- 25.25.4 Return Integrity & Verification Identity Theft Return Procedures
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Management and Review
- Program Controls
- Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Identity Theft Returns
- Identity Theft Return Categories
- Category 7 Process - Identity Theft Determination
- Identity Theft Category 7 — Single Return/Deceased/X-REF - No Lost Refund Process
- Identity Theft Category 7 — Single Return/Deceased/X-REF - Lost Refund Process
- Reversing Identity Theft Lost Refunds
- Exhibit 25.25.4-1 Miscellaneous Fields Used When Inputting Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 506
- Exhibit 25.25.4-2 Miscellaneous Fields Used When Inputting Transaction Code (TC) 972 Action Code (AC) 506
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 25. Special Topics
Chapter 25. Revenue Protection
Section 4. Return Integrity & Verification Identity Theft Return Procedures
25.25.4 Return Integrity & Verification Identity Theft Return Procedures
Manual Transmittal
December 13, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 25.25.4, Revenue Protection, Return Integrity Verification Operations Identity Theft Return Procedures.
Material Changes
(1) IRM - Removed Reminder to check whether ASED updated is required. IPU 24U1029 issued 10-10-2024.
(2) IRM - Updated direction for Transaction Code 971 Action Code 850 input. IPU 24U1029 issued 10-10-2024.
(3) IRM - Updated direction for Transaction Code 971 Action Code 850 input. IPU 24U1029 issued 10-10-2024.
(4) IRM - Updated IRM links for necessary command codes. IPU 24U1029 issued 10-10-2024.
(5) Editorial changes to correct broken hyperlinks throughout the IRM.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 25.25.4 dated November 7, 2022, (effective date November 21, 2022) is superseded. The IRM also incorporates the following IRM Procedural Updates (IPUs) issued from IPU 24U1029 issued 10-10-2024.Audience
Campus employees in Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO)Effective Date
(01-01-2025)Denise D. Davis
Director, Return Integrity Verification Operations
Taxpayer Services
Purpose and Program Goals: This IRM section provides guidance for Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO) employees when resolving Individual Master File (IMF) Identity Theft (IDT) returns in the Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS) and the Scheme Tracking and Referral System (STARS).
Audience: The intended audience for this IRM is RIVO employees.
Policy Owner: The Return Integrity Verification Program Management (RIVPM) is the policy owner of this program.
Program Owner: RIVPM is the program office responsible for oversight over this program.
Primary Stakeholders: The primary stakeholders are RIVO, and organizations that collaborate with RIVO.
Program Goals: Program goals for the program are in the Operation Guidelines as well as IRM 1.4.10, Return Integrity and Verification Operation Managers Guide.
RIVPM strengthens the integrity of the tax system by:
Protecting the public interest by improving IRS’s ability to detect and prevent improper refunds.
Serving the public interest by taking actions fairly and appropriately to identify, evaluate and prevent the issuance of improper refunds.
Helping taxpayers understand the refundable tax credits for which they are eligible.
The following references provide authority for RIVO:
IRM, Policy Statement 4-21
IRM 1.2.2, Servicewide Policies and Authorities, Servicewide Delegations of Authority
IRM, Contractual Disclosures for Investigative Purposes
IRM 1.1.13, Taxpayer Services
Various Internal Revenue Codes (IRC) including but not limited to:
IRC 6402(a), Authority to make credits or refunds
IRC 6401, Amounts treated as overpayments
IRC 6404, Abatements of tax
IRC 6213, Requirements for a statutory notice, including math error authority
RIVPM has responsibility for information in this IRM. Information is published in the IRM on a yearly basis.
The Director of RIVPM manages for the policy related to this IRM.
The Chief of the RIVPM Policy & Analysis ensures this IRM is timely submitted to publishing each year.
More information can be found in IRM, Return Integrity & Compliance Services.
The program has reports, such as RIVO Monthly Performance Comparison Report, to track the inventory, including receipts and closures. Other report guidance is found in IRM 1.4.10, Return Integrity & Verification Operation Managers Guide.
