- 25.23.2 Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - General Case Processing
- Program, Scope and Objectives
- Identity Theft - Overview
- Taxpayer Interaction
- Priority Handling of Identity Theft Cases
- IDT Case Processing Time Frames
- Identity Theft Claims – General Guidelines
- Dependent Identity Theft
- Assessing the Scope of the Taxpayer’s Issues
- Addressing All Taxpayer Issues
- Identity Theft Case Controls
- Required Case and History Notes
- Identity Theft Research
- Economic Impact Payments – General Information
- When to Request Additional Information to Support an Allegation of Identity Theft
- When to Update the Victim's Address
- Marking Taxpayer Accounts When Accepting Identity Theft Claims
- Taxpayer Advocate Service
- Electronic Products Service and Support (EPSS) Disabled Accounts
- IDT Indicators – Tax Related
- Tracking and Reporting Identity Theft Cases - Identity Theft Indicators
- Tracking IMF Tax-Related Identity Theft Inventory
- Tracking Individual Taxpayers Reporting to be Victims of Business-Related Identity Theft
- Initial Allegation or Suspicion of Tax-Related Identity Theft - IMF Identity Theft Indicators
- IRS Initiated Suspicion of Identity Theft - TC 971 AC 522 IRSID
- Statute Protection
- Statute Protection - Single Return
- Statute Protection - Multiple Returns
- Statute Protection - Multiple Returns and MFT 32
- Barred Statutes
- Closing Identity Theft Issues
- Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501
- Manually Reversing TC 971 AC 501
- Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506
- Manually Reversing TC 971 AC 506
- Closing Identity Theft Cases with Tax Delinquency Inquiries (TDI)
- Reversing Unsupported Allegations of Identity Theft
- TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM/UNWORK/IRSID - Incorrect Tax Year
- IMF Identity Theft Worked by Functions Outside Accounts Management IDTVA
- Identity Theft Identified by Criminal Investigation
- Return Integrity and Compliance Services (RICS). Identity Theft Identified by:Return Integrity & Verification Operations (RIVO) and the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Excludes Former WI Compliance Exam Operations
- Returns Selected by Identity Theft Filters - Taxpayers Visiting the TAC
- MFT 32 - Overview
- Identity Theft Identified by Submission Processing
- Miscellaneous Identity Theft Indicators
- IMF TC 971 AC 504
- IRS Data Breaches- TC 971 AC 505
- ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- Locking Decedent Accounts - TC 971 AC 524
- Employment-related Identity Theft – TC 971 AC 525
- ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- Resolving Non-Tax Related Affected Accounts with TC 971 AC 527
- ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- TC 971 AC 528
- ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- TC 971 AC 123 PREPARER CONTACT - Taxpayer Contact
- Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN)
- Participating in the IP PIN Program
- Automatic Enrollment in the IP PIN Program
- Opting into the IP PIN Program through the Individual Online Account
- IP PIN TAC Appointment Procedures
- IP PIN TAC Procedures- (TAC Employees Only)
- Identifying If a Taxpayer has an IP PIN Requirement
- Receiving and/or Retrieving your Annual IP PIN
- Lost, Misplaced or Non-Receipt of IP PIN Overview
- Lost, Misplaced or Non-Receipt of IP PIN
- Filing Returns with an IP PIN
- Participating in the IP PIN Program
- Get Transcript Breach
- Get an Electronic Filing PIN Incident
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Breach
- FAFSA Breach-CP302
- Breach Numbers CR20170421067 and LR20170421067
- Form 8821 Breach
- Identity Theft Liaison Responsibilities
- Exhibit 25.23.2-1 Acronyms and Definitions
- Exhibit 25.23.2-2 IMF Only TC 971 AC 501 — Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Case Closure (Tax-Related) - TC 971 AC 501
- Exhibit 25.23.2-3 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- Exhibit 25.23.2-4 IMF Only TC 971 AC 504
- Exhibit 25.23.2-5 IMF Only TC 972 AC 504 — Reversal of TC 971 AC 504
- Exhibit 25.23.2-6 IMF Only TC 971 AC 505 — IRS Data Breaches
- Exhibit 25.23.2-7 IMF Only TC 972 AC 505 — Reversal of TC 971 AC 505
- Exhibit 25.23.2-8 IMF Only TC 971 AC 506 — IRS Determined Tax-Related Identity Theft Case Closure
- Exhibit 25.23.2-9 IMF Only TC 972 AC 506 Tax-Related, Reversal of Identity Theft Case Closure, IRS Identified
- Exhibit 25.23.2-10 IMF Only TC 971 AC 522 Tax-Related Identity Theft, Case Status (Initial Claim/Suspicion)
- Exhibit 25.23.2-11 IMF Only TC 972 AC 522 - Reversal of TC 971 AC 522
- Exhibit 25.23.2-12 TC 971 AC 523 – Reserved
- Exhibit 25.23.2-13 ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡
- Exhibit 25.23.2-14 TC 971 AC 524 – Locking SSNs - Applies to IMF Accounts Only
- Exhibit 25.23.2-15 TC 972 AC 524 – Reversal of TC 971 AC 524
- Exhibit 25.23.2-16 IDTVA IDRS Category Controls by Function
Part 25. Special Topics
Chapter 23. Identity Protection and Victim Assistance
Section 2. Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - General Case Processing
25.23.2 Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - General Case Processing
Manual Transmittal
August 26, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 25.23.2, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - General Case Processing.
Material Changes
(1) IRM, Updated to include option and link to submit Form 14039 online via www.irs.gov. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(2) IRM - Updated IDT processing timeframe from 430 days to 480 days throughout the IRM. In paragraph 5, removed the last column in the table and added the content as a Note to ensure 508 compliance. IPU 23U0987 issued 10-02-2023.
(3) IRM, Updated IDT processing timeframe from 650 days to 640 days. IPU 24U0844 issued 07-16-2024
(4) IRM, Updated IDT processing timeframe from 480 days to 650 days. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(5) IRM, Added clarification for situations when the IDT victim is the secondary taxpayer.
(6) IRM - Added a link to IRM, to reduce confusion and emphasize that "NOIDT" scenarios are resolved differently in regard to missing TC 971 AC 522s. IPU 23U0987 issued 10-02-2023.
(7) IRM, Updated Note to include option and link to submit Form 14039 online via www.irs.gov. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(8) IRM, Removed the dashes from "WI-ITVAA-OTHER" and "WI-ITVAC-OTHER" to prevent confusion. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(9) IRM, Added an exception for IDTVA employees to direct them to Exhibit 25.23.4-21. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(10) IRM Clarified that the exception is for reversals of IDT indicators with a secondary date older than 7 years. IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024.
(11) IRM, Corrected the paragraph selection and additional verbiage for Letter 4402C.
(12) IRM, Added clarification on processing claims when the IDT victim is the secondary taxpayer.
(13) IRM - (3)(a) Removed verbiage regarding removal from IP PIN population.
(14) IRM - (3) Removed reminder regarding removal from IP PIN population.
(15) IRM (1) ( e ) Removed reminder regarding removal from IP PIN population.
(16) IRM Reworded the REMINDER for clarity and added link to IRM Added a link to IRM in the first "Then" box of the table in paragraph 3. IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024.
(17) IRM, added description of AC 528. Removed verbiage that taxpayer cannot be removed from the IP PIN population.
(18) IRM, Corrected the Example to indicate a TC 971 AC 504 with MISC "EMPL-M" should be used since more than one tax year is impacted. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(19) IRM, Corrected IRM reference from IRM to IRM IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(20) IRM, Corrected IRM reference from IRM to IRM IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(21) IRM - (5) (i) Chart 1st row - removed Reminder regarding removal from IP PIN population.
(22) IRM, Added new IRM subsection will address TC 971 AC 528. The IRM has been re-numbered to accommodate new subsection.
(23) IRM, Corrected the paragraphs needed for Letter 4674C.
(24) IRM, Clarified that IP PINs are used to protect both SSNs and ITINs. Removed (6) regarding removal from IP PIN population.
(25) IRM, Added new paragraph 2 which explains that individuals who are not victims of identity theft and voluntarily opted in to the IP PIN program now have the ability to opt out. IPU 24U0844 issued 07-16-2024
(26) IRM Changed "Get an IP PIN application" references to "Individual Online Account." IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024.
(27) IRM, Corrected the IRM reference from IRM, to IRM in the third box of the table. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(28) IRM, Added information which explains that individuals who are not victims of identity theft and voluntarily opted in to the IP PIN program now have the ability to opt out. IPU 24U0844 issued 07-16-2024
(29) IRM Updated IRM title to, "Opting in to the IP PIN Program through the Individual Online Account." Removed outdated information in paragraph 1 and changed "Get an IP PIN application" references to "Individual Online Account. IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024."
(30) IRM IRM was re-worded for clarity and to include references to the Individual Online Account. IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024.
(31) IRM, Added an Exception to show that a TC 971 AC 528 will bypass the non-filer suppression criteria.
(32) IRM Changed "Get an IP PIN application" reference to "Individual Online Account." Reworded third bullet in paragraph 3 for clarity. IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024.
(33) IRM Changed "Get an IP PIN application" reference to "Individual Online Account." Added instructions to advise taxpayers of the self-help methods to retrieve IP PINs if disclosure is not passed. Changed "dependents" to "minor dependents" where applicable. Added new paragraph 9 to remind taxpayers to file Form 8822 if they change their address before the upcoming filing season. IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024.
(34) Exhibit 25.23.2-2(5), Corrected the definition of "OTHER" to ensure consistency with related IRMs.
(35) Exhibit 25.23.2-2(13), Removed "REFCCA" and "ICMCCA" from the ITVAC table until a programing error is resolved. IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024.
(36) IRM 25.23.2, Revised throughout to update organizational title "Wage and Investment" to "Taxpayer Services" . Also updated "IVO" to "RIVO" .
