information that cannot be disclosed on the form, schedules and requested attachments were removed (redacted/restricted) and all restricted information is moved to the end of the return behind the Schedule B.
The scanned copy is good quality, see IRM, Processing Batches of E-Filed Returns Imported into SEIN.
All IRM 3.20.12 procedures were followed.
If you find errors during the review do the following:
Print the document (or pages if appropriate).
Note the error condition.
Prepare a report noting the type and date of error and sample size that was reviewed.
Information included on certain annual information returns of organizations and trusts that are exempt or seeking exempt status, or information required to be filed must be made available for public inspection under IRC 6104(b), such as information provided on the Forms 990 and 990-EZ.
This disclosure authority is on any information that these organizations or trusts are required to file under IRC 6033 and IRC 6034.
Information provided on the Forms 990 and 990-EZ, IRS schedules and requested attachments can be disclosed except for names and addresses of contributors and identifying contribution amounts, or other extraneous material identified is not available to the public.
Everything included on tax-exempt political organization returns (Forms 990 with 527 box checked, Forms 8871, 8872, and 8453-X) can be disclosed.
The entire Schedule B must be restricted.
Contribution amounts listed on the filer’s other schedules an be disclosed unless those amount could identify a contributor. If a contributor can be identified, the information must be redacted.
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IRC 6104(d) requires tax-exempt organizations to provide copies of their returns and applications to persons who request them. Congress intent in allowing public inspection of information governed by IRC 6104(a), IRC 6104(b), and IRC 6104(d), was to enable the public to scrutinize the activities of tax exempt organizations and trusts.
Congress intended that these organizations and trusts be subject to a certain degree of public accountability in view of their privileged tax status.
The public has a right to know for what purposes their contributions are being or will be used.
If a member of the public requests information, the IRS is responsible for providing the most complete and accurate copy of the forms to the customers. IRC 6104 requires the IRS to make the following available for public inspection:
Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax.
Form 990-EZ, Short Form Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax (filed after December 31, 1996).
Form 990-PF, Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Trust Treated as Private Foundation.
Form 990-T, Exempt Organizations Business Income Tax Return (and proxy tax under Section 6033(e)), (section 501(c)(3) organizations filed after August 17, 2006).
Form 4720, Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under Chapters 41 and 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, if filed by a private foundation.
Form 5227, Split-Interest Trust Information Return (with the exception of Schedule A).
Form 8871, Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status.
Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures, relating to political organizations.
The returns must be made available for a three-year period beginning with the due date for the return (including any extension of time for filing).
IRC 6104(d) also requires exempt organizations to make available for public inspection a copy of their application for recognition of Federal tax exemption, a copy of any papers submitted in support of such application and any letter or other document issued by the IRS with respect to such application on:
Applications are Imaged and made available by the Cincinnati Service Center (CSC). If an organization filed its application before July 15, 1987, it is required to make available a copy of its application only if it had a copy of the application on July 15, 1987.
Form 1023, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Form 1023-EZ, Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Form 1024, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a).
Refer to IRM 11.3.9, Exempt Organizations, for guidelines on what may be disclosed.
You must follow the IRM procedures to ensure specific data is redacted/restricted before providing the filing to the public.
Forms, Schedules and requested attachments required to be filed with certain EO returns (Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, and 990-T) are imaged and disclosed. See Exhibit 3.20.12-1, Form 990/990-EZ Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection, through Exhibit 3.20.12-4, Not Open On all Forms, or specified individual sections throughout IRM 3.20.12.
Form 990 was revised for tax year 2008 and subsequent. The tax year 2010 revision of Form 990 consists of 12 pages and numerous schedules. Each schedule indicates whether or not it is open for public inspection. The schedules that are open to public inspection are clearly identified in the upper right hand corner by the following statement, "Open to Public Inspection" . All other schedules and attachments not required to be filed are to be restricted, including, Schedule B.
Often organizations submit information and mark the page "NOT TO BE DISCLOSED." If the information is listed on the form, schedules and requested attachments listed as "Open for Public Inspection" it will be disclosed. If you identify a SSN, redact it. Although the IRS is not required to redact the SSNs, redacting it protects the holder of the SSN from possible adverse consequences by the release of personal information to the public.
For political organizations, names, addresses, and additional information provided on Form 8871 and Form 8872 are open to public inspection.
The following items are extraneous material when submitted with the return, they are not disclosed:
Wills, minutes of meetings, articles of incorporation etc.
Forms 8109 (FTD coupons)
Forms W-2
Extension of time to file, e.g., Form 8868
Schedules from a Form 1040 e.g., Schedule D
Form 1098-C, Form 1098-E, and Form 1098-T
See Exhibit 3.20.12-4, for these items may be attached to the return as supporting documentation and are NOT OPEN to Public Inspection.
In general, the names and addresses of contributors to an organization other than a private foundation must not be available for public inspection.
IRS E-filed documentation that was received by the filer and attached to their paper filings is extraneous material and are restricted.
When documents are voluntarily submitted as supporting documentation and not specifically required by a Code section other than IRC 6033, and listed in Exhibit 3.20.12-1, Form 990/990-EZ Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection, through Exhibit 3.20.12-3, Form 990-T Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection, the supporting documentation is extraneous material and is restricted.
Except as provided below, names and addresses of contributors must be redacted from public inspection. Redact contribution amounts if they can reasonably be expected to identify the contributor (which is usually not the case).
To reduce the risk of inadvertent disclosure of contributor information, IRS policy is not to disclose Schedule B. When specifically requested, however, EO Photocopy will provide the Schedule B with redacted names and addresses of contributors and redacted contribution amounts if they can reasonably be expected to identify contributors.
For Form 990-PF, Schedule B information generally is open to public inspection.
A foreign private foundation described in IRC 4948(b), Application Of Taxes And Denial Of Exemption With Respect To Certain Foreign Organizations, that from the date of creation has received at least 85 percent of its support from sources outside the U.S. (generally evidenced by the check box in D(2) of the Form 990-PF heading). For this type of foreign foundation, contributor information (name, address, amount) is not open to public inspection if the contributor is not a U.S. citizen. A foundation that checks box D(2) in the Form 990-PF heading generally has this status. For additional information refer to IRC 4948(b).
For IRC 527, Political Organizations, Schedule B of Form 990 is open to public inspection but is restricted in Imaging.
SSNs must be redacted on all IRC 527 political organizations. If an SSN is found on the IRC 527 returns make a screen print of the first page of the return and give to manager.
When specifically requested EO photocopy provides the Schedule B once an organization is confirmed to be a IRC 527 political organization.
If determined they are not an IRC 527 political organization, EO Photocopy provides a redacted Schedule B as stated in paragraph 2 above. See IRM 3.20.13, Exempt Organization Returns Processing, Exempt Organizations Photocopy Procedures, for additional instructions on this process.
Contributor information and other information on Forms 8871 and 8872 is also open to public inspection. See IRM 11.3.9, Exempt Organizations.
Information relating to contributions and grants made by the filing organization is open to public inspection in all cases.
The statutory requirements of IRC 6104(a) of withholding certain information from documents available under that section do not apply to information that must be disclosed under IRC 6104(b). The reverse situation is also true.
Trade secret information that the IRS has determined will be withheld from an organization's application does not have to be withheld from public inspection if included on the form, schedule or requested attachment. Conversely, if an organization includes with its application a list of its major contributors and the organization is determined to be tax exempt, the IRS is not obligated to remove this information before making the application available for public inspection.
If an organization or trust files its return, schedules or requested attachments in accordance with IRC 6033 or IRC 6034 and specifically requests that certain data included therein not be opened for public inspection, the IRS cannot comply with this demand in view of the disclosure requirements of IRC 6104(b). Therefore, any information submitted by the organization or trust that is required to be filed pursuant to IRC 6033 or IRC 6034 must be disclosed subject to the exceptions described in IRM 11.3.9, Exempt Organizations.