The Embedded Quality (EQ) review program is in place to review all processes to ensure accuracy and effectiveness of the program. Goals, measures, and operating guidelines are listed in the yearly Operation Guidelines and in IRM 21.10.1, Embedded Quality (EQ) Program for Accounts Management, Campus Compliance, Field Assistance, Tax Exempt/Government Entities, Return Integrity and Compliance Services (RICS), and Electronic Products and Services Support.
Revenue Protection, Integrity & Verification, IDT Return area will administer program controls, including but not limited to, overall program administration, income verification, notification to potential IDT victims, reports to track inventory, and a quality control program in place to review all processes, which ensures accuracy and effectiveness. Additionally, access to the program information stored on the SharePoint site, EFDS, STARS is protected by limiting access to those individuals that manage the program and RIVO employees.
The following activities help ensure program success:
Conducting annual policy reviews.
Protecting the public interest by improving IRS’s ability to detect and prevent improper refunds.
Serving the public interest by taking actions fairly and appropriately to identify, evaluate and prevent the issuance of improper refunds.
Helping taxpayers understand the refundable tax credits for which they are eligible.
Maintaining related IRMs.
Supplying IDT training to RIVO employees, as needed.
For a list of Acronyms used throughout RIVO, see IRM, Acronyms.
The related resources listed below may be utilized for account research and issue resolution. These related resources may be accessed through the IRS Intranet-Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP) site.
IRM 25.25, Revenue Protection
IRM 25.23, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance
IRM 25.6, Statute of Limitations
IRM 21, Customer Account Services
IRM 2, Information Technology
IRM 3, Submission Processing
Letters associated with the procedures in this IRM are as follows:
Letter 4310C, IRS Identified ID Theft Post-Adjustment Letter
Letter 4674C, Identity Theft Post-Adjustment Victim Notification Letter
Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) restricted access accounts are accounts where a user must request special permissions to access the account through IDRS. Follow IRM, Authorized IDRS Access.
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR) lists rights that already existed in the tax code, putting them in simple language and grouping them into 10 fundamental rights. Employees are responsible for being familiar with and acting in accord with taxpayer rights. See IRC 7803(a)(3), Execution of Duties in Accord with Taxpayer Rights. For additional information about the TBOR, see Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
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An employee may be required to notify the IDT victim, see IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506. In cases of IDT, if a "confirmed good address" was provided by the Social Security Number (SSN) owner, the Tax Examiner (TE) will issue a Letter 4310C, IRS Identified ID Theft Post-Adjustment Letter or Letter 4674C, Identity Theft Post-Adjustment Victim Notification Letter, as appropriate.
An IDT determination has been made by RIVO when the account contains an unreversed Transaction code (TC) 971 Action code (AC) 506 with one of the following MISC fields:
WI AM TAP Operation Mass Mailing (OMM) - no longer used but may appear on older accounts
WI IVO OMM - no longer used but may appear on older accounts
WI IVO OMMGB - no longer used but may appear on older accounts
Potential IDT returns are separated in EFDS into categories for the purpose of identifying, referring, or adjusting Master File (MF) accounts for RIVO. The category determines the inventory type in EFDS.
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IDT occurs when a SSN is used by someone who is not the true taxpayer and files a fraudulent return without the SSN owner’s knowledge/consent.
The following are some ways to determine that a false filing has occurred and the true taxpayer or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) owner has/or has not filed:
Special agent information.
A signed Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, or submitted correspondence stating the taxpayer did not file the tax return.
A duplicate filing condition (-A Freeze) occurs when two returns are filed using the same SSN and tax period. Often one return is filed by the true taxpayer and one by someone else using the true taxpayer's SSN.
An IDT return posted, the refund was stopped, and the true taxpayer did not file a return or filed jointly under a cross-reference (X-REF) TIN. Check IDRS and review the account information to determine if the case involves a single return, deceased taxpayer or X-REF TIN joint filing issue.
When resolving an IDT case manually, include the correct actions to resolve the account if the issues below are present:
If the IDT return filing status is Married Filing Jointly (MFJ) or Married Filing Separate (MFS) and the spousal name listed is not the spouse of the primary taxpayer, correct the filing status and name line on the primary TIN to remove the spousal information. Follow the IDT instructions below as applicable on the spousal TIN to input the IDT marker, correct the address and send the Letter 4674C, as appropriate.