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 25.23.2 dated October 1, 2023, is superseded and includes the following IRM Procedural Updates: IPU 23U0987 issued 10-02-2023, IPU 24U0199 issued 02-02-2024, IPU 24U0770 issued 06-17-2024 and IPU 24U0844 issued 07-16-2024Audience
The provisions in this manual apply to all divisions, functional units, employees and contractors within the IRS working identity theft cases.Effective Date
(10-01-2024)Lucinda Comegys
Director, Accounts Management
Taxpayer Services Division
Purpose: This manual defines the mission, objectives, and governance structure of the Identity Protection and Victim Assistance Program. It provides the organizational framework for carrying out specific policies and procedures aimed at preventing identity theft, protecting taxpayers and helping victims of identity theft.
Audience: The primary users of the IRM are anyone working identity theft inventory and helping victims of identity theft.
Policy Owner: The Director of Accounts Management.
Program Owner Accounts Management - Identity Protection Strategy and Oversight (IPSO).
Primary Stakeholders Taxpayers who are victims of identity theft and the employees working to assist them.
Program Goals:
The development of short-term and long-term remedies to protect taxpayer information and make the experience of those who are already victims faster and more efficient.
The development of servicewide policy, procedures, and guidelines for the priority of recognizing, marking and acknowledging individual taxpayer claims involving identity theft.
Support of IPSO activities within the scope of programs associated with identity protection.
For a list of acronyms, see Exhibit 25.23.2-1 , Acronyms and Definitions.
For terms and definitions see IRM , Key Definitions, and Exhibit 25.23.1-1 , Glossary of Identity Protection Terms and Definitions.
For program background, see IRM , Background of the Identity Protection Program.
Throughout IRM 25.23.2, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - General Case Processing, there are links/references to other IRMs for handling program specific issues.
Employees are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and utilizing all linked/referenced IRMs, as appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to sections, within the following:
IRM 2, Information Technology
IRM 3, Submission Processing
IRM 4, Examining Process
IRM 5, Collecting Process
IRM 10.5 , Privacy and Information Protection
IRM 11.3, Disclosure of Official Information
IRM 13, Taxpayer Advocate Service
IRM 20, Penalty and Interest
IRM 21, Customer Account Services
IRM 25, Special Topics
IRM 25.23.1, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance - Policy Guidance
IRM 25.23.3, IMF Non-Tax-Related IDT and Specialized Programs
IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process
IRM 25.23.9, Business Master File (BMF) Identity Theft
IRM 25.23.10, Compliance Identity Theft Case Processing
IRM 25.23.11, Business Master File (BMF) Identity Theft Procedures for Accounts Management
IRM 25.23.12, IMF Identity Theft Toll-Free Guidance
IRM 25.23.13, Income Related Identity Theft
IRM 25.24.1, Return Preparer Misconduct Victim Assistance - General Overview
IRM 25.24.2, Return Preparer Misconduct Victim Assistance Specialized Accounts Management Processing
The following subsections give a brief overview for communication with and casework for victims of identity theft.
All taxpayers deserve and expect courteous service. Taxpayers who have experienced identity theft are already victims, either emotionally or financially. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees need to be aware of the impact of being an identity theft victim and handle the contact with an additional level of sensitivity and understanding. You must also guard against unauthorized disclosures and verify you are talking to the taxpayer or their authorized representative.
As stated in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, taxpayers have the right to quality service, which means that they have the right to receive prompt, courteous and professional assistance in their dealings with the IRS, to be spoken to in a way they can easily understand, to receive clear and easily understandable communications from the IRS, and to speak to a supervisor about inadequate service.
Victims may suffer more than the loss of funds and ruination of their credit rating. Among other costs, victims may be subjected to potential loss of opportunities, such as those associated with employment and housing.
Educate the victims about the Federal Trade Commission’s website at https://www.identitytheft.gov. The FTC site provides information how to file a claim electronically or by mail. The FTC states that it IS a law enforcement agency and reporting through them removes the need to file a police report to verify the claim. This is the "one-stop-resource for victims of identity theft" . For more information see IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance. In addition to informing the victim of the FTC information, advise them to:
File Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, with the IRS if the identity theft affects tax administration.
If the taxpayer requested protection of their tax account and no tax-related identity theft has occurred, advise the taxpayer the best way to protect their TIN (SSN/ITIN) is by participating in the IP PIN program. Provide the caller with information on opting-in or applying to participate in the IP PIN Program. See IRM, Non-Tax Related Identity Theft - Self Identified, for additional information.
If the taxpayer previously submitted a Form 14039 to the IRS for a tax-related issue, there’s no need to submit another Form 14039 unless it is submitted as the result of a separate and different incident that will change the treatment of the case (i.e., non-tax to tax related).
Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, can be mailed, faxed or sent electronically. The IRS is currently providing an on-line Form 14039 at https://apps.irs.gov/app/digital-mailroom/dmaf/f14039/ on https://www.irs.gov/. This is in addition to the fillable FTC Form 14039 available at https://www.identitytheft.gov/. Unsigned forms are acceptable.
Review Publication 5027, Identity Theft Information for Taxpayers.
Review the IRS website at Identity Theft Central.
Check with their state tax agency to see if there are additional steps they could take at the state level.
Taxpayers meeting Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Criteria 1-4 (economic burden) will be referred to TAS, see IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines.
All cases involving identity theft will receive priority treatment. This includes functions not located within the IDTVA framework. Refer to IRM, Taxpayer Services - Accounts Management - Identity Protection Strategy and Oversight (IPSO), for additional information.
The following forms will be treated as priority:
Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit
Form 14039(SP), Identity Theft Affidavit (Spanish)
Form 14027-B, Identity Theft Case Referral
Form 4506-F, Request for Fraudulent Return
Form 15227(EN-SP), Application for an IP PIN
To provide taxpayers who are victims of identity theft with a realistic expectation of the timeframe for resolution of their cases, advise them that generally cases are resolved within 120 days; however, due to extenuating circumstances caused by the pandemic, our identity theft inventories have increased dramatically and on average it is taking us 640 days to resolve identity theft cases. The IRS takes identity theft seriously and is committed to resolving identity theft cases as quickly as possible and are taking steps to reduce this backlog.
The timeframe will generally be calculated from the received date of the taxpayer’s identity theft claim. Thorough IDRS/AMS research is required to identify the received date of the taxpayer’s valid claim (TPRQ/SPC1, IDT1/IDS1, TPPI, etc.) to begin calculating the timeframe for your case.
For CP36I cases, the timeframe begins with the issuance of the CP01S (located on TXMOD TC 971 AC 804 MISC "CP001S-SPC8" ).
IF THEN Claim is not available for review or is missing a date stamp Begin the calculation from the earliest issuance date of the: -
Letter 5073C
Notice CP 01S or Notice CP 701S
CP 36I cases The timeframe begins with the issuance of the CP01S IRS identified ID theft The timeframe begins on the date the case was recognized as identity theft (case controlled or converted to an identity theft category code) Reminder:
A TC 971 AC 522 with one of the following Tax Administration Source Codes may be present when the taxpayer initiates a claim alleging identity theft for a specific tax year. See IRM , Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines.
Use the following table to calculate the identity theft timeframe:
Be empathetic to the taxpayer's issue. Assure the taxpayer that the IRS is firmly committed to working with them to resolve their identity theft issues. Cases such as theirs require complete and thorough research to provide them with a status update and to make correct determination for case resolution.
Apologize to the taxpayer for the length of time required to resolve their issue. Explain that identity theft is complex in nature and constantly changing. Suggested language is:
We apologize for the length of time it is taking to resolve your case. Identity theft is a challenging and ever-changing issue. Most cases are resolved in 120 days or less, but due to extenuating circumstances caused by the pandemic our identity theft inventories have increased dramatically and on average it is taking us 650 days to resolve identity theft cases. The IRS takes identity theft seriously and is committed to resolving identity theft cases as quickly as possible and are taking steps to reduce this timeframe.
If the taxpayer Then state Is claiming to be experiencing an economic burden/hardship (TAS Criteria 1-4). You will be referring them to the Taxpayer Advocate Service for immediate attention. See IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines. Is waiting to hear about an identity theft related tax issue previously submitted. Please allow us more time to properly address your concerns. Due to extenuating circumstances caused by the pandemic our identity theft inventories have increased dramatically and on average it is taking us 650 days to resolve identity theft cases. The IRS takes identity theft seriously and is committed to resolving identity theft cases as quickly as possible and are taking steps to reduce this timeframe. Called before and a shorter timeframe was communicated to them. Please allow us more time to properly address your concerns. Due to extenuating circumstances caused by the pandemic our identity theft inventories have increased dramatically and on average it is taking us 650 days to resolve identity theft cases. The IRS takes identity theft seriously and is committed to resolving identity theft cases as quickly as possible and are taking steps to reduce this timeframe. Inquires about the upcoming filing season. They must continue to file their tax return while their identify theft claim is under review. They may be able to e-file or may have to file a paper tax return as an alternative. Advise there may be delays in the processing timeframe. Is not aware of the identity theft guidance available. General identity theft guidance in IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance.
Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, is used to report both tax-related and non-tax-related identity theft issues. The affidavit is also available in Spanish; Form 14039 SP. Form 14039 retention will follow case retention procedures of the function working the case.
Advise taxpayers to submit a claim using Form 14039 when they allege they are victims of tax-related identity theft. If the taxpayer files/will file as MFJ, explain that the Form 14039 be filed for the individual who is impacted by identity theft regardless of whether that individual is the primary or secondary taxpayer on a joint return; if both the primary and secondary taxpayers are impacted, a Form 14039 should be filed for each TIN.
The taxpayer is welcome to file a Form 14039 for non-tax related issues. If a taxpayer requests that their SSN be marked, red flagged/protected, etc., then provide guidance for submitting the form online either through https://apps.irs.gov/app/digital-mailroom/dmaf/f14039/ on www.irs.gov, the FTC website or by paper. For additional information, see IRM, Taxpayer Interaction.
Identity theft claims and/or additional information can be accepted from the taxpayer, third party (e.g., taxpayer reports for their spouse), or someone who has power of attorney for the taxpayer (e.g., Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative).