Most IRS codes and marks can be disclosed. See exceptions in IRM, IRS Codes and Marks Not Disclosable, the following can be disclosed:
IRS Received Date
Document Locator Number (DLN)
Red, brown, orange, or blue edit perfections
Transcription edit mark such as ‘arrows’
The words Original, Final and Amended
Marks and stamps used by the scanning operators
Edit marks used by SEIN employees to indicate the return requires redaction/restriction
IRS stamps and employee names
If there is any doubt as to what can be disclosed, contact the TE/GE Analyst before making the document available for public inspection.
Redact a document that is required to be made available for inspection under IRC 6104(a) or IRC 6104(b) of any coding information that indicates specific facts about the organization's or trust's liability or possible liability for any tax, interest or penalty, that was added to the first page of the return during processing.
Some codes and marks used by the IRS and/or are required by IRC 6033 and IRC 6034 must be redacted before making the document available for public inspection. Do not disclose the following:
IRS marks or data provided by the filer that indicate a delinquency status, Compliance or Collection activities e.g., the word delinquent stamped or written on the first page of the return, or a Form 433-A, Form 656-A or request for an installment agreement.
. -
IRS marks that indicate the return is under investigation, e.g., an audit stamp or the return was secured by field employees.
IRS marks that indicate a payment was received with the return, e.g., a stamped Received with Remittance, an amount written in green or purple, or a green or purple rocker.
The Y edit mark added to the return during Document Preparation. See IRM Document Preparation - Editing.
Condition codes "D" , "R" , "V" , or "X" , entered by IRS employees.
This subsection provides instructions for making images of certain EO returns. These returns are:
Forms 990-PF
Forms 990/990-EZ
Forms 990/990-EZ (with 527 box checked)
Forms 8872
Form 990–T
Form 4720
Form 5227
SEIN is a document imaging system that is used to scan and create images of specific EO returns.
All returns/attachments that are imaged through SEIN, are available to internal customers via SEIN Research.
Once a month, the returns open to public inspection are written to USBs and distributed to various requestors nationwide.
The Imaging System is a mini system set up for user/operators to perform various processing steps through a series of templates and dialog boxes.
The software program, called Kofax Capture, is used for Scanning, Quality Control (QC), Forms Processing, Validation, Verification, and Release (export of images and indexes to long-term storage) and is referred to as the "front end" .
The Restricting and Quality Review (QR) steps use different, specially programmed software other than Kofax Capture and is referred to as the "back end" .
The following table lists terms commonly used in the Imaging operation.
Glossary Terms
Term Description Alchemy The name of the software program resident on USBs containing scanned images. Batch A collection of folders either paper or e-file. Batch Manager Module used to control the flow of batches. Contributor(s) Contributors may be individuals, fiduciaries, partnerships, corporations, associations, trusts, government agencies, or EOs. A contributor is a person who gave money, securities, or any other type of property to the organization either directly or indirectly for less than adequate consideration: i.e., someone who gives a complete or partial gift. Can be disclosed Information open for public inspection. Extraneous Material Any document filed with the return other then the form, schedules and requested attachments specifically required, see Exhibit 3.20.12-1 through Exhibit 3.20.12-3. Information not clearly identified as a continuation of the form or schedule(s) or requested attachments will be placed behind the schedules and restricted. See Exhibit 3.20.12-4. Fix-it An initially scanned return being fixed as a second submission. Folder Collection of approximately 25 documents. Forms Processing The OCR step is an image clean up process that includes de-speckling (removal of unwanted dots). This process is turned on manually each day and needs no operator intervention. Image Server Consists of disk packs and mounted to a windows server. Image Storage Devices Optical Jukebox that permanently stores all the return images. Imaging System Consists of completely integrated hardware and software running on a Local Area Network (LAN) with PC Workstations running Windows 10. Initial Imaging The first scanning of returns. Quality Control (QC) Step is used to visually inspect scanned images and edit or reorder pages or returns. Quality Review (QR) Step performed to ensure a quality product. It is a review of all previous functions including quality of images, and ensures all data that is required to be restricted/redacted is properly restricted/redacted to prevent unauthorized disclosure. Redaction Term used to define blocking out pieces of information not open to public inspection. Refilm Status given to a batch in the system containing documents that have only certain pages to be scanned. Additional forms or information received that was not part of the initial imaging. These are not original filings. Release Process that releases the returns to the Image Storage Devices. This process is turned on manually each day and needs no operator intervention. Re-scanners Consist of 26 HP Scanjet 7500 scanners. Low-speed scanners for special scanning and Quality Control operations. Re-scanning Process of amending or adding an image. Restricting Function where restricting and redacting are performed. Additionally, pages can be rotated and the validation information can be changed and saved in this function. Restriction Term used when an entire page of information is not open to public inspection Scanners Consist of 4 Kodak i1860 high-speed scanners, that are used for initial scanning as well as re-image scanning. Scanning Process that converts paper returns into digital images. The Scan module creates open batches, allows the operator to name the batch and set or modify scan options (e.g., document orientation, single-side, etc.), and reads returns. Software Program Software set up for user/operators to perform different functions in the Imaging process. The Kofax Capture process was purchased to perform the Batch Manager, Scanning, Quality Control, Forms Processing, Validation, and the export of images and indexes to long-term storage. Additional software was written to perform Release, Restricting, and Quality Review. Supplemental information A term used to refer to non IRS created pages filed with a return that provide additional information clearly identified as a continuation of the form, it’s related schedule(s) or requested attachments. See Exhibit 3.20.12-1 through Exhibit 3.20.12-3. Requested supplemental information will be placed in order behind the applicable form or schedule, imaged and for disclosure purposes treated the same as the underlying form or schedule. Information not clearly identified as a continuation of the form or schedule(s) or requested attachments will be placed behind the schedules as extraneous material and restricted. See Exhibit 3.20.12-4. Validation This step is the process of entering certain fields from a return that allows it to be retrieved from the database. A keyboard operator obtains this information from various parts of the return and inputs it during the Validation process. Indexes include: -
Organization Name
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Tax Period
Zip Code
Total Assets
Subsection Code
Verification The process of checking the accuracy of a specified index. Verification is performed on the: -
Tax Period
Organization Name
Visually Unacceptable Refers to any page or document that has information that is cut off, illegible, too light, too dark, or missing. Workstations PC workstations are equipped with 24-inch monitors for viewing images. -
The Batch Manager module is used to check the current status and to control the flow of batches. Batch Manager provides a summary table that displays the current status of all active batches in the Kofax Capture process.
The Batch Manager module can be used to:
Display the summary table showing the status, form type, program, batch and folder number of all active batches.
Delete existing batches.
Edit or view batch properties.
Display a batch audit and error trail.
See IRM 3.30.123 Processing Timeliness: Cycles, Criteria, and Critical Dates for timeliness guidelines for return imaging.
Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, and 5227 initial returns are batched into folders of approximately 25 returns.
Re-film returns come from several areas within the campus.
All receipts have time frames and age criteria for processing/imaging the work.
Imaging’s processing must be adjusted as necessary to meet program completion date (PCD) goals.
Aging Criteria for Imaging of Returns/Documents
Reassociate all unattached schedule(s), supplemental page(s) and/or envelopes separated from the original return during imaging with the original return when possible.
If unable to reassociate the loose or unattached document with the original return, route the document to EO Accounts, M/S 6710 to be associated to the original return. Annotate on the routing slip why the document is being routed and/or what action needs to be taken.
If unable to reassociate loose or unattached envelopes, give the envelope to the lead or manager to be destroyed.
Initial returns are returns that are received for the first time from ERS.