If the IDT return filing status is MFJ or MFS and the spousal name listed is the spouse of the primary taxpayer, follow the instructions below for input to the spousal account to input the IDT marker, correct the address and send the Letter 4674C, IRS Identified ID Theft Post-Adjustment Letter, as appropriate.
If in reviewing the account, it is identified that other tax periods with RIVO involvement are affected by IDT, then all affected active tax years must be resolved at the same time.
Single return or Deceased taxpayer with no X-REF SSN-
Reverse all offsets and credit transfers. For Treasury Offset Program (TOP) Offsets, see IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns. For credit transfers see IRM 21.5.8, Credit Transfers, include a TC 570 as required.
Update CC DUPED as required for primary, secondary and dependents, see IRM, Command Code (CC) DUPED.
If not deceased, update CC ENMOD to the confirmed good address provided by the TIN owner. If no confirmed good address was provided, update the address to the Service Center Address. See IRM, When to Update the Victim's Address.
Input Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 850.
Input an adjustment to zero out the data on the module, include a Reason Code (RC) 139, a Hold Code (HC) "4" , and a Posting Delay (PD) code of "1" , on the adjustment.
If the IDT return contained Premium Tax Credit (PTC) or Shared Responsibility Payment (SRP) amounts, see IRM, Premium Tax Credit.
Send Letter 4674C to the taxpayer. If the address is updated to the Service Center address, do not send Letter 4674C.
Do not send a Letter 4674C to a deceased taxpayer. Letters for deceased taxpayers should only be sent to the deceased taxpayer's representative or surviving spouse.
Input a TC 971 AC 506 with the correct MISC field, see Exhibit 25.25.4-1, Miscellaneous Fields Used When inputting TC 971 AC 506. (Do not input a TC 971 AC 506 when a TC 971 AC 524 is being input on the account.)
If the taxpayer was deceased prior to the tax year, then input a TC 971 AC 524, with the MISC field, "WI PREREF DECD" , (Return Integrity Compliance Services (RICS) only). See Exhibit 25.23.2-14, TC 971 AC 524 - Locking SSNs - Applies to IMF Accounts Only.
Update the STARS Return Status Disposition to Cat "7" , "CL" . Update EFDS notes properly.
Input/Update Accounts Management Services (AMS) notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Close all RIVO IDRS control bases.
Single return or Deceased taxpayer with X-REF SSN-
Reverse all offsets and credit transfers. For TOP Offsets, see IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns. For credit transfers see IRM 21.5.8, Credit Transfers, include a TC 570 as required.
Update CC DUPED as required for primary, secondary and dependents, see IRM, Command Code (CC) DUPED.
If not deceased, update CC ENMOD to the confirmed good address provided by the TIN owner. If no confirmed good address was provided, update the address to the Service Center Address. See IRM, When to Update the Victim's Address.
Input TC 971 AC 850.
Input an adjustment to zero out the data on the module include RC "139" , a HC "4" , and a PD code of "1" , on the adjustment.
If the IDT return contained PTC or SRP amounts, see IRM, Premium Tax Credit.
Send Letter 4674C to the taxpayer. If the address is updated to the Service Center address, do not send Letter 4674C.
Do not send Letter 4674C to a deceased taxpayer. Letters for deceased taxpayers should only be sent to the deceased taxpayer's representative or surviving spouse.
Input a TC 971 AC 506 with the correct MISC field, see Exhibit 25.25.4-1, Miscellaneous Fields Used When inputting TC 971 AC 506. (Do not input a TC 971 AC 506 when a TC 971 AC 524 is being input on the account.)
If the taxpayer was deceased prior to the tax year, input a TC 971 AC 524, with the MISC field, "WI PREREF DECD" , (RICS only). See Exhibit 25.23.2-14, TC 971 AC 524 - Locking SSNs - Applies to IMF Accounts Only.
If a credit is available on the X-REF SSN account, review the account and determine if the credit should be released. Take the proper actions to release or credit elect the overpayment see IRM, Outstanding Balance Considerations Prior to Refund or Credit-Elect. Do not release any credits that may be held by another function.
Update STARS Return Status Disposition to Cat "7" , "CL" , Update EFDS notes as appropriate.