Taxpayer claims may cover more than one tax year. The taxpayer does not need to submit a separate claim for each year affected by identity theft.
Form 14039 can be submitted by either mail or fax following the instructions provided on the second page of the Form 14039. For example:
If the taxpayer alleges tax-related identity theft AND Then advise the taxpayer to complete Form 14039 AND The taxpayer was unable to file his/her return electronically because the primary and/or secondary SSN was misused Mail Form 14039 to: Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Fresno, CA 93888-0025 The taxpayer already filed a paper return Submit to the IRS location where he/she normally files. The taxpayer is responding to a letter or notice he/she received Submit with a copy of the notice or letter to the address contained in the notice or letter. -
The individual receiving an identity theft claim as defined in Exhibit 25.23.1-1, Glossary of Identity Protection Terms and Definitions, will acknowledge receipt within 30 days of the IRS received date.
IDTVA will acknowledge IDT Claims received in Compliance within 30 days of receipt from Compliance.
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No acknowledgement letter is necessary if you will resolve the case within 30 days. The closing letter will serve as an acknowledgement in that case. If TC 971 AC 501 is used to generate closing letter, leave a case note to document that action.
Exercise caution when acknowledging receipt of the claim by mail. The address on Form 14039 may be different from the address on ENMOD.
After receipt of the taxpayer's claim/allegation, IRS will need to research the case to verify the taxpayer's claim is valid. Input TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK for each year affected, if none exists on the account, unless you are closing the case with an AC 501, AC 504 or AC 506 on the same day.
TC 971 AC 522 will generate systemically when paper returns are processed with SPC 8 or S or when tax-related identity theft loose forms are scanned to CII.
If you have determined there was no identity theft (NOIDT), you must enter a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK so it can be reversed with a TC 972 AC 522 NOIDT. The TC 972 AC 522 must be post-delayed one week to allow the TC 971 to post. No TC 972 AC 522 is necessary if you enter an AC 504.
Dependent identity theft can impact any individual.
Form 14039 or similar statement should be filed to report dependent identity theft. The dependent may self-report.
Dependents can be any age, not just minors. We may receive a 14039 from a victim, their parent or guardian.
The misuse of a dependent SSN, unrelated to tax administration, such as obtaining a credit card or driver’s license in the dependent’s name is considered non-tax related identity theft. See IRM, Identity Theft and the IRSfor the definition of non-tax related identity theft and IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft - IDT4 Overview for processing Form 14039 for non-tax related identity theft.
The use of a dependent SSN on a tax return that lists them as a dependent is considered tax related identity theft if the person claiming the SSN does so without the dependent’s knowledge or permission, unless the primary and/or secondary taxpayer on the return claiming them as a dependent is their parent or legal guardian. Individuals claimed as a dependent on a return filed by their parent or legal guardian are not victims of identity theft.
For claims of tax related identity theft, if the person claiming the dependent SSN on a return is the parent or legal guardian, a determination of “No IDT” will be made. The parent/legal guardian can file a paper return claiming the dependent if they meet the requirements to claim the dependent. They can also file a Form 15227, Application for an IP PIN, to protect the dependents TIN from identity theft.
A TC 971 AC 501 will be required to mark the account for a taxpayer identified claim to generate a CP01A. This is necessary because victims of dependent identity theft may not be able to opt-in for an IP PIN with secure access digital identity (SADI). A TC 971 AC 506 with MISC code field of: WI ITVAA OTHER or WI ITVAC OTHER, will be required for an IRS identified dependent identity theft. Send the appropriate closing letter.
If the dependent who is determined to be a victim of identity theft is claimed on a fraudulent return that meets nullity return criteria, you will be required to resolve the fraudulent return account, if it has not already been resolved, in addition to processing the Form 14039. See IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing. For dependent identity theft purposes, a return is considered valid if the income reported on the tax return is valid regardless of any dependent identity theft and any subsequent dependent related credits. .
Taxpayers may initially come to IRS regarding a current year refund. Some taxpayers may not be aware that other tax modules have also been affected by identity theft.
Upon receipt/assignment of an identity theft case, an initial cursory review must be performed to identify all taxpayers and all taxpayer issues. Identifying issues at the beginning of the case provides a higher level of customer service and reduces the potential for problems to go unresolved.
Give special attention to cases that, by their nature, indicate a high potential for multiple year involvement. Although the following examples are not all inclusive, taxpayers who do not have a filing requirement are more susceptible to being targeted. This includes elderly, disabled and/or under-aged.
A taxpayer's only income is Supplemental Security Income (SSI) paid by the Social Security Administration. A proposed reduction in SSI benefits due to an IRS levy has prompted the taxpayer to contact IRS and file a Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, indicating his SSI was levied for a 2010 tax liability. Furthermore, the taxpayer states that they are permanently disabled and have not worked since 2007. Account review indicates returns filed for 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.
A duplicate filing condition involves one return showing low wages, a filing status of single, and no dependents claimed. The other return shows a filing status of married filing joint (MFJ) with dependents claimed. Our records show that the taxpayer is 17 years old. While it is possible for a 17 year-old to file a MFJ return claiming dependents, the very nature of this case should cause the employee working the case to look at prior year accounts. In our example, the returns from prior years show the MFJ couple has been filing for a number of years under the SSN. Refer to your relevant operational IRM(s) for the appropriate action to be taken on the prior year’s accounts.
IRS is committed to providing taxpayers who have experienced identity theft with an additional level of sensitivity and understanding. From the taxpayer’s perspective, his/her account encompasses all his/her tax returns.
Employees assigned an identity theft case will treat the identity theft victim’s account as a whole, resolving all account issues.
Identity theft cases can be complex and involve multiple functions. Not all employees have the system access or delegated authority to take certain actions needed to completely resolve the taxpayer's issues.
In situations where you have multiple controls with another function, you must contact that functional employee or liaison. If there are multiple controls within IDTVA groups, refer to IRM, Case Transfer Within IDTVA, and Exhibit 25.23.4-7, Identity Theft (IDT) Multiple Control Decision Document, for additional information.
When identity theft issues involve multiple tax years or multiple taxpayers that may or may not be assigned or active (for example, “active” referring to a tax year with a balance due), every effort must still be made to ensure all issues are addressed and resolved. An IDRS control base must be opened for all tax years impacted by identity theft. IDTVA functions, see IRM, CII and IDRS Case Controls, for more information.
To ensure taxpayers issues are not overlooked, the IDTVA has a multi-tier approach to determine where, and by whom, a case must be worked:
Internal IDTVA Transfer: There may be situations when a case is transferred to another function within IDTVA for complete end to end resolution. Refer to IRM, Case Transfer within IDTVA.
External Transfer: There may be situations when a case will be transferred to another function outside IDTVA for complete end to end resolution. For example: RICS, Field Operations, etc. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.4-5, IDTVA Routing Matrix.
All confirmed identity theft cases MUST be controlled. The case controls will remain in effect until all issues are resolved and the taxpayer is notified of actions taken. IDTVA employees will use the information provided in Exhibit 25.23.2-16, IDTVA IDRS Category Controls by Function, to control identity theft cases.
Throughout this IRM, and its chapters, there will be required case and history notes for Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS), Correspondence Imaging Inventory (CII), and/or Accounts Management Services (AMS) as it relates to the status of an identity theft case.
All actions taken on taxpayer accounts will be documented on CII, AMS and IDRS (CII actions systemically post a note on AMS). In addition, there may be functional specific systems that will require documentation of case actions and determinations.
Case documentation will contain sufficient information to allow other employees to easily determine what actions were taken and what further actions are required to resolve the case. Accurate documentation promotes quality, prevents duplication of efforts by other employees, and enables phone assistors to provide accurate updates to phone inquiries.
Case documentation must include sufficient information to support the determination and describe actions taken to resolve the case. When applicable, include the following information:
CII case notes can contain up to 500 characters. If more space is needed, create additional case notes.
Case determination and information used to justify the determination. When documenting IRPTR, research may be necessary to provide specific payer document information.
Document any forms sent to another area (e.g., Form 9409, Form 14394, Form 2859, etc.).
Document any case referrals to another function (e.g., cases referred to Exam, DITA, Appeals, etc.).
Document the reason for not sending a closing letter.
If the AMS or CII system is down, then narratives and/or case notes will not be required when the case is worked. The narratives and/or case notes will be input when the system is available. Do not close the case until all actions have been completed.
Research must be performed and documented prior to reaching a final determination of identity theft. Research using Command Codes (CC) ENMOD, IMFOL, RTVUE, NAMES, INOLE, DUPOL, FFINQ, REINF, and IRPTR.
Consult your functional section of IRM 25.23, Special Topics, Identity Protection and Victim Assistance, for research requirements when resolving specific inventory types as the following list is not all inclusive.
Inadequate authentication of the identity of a caller could result in an unauthorized disclosure of return or return information. Refer to:
IRM, Individuals
IRM, Identity Theft and Access to Tax Returns and Information Returns
IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication
IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication
IRM, Transcripts and Identity Theft -
Review all returns for the year(s) involved (including returns filed at other sites AND electronic filed returns).
Compare all claims and return information for:
Social Security Number
Signatures (except for e-filed returns when a signature is unavailable)
Similar tax data
Forms W-2, etc.
Marital status changes
Tax return preparer
Direct Deposit accounts
Search returns, schedules, and forms for a different TIN. Research spouse and dependent information whenever available.
Research the TIN (valid and invalid) to determine if there was a mixed entity or scrambled case in prior years, and to locate any possible cross-reference TIN.
A mixed entity is an inadvertent use of another taxpayer’s TIN. This often occurs between family members. Research of Forms W-2 or previous returns can usually locate a different valid TIN for each taxpayer.
A true scrambled SSN case occurs when the Social Security Administration mistakenly assigns the same SSN to two different people. NUMIDENT will show different entries for name, date of birth, place of birth, and/or parents’ names for the SSN owner.
Search entity modules for indications of identity theft such as identity theft claims attached to the return or a previously posted TC 971 with Action Code (AC) 5XX.