The instructions for imaging "Initial" Returns are different from the instructions for imaging Reimage returns and Fix-its. Refer to imaging reimaged returns/documents for reimaging procedures.
See IRM, Imaging Amended Returns, for procedures on imaging Amended returns.
All initial returns are batched and controlled on the EO Imaging Report.
When a batch of work is received, prepare a log sheet with the program number, batch number, date, and volume (Batch Transmittal).
Each batch of work is routed through Document Preparation (Doc. Prep.), Scanning, Quality Control, Validation, Verification, Reassociation, Restricting (restricting function on public disclosed returns), and Quality Review.
When a folder of returns is completed through the various steps, the system automatically releases each folder to the next step.
When all folders in a batch have completed all steps of the imaging process, the batch is released on EO Imaging Report.
Imaging receives e-filed Forms 990/990-EZ/990-PF/990-T from the Data Management Division (DMD) Developer imported directly into SEIN. Forms 990-N are excluded from the e-filed import into SEIN.
Take these steps to process a batch of e-filed EO returns:
Open restricting and find assigned batch.
Check the name line to see if any adjustments are needed to PTA/PTO (School name before Congress).
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Check each document making sure all restricted info has been restricted correctly.
Rotate supplemental PDF pages.
If there are blank pages, note the batch and the document number and suspend. Give information to the Lead or Manager.
Close the batch and proceed to the next assigned batch.
Treat and process an amended return as an initial/original filing.
If you receive an amended return from Accounts Management and the return:
Has a DLN but no "scan stamp" , follow the instructions within the remarks field on the Form 12634.
Has no DLN and no scan stamp, route to Code & Edit to be processed as an initial/original filing.
Refilm is performed when additional forms or information are received that were not part of the initial imaging. See table below for examples of refilms:
Example of Refilm Missing schedules the filer provided after the initial return was filed, such as Schedule B, Schedule A, etc. A change to the EIN, Name, Tax Period, or subsection IRC 527. -
These returns are not refilms:
A return that has never been through the Imaging system is not imaged as a refilm. Treat it as an original return.
Amended returns submitted by the filer are not a refilm. Process them as an original filing.
A return, if not part of the returns that are imaged through the SEIN process in IRM, Creating Images - Scanning Operation.
Requests for refilming returns/documents come primarily from EO Accounts and TECU.
EO Entity request include the following forms:
If you receive a refilm request as a photocopy, documents are to come from the sender with Doc Preparation completed, use OFP Code for type of return being refilmed, IRM, Responsibilities.
A copy of the 1st page of the return must to be attached to the refilm documents. If the first page of the original return is not available, a modified print of BRTVU, or another approved IDRS prints must be attached to the front of the information requesting to be refilmed.
The BRTVU print must be thoroughly edited and contain only the EIN, Tax Period, Subsection Code, Form and Entity information.
If any other IDRS print such as ENMOD, BMFOL, or INOLES are used in place of BRTVU, they must be thoroughly edited and contain only the EIN, Tax Period, Subsection Code, Form, and Entity information.
If refilms are received with missing/incorrect information or are illegible they are to be rejected back to the originator indicating reason, such as what is missing and/or incomplete. If the refilm is from EO Accounts, reject it back to EO Accounts P&A Point of Contact at M/S 2100 not to the originator.
Restrict page 1 of the return and prints of IDRS attached to the front of the information requesting to be refilmed.
Returns that need to be refilmed are mailed to the Imaging Unit from other areas of the campus.
Separate by form type, for Document Prepare (Doc. Prep.), Scan, Quality Control (QC), Validate, Verify, Reassociate, Restrict, and Quality Review (QR).
After completion, proceed as follows:
Process all refilm requests within the following timeframes:
Timeframes for Refilms
Type of refilm request Request received from Number of work days Imaging must complete refilm process All non-expedite refilm requests EO Accounts 10 from Imaging receive date, except during March and December peak, then it is 15. Form 8872 and Form 990 filed by a POL IRC 527 EO Entity 10 from Imaging receive date, except during March and December peak, then it is 15. Expedites all areas 2 from Imaging receive date
EO Compliance agents secure original Form 990 series returns from filers that require imaging.
Do not send these returns through processing after being imaged as Compliance has already established an account through substitute for return (SFR) procedures and adjusted that account with the necessary changes from the secured original return.
To avoid routing and processing these original returns unnecessarily, EO Compliance agents write wording across the top similar to "Amended return secured by TE/GE" and the date, photocopy the original return within one day of receipt and route the same day to the Exam single point of contact (SPOC), M/S 1114.
The Exam SPOC will verify the quality of the photocopy is acceptable for imaging and sends directly to the Imaging day shift manager the same day.
Form 12634 (green routing slip) with
"Attention Imaging" , mail stop 6058 -
Exam Cover sheet attached to each photocopy with the following wording:
This is a copy of an original return secured by EO Exam and not imaged.
Please image and destroy copy.
If you have any questions, contact: EO Exam EO FAST team M/S 1114 " -
Photocopy of original Form 990 series return.
If the photocopy quality is unacceptable to produce a quality image, reject the photocopy back to the Exam SPOC, M/S 1114, indicating the reason, such as "poor quality for Imaging" .
If the photocopy quality is acceptable for imaging, follow established original return imaging instructions throughout IRM 3.20.12.
These returns have never been through the Imaging system and must be treated as original returns. All attachments other than missing form pages, schedules, requested attachments, and/or signatures are considered extraneous information and are restricted. See Exhibit 3.20.12-1 through Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
Examples of why a filer cannot file an electronic Form 990-N without IRS help include:
The Form 990-N system is not allowing the filer to submit their filings
EO Submodule is not established
Filer has no access to a computer
When a filer is unable to file an electronic Form 990-N, they may send in a paper Form 990/990-EZ, and cross out the "990-EZ or 990." on the top of the form and write "Form 990-N" , "could not access the 990-N system" or similar wording, anywhere on the form. Send these returns to Entity at Mail Stop 6273, to establish the Form 990-N electronically for them. Do not image Substitute Forms 990-N. All Form 990-Ns must be filed electronically.
Fix-its are errors identified after the return is sent to the release function and before the document leaves the Imaging Unit.
The return must be deleted from the system and reprocessed. Do not process it using the refilm procedures. The entire return must be reprocessed.
Returns that need to be fixed due to processing imaging errors are batched within their own new batch or inserted into an established batch of work that contains the same form type. A Fix-it return is neither counted as a new return or as a receipt. Taking another count for the return results in counting one return twice.
Each return must be Document Prepared (Doc. Prep.), Scanned, Quality Controlled (QC), Validated, Verified, Reassociated, Restricted, and Quality Reviewed (QR).
When a batch has completed the various steps, the system automatically releases each batch to the next step.
It’s important to properly prepare the return for scanning to ensure efficiency through the remaining processes.
Scanning operators must:
Annotate edit marks throughout the return. Exhibit 3.20.12-6, Required - Imaging Edit Marks.
Review the entity and subsection code.
Identify items not open for public inspection.
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≡ ≡
Numbering helps in reassociation of rejected documents and during QR, if a return requires additional scanning or information is not clear.
Number all returns and their respective envelopes in the lower right hand margin.
If there is no envelope, but there are other items needing reassociation after imaging, number those items accordingly.
If multiple returns were shipped in one envelope, write the number and alpha character (e.g., 1a, 1b, 1c, etc.), on the returns.
Ensure anything not scanned is attached to the envelope for reassociation later.
Keep envelopes and other information not scanned in proper order for reassociation.
If a return is missing the first page, the return is unprocessable. See IRM, Unprocessable Return.
Verify the return has a nine digit EIN, a primary name, and a valid state.
If the primary name is missing, give to manager for resolution.