Input/Update AMS notes correctly per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Close all RIVO IDRS control bases.
An IDT return posted, the refund was not stopped, and the true taxpayer did not file a return or filed jointly under a X-REF SSN. Check IDRS and review the account information to determine if the case involves a single, deceased or X-REF SSN joint filing issue.
When resolving an IDT case manually, include the proper actions to resolve the account if the issues below are present:
If the IDT return filing status is MFJ or MFS and the spousal name listed is not the spouse of the primary taxpayer, correct the filing status and name line on the primary SSN to remove the spousal information. Follow the IDT instructions below as applicable on the spousal SSN to input the IDT marker, correct the address and send Letter 4674C as appropriate. See IRM, When to Update the Victim's Address.
If the IDT return filing status is MFJ or MFS and the spousal name listed is the spouse of the primary taxpayer, follow the instructions below for input to the spousal account to input the IDT marker, correct the address and send Letter 4674C, as appropriate.
If in reviewing the account, it is identified that other tax periods with RIVO involvement are affected by IDT, then all affected active tax years must be resolved at the same time.
Check CC TXMODA for a history item or an open control base containing "BKLD" , for an indication of RIVO's External Lead Process. This notation could indicate a potential TC 720 or a TC 841 may be posting to the module and require contact with the External Lead Point of Contact (POC). See SERP Job Aids, RIVO, External Lead Points of Contact, for more guidance.
Single return or Deceased taxpayer with no X-REF SSN-
Reverse all offsets and credit transfers. For TOP Offsets, see IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns. For credit transfers see IRM 21.5.8, Credit Transfers, include a TC 570 as required.
Reverse any lost refunds using CC IDT48/CC IDT58/CSO48/CSO58/ELP45 as appropriate, see IRM 2.4.61, Command Code IDT48/IDT58/RPM48/RPM58/CSO48/CSO58/ELP45.
Update CC DUPED as required for primary, secondary and dependents as appropriate, see IRM, Command Code (CC) DUPED.
If not deceased, update CC ENMOD to the confirmed good address provided by the TIN owner. If no confirmed good address was provided, update the address to the Service Center Address. See IRM, When to Update the Victim's Address.
Input TC 971 AC 850.
Input an adjustment to zero out the data on the module, include a RC "139" , a HC "4" , and a PD code of "1" , on the adjustment.
If the IDT return contained PTC or SRP amounts, see IRM, Premium Tax Credit.
Send a Letter 4674C to the taxpayer. If the address is updated to the Service Center address, do not send Letter 4674C.
Do not send Letter 4674C to a deceased taxpayer. Letters for deceased taxpayers should only be sent to the deceased taxpayer's representative or surviving spouse.
Input a TC 971 AC 506 with the correct MISC field, see Exhibit 25.25.4-1, Miscellaneous Fields Used When inputting Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 506. (Do not input a TC 971 AC 506 when a TC 971 AC 524 is being input on the account.)
If the taxpayer was deceased prior to the tax year, input a TC 971 AC 524, with the MISC field, "WI PREREF DECD" , (RICS only). See Exhibit 25.23.2-14, TC 971 AC 524 - Locking SSNs - Applies to IMF Accounts Only.
Update STARS Return Status Disposition to Cat "7" , "CL" . Update the EFDS notes as appropriate.
Input/Update AMS notes as appropriate per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Close all RIVO IDRS control bases.
Single return or Deceased taxpayer with X-REF SSN-
Reverse all offsets and credit transfers. For TOP Offsets, see IRM, TOP Offsets Involving ID Theft and ID Theft with Fraudulent Returns. For credit transfers see IRM 21.5.8, Credit Transfers, include a TC 570 as required.
Reverse any lost refunds using CC IDT48/CC IDT58/CSO48/CSO58/ELP45 as appropriate. IRM 2.4.61, Command Code IDT48/IDT58/RPM48/RPM58/CSO48/CSO58/ELP45.
Update CC DUPED as required for primary, secondary and dependents, see IRM, Command Code (CC) DUPED.
If not deceased, update CC ENMOD to the confirmed good address provided by the TIN owner. If no confirmed good address was provided, update the address to the Service Center Address. See IRM, When to Update the Victim's Address.