Utilize IAT Tools- refer to functional IRMs for mandatory IAT tools and to Exhibit 21.2.2-2, Accounts Management Mandated IAT Tools, for additional information.
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which was signed into law on March 27, 2020, added new section IRC 6428 to the code. Section 6428 directed the IRS to issue advance payments of the recovery rebate credit, also referred to as Economic Impact Payment (EIPs or EIP 1) to eligible individuals. A second Economic Impact Payment (EIP 2) was authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and a third Economic Impact Payment (EIP 3) was authorized by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
For more information on eligibility and other requirements for the EIP, see IRM, Economic Impact Payments (EIP), and IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) and Recovery Rebate Credit (RRC) - General.
If you receive a call requesting account information regarding the EIP, perform high-risk disclosure and research the account. For more information, see IRM, Economic Impact Payments - Account Information, IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) Account Research and IRM, Economic Impact Payment (EIP) – Additional Research for Identity Theft (IDT) Cases.
Whether a case begins because IRS has identified a tax-related identity theft or because a taxpayer has identified himself or herself as an identity theft victim, additional information may be required. If we can’t resolve the account using internal information and/or information already provided by the taxpayer, request additional information. Taxpayer information to substantiate identity theft may include:
Authentication of Identity - a copy of a current, valid form of identification (examples include a driver’s license, state identification card, social security card, or passport).
Evidence of Identity Theft - Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit.
Payor documents, such as Forms W-2 or 1099,
and utility bills, deeds or other proof of residency.
Advise the taxpayer to enlarge photocopies, if necessary, so all information and pictures are clearly visible. If taxpayers do not provide additional information when requested, proceed with case resolution assuming the taxpayer is not an identity theft victim.
The business unit/function that is assigned the identity theft case or issued the notice/letter relating to the identity theft must follow their functional procedures for soliciting additional information.
Before requesting additional information, review the taxpayer's account (ENMOD/IMFOLE) to determine if a TC 971 (AC 501, 504, 505, 506, or 522) identity theft indicator exists and the related tax years. Previously submitted taxpayer information or case information may allow you to make an internal determination without further taxpayer contact. For example:
TC 971 AC 501 - Taxpayer initiated tax-related identity theft incident
TC 971 AC 504 - Miscellaneous codes indicating taxpayer initiated non-tax-related identity theft incident: ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, NKI or NKI-M
TC 971 AC 505 -PGLD inputs TC 971 AC 505 on an account even when an identity theft indicator code (AC 501, 504, or 506) is present on the account.
TC 971 AC 506 - IRS identified tax-related identity theft incident
TC 971 AC 522 - with any of the following Administration Source Codes present: INCOME, MULTFL, INCMUL, NOFR, OTHER, NODCRQ, IRSID or UNWORK
Review AMS history to assist in determining if the scanned documents were initially presented in person. For taxpayers who present their documents in the TAC, determine if the Form 14039 or police report is annotated in the upper right corner with an “S”. See paragraph 2 of IRM, Tax Return Related Identity Theft Issues. If the “S” is present, then the TAC employee reviewed and verified the documents presented and that they were valid. If the “S” is not present, then the TAC employee was unable to verify the taxpayer is the correct taxpayer.
If sufficient internal information is present, do NOT request the taxpayer submit or resubmit a claim. However, if sufficient information is not available and/or more than 45 days has passed since the taxpayer mailed their information, request the taxpayer to resubmit their claim/information and annotate AMS.
Additional information can be accepted from the taxpayer, third party or someone who has power of attorney for the taxpayer (e.g., Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative).
When a return posts to an account as a TC 150, the address is updated systemically to the address on that return. Consequently, when a return filed by a non-TIN owner posts to an account as a TC 150, the address on ENMOD is updated to the address on that return. Therefore, it is important to make timely entity corrections to prevent the issuance of correspondence or refunds to the wrong address. Check IDRS for pending address changes.
Taxpayers may request a change of address using a Form 8822, IMF Change of Address Request, by correspondence, or by phone through oral statement. Refer to IRM, Form 8822, IMF Change of Address Request, and IRM, Oral Statement Authority, for additional information.
After confirming the person you are working with is the SSN owner, per IRM, Identity Theft Research, you will need to verify that the address posted on ENMOD/IMFOLE/BMFOLE is the correct address. Correct the address when appropriate. Refer to IRM, Address Change/Correction. Correcting the address as early as possible may prevent disclosure of taxpayer information.
Updating the address on controlled identity theft cases does not apply to telephone assistors or Field Assistance employees. Addresses are updated by the assigned employees only after research is completed, an SSN owner determination made and the case resolved. Refer to IRM, Telephone Inquiries Regarding Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA)Tax-Related Cases, and IRM, Oral Statement Authority, for additional information.
Oral Statement Authority does not apply if the current address is a Service Center Address. Advise callers to submit requests for address changes using Form 8822 or by correspondence (as long as the request contains the same information as the Form 8822). See (6) and (7) below for guidance.
Use a posting delay code as needed when updating the address and inputting account adjustments at the same time. The address change must post first, unless it would prematurely release an S- freeze and cause an erroneous refund
The submission of Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, by a claimant is not proof of identity theft and address changes should not be based solely on receipt of this form. Form 14039, Identity Theft Affidavit, must be used in conjunction with other key information to make decisions related to verifying taxpayer information. Refer to IRM , Identity Theft Research, for additional information.
Change the address on MF to the new address (line 7) of Form 8822, Change of Address, if the taxpayer provides proof of identity document or other key information.
The taxpayer can request a change of address in writing as long as the request contains the same information as the Form 8822, Change of Address:
The new address
The taxpayer’s full name
The taxpayer’s signature, or the signature of an authorized representative
The old address
Social security number, employer identification number, or individual taxpayer identification number
If the current address shown on CC ENMOD/IMFOLE is a Service Center/Campus Address, research for a prior address (prior tax return data, IRP documentation, CII documentation or history) to verify the prior address from the taxpayer's Form 8822, correspondence, etc.
If prior address research shows an address that matches, change the taxpayer’s address.
If prior address research shows an address (other than on a fraudulent return) that does not match the prior address on taxpayer’s Form 8822 or correspondence, contact the taxpayer using 104C letter or other appropriate letter for a correct address.
If there is no prior tax return data for the taxpayer and/or no IRP documentation, or if IRP document shows an "in care of " name and different address, and CII does not show any document or history to verify the prior address, and taxpayer sent a signed, government issued ID, check for a current address on the ID document.
If the taxpayer’s signed, government issued ID has an address that matches the current address entered on the taxpayer’s Form 8822 or in the taxpayer's correspondence, change the taxpayer's address.
If the signed, government issued ID does not have an address or has a different address than given on the Form 8822 or in the correspondence, contact the taxpayer for a correct prior/current address either by telephone or using the Letter 104C or other appropriate letter
Attempt telephone contact with the taxpayer or representative whenever possible. During telephone contact, verify the taxpayer’s phone number on IDRS for all account related calls in which disclosure verification has occurred. Add or update phone numbers on IDRS and specify the type of number, (i.e., home, cell, etc). If contact information is provided on correspondence and it is determined to be from the valid TIN owner, add or update the phone number(s) on IDRS. Do not close the case until all actions have been completed.
Upon receipt of a claim, mark the taxpayer's account using Command Code (CC) REQ77 initiated from ENMOD to input a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK.
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. If the year in question is earlier than the oldest allowable year, See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
If the allegation or suspicion of IDT is for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP), check the TC 971 AC 199 on IMFOLE to see the source of the EIP. If the source is a 2018 return, input 2018 as the tax year affected by IDT. If the source is something other than a 2018 return, input 2019 as the tax year affected.
After receipt of the taxpayer's claim, the employee assigned will need to research the case to verify the taxpayer's claim and determine the appropriate action(s) needed. If it is later determined that identity theft did not occur, reverse the TC 971 AC 522 (refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-11, TC 972 AC 522 - Reversal of the TC 971 AC 522). Follow your IRM procedures to notify the taxpayer of your determination.
A systemic notification letter is sent once a valid case is resolved and the TC 971 AC 501 is input.
CC REQ77 with Transaction Codes 971 or 972 is used to input, update and reverse the identity theft Action Codes that mark and close identity theft cases.
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. If the year in question is earlier than the oldest allowable year, input the TC 971 or TC 972 and the appropriate AC 5XX on the oldest allowable year and leave an AMS and ENMOD history indicating which year was affected by identity theft.
On ENMOD, each tax year must have a history item. See the table below for specific scenarios.
Transaction Code and Action Code AMS History CC ENMOD History TC 971 AC 501 "Closed XXXX tax year with AC 501" (add any necessary details) AC501XXXX TC 971 AC 504 "Closed XXXX tax year with AC 504" (add any necessary details) AC504XXXX TC 971 AC 506 "Closed XXXX tax year with AC 506" (add any necessary details) AC506XXXX TC 971 AC 522 For UNWORK: "Received valid claim for XXXX tax year" (add any necessary details) For IRSID:"Discovered IDT on XXXX tax year." Notate how it was discovered. For PNDCLM: "TP alleges IDT for XXXX" AC522XXXX TC 972 AC 501 "No IDT on TY XXXX" NOIDTXXXX TC 972 AC 504 "No IDT on TY XXXX" NOIDTXXXX TC 972 AC 506 "No IDT on TY XXXX" NOIDTXXXX TC 972 AC 522 "No IDT on TY XXXX" NOIDTXXXX
The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), led by the National Taxpayer Advocate. Its job is to protect taxpayers’ rights by striving to ensure that every taxpayer is treated fairly and knows and understands their rights under the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR). TAS offers free help to taxpayers, including when taxpayers face financial difficulties due to an IRS problem, when they are unable to resolve tax problems, they haven’t been able to resolve on their own, or when they need assistance to address an IRS system, process, or procedure that is not functioning as it should. TAS has at least one taxpayer advocate office located in every state, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Refer taxpayers to TAS when the contact meets TAS criteria and you can’t resolve the taxpayer’s issue the same day Refer to IRM, TAS Case Criteria. The definition of "same day" is within 24 hours. "Same day" cases include cases you can completely resolve in 24 hours, as well as cases in which you have taken steps within 24 hours to begin resolving the taxpayer's issue. See IRM, Same Day Resolution by Operations. In cases where the taxpayer states he has a hardship, use sufficient probing to determine that a manual refund is required before referring to TAS. For additional information refer to IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines.