If the EIN is missing, incomplete, or is invalid, (e.g., less than nine digits, incorrect format, etc.) give to manager for resolution.
If remittance is discovered, immediately take the complete return to the manager.
Original filed returns may have amended returns or duplicate copies attached. Image amended returns per all imaging guidelines. Do not image duplicate copies of original returns. Move duplicate copies to the envelope.
The following forms are not part of the current imaging process:
Form 990-BL, Information and Initial Excise Tax Return for Black Lung Benefit Trusts and Certain Related Persons
Form 1023, 1023-EZ, 1024, and 1028, Application for Recognition of Exemption
Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return
Form 1120-POL, U.S. Income Tax Returns for Certain Political Organizations.
Form 6069, Return of Excise Tax on Excess Contributions to Black Lung Benefit Trust Under section 4953 and Computation of Section 192 Deduction.
State Tax Returns
Detach returns with an original signature. Do not detach a return used to supplement or support the return to which it is attached to (e.g., Form 3800 attached to a 990-T, Form 1041-A attached to a 5227, Form 2220 attached to a 990-PF). Edit the Received Date of the return on the detached document. Continue Document Preparation of the return from which the attachment was separated.
Detach all original attachments, see Exhibit 3.20.12-8, Attachment Routing Guide.
Original/amended returns received with a CP 259A through CP 259G attached, image and restrict the CP 259 notice.
Complete the following document preparation:
Indicate/annotate "Return Scanned" and the date.
Remove all staples.
Only the Form, Schedules and requested attachments are disclosed. Everything else is considered extraneous material, and is restricted.
Brochures, pamphlets, Form 8913, Credit for Federal Telephone Excise Tax Paid, and other materials the EO has filed.
Non-IRS schedules or supplemental information are considered extraneous material on Form 990 and 990-EZ.
Taxpayers may be entitled to request a refundable tax credit allowed under IRC 45R, small business credit.
The IRC 45R credit can be identified by one or more of the following:
Wording similar to “45R Only” written at the top of Form 990-T or attachments
Form 8941, Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums, is attached
There is an amount on Part III Line 6f (2020-2022), Part V Line 51f (2019), Part V Line 50f (2018), Part IV Line 45f (2016 & 2017), Part IV Line 44f (2010-2015).
Taxpayers may file Form 990-T to claim:
Only the IRC 45R small business credit (may be combined with Back-up Withholding (BUWH)).
The IRC 45R small business credit in conjunction with their normal annual filing.
If Form 990-T is filed ONLY for the IRC 45R small business credit (and/or combined BUWH), do not image or stamp as imaged leave in DLN order in the batch.
If Form 990-T is filed and includes the IRC 45R small business credit, image and process per Form 990-T procedures.
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An unprocessable EO return is any of the following:
A return with completely illegible entries.
A return missing page one, with no available entity data to index.
A return from foreign and U.S. Possession organizations with no amounts converted to U.S. currency or written in numerical characters.
Take these steps:
Do not image the return.
Do not stamp the return indicating that it was scanned.
Pull the return and give to Lead.
A frivolous argument is used to express dissatisfaction with the substance, form or administration of tax laws by attempting to illegally avoid or reduce tax liabilities. Recognized frivolous arguments made by businesses include, but are not limited to, examples shown in IRM 25.25.10, Frivolous Return Program.
If the return is a potentially frivolous return, follow these steps:
Do not image the return.
Do not stamp the return indicating that it was scanned.
Make a copy of the frivolous returns(s), and route the copy M/S 4450.
Keep the original return in the batch in DLN order.
Do not consider returns having only zeros, no entries, blank, or indicating "None, Not Liable" , etc., with no evidence of a frivolous argument as frivolous returns.
Write all edit marks on the bottom right margin of the page in purple ink, ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
Often, an EO submits a form, schedule or attachment that is skewed, or is a poor photocopy. These are referred to as "poor quality" . Edit a single check to the bottom of the page that is affected.
On Forms 990-EZ, 990 with 527 box checked and 8872, check for SSN redaction. If the return requires no further action in Restricting, the document can then be closed during Restricting.
On Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990 with 527 box checked and 8872 if the form itself has pages with issues requiring action in Restricting, edit "G#" ; G indicates "go to" and the # represents the page needing the work.
If no zip code, zip code is less than five digits or belongs to a foreign address, enter five zeros.
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On Form 990, if a Schedule H is attached to paper returns, edit the letter "H" in the bottom right margin (not applicable on e-file returns) for ease of identification and indexing.
The minimum requirements for reimaging a document are the following:
Page one of the return or IDRS print (preferably BRTVU).
Reimage pages (i.e., pages, schedules and requested information missing from initial filing).
On Forms 990, 990–EZ, and 990-PF, if the additional information received from EO is a signature jurat (declaration), scan the jurat. The signature is imaged and disclosed.
If an original return/document is received:
Check for a "scan" stamp.
If there is no "scan" stamp, scan the entire document.
If a "scan" stamp is present, return to originator of the request.
If the entire return needs to be rescanned, circle out the stamp or annotate with a single "X" .
Organize the additional information in the following order:
If reimaging requirements are not met, route the return back to the originator for clarification.
The Form 990 core form consists of 12 pages and numerous schedules. The schedules that are open to public inspection are clearly identified in the upper right hand corner by the following statement, "Open to Public Inspection."
The Form 990 includes the following schedules:
Schedule A, Public Charity Status and Public Support
Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors
Schedule C, Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities
Schedule D, Supplemental Financial Statements
Schedule E, Schools
Schedule F, Statement of Activities Outside the United States
Schedule G, Supplemental Information Regarding Fund-raising or Gaming Activities
Schedule H, Hospitals
Schedule I, Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States.
Schedule J, Compensation Information
Schedule K, Supplemental Information on Tax Exempt Bonds
Schedule L, Transactions with Interested Persons
Schedule M, Non-Cash Contributions
Schedule N, Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution or Significant Disposition of Assets
Schedule O, Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ
Schedule R, Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships
Arrange/organize the Form 990 return pages in the following order:
Schedule A, Public Charity Status and Public Support
Schedule C, Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities
Schedule D, Supplemental Financial Statements
Schedule E, Schools
Schedule F, Statement of Activities Outside the United States
Schedule F-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule F
Schedule G, Supplemental Information Regarding Fund-raising or Gaming Activities
Schedule H, Hospitals
Schedule I, Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the United States
Schedule I-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule I
Schedule J, Compensation Information
Schedule J-1 & J-2, Continuation Sheet for Schedule J
Schedule K, Supplemental Information on Tax Exempt Bonds
Schedule L, Transactions with Interested Persons
Schedule M, NonCash Contributions
Schedule N, Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution or Significant Disposition of Assets
Schedule N-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule N
Schedule O, Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ
Schedule R, Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships
Schedule R-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule R
Requested attachment.
Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors
All extraneous material. See Exhibit 3.20.12-1 through Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
Form 990-EZ was redesigned for Tax Year (TY) 2008. The revised Form 990-EZ core form consists of four pages and includes various schedules.
The schedules that are open for public inspection are clearly identified in the upper right hand corner by the following statement, "Open to Public Inspection" .
Arrange the Forms 990-EZ in the following order:
Schedule A, Public Charity Status and Public Support (pages in sequential order)
Schedule C, Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities
Schedule E, Schools
Schedule G, Supplemental Information Regarding Fund-raising or Gaming Activities
Schedule L, Transactions with Interested Persons
Schedule N, Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution or Significant Disposition of Assets
Schedule O, Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ
Requested attachments.
Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors
All extraneous material. See Exhibit 3.20.12-1 and Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
Arrange/organize the Forms 990-PF return in the following order:
Return pages in order.
Schedule B in order.
All requested forms and attachments.