Input TC 971 AC 850.
Input an adjustment to zero out the data on the module include RC "139" , a HC "4" , and a PD code of "1" , on the adjustment.
If the IDT return contained PTC or SRP amounts, see IRM, Premium Tax Credit.
Send Letter 4674C to the taxpayer. If the address is updated to the Service Center address, do not send Letter 4674C.
Do not send Letter 4674C to a deceased taxpayer. Letters for deceased taxpayers should only be sent to the deceased taxpayer's representative or surviving spouse.
Input a TC 971 AC 506 with the correct MISC field, see Exhibit 25.25.4-1, Miscellaneous Fields Used When inputting Transaction Code (TC) 971 Action Code (AC) 506. (Do not input a TC 971 AC 506 when a TC 971 AC 524 is being input on the account.)
If the taxpayer was deceased prior to the tax year, input a TC 971 AC 524, with the literal, "WI PREREF DECD" , (RICS only). See Exhibit 25.23.2-14, TC 971 AC 524 - Locking SSNs - Applies to IMF Accounts Only.
If a credit is available on the X-REF SSN account, review the account and determine if the credit should be released. Take the correct actions to release or credit elect the overpayment see IRM, Outstanding Balance Considerations Prior to Refund or Credit-Elect. Do not release any credits that may be held by another function.
Update the STARS Return Status Disposition to Cat "7" , "CL" , Update the EFDS notes as appropriate.
Input/Update AMS with the proper notes per IRM, Account Management Services (AMS).
Close all RIVO IDRS control bases.
In cases where an IDT return was filed, and the refund was lost, the refund needs to be moved off the good taxpayer's account. This must be done to ensure the account reflects only the good taxpayer's information. CC IDT48 and CC IDT58 must be used to move refunds lost from the account, instead of completing Form 3809, Miscellaneous Adjustment Voucher. These CC’s credit the TIN owner’s account and move the refund to the General Ledger 1545 account. CC IDT48 is used to move an entire refund. CC IDT58 is used to move the unrecoverable portion of a partially recovered refund, see IRM 2.4.61, Command Code IDT48/IDT58/RPM48/RPM58/CSO48/CSO58/ELP45. Use CMODE to direct the request to the correct service center, see IRM, Terms and Acronyms.
In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to reverse previous actions taken that debited the General Ledger 1545 account with the posting of a TC 841 or TC 700 to the tax account. For example, duplicate TC 841’s, actual credit has been returned to the module etc. To reverse a TC 841 or TC 700 posted in error, see IRM, Form 3245/3809 Reversals.
The chart describes the reasons and values of the miscellaneous fields when a TC 971 AC 506 is input. For more information, see IRM 25.23.2-8, IMF Only TC 971 AC 506 — IRS Determined Tax-Related Identity Theft Case Closure.
Description | TC 971 AC 506 Miscellaneous Field |
1 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
WI IVO OMM/ WI AM TAP OMM (These literals may appear on CC ENMOD, but are no longer used when inputting new IDT markers.) |
2 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
WI IVO OMMGB (This literal may appear on CC ENMOD, but is no longer used when inputting new IDT markers.) |
3 IDT return was filed but no return was filed by the TIN owner and no confirmed good address has been provided. |
4 IDT return was filed and a return was filed by the TIN owner, or a confirmed good address has been provided for the TIN owner. If the account contains an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 with MISC field "WI BREACH DSABLD" , see block 6 below. |
5 IDT return was filed and was selected by the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) processes and there is no return filed by the TIN owner and no confirmed good address for the TIN owner. |
6 There is an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 with MISC field "WI BREACH DSABLD" on CC ENMOD. |
The miscellaneous field displays the reason for the reversal. See the chart below for reasons and values for the miscellaneous field.
Description | TC 972 AC 506 Miscellaneous Field |
1 The taxpayer requests the TC 971 be reversed. (Only reverse the TC 971 AC 506 after explaining to the taxpayer the risks of not having the IDT protection on the account.) |
2 The TC 971 was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake. |
3 The TC 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system and must be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. |
4 The original IDT incident claim was determined to be fraudulent. |
5 The reason for the TC 971 reversal does not meet any of the above reason descriptions. |