Taxpayers may request assistance during or after enforcement action. The request must meet criteria as listed in IRM, TAS Case Criteria. The identifying function will prepare Form 911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (And Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order).
Compromised on-line accounts are disabled, preventing SSN owners from accessing the account. EPSS employees will flag the account with a TC 971 AC 522 EPSS DISABL.
Taxpayers are instructed by EPSS to file Form 14039 to secure an IP PIN to protect their compromised SSNs.
If the Form 14039 is received, due to a disabled account, input a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK, if none already exists.
Input TC 971 AC 506 WI AM OTHER to move the taxpayer into the CP01A population.
If not tax-related issue: Issue a 4402C letter with paragraph A, F, I and L (insert the language below in paragraph F): "To further protect you, we will issue you an IP PIN by mail starting in Mid-December and it should be received by Mid-January. You will need an Identity Protection PIN to file your tax returns in the future." .Caution:
If the TC 971 AC 506 is not input prior to cycle 47 of the processing year (meaning an IP PIN/CP01A will not generate for the upcoming filing season) do not include paragraph F because no IP PIN will be issued for the upcoming year.
If tax-related issue: Notify the taxpayer (victim), via Letter 4674C, to inform the taxpayer the actions you took. . This victim notification letter will include: 1. Information about identity theft prevention. 2. Information about identity theft related resources. 3. Information about the identity theft indicator placed on his or her account. 4. Provide information about the IP PIN.
Identity Theft Action Codes (AC) are used to Identify types of identity theft cases. In the following subsections we will define the Tax-Related ACs. For other Miscellaneous identity theft ACs, see IRM, Miscellaneous Identity Theft Indicators.
IPSO developed identity theft indicators as a method to track identity theft cases from the time a taxpayer or the IRS initially suspects identity theft through case closure. Identity Theft Action Codes (AC) are used with TC 971 to mark the entity modules of accounts on which identity theft is a factor. Identity theft can be tax-related or non-tax-related. Identity theft cases can be found in virtually any BOD/Function inventory. The identity theft indicators are as follows:
Action Code Description Used by IRM Guidance located in: IP PIN/Delivery Method 501 Identity Theft Case Closure (tax-related) - Taxpayer Initiated. All functions IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501. Yes/CP01A 504
Identity Theft Case Closure (Non-tax-related) - Taxpayer Initiated. - TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, NKI or NKI-M are reserved for use by IDTVA-I employees.
Tax-related identity Theft - TC 971 AC 504 - Miscellaneous Field Code SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4, and EAFAILNon-tax-related identity theft - IDTVA-I ONLY for additional information.
Tax-related identity Theft - as designated.Non-tax-related identity theft:IRM, TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, NKI or NKI-M
Tax-related identity Theft: IRM, TC 971 AC 504 - Miscellaneous Field Code SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4, and EAFAIL
TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes other than SPCL1, and EAFAIL are eligible to Opt-in to the IP PIN program.
505 IRS loss of PII -IRS identified, taxpayer not required to provide required ID theft claim PGLD Only IRM, IRS Data Breaches - TC 971 AC 505 Opt-in. 506 IRS determined identity theft - Taxpayer is not required to provide ID theft claim, unless requested. All Functions IRM, Closing IRS Determined Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 506. Automatically entered in the IP PIN program. 522 Provides the status of an identity theft issue: -
Taxpayer initial allegation
IRS initial suspicion
Receipt of valid taxpayer claim and (if requested) additional information.
All functions IRM, IMF Identity Theft- Taxpayer Initiated Allegations of Identity Theft - TC 971 AC 522,IRM, IRS Initiated Suspicion of Identity Theft - TC 971 AC 522 IRSID and IRM, Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines. No ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ Reserved No 524 Locking Decedent Accounts IPSO and Return Integrity and Compliance Services (RICS) TPP. IRM, Locking Decedent Accounts - TC 971 AC 524. No 525 Employment-related Identity Theft Systemic Input ONLY IRM, Employment-related Identity Theft – TC 971 AC 525. Opt-in -
The Service utilizes a variety of methods to ensure all identity theft related inventory is tracked within specific inventories.
The indicators used on identity theft cases provide the Service with data reflecting the case status (the list below is not all-inclusive). The specific indicators are discussed at length later in this IRM.
New taxpayer claims of identity theft
Newly identified suspicions of identity theft (no final determination of identity theft)
Resolved identity theft case
In situations where the taxpayer makes an allegation of identity theft or when the IRS initially suspects that identity theft may have occurred, IRS functions will apply an identity theft indicator. The identity theft tracking indicator alerts others that a claim of identity theft has been reported. Refer to IRM, Initial Allegation or Suspicion of Identity Theft - Identity Theft Indicators, for additional information regarding the appropriate tracking indicator.
In most instances, for taxpayer initiated claims of identity theft, the case MUST be moved into identity theft inventory once the taxpayer has submitted a claim of identity theft and (if requested) provided additional information. This provides victims with a treatment stream for case resolution specific to identity theft. For additional information regarding identity theft documentation, refer to IRM, Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines.
If after the account has been marked with an IMF Identity Theft Indicator, the employee determines identity theft did not occur, the IMF ID theft tracking indicator will be reversed by the employee assigned. This removes the case from identity theft inventory. See Exhibit 25.23.2-11, IMF Only TC 972 AC 522 - Reversal of TC 971 AC 522, for additional information. All other non-identity theft issues will be resolved using normal procedures.
Identity thieves sometimes use the PII of individuals to establish fictitious businesses. Many times, the fictitious business is used to support the filing of fraudulent IMF returns.
Employees will verify the IMF taxpayer’s association with the EIN and determine if potential BMF ID theft exists prior to marking the IMF account with a tracking marker.
Jane Smith calls an IMF related toll-free line to report she believes she is a victim of business-related identity theft and she is concerned her personal identity has been stolen. She received an IRS notice demanding payment for unpaid employment taxes on Jane's Flowers located in Florida (Jane is located in Maine). Jane has never owned a business and never resided in Florida. Jane provides the CSR with her SSN and the EIN on the notice.
Research to determine if there is a potential BMF ID theft issue MUST be completed prior to marking an account and referring or transferring the case/call to another area. Researching the account will allow the employee to determine if the case should be referred to the BMF ID theft inventory or moved/transferred into the regular BMF inventory following normal procedures.
Research CC BMFOLE (the business entity module) to determine if the taxpayer’s SSN is associated with the EIN. BMFOLE contains a XREF SSN FIELD that will provide the associated SSN. The format for CC BMFOLE is BMFOLEXX-XXXXXXX
Research BMFOLI to look at filing and payment history. Returns filed with no payments may indicate fraudulent filings.
Research CC IRPTRI to review all Forms W-2 filed under a given EIN. Reviewing the individual accounts associated with the W-2s may assist in determining if the case needs to be moved into the BMF ID theft inventory. IMF accounts with ID theft indicators or RIVO involvement may support the BMF ID theft claim. CC format is IRPTRIXX-XXXXXXX4YYYY21 (4=valid EIN, 21=Forms W-2)
Research the IMF account to see if the EIN has been used on any IMF filings (i.e., Schedules C or H). If it is determined the EIN has been used for purposes other than intended, this may support the BMF ID theft claim.
Once the research is completed and it is determined there is potential ID theft, research CC IMFOLE to determine if there is an existing TC 971 AC 504 SPCL2. If there is currently no ID TC 971 AC 504 SPCL2 marker, the SSN entity must be marked using CC REQ77 with a TC 971 AC 504 SPCL2 as indicated in IRM, Miscellaneous Identity Theft Indicators. Include the EIN, if available, in the XREF TIN field on CC REQ77.
This will record ID theft of the individual’s information for fraudulent BMF usage. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-4, IMF Only TC 971 AC 504, for additional information. -
If the inquiry is received by phone, obtain all of the facts of the case including the EIN, business name and any other important information. For example:
What notice the taxpayer received.
If there is a current or former relationship to the business.
What has been affected by the BMF ID theft (lien, levy, etc.).
Include information on the Form 14566 that could help the functional liaison route the case to the appropriate area, such as:
CAWR assessment- TC 290 assessment in blocking series 55- CC TXMOD
Exam assessment- TC 300 assessment- CC TXMOD
6020b assessment - TXMOD RCC "4" and literal "6020b" at the end of the TC 150 assessment-CC TXMOD
SFR assessment- SFR literal at the end to the TC 150 assessment - CC TXMOD
Field Exam- Cases have a Primary Business Code 201 through 215, 301 through 309, and 315- CC AMDISA
Field Collection- SC status 26
ACS- SC status 22
AM (BMF)- Any case that does not meet other account criteria
Document AMS/CII, if available, to reflect the referral sent, the suspicious EIN and how the taxpayer became aware of the problem.
If the taxpayer filed a Form 14039 or other written documentation to advise the IRS of ID theft relating to a business/BMF issue, a referral must be sent to the BMF functional liaison. Attach the Form 14039 and Form 14039B, if available, to the secured email when referring the case to the liaison. The BMF IDT employee will send the appropriate acknowledgment letter. IMF employees must follow the same procedures for phone inquiries above to research the account, prepare a referral to a BMF IDT liaison, input a TC 971 AC 504 SPCL2, and update AMS/CII. Allow 30 days for a response from BMF IDT.
An initial allegation or suspicion of identity theft can be recognized by either the taxpayer or the IRS. IPSO developed tracking indicators to mark taxpayer accounts when the identity theft incident is initially alleged or suspected.
Three Tax Administration Source codes were developed to track cases as they are initially identified:
TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM - for taxpayer initiated allegations of identity theft.
TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK - for submitted identity theft claims via Form 14039, police report or other accepted correspondence.
TC 971 AC 522 IRSID - for IRS initiated suspicions of identity theft.
Prior to marking an account with TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID, research ENMOD/IMFOLE to ensure the questionable tax year has not already been marked. If the coding already exists, do not input a second, matching code for the same tax year.
When the identity theft victim is the secondary TIN on a joint account, the identity theft indicator is input on the secondary SSN. Identity theft indicators are not input on the primary TIN in these instances. If both primary and secondary taxpayers are victims, place the appropriate indicator on both TINs.
If an identity theft allegation/Form 14039 is submitted by one spouse on behalf of the other, or the allegation indicates that both spouses are victims but only one Form 14039 was filed, the case will be treated as an instance of “taxpayer initiated claim of identity theft.” However, if the claim is filed under one TIN, with no mention of a spouse, and during research an employee determines the IDT victim is the spouse, the case will be treated as an instance of “IRS determined identity theft” for the IDT victim.
Taxpayer entity modules can accommodate a limited number of transactions. Due to the entity limitations, we must also limit the number of TC 971 AC 522s applied to the account.
The secondary date on command code REQ77 will reflect the tax year of the incident. Apply a TC 971 AC 522 only once per tax year affected by identity theft. If there is an existing TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID for the same tax year, do not apply a second, matching code to that tax year. If there is an existing TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID refer to the table below:
If the allegation or suspicion of IDT is for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP), check the TC 971 AC 199 on IMFOLE to see the source of the EIP and use the appropriate tax year. For an example if the source is a 2018 return, input 2018 as the tax year affected by IDT.
A PNDCLM code means the taxpayer alleged identity theft. The code UNWORK means a claim has been received.
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
Do not apply the AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID to the SSN of a taxpayer when an ITIN taxpayer reports the misuse of the SSN. See IRM, Closing Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Affecting Tax Administration - TC 971 AC 501.
All identity theft affected accounts will require resolution and the application of a closing identity theft marker (TC 971 AC 501 or TC 971 AC 506), as applicable.
In situations where the taxpayer or the taxpayer's authorized representative as defined in IRM, Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative and Form 8821, Taxpayer Information Authorization Overview, makes an allegation of identity theft, employees will mark the entity account, using Command Code (CC) REQ77 initiated from ENMOD to input a TC 971 AC 522 reflecting a Tax Administration Source Code PNDCLM, if none already exists. See Exhibit 25.23.2-10, IMF Only TC 971 AC 522 Tax-Related Identity Theft Case Status (Initial Claim/Suspicion), for additional information.
If the allegation or suspicion of IDT is for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP), check the TC 971 AC 199 on IMFOLE to see the source of the EIP. Use the tax year the EIP was based on as the tax year affected by IDT. See IRM 21.6.3-2, TC 971 AC 199 MISC Field Descriptions for Economic Impact Payments (EIPs).
If the taxpayer is alleging identity theft on more than one tax year, input AC 522 PNDCLM for each tax year, but only if a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM does not already exist for the specific year. Prior to marking an account with a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID, research ENMOD/IMFOLE to determine if the questionable tax year has been marked this will ensure you are not inputting duplicate transactions. There will be only one PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID per tax year.
Taxpayer calls the IRS on March 13, 2017, regarding a CP 2000 notice for 2015. He states he did not earn the income reported nor did he reside in the state in which the income was earned. He suspects he may be a victim of identity theft. He has not experienced a previous identity theft issue. He is concerned that someone may be using his SSN without his permission for employment purposes and just recently, he received a notice from SSA cutting his benefits due to income reported for 2016 in which the taxpayer had no income. The employee reviews the account and finds no prior identity theft indicators have been applied. The employee will input a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM initiating an identity theft case for both the 2015 and 2016 tax years.
If, at the time of case closure you find the Entity module has not been flagged with a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM/UNWORK, do not input this code at closing. Close the identity theft issue with TC 971 AC 50X, as appropriate. Applying TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM/UNWORK at case closure serves no purpose.
When a taxpayer asserts tax-related identity theft, request the taxpayer provide an identity theft claim. See IRM, Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines. When that claim is received, the employee will input a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK.
When a taxpayer files a return with an identity theft claim attached, Submission Processing (SP) Code and Edit employees will edit an SPC 8 on the paper return. The SPC 8 is transcribed and generates a TC 971 AC 522 WI SP UNWORK. Beginning in 2014, the SPC 8 will generate an acknowledgement letter advising the taxpayer that the Service received his/her claim. Refer to IRM, Identity Theft Claims - General Guidelines.
If an employee receives a call from a taxpayer, stating his e-file return was rejected because of a previously used Primary or Secondary TIN, the employee can attempt to stop the refund. Employees only have two or three days to stop a refund. The CSR must first do high risk disclosure and then follow IRM, Direct Deposit of Refunds. Input TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM if not already on the account. See IRM, Initial Allegation or Suspicion of Tax-Related Identity Theft - Identity Theft Indicators, for codes and additional information. For information on stopping the refund, see IRM, Refund Intercept Command Code NOREF with Definer "P" .
There will be only one TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM per tax year on the entity module.
Taxpayer calls IRS on May 15, 2017, claiming to be a victim of identity theft for a 2015 audit assessment. The employee requests the taxpayer respond to the examination with an identity theft claim and applies the TC 971 522 PNDCLM to the 2015 account. On September 12, 2017, the taxpayer calls IRS claiming to be a victim of identity theft for the same 2015 audit assessment. The CSR reviews the account and finds there is no open IDRS controls and there is an un-reversed 522 PNDCLM. The CSR will follow normal IRM procedures for resolving the call. The CSR will not input another 522 PNDCLM as one is already present on the entity.
Do not input more than one TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM per tax year on the module. If, however the taxpayer is reporting identity theft and the account reflects a reversed AC 522 PNDCLM, a new TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM will be appropriate.
A taxpayer alleging identity theft contacted IRS on February 2, 2017 regarding tax year 2015. The employee requested an Identity Theft claim from the taxpayer. On May 1, 2017, the employee input a TC 972 AC 522 NORPLY as the taxpayer did not provide the claim and\or any additional information requested. On June 3, 2017, the taxpayer provided the claim and\or requested information. The employee input a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK to reflect receipt of a claim.
Identity theft tracking indicators are used to mark both tax-related and non-tax-related incidents of identity theft. The indicators help IRS in identifying open and closed cases. Generally, indicators are input to taxpayer accounts using IDRS. However, under certain conditions, the service may consider marking many accounts with specific identity theft indicators at one time by posting the indicator directly to Masterfile.
Functions considering this path for marking accounts MUST first contact IPSO Technical Staff via e-mail for IPSO concurrence. The e-mail must contain the following:
A detailed explanation of why the indicator is being used to mass flag accounts.
The number of accounts being marked with an identity theft indicator.
The method by which taxpayers will be notified that an indicator was placed on their account and an example of that notification letter or notice.
A draft of the function’s IRM guidance, IPU, or SERP alert detailing the marking of the accounts and the date the guidance will be available.
An agreement with the unpostable functions that will resolve subsequent unpostable conditions resulting from the mass indicator inputs.
Direct the E-mail to the following mailbox: ipp@irs.gov. -
Any efforts to post identity theft indicators directly to Masterfile MUST use the formats established in Exhibit 25.23.2-2 through Exhibit 25.23.2-15. Not following the specifications for input will negatively affect the ability to reverse or take corrective actions. Failure to adhere to established formats will impede or prevent the business rules tied to the indicators from functioning as intended.
In situations where the IRS suspects identity theft may have occurred, employees will mark the entity account, using Command Code (CC) REQ77 initiated from ENMOD to input a TC 971 AC 522 reflecting a Tax Administration Source Code IRSID, and the tax year of the identity theft incident if no TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID already exists. See Exhibit 25.23.2-10, IMF Only TC 971 AC 522 Tax-Related Identity Theft, Case Status (Initial Claim/Suspicion ), for additional information.
If the allegation or suspicion of IDT is for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP), check the TC 971 AC 199 on IMFOLE to see the source of the EIP. If the source is a 2018 return, input 2018 as the tax year affected by IDT. If the source is something other than a 2018 return, input 2019 or 2020 as the tax year affected.
Apply the TC 971 AC 522 IRSID when you initially suspect ID theft may have occurred. Post filing Compliance programs should not enter TC 971 AC 522 IRSID until after the taxpayer has had an opportunity to respond to the IRS notice/letter, unless there is clear evidence that leads you to suspect identity theft.
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
Do not input more than one TC 971 AC 522 IRSID per tax year on the entity module.
Accounts Management, while working a duplicate filing condition for the 2015 tax year, suspects an identity theft incident may have occurred. The TC 976 return appears to have been filed by the SSN owner at the address of record for many years. The TC 150 reflects income not supported by IRPTR, suspicious dependents and a different address from prior year filings. The CSR will review ENMOD/IMFOLE for an unreversed TC 971 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID. If none are present, the CSR will input a TC 971 AC 522 IRSID initiating an identity theft case and follow their IRM procedures to resolve their case. If ID theft is suspected in an additional tax year, a TC 971 AC 522 IRSID will be applied for each tax year suspected of involving identity theft.
IPSO considers an account with a TC 971 AC 522 IRSID and no subsequent TC 971 AC 506 (indicating a completely resolved account) an open identity theft case. Subsequently, if the case is deemed NOT to be identity theft, the assigned employee will document the decision in a CII Case Note and reverse the TC 971 AC 522 IRSID with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
If, at the time of case closure you find the Entity module has not been flagged with a TC 971 AC 522 IRSID, do not input this code at closing. Close the identity theft issue with a TC 971 AC 506.
A statute of limitation is a time period established by law to review, analyze and resolve taxpayer and/or IRS tax related issues.
The Internal Revenue Code (IRC) requires that the IRS will assess, refund, credit, and collect taxes within specific time limits. These limits are known as the Statutes of Limitations. When they expire, the IRS can no longer assess additional tax, allow a claim for refund by the taxpayer, or take collection action. The determination of Statute expiration differs for Assessment, Refund, and Collection.