Supplemental information clearly identified as a continuation of the form, schedule(s) or requested attachments will be placed in order behind the applicable form, schedule or requested attachment. See, Exhibit 3.20.12-2, Form 990-PF Schedules and Requested Attachments Open For Public Inspection.
All extraneous material. See Exhibit 3.20.12-2 and Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
Arrange return pages organized in order, pages one through four.
Arrange the pages sequentially.
All requested forms and attachments.
All extraneous information. See Exhibit 3.20.12-3 and Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
If Form 990-T is filed claiming only Back-up Withholding (BUWH) or IRC 45R credit:
Do not image
Do not stamp as imaged
Leave in DLN order in the batch
IRC 45R Small Business Credit is found on Part III Line 6f (2020-2022), Part V Line 51f (2019), Part V Line 50f (2018), Part IV Line 45f (2016 & 2017), Part IV Line 44f (2010-2015). BUWH is found on Part III Line 6e (2020-2022), Part V Line 51e (2019), Part V Line 50e (2018), Part IV Line 45e (2016 & 2017), Part IV Line 44e (2010-2015).
If Form 990-T is filed and includes BUWH or IRC 45R Small Business Credit, image the return.
Arrange return pages in order.
Arrange the pages sequentially with supplemental information following the form.
Arrange return pages in order.
Arrange the pages sequentially with supplemental information following the form.
The Receipt and Control (R&C), Extracting area receives and identifies Statute period returns and routes them to statutes to be cleared.
When the Statute Unit sends the returns via Form 12547, Document Transmittal, to the Imaging Unit to be imaged, they must annotate the following information on the Form 12547 for each return:
Name Control
Tax Period
The Imaging Team acknowledges receipt of the statute returns by placing a check mark by the return information on the Form 12547. Send a copy of the acknowledged Form 12547 to Statutes at M/S 6741 within 10 days of receipt.
Returns stamped Statute Cleared are original returns and need to go through the processing pipeline before being imaged. Don’t image these returns. Send them to be processed.
Returns stamped No Statute Issue are amended statute returns even if the return is not marked as amended.
If Then the return is a taxable return (Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720), -
Image the return per the procedures outlines throughout this IRM.
After the return is imaged, route it to ICT Clerical at M/S 6552 to be scanned into Correspondence Imaging Inventory (CII).
the return is a non-taxable return (Form 990, 990-EZ, 5227), don’t image. Send the return to be processed. the return can clearly be identified as a copy being provided in response to an IRS letter/notice, send the return back to Statutes, with the copy of the acknowledged Form 12547, with a note stating these types of returns aren’t imaged. -
The Scanning process captures images from paper returns for release to the public and internal use.
The "Quality Control" module is used to visually inspect scanned images (compared to paper document) for errors and to rescan those that are incorrect.
Rescanning function MUST only be done on a workstation that is attached to a scanner.
The operator uses the documents and the imaged return to verify that all pages are:
At the Quality Control stations documents can be created or split.
In addition, documents and pages can be:
Validation is the process of entering descriptive information associated with a return for later retrieval from the database. The operator obtains information from various parts of the return that include the following:
Tax Period
Organization Name
Zip Code
Subsection Code (Forms 990 and 990-EZ ONLY)
Total Assets (Forms 990, 990-PF, 990-EZ and 5227 ONLY)
Total Tax on Form 4720
Gross Income on Form 990-T
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Schedule H attached (Form 990)
Returns filed electronically only require input of the EIN, organization name abbreviations/corrections, ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡. Remove special characters, update PTA/PTO information as needed and only include the word "The" if it is associated with only one other word, see IRM, (i), (n), & (o). All other descriptive information automatically populated will be accepted without inputting or reviewing it for accuracy.
Enter the EIN.
A valid EIN consists of 9 digits in the following format: NN-NNNNNNN.
If EIN is missing, invalid, or incomplete, make a copy of the first page of the document and give to manager for resolution.
Enter the Tax Period Ending. The Tax Period Ending is the month and year the accounting period ends. The filer's tax period must be less than but not more than 12 months. A calendar year return ends in December. A fiscal year ends in any month other than December.
Correct the Tax Period to a six digit number.
The first four digits represent the year, the last two digits represent the month (YYYYMM).
The taxpayer may write the tax period under the return title. If another IRS office edits the tax period ending, use the edited Tax Period ending date.
Enter the Primary Name Line. Use abbreviations only if the name line exceeds the maximum characters allowed per field. The name line is captured as the filer submits the return with the following exceptions,
If corrected by pipeline processing use corrected name.
If the EO used an "&" (ampersand) enter "and" . If the EO used "and" , enter "and" .
Do not abbreviate anything beyond the abbreviations listed in Exhibit 3.20.12-5, Abbreviations for Commonly Recurring Words. Abbreviations must only be used if the name line exceeds the maximum characters allowed per field.
Do not space before or after a hyphen. If the filer shows a space before and/or after the hyphen, omit the hyphen.
Do not double space.
Do not use single or double quotes, periods or commas in the name line.
Do not input an apostrophe, do not space for the apostrophe. Example, if the name is O'Brien, you would enter the name as OBrien.
Omit all other special characters such as # or?.
If the special character "&" is part of the name line, spell out the special character.
Always include Union, Post or Club numbers on the name line.
Only include the word "The" if it is associated with only one other word.
If the first name line includes donor numbers, account numbers, or contract numbers, do not include.
"Formerly known as" (FKA), Attention (ATTN), "In care of" (C/O), "%" , or "Doing Business As" (DBA), and the name that follows is a secondary sort line for Entity Perfection. This information must not be included in the primary name line. This is not an all inclusive list.
If the name is a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), enter PTA then school name.
If the name is a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), enter PTO then school name.
"DO NOT" abbreviate words in the Name Line unless it is one of the exception cases above, or the name line exceeds the amount of allowed character per field.
Enter the State Code
Use the United States Postal Service approved abbreviations for States and the District of Columbia.
If no state is found, enter "ZZ" .
Enter the ZIP Code which consists of 5 or 9 digits. If the zip code:
Belongs to a foreign address, enter five zeros.
Is not listed, enter five zeros.
Is less than five digits, enter five zeros.
Is more than five but less than nine, enter the first five digits.
Is more than five and more than nine, enter the first five digits.
No Zip Code or state is found, enter "ZZ" and five zeros.
For Forms 990 and 990-EZ, enter SUBSECTION CODE
If Subsection (SS) Codes conflict (e.g., INOLES shows SS03, but taxpayer indicates otherwise in item J), use the SS on the INOLES print. If another IRS office edits the SS, use the edited SS. If more then one SS is edited use the following criteria: 1. SS edited in the left margin. 2. SS edited in the Entity area 3. Taxpayer intent (in item J).
Valid entries for 501(c) returns are blank, or 01 through 27. If unable to determine SS from return, enter blank. If filer indicates a "0" treat as a blank.
Follow table below for SS Code.
For Forms 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, and 5227, enter the Total Assets. For Form 990-T, enter Gross Income and Total Tax for Form 4720. See IRM, Index Fields Per Form, for additional information.
If the total assets is a negative number, input as a negative.
Do not use dollar signs or commas.
If the asset line is blank, input zero.
Input total assets edited by IRS.
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡"≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡"≡ ≡ ≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡"≡ ≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡"≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡
Form 990, enter "Y" in the index field if a Schedule H is attached to the return. This field will default to "N " and can be skipped if there is no Schedule H attached to the return. See IRM
Refer to table below for index fields on Form 990 per version.
Form 990 Index Fields
Version EIN Tax Period Organization Name State Zip Code Subsection Code Total Assets ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Schedule H 2005, 2006, and 2007 Line D Line A Block C Block C Block C Line J Line 59B "≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Schedule H is attached 2008 -2021 Line D Line A Block C Block C Block C Line I Line 20 - End of Year "≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Schedule H is attached -
Refer to table below for index fields on Form 990-EZ per version.