Follow IRM 25.6.1, Statute of Limitations Processes and Procedures, to ensure all statutes are protected.
A case is considered imminent when a tax increase is required and it is within 180 days of the valid TC 150, TC 976/TC 977 or unprocessed return.
When a tax increase for a TC 976/977 return is imminent but more than 90 days remain before the ASED expires, a normal adjustment may be input on IDRS.
The determination for a tax year 2019 module is Invalid/Valid with a lost refund. The invalid return meets nullity criteria, and the valid return was timely filed. The ASED for the valid return is April 15, 2023. If working the case on January 6, 2023, a quick assessment is not required. The account may be adjusted using TC 290 input with IDRS CC REQ54.
To prevent a barred statute assessment, a quick assessment is required when:
The ASED on the CN account will expire in 90 days or less or
The ASED on the IRSN account will expire in 180 days or less.
When a quick assessment is needed, complete the following:
Verify the statute dates for the return in question.
Edit the return with the correct tax.
Determine the amount of tax currently on the account.
Calculate the amount of the tax increase.
Complete the Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment.
When the invalid return requires an IRSN and is statute imminent, follow procedures in IRM, Statute Protection – Single Return.
Review IDRS to verify:
No TC 976/977 transactions are on the module.
There are no unnumbered unprocessed returns received from the valid taxpayer in the case documents.
The valid taxpayer’s return was not moved to MFT 32 in error.
No action is required to protect the CN module when there is no:
TC 976/977 return
Unprocessed return, or
Valid return moved to MFT 32 (when there is no TC 150 present on MFT 30
If less than 180 days remain before the expiration of the ASED for the invalid return being moved to an IRSN, the IRSN module must be protected. Prepare Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment. Annotate at the top of the form "ID Theft Statute Year" .
The Form 2859 will be prepared for the correct amount to protect any tax increase on the IRSN module. Input the assessment amount as a TC 150 on Form 2859. Input the following in the Remarks section: "Agreed assessment. Do not bill the taxpayer. Send no notices to the taxpayer. The TC 150 will be nullified or moved to an IRSN" .
Do not include any tax decrease or credit increase adjustments to the account.
In Part B, Requestor Information, input the name and campus preparing the document.
Prepare Form 3210, Document Transmittal. Fax the Form 3210, Form 2859, and the statute return to the applicable Accounting office. Attach the Form 2859 to your CII case.
Update the control base to the employee requesting the quick assessment and use activity code "QUICK2859" .
Keep a copy of the SSN owner’s return and Form 2859 with documentation for monitoring.
Complete credit transactions and transfers of excess funds after the Form 2859 has been processed and the assessment has posted.
If there is a TC 976/977 return, unprocessed return, or valid return moved to MFT 32 (when there is a posted TC 150 on MFT 30), follow procedures in IRM, Statute Protection - Multiple Returns, or IRM, Statute Protection - Multiple Returns and MFT 32.
The procedures below apply to cases with multiple returns received and a TC 150 posted on the MFT 30 module for the CN. If the multiple return was moved to MFT 32 in error, refer to IRM, Statute Protection – Multiples Returns and MFT 32.
Determine the IRS received date of the taxpayer’s return. If it was filed on or before the return due date, it is considered timely filed.
Determine the ASED of the taxpayer’s return – add 3 years to the received date.
If the ASED is within 180 days of expiring, it is considered a STATUTE return.
Compare the account, including adjustments, to determine if all assessments match the valid return figures.
If 90 days or less remain before expiration of the valid ASED, and the CN module requires a tax increase or credit decrease, prepare Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment. Annotate at the top of the form "ID Theft Statute Year" .
The Form 2859 will be prepared for the correct amount to protect any tax increase and credit decreases to the account based on the taxpayer’s return. Input the assessment amount as a TC 290 on Form 2859. Input the following in the Remarks section: "Agreed Assessment. Do not bill the taxpayer. Send no notices to the taxpayer. The TC 150 will be nullified or moved to an IRSN" .
Do not include any tax decrease or credit increase adjustments to the account.
In Part B, Requestor Information, input the name and campus preparing the document.
Prepare Form 3210, Document Transmittal. Fax the Form 3210, Form 2859 and the statute return to the applicable Accounting office. Attach the Form 2859 to your CII case.
Update the control base to the employee requesting the quick assessment and use activity code "QUICK2859" .
Keep a copy of the SSN owner’s return and Form 2859 with documentation for monitoring.
Do not make any adjustments to credit transactions on the account.
Complete credit transactions and transfers of excess funds after the Form 2859 has been processed and the assessment has posted. .
The procedures below apply to cases with multiple returns received with the valid return moved to MFT 32 in error.
If a TC 150 is not present on the MFT 30 module, do not request a quick assessment. Follow procedures in paragraph (3) of IRM, MFT 32 Cases – Moved in Error, to refer the case to RIVO statutes for resolution.
If a TC 150 is present on the MFT 30 module, continue with the procedures below to protect the account.
Determine the IRS received date of the valid taxpayer’s return. If it was filed on or before the return due date, it is considered timely filed.
Determine the ASED of the valid taxpayer’s return - add 3 years to the received date.
If the ASED is within 180 days of expiring, it is considered a STATUTE return.
Compare the account, including adjustments, to determine if the tax and credits match the valid return figures.
If 90 days or less remain before expiration of the valid ASED, and the CN module requires a tax increase or credit decrease, prepare Form 2859, Request for Quick or Prompt Assessment, annotate at the top of the form "ID Theft Statute Year" .
The Form 2859 will be prepared for the correct amount to protect any tax increase and credit decreases to the account based on the valid taxpayer’s return. Input the assessment amount as a TC 290 on Form 2859. Input the following in the Remarks section: "Agreed Assessment. Do not bill the taxpayer. Send no notices to the taxpayer. The TC 150 will be nullified or moved to an IRSN" .
Do not include any tax decrease or credit increase adjustments to the account.
In Part B, Requestor Information, input the name and campus preparing the document.
Prepare Form 3210, Document Transmittal. Fax both forms and the statute return to the applicable Accounting office. Attach the Form 2859 to your CII case.
Update the control base to the employee requesting the prompt assessment and use activity code "Quick2859" .
Keep a copy of the SSN owner’s return and Form 2859 with documentation for monitoring.
Do not make any adjustments to credit transactions on the account.
Complete credit transactions and transfers of excess funds after the Form 2859 has been processed and the assessment has posted.
These procedures are for those responsible for filling out the barred report and outlining the statute unit’s role in the process. Refer to IRM Barred Assessments on Identity Theft (IDT) Cases, for instructions to resolve a barred account. When working IDT cases and it is determined an ASED has expired and an assessment cannot be made, the case must be written up as a barred assessment, unless the barred amount is within tolerance. Refer to IRM, Identifying Barred Statute Cases, for examples of barred assessments and tolerance amounts.
Cases that are barred with ID Theft involvement must be resolved by an ID Theft employee. After the actions have posted to the account, the case will be referred to the local statute function for the completion of Form 9355, Barred Statute Report.
The Statute Function will:
Prepare original and two copies of Form 9355.
Assign the case a control number.
Establish an IDRS control base using category "BARD" . The category BARD cases must be processed within 99 calendar days of the case establishment date as stated in IRM, Statutes.
Complete all remaining actions as required per IRM, Routing and Controlling Form 9355.
Prior to closing the identity theft case take the following actions: Actions include, but are not limited to:
Release notice or enforcement holds, as appropriate
Address all refund situations, as appropriate
Verify and correct the taxpayer's address, as appropriate
Refer issues identified during case closure analysis to another function, ONLY when you cannot resolve the case within your own function
Address balances due and restore Installment Agreements (IAs) and Currently Not Collectable (CNC) as appropriate
Address offsets and restore credit elect, as appropriate
Adjust the account to the taxpayer's figures, and
Advise the taxpayer of actions taken
The importance of updating the address prior to inputting the TC 971 AC 501/506 cannot be stressed enough. If the address is not updated appropriately, including an update for both the Primary and Secondary taxpayer’s entities, the victim notification letter will go to the wrong address. In addition, failure to follow the appropriate sequence could result in the Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) being sent to the ID thief instead of the ID theft victim. Refer to IRM, Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN).
The TC 971 AC 501/506 cannot be input until the taxpayer is no longer harmed by identity theft issues impacting tax administration. The TC 971 AC 501/506 indicates all identity theft tax administration issues have been resolved from the taxpayer's perspective.
An identity thief's return posted to the victims 2015 account first. The victim was expecting a refund for 2015. In 2012, the victim was assessed by exam for underreporting income originating from the identity theft. The victim did not have a filing requirement in 2012. Prior to marking ENMOD with a TC 971 AC 501 for the 2012/2015 tax year, the employee assigned MUST:
VERIFY- the victim's address has been verified and updated on ENMOD
ADJUST- Input adjustments, as appropriate -
A case control must be maintained until the identity theft case is resolved.
The employee assigned the case will close the identity theft issue by marking the account with the appropriate identity theft indicator. When the taxpayer has been determined to be a victim of tax related identity theft, these action codes (501 and 506) provide the taxpayer protection against future occurrences of identity theft.
At case closure if the Entity module has not been flagged with a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM/UNWORK/IRSID;
If tax-related IDT determined, do not input any AC 522s, close with TC 971 AC 50X as appropriate.
If non tax-related IDT, do not input any AC 522s, close with TC 971 AC 504.
If no tax-related identity theft (NOIDT) and TP initiated, you must enter a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK so it can be reversed with a TC 972 AC 522 NOIDT.
If no tax-related identity theft (NOIDT) and IRS Initiated, you must enter a TC 971 AC 522 IRSID so it can be reversed with a TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR.