Refer to table below for index fields on Form 990-PF per version.
Form 990-PF Index Fields
Version EIN Tax Period Name of Foundation State Zip Code Subsection Code Total Assets ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 2005 -2021 Line A Top of Page Block directly above Line G Block directly above Line G Block directly above Line G Line H Page 2 -line 16C "≡ ≡" ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ -
Refer to table below for index fields on Form 990-T per version.
Form 990-T Index Fields
Version EIN Tax Period Organization Name State Zip Code Gross Income 2005 - 2019 Line D Top of Pg. 1 Block directly to the right of Line A Block directly to the right of Line A Block directly to the right of Line A Pg. 1 - Part 1 Line 13 Column A 2020- 2021 Line D Top of Pg. 1 Block directly to the right of Line A Block directly to the right of Line A Block directly to the right of Line A Pg. 1 - Part 1 Line 1 -
Refer to table below for index fields on Form 4720 per version.
Form 4720 Index Fields
Version EIN Tax Period Organization Name State Zip Code Total Tax 2005 Pg. 1 - Top right hand side Top of Pg. 1 Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Part II-B Line 2 2006 - 2019 Pg. 1 - Top right hand side Top of Pg. 1 Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 2 - Part II-B Line 2 2020 - 2021 Pg. 1 - EIN or SSN Box Top of Pg. 1 Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Entity block Pg. 1 - Part III Line 1 -
Refer to table below for index fields on Form 5227 per version.
Form 5227 Index Fields
Version EIN Tax Period Name of Trust State Zip Code Type of Entity Total Assets 2005, 2006 Line A Top of page one Entity block on page 1 Entity block on page 1 Entity block on page 1 Block B Page 2 line 37B 2007 -2020 Line A Top of page one Entity block on page 1 Entity block on page 1 Entity block on page 1 Block B Page 3 line 50b 2021 Line B Top of page one Line A, Entity block, top of page 1 Entity block, top of page 1 Entity block, top of page 1 Block C Page 3 line 13b
If an image of a document is not correct, or if the document does not meet imaging criteria, the document will be rejected back to the Quality Control station for corrections. Pages may be deleted during validation using "Batch Editing."
If Form 990 was imaged in error, the images for the return must be deleted from the system.
This step is the process of checking the accuracy of a specified index. The operator reenters the EIN, Tax Period, and Organization Name.
After the returns have completed either Rescan or Verification, reassemble the folders of paper documents.
Associate the returns with the correct envelopes and/or attachments and staple securely.
If Form 5800 edit sheet is part of the filing, move it to the left side of the return, under the entity section, and staple securely.
Refer to IRM 3.10.72, Campus Mail and Work Control - Receiving, Extracting, and Sorting, for proper procedures to attach envelopes to the back of the returns or documents.
The Release process releases the documents to the image storage devices. This process is turned on manually each day and performs automatically.
The process needs to be monitored on Batch Manager for errors.
A document that is required to be made available for inspection under IRC 6104(a) or IRC 6104(b) must be restricted/redacted (sanitized) of any coding information that indicates specific facts about the organization's or trust's liability or possible liability for any tax, interest or penalty, that was added to the first page of the return during processing. This also includes any other internal processing forms or work papers that IRS employees prepared that would reveal information that can not be disclosed under IRC 6104.
The Restricting function is used to identify any information Not Open for Public Inspection.
EO Returns that are not processed through the "Restricting" function are:
990-T - non-501(c)(3) returns
Form 4720 can be disclosed if it is either:
Attached to Forms 990–PF as supporting documentation.
Filed with Form 990/990–EZ with the 527 box checked.
E-filed documentation that the filer received and attached to their paper filings are considered extraneous material and is imaged but must be restricted/redacted.
You may leave coding information added to the first page of the return that doesn't indicate specific facts about the organizations' or trusts' liability or possible liability for any tax, interest or penalty (e.g., the date received or Document Locator Number (DLN)) on the document. If you have any doubt in this regard, the IRS employee will contact the servicing Disclosure Office before making the requested information available for inspection.
Redact the following coding information, which is written or stamped on the first page of the return and required by IRC 6033 and IRC 6034, before making the documents available for inspection:
Condition codes "D" , "R" , "V" , "X"
Payment received
Delinquent return code
Contributor names and addresses and some contribution amounts must be redacted from certain returns before the returns are open to public inspection.
In general, the names and addresses of contributors to an organization other than a private foundation shall not be available for public inspection.
Except as noted,(12) below, names, and addresses of contributors to private foundations are open to public inspection.
For political organizations, names, addresses, and additional information provided on Form 8871 and Form 8872 are open to public inspection. Refer to IRM 11.3.9, Disclosure of Official Information - Exempt Organizations, for additional information.
To reduce the risk of inadvertently identifying contributors, Exempt Organizations (EO) established the policy to not include Schedule B. Completely restrict Schedule B except for Form 990-PF.
Information on grants and contributions the filing organization makes by listing on a return is not considered to be information about contributions and is open to public inspection. These are the EO’s expenses. You can distinguish them from contributions received based on the line number below:
Form 990 (rev. 2008 and subsequent), expenses are shown on Lines 13 through 19 or Lines 13-17 (rev. 2007 and prior)
Form 990-EZ (all revisions), expenses are shown on Lines 10 through 17
The names, addresses, and amounts of contributions or bequests of persons who are not US citizens to a foreign private foundation that from the date of its creation has received at least 85 percent of its support (other than gross investment income) from sources outside the US (see IRC 4948(b)), shall not be made available for public inspection, a foundation that checks box D(2) on the Form 990-PF
For additional information see IRM, Contributor Information Subject to Deletion.
Form 990-T and related schedules or attachments that pertain to tax on unrelated business taxable income, filed by 501(c)(3) organizations, must be made available for public inspection by the IRS (The Tax Technical Corrections Act of 2007, amended section 6104(b)). This provision is effective for returns filed after August 17, 2006, the date of enactment of the Pension Protection Act of 2006, PL. 109-280 (PPA).
The following forms are not open to public inspection:
Forms 990-T filed before August 17, 2006.
Forms 990-T filed by organizations other than section 501(c)(3).
The Form 990–T must meet the following criteria to be open for public inspection:
SS is a 501(c)(3) organization
Form 990-T filed after August 17, 2006
Form 990-T not filed solely to claim a credit that does not relate to unrelated business taxable income (i.e., Back-up Withholding (BUWH) credit, IRC 45R Small Business Credit, Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums, or Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)).
All information included with Form 990-T and related schedules can be disclosed with the exception of a limited number of forms. See Exhibit 3.20.12-3 and Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
The Quality Review step ensures each process of the program is completed to the highest quality possible.
This includes viewing all pages to ensure that required data is restricted/redacted, preventing unauthorized disclosure issues.
The QR function can correct these errors:
Errors made during Validation
Errors made during Restricting
Errors made during Quality Control cannot be corrected in the Quality Review function. When these errors are found:
Pull the paper return.
Route for correction.
Sometimes returns are imaged erroneously and not discovered until it reaches the Quality Review function. If this is the case:
Delete the image from the system
Pull the hard copy document from the folder
Circle out all stamps indicating the return was scanned, or use a single "X"
If an error occurs because the document separator sheet was not recognized, this is cause for deletion. In this case:
Delete the image from the system,
Pull both hard copy paper returns from the folder,
Merge the documents back through the entire Imaging Process.
Political Organizations must file an electronic Form 8871 in order to be a tax exempt political organization.
Do not scan Form 8871. Route Form 8871 to the Entity Unit to take the appropriate account action.
Some Political Organizations that have submitted a Form 8871 may be required to submit Forms 990/990-EZ, and/or 8872.
Imaging will perform Document Preparation, Scanning, Validation, Restricting and Reassociation on all Political Organization Forms.
Form 8453-X must be submitted after the electronic submission to authenticate the electronic filing.
Forms 8872 are batched and controlled.
Timeliness guidelines are found in IRM 3.30.123, Work Planning and Control - Processing Timeliness: Cycles, Criteria and Critical Dates.
Each batch of work will be routed through Document Preparation, Scanning, Rescan, Validation, Restricting and Reassociation.
Form 8872 and 990 with the 527 Box Checked must be imaged separately under its' respective programs.
Verify the organization name is present on the front of the return. Verify a month has been edited if "f" through "h" are marked on the return. If not, use the end of year date.
If EIN or organization name is not present or if multiple EIN's are present, give to your Manager or Lead to investigate.
Do Not Scan IRS Letter 3406SC, User ID and Password Assigned to Political Organization.
Separate Forms if found together.
Indicate "Scanned" or "Filmed" and Date stamp the return.
Number all returns and their respective envelopes in the lower right hand margin.
Remove all staples.
Arrange/organize the revised and non-revised Form 990 return pages in the following sequential order:
Schedule A, Public Charity Status and Public Support
Schedule C, Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities
Schedule D, Supplemental Financial Statements
Schedule E, Schools
Schedule F, Statement of Activities Outside the United States
Schedule F-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule F
Schedule G, Supplemental Information Regarding Fund-raising or Gaming Activities
Schedule H, Hospitals
Schedule I, Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and Individuals in the U.S.
Schedule I-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule I
Schedule J, Compensation Information
Schedule J-1 & J-2, Continuation Sheet for Schedule J
Schedule K, Supplemental Information on Tax Exempt Bonds
Schedule L, Transactions with Interested Persons
Schedule M, Non-Cash Contributions
Schedule N, Liquidation, Termination, Dissolution or Significant Disposition of Assets
Schedule N-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule N
Schedule O, Supplemental Information to Form 990
Schedule R, Related Organizations and Unrelated Partnerships
Schedule R-1, Continuation Sheet for Schedule R
Requested attachment.
Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors
All extraneous material. See Exhibit 3.20.12-1 through Exhibit 3.20.12-4.
Organize Form 8872 into the following order:
Review form and attachments for SSNs and Form 990 Schedule B for restriction or redaction.
Scan Prepared Documents.
Ensure all images are of good quality and all information is legible.
Index the following fields:
Name of organization
Type of return
Change of address, if indicated
Final report, if indicated
Associate document with its respective envelope.
Place staple in the left hand corner of return.
Form 2363-A is used by Taxpayer Service, Examination, Technical personnel and Campus Entity Control personnel to make entity changes that include EOMF data. The Form 2363-A is received from EO Entity.
The Imaging process for Form 2363-A is to be completed within 45 workdays of receipt within the Imaging Unit.
All time required to process Form 2363-A is reported under 550-13105.
Below are the index fields on Form 2363-A.
The Form 2363-A is treated as classified waste after the data is verified and the Imaging process is completed. Refer to IRM 21.5.1, General Adjustments, for guidance on handling classified waste to prevent inadvertent/unlawful destruction of records.
The following forms, schedules and requested attachments will be disclosed to the public.
Form/Document | Information | Action |
990 | Return of Organization Exempt Form Income Tax | Image |
990-EZ | Short Form Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Image |
IRS Schedules | All Form 990/990-EZ schedules. | Image |
Subordinate Listing | Subordinate list for Group Return: Line Ha is yes but Hb is no. | Image |
Name changed (name change box may be marked on the first page of the return) | Image |
Reasonable Cause Statement (i.e., late filing statement, penalty removal request, penalty abatement, etc.) | If not filed by the due date filer will attach a statement giving reasons | Image |
All other attachments | Extraneous Material | Image and restrict |
The following forms, schedules and requested attachments will be disclosed to the public.
Form/Document | Information | Action |
990-PF | Return of Private Foundation | Image |
IRS Schedules | All Form 990-PF schedules | Image |
Filer created schedules | Requested by a line item or labeled as a statement, attachment, exhibit or refers to a form part or line number that is part of the Form 990-PF | Image |
Schedule B | Schedule of Contributors | Image |
Form 990-T | Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return | Image |
All contribution and grant information | labeled contribution, contributor or grant in the title | Image |
Reasonable Cause Statement (i.e., late filing statement, penalty removal request, penalty abatement, etc.) | If not filed by the due date filer will attach a statement giving reasons | Image |
All other attachments | Extraneous Material | Image and Restrict |
The following forms, schedules and requested attachments will be disclosed to the public.
Form/Document | Information | Action |
990-T | Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return | Image |
IRS Schedules | All Form 990-T schedules | Image |
Filer created schedules | requested by a line item or labeled as a statement, attachment, exhibit or refers to a form part or line number that is part of the Form 990-T | Image |
Form 1041 Schedule D | Capital Gains and Losses | Image |
Form 1041 Schedule I | Alternative Minimum Tax - Estates and Trusts | Image |
Form 1120 Schedule D | Capital Gains and Losses | Image |
Form 1122 | Authorization & Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be included in a Consolidated Income Tax Return | Image |
Form 1139 | Corporation Application for Tentative Refund | Image |
Form 2439 | Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains | Image |
Form 3800 | General Business Credit | Image |
Form 4136 | Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels | Image |
Form 4562 | Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property) | Image |
Form 4626 | Alternative Minimum Tax - Corporations | Image |
Form 8801 | Credit For Prior Year Minimum Tax-Individuals, Estates, and Trusts | Image |
Form 8949 | Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets | Image |
Form 8873 | Extraterritorial Income Exclusion | Image |
Form 8827 | Credit For Prior Year Minimum Tax - Corporations | Image |
Form 8834 | Qualified Plug-in Electric and Electric Vehicle Credit | Image |
Form 8902 | Alternative Tax on Qualifying Shipping Activities | Image |
Form 8912 | Credit to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds | Image |
Reasonable Cause Statement (i.e., late filing statement, penalty removal request, penalty abatement, etc.) | If not filed by the due date filer will attach a statement giving reasons | Image |
All other attachments (with a live signature or not; i.e., Form 4720) | Extraneous Material | Image and Restrict |
The following attachments will be not be disclosed and/or imaged.
Abbreviations must only be used if the name line exceeds the maximum characters allowed per field.
Common Words | Abbreviations | Common Words | Abbreviations |
Agency/Agencies | AGCY | Historic/Historical | HIST |
Agricultural/Agriculture | AGRI | Hospital | HOSP |
Alumni | ALUM | Home Owners Association | HOA |
Amalgamated | AMAL | Industrial | INDI |
American/s | AMER | Industry/Industries | IND |
Association/s | ASSN | Incorporated | INC |
Associates/Associated | ASSOC | Information | INFO |
Auxiliary/ Auxiliaries |
AUX | Institute/s | INST |
Avenue | AVE | International | INTL |
Apartments | APT | Insurance | INS |
Beneficiary | BNFRY | Irrevocable | IRREV |
Benevolent | BEN | Junior/s | JR |
Building/s | BLDG | Legion/s | LGN |
Campaign | CMPG | Library/Libraries | LIBR |
Cemetery | CEM | Manufacturing | MFG |
Center/s | CTR | Management | MGMT |
Charitable | CHAR | Medical | MED |
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust | CRAT | Memorial/s | MEM |
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust | CLAT | Ministry/Ministries | MNSTR |
Charitable Remainder Trust | CRT | Mountain | MTN |
Charitable Remainder Unitrust | CRUT | Non-exempt Charitable Trust | NECT |
Charitable Lead Trust | CLT | National/s | NATL |
Charitable Lead Unitrust | CLUT | Organization/s Organizational |
Circle /Circles | CIR | Parent Teacher Association | PTA |
Coalition | COAL | Parent Teacher Organization | PTO |
College/s | COLL | Partner | PTR |
Committee/s | COM | Partnership | PTRSP |
Commission/s | COMM | Political Action Committee | PAC |
Community/Communities | COMN | Representative | REPR |
Company/Companies | CO | Republican | REP |
Cooperative/Co-operative | COOP | Research | RES |
Corporation/s | CORP | Resource/s | RSC |
Council/s | COUN | Retirement | RTMT |
County/Counties | CNTY | Revocable | REV |
Credit Union | CU | Rotary | ROT |
Democrat/Democratic | DEM | Remainder | REM |
Department/s | DEPT | Saint/s | ST |
Development/s/ Developmental |
DEV | Scholarship/s | SCHOL |
District/s | DIST | Senior/s | SR |
Doctor/s | DR | Service/s | SVC |
Education/Educational | ED | Special/s | SPC |
Elementary/Elementaries | ELEM | Street/s | STR |
Employee/s | EMP | Society/Societies | SOC |
Enterprise/s | ENT | Student/s | STU |
Estate/s | EST | Testamentary | TEST |
Endowment/s | END | Technology | TECH |
Environment/Environmental | ENVI | Trust/s | TR |
Electrical | ELEC | Trustee | TTEE |
Family/Families | FAM | Under the Will of / Under Will | UW |
Federation/s | FED | United States | US |
For the Benefit of | FBO | University/Universities | UNIV |
Foundation/s | FDN | Veteran/s | VET |
Fund/s | FD | Veterans for Foreign War | VFW |
Fraternal | FRTL | Voluntary Employee Benefit Association | VEBA |
Fraternity | FRAT | Volunteer | VOL |
Group/s | GRP | Young Men's Christian Association | YMCA |
Government/Governmental | GOV | Young Women's Christian Association | YWCA |
G# | Indicates the form has information requiring attention during the Restricting function. (G# = Go to Page NN e.g., G12) |
H | Schedule H attached to return. |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
Subsection Code | Classification Code | Type of Exempt Organization | IRC Code |
01 | 1 | Governmental Instrumentality | IRC 501(c)(1) |
02 | 1 | Title holding corporation | IRC 501(c)(2) |
03 | 1 | Charitable corporation | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 2 | Educational organization | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 3 | Literary organization | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 4 | Organization to prevent cruelty to animals | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 5 | Organization to prevent cruelty to children | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 6 | Organization for public safety testing | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 7 | Religious organization | IRC 501(c)(3) |
03 | 8 | Scientific organization | IRC 501(c)(3) |
04 | 1 | Civic league | IRC 501(c)(4) |
04 | 2 | Local association of employees | IRC 501(c)(4) |
04 | 3 | Social welfare organization | IRC 501(c)(4) |
05 | 1 | Agricultural organization | IRC 501(c)(5) |
05 | 2 | Horticultural organization | IRC 501(c)(5) |
05 | 3 | Labor organization | IRC 501(c)(5) |
06 | 1 | Board of trade | IRC 501(c)(6) |
06 | 2 | Business league | IRC 501(c)(6) |
06 | 3 | Chambers of commerce | IRC 501(c)(6) |
06 | 4 | Real estate board | IRC 501(c)(6) |
07 | 1 | Pleasure, social and recreation club | IRC 501(c)(7) |
08 | 1 | Fraternal beneficiary society or association | IRC 501(c)(8) |
09 | 1 | Voluntary employees' beneficiary association Non-Governmental | IRC 501(c)(9) |
09 | 2 | Voluntary employees' beneficiary association Governmental | IRC 501(c)(9) |
10 | 1 | Domestic fraternal society and association | IRC 501(c)(10) |
11 | 1 | Teachers retirement fund association | IRC 501(c)(11) |
12 | 1 | Benevolent life insurance association | IRC 501(c)(12) |
12 | 2 | Mutual ditch or irrigation company | IRC 501(c)(12) |
12 | 3 | Mutual or cooperative telephone company | IRC 501(c)(12) |
12 | 4 | Organization like those on three preceding lines | IRC 501(c)(12) |
13 | 1 | Burial association | IRC 501(c)(13) |
13 | 2 | Cemetery company | IRC 501(c)(13) |
14 | 1 | Credit union | IRC 501(c)(14) |
14 | 2 | Other mutual corporation or association | IRC 501(c)(14) |
15 | 1 | Mutual insurance company or association other than life/marine | IRC 501(c)(15) |
16 | 1 | Corporation financing operation | IRC 501(c)(16) |
17 | 1 | Supplemental unemployment benefit Trust or plan | IRC 501(c)(17) |
18 | 1 | Employee funded pension trust created before June 25, 1959. | IRC 501(c)(18) |
19 | 1 | Post or organization of war veterans | IRC 501(c)(19) |
20 | 1 | Legal service | IRC 501(c)(20) |
21 | 1 | Black lung benefit trust | IRC 501(c)(21) |
22 | 1 | Multi-employer pension plan | IRC 501(c)(22) |
23 | 1 | Veterans association founded before 1880. | IRC 501(c)(23) |
24 | 1 | Trust described in IRC 4049 of ERISA | IRC 501(c)(24) |
25 | 1 | Title holding company for pensions, etc. | IRC 501(c)(25) |
26 | 1 | State sponsored high risk health insurance organization | IRC 501(c)(26) |
27 | 1 | State sponsored workers' compensation insurance | IRC 501(c)(27) |
28 | 1 | National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust | IRC 501(c)(28) |
29 | 1 | Co-op health insurance issuer | IRC 501(c)(29) |
40 | 1 | Apostolic and religious organization | IRC 501(d) |
50 | 1 | Cooperative hospital service organization | IRC 501(e) |
60 | 1 | Cooperative service organization of operating education organization | IRC 501(f) |
Attachment (Form/document) | Form received that has the attachment | Detach | Action |
Form 990 series | All | Yes | If an original return, detach and image. |
Form 1023, 1023-EZ, 1024, or 1028, Application for Recognition of Exemption | All | Yes, if the signature is an original, otherwise leave attached and restrict. | If signature is an original route to CSPC 201 W Rivercenter Blvd. Attn: EP/EO Determinations Team 31404 Covington, KY 41011 |
Form 1120-POL | 990 / 990–EZ & 990–T | Yes | If an original return has a live signature, do not image. Route to processing. |
Form 4720 - Return of Certain Excise Taxes on Charities and other Persons under Chapters 41 and 42 of the IRC | All that have an original signature | Yes | If original return, with a live signature, detach and route to processing. |
Form 5227 - Split Interest Trust Information Return | All | Yes | If original return, detach and image. |
If | Then |
Form 990-EZ is submitted by the filer and converted to a Form 990 by IRS, | do not image the converted return. |
an amended return is received and is attached to an original return, | review each return to determine if a scanned stamp is present. If no scan stamp is present on the amended return follow, and image as a new return. Amended returns may be attached to a copy of the originally filed return. If this is the case, image the amended return per all imaging guidelines, but do not image the copy of the original. |
an amended return is received and is not attached to an original return and not stamped with the scan stamp, | image amended return following amended return instructions in IRM, Imaging Amended Returns. |
both Form 990-EZ and Form 990 are received from the filer and both are original returns and have not been imaged (no scanned stamp present), | detach and image both Form 990-EZ and Form 990 as originals under the appropriate program code. |
the filer sends a copy of a return (electronically filed or paper) to Rejects and Rejects forwards the copy to Imaging, | do not image. |
CIS return is received, | treat as a live return and image. |
SMIP return is received, | do not image. |
amended return is received from Accounts Management, | image following IRM |