To indicate resolution of a taxpayer initiated identity theft claim, mark the victim's account using Command Code (CC) REQ77 initiated from ENMOD, to input a TC 971 AC 501 reflecting an appropriate Tax Administration Source Code depending upon the facts and circumstances of the case along with the tax year of the identity theft incident. The AC 501 is applied to a taxpayer's account when all of the following occur:
The identity theft incident was taxpayer initiated, or the identity theft incident was IRS determined but additional taxpayer information was required to resolve all issues.
All corrective actions have been taken. This includes verifying and updating the taxpayer's address on ENMOD, as applicable.
There must be a tax-related impact to affect tax administration. This includes years in retention.
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Complete Case Analysis (CCA): Perform CCA to ensure all identity theft related issues have been addressed and resolved. This includes all outstanding TC 971 AC 522s. Refer to IRM, Closing Identity Theft Issues.
Verify Taxpayer Address: Verifying and updating the taxpayer's address MUST be done before inputting the TC 971 AC 501.
Follow functional case closing guidance, as appropriate.
TC 971 AC 501 can be input by any business unit delegated the authority and programmed to use this code when closing identity theft issues.
If more than one year is affected by identity theft and resolved, the employee will enter the corresponding TC 971 AC 501 for each year listed by the taxpayer and TC 971 AC 501 with MISC REFCCA (Refund Related) or ICMCCA (Income Related affecting tax administration) for additional impacted years identified by CCA.
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
Notice CP 01, Identity Theft Claim Acknowledgment, is used for victim notification on identity theft issues closed with a TC 971 AC 501. CP 01 systemically generates two posting cycles after the TC 971 AC 501 is input, depending upon when the taxpayer's account adjustment is completed. The CP 01 is issued only once within a three-year period.
See IRM, Tracking and Reporting Identity Theft Cases - Identity Theft Indicators, for details on when an IP PIN will be issued and the method for issuance
CP 01 contains the following information:-
Confirmation that any requested additional information was received and accepted
Information about how the IRS will monitor the taxpayer's account and income tax returns
Information about identity theft prevention and available identity theft-related resources
The taxpayer should continue to file tax returns each tax year, as appropriate.
The presence and date of the TC 971 AC 501 on an account will be used as a data point, along with other key information, to make case-related decisions. The existence of the identity theft indicator will not supersede or replace existing procedures for case resolution.
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In some instances, it may be necessary to manually reverse TC 971 AC 501. Reversal may be necessary because of any of the following reasons:
TPRQ - The taxpayer requests reversal.
IRSERR - There was a keying or internal error in the input of the TC 971 AC 501.
IRSADM - The TC 971 AC 501 has an internally identified negative affect on the taxpayer. For example, a programming issue.
OTHER - There are other reasonable circumstances not listed above.
Actions needed prior to manually reversing an identity theft marker at the taxpayer’s request:
If this is a telephonic request, be certain that you are speaking with the taxpayer. Inadequate authentication of the identity of a caller could result in an unauthorized disclosure of return or return information. Refer to IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication, and IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication,
Ask probing questions to determine why the taxpayer is requesting indicator removal and document AMS, or the case history if you do not have access to AMS, with the taxpayer’s response. For example, "Can you provide the reason why you would like this protection removed from your account?" .
Explain to the taxpayer the indicator will:
Help prevent future identity theft incidents
Ensure any returns filed are reviewed for identity theft indications
Include the issuance of an IP PIN for as long as the indicator remains active -
If the taxpayer insists on removal of the identity theft indicator after you have explained the benefits, review the account to determine if the identity theft issue is open in another function. If there is an open identity theft case, refer the case to that function using your normal referral procedures. Do not take actions on identity theft cases being worked by another function.
To indicate resolution of an IRS determined identity theft case a TC 971 AC 506 is applied to a taxpayer's account when the incident affects tax administration. Such incidents can result from any of the following:
Refund schemes
Verified false returns
Duplicate filing research
Certain unpostable returns
Prior to marking the taxpayer's account with a TC 971 AC 506 the function MUST ensure all corrective actions have been taken which includes:
Verifying and updating the taxpayer's address on ENMOD, as applicable.
Advising the taxpayer of actions taken.
Issuing the taxpayer's correct refund.
Adjusting the account to the taxpayer's figures.
Marking an account with TC 971 AC 506 will not generate a notice to the taxpayer regarding the resolved identity theft issue. The function that inputs the TC 971 AC 506 will notify the taxpayer (victim), by letter, that someone may have attempted to use his or her SSN. This victim notification letter will include:
Information about identity theft prevention
Information about identity theft related resources
Information about the identity theft indicator placed on his or her account.
If the TC 971 AC 506 is not input prior to cycle 47 of the processing year (meaning an IP PIN/CP01A will not generate for the upcoming filing season) do not include the sentences "To further protect you, we will issue you an IP PIN by mail in December. You will need an identity protection PIN to file your tax returns in the future" as no IP PIN will be issued.
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In some instances, it may be necessary to manually reverse TC 971 AC 506. If reversal (TC 972 AC 506) is indicated, see Exhibit 25.23.2-9, IMF Only TC 972 AC 506 Tax-Related, Reversal of Identity Theft Case Closure, IRS Identified, for a description of reasons for the reversal.
To indicate resolution of an IRS determined Identity Theft Case involving tax administration, mark the victim's account using Command Code (CC) REQ77 initiated from ENMOD to input a TC 971 AC 506 reflecting an appropriate Tax Administration Source Code depending upon the facts and circumstances of the case along with the tax year of the identity theft incident. The TC 971 AC 506 is applied to a taxpayer's account when all of the following occur:
All corrective actions have been taken. This includes verifying and updating the taxpayer's address on ENMOD.
The taxpayer's identity theft issue affects tax administration.
Perform complete case analysis to ensure all identity theft related issues have been addressed and resolved. This includes all outstanding TC 971 AC 522s. See IRM, Closing Identity Theft Issues.
The procedural guidance for your functional area must be followed as to when the TC 971 AC 506 should be input. Your procedural guidance, however, must adhere to the guidelines provided in this subsection.
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
Generally, there should be only one TC 971 AC 506 per tax year. However, some automated systems are not programmed to look for an existing TC 971 AC 506 for a specified tax year and in those instances, the automated system may have applied a second AC 506 to the account. While automated systems may apply a second Identity Theft indicator for a specific year, manual input is limited to one AC 506 per tax year.
Accounts that meet the criterion described in IRM, Special Procedures for Returns Previously Identified as Identity Theft Returns, where a good taxpayer return was received on an account formerly flagged with TC 971 AC 506 OMM may reflect more than one AC 506 of the same year. Refer to IRM, Identity Theft Scheme Criteria, for additional information.
If you receive Form 14039 and find the taxpayer’s entity for the years in question have already been flagged with AC 506, apply an AC 501 for the impacted tax years.Exception:
Taxpayers involved in a Data Breach will have an additional TC 971 AC 506 present on their account as indicated below. The application of the "TC 971 AC 506 WI AM OTHER" , ensures these taxpayers will receive a CP 01A providing them an IP PIN. See IRM, Disabled Online Accounts TC 971 AC 527, for more information
In some instances, it may be necessary to manually reverse TC 971 AC 506. Reversal may be necessary because of any of the following reasons:
TPRQ- The taxpayer requests reversal.
IRSERR- There was a keying or internal error in the input of the TC 971 AC 506 or IRS determined possible identity theft (IRSID) and later determined no identity theft occurred.
IRSADM- The TC 971 AC 506 has an internally identified negative affect on the taxpayer. For example, a programming issue.
OTHER-There are other reasonable circumstances not listed above.
Actions needed prior to manually reversing an identity theft marker at the taxpayer’s request:
If this is a telephonic request, be certain that you are speaking with the taxpayer. Inadequate authentication of the identity of a caller could result in an unauthorized disclosure of return or account information. Refer to IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication, and IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication.
Ask probing questions to determine why the taxpayer is requesting Action Code removal and document AMS or the case history if you do not have access to AMS with the taxpayer’s response. For example, "Can you provide the reason you would like this protection removed from your account?"
Explain to the taxpayer that the AC 506 will:
Help prevent future identity theft incidents
Ensure any returns filed are reviewed for identity theft indications
Include the issuance of an IP PIN for as long as the IP PIN indicator remains active
If the taxpayer insists on removal of the identity theft indicator after you have explained the benefits, review the account to determine if the identity theft issue is open in another function. If there is an open identity theft case, refer the case to that function using your normal referral procedures. Do not take actions on identity theft cases being worked by another function. If there is no open IDRS control, review the Miscellaneous Field Code to determine what function applied the AC 506. Refer the case using your normal procedures to that function. The function that applied the AC 506 will determine if the 506 will be reversed.
Take these actions when a taxpayer submits a Form 14039 alleging identity theft and he/she does not have a filing requirement. If the Identity Theft allegation is confirmed and includes a tax module in Masterfile status 02 or 03, input a TC 590 cc 020. This action will remove the account from the TDI inventory. Continue to correct the account as needed. Conduct research to determine if any modules in status 02 or 03 must be closed because the taxpayer has no filing requirement.
A taxpayer alleges identity theft on a 2012 tax year stating he/she has no filing requirement. The allegation is confirmed and the 2012 account is cleaned up. However, the 2013 account is in Masterfile status 02 or 03 where a Tax Delinquency Inquiry (TDI) notice was issued. The caseworker researches account information for tax year 2013 and determines the taxpayer is not liable to file or the taxpayer states/verifies there is no filing requirement for tax year 2013. Inputting a TC 590 cc 020 on the 2013 account will remove the account from the TDI inventory.
Take these actions when a taxpayer submits a Form 14039 alleging identity theft and he/she does not have a filing requirement, and there is a TC 594 (indicating a joint return was filed with the spouse as primary). If the Identity Theft allegation is confirmed, input a TC 592 to reverse the TC 594, wait one cycle and input a TC 590 cc 020. This is necessary because IDRS CC FRM49 does not accept posting delay codes. This will prevent erroneous generation of TDI notices.
A Guam taxpayer was a victim of identity theft on a tax year 2012 Married Filing Joint (MFJ) tax return. The taxpayer was used as the secondary filer (spouse). The taxpayer does not have a U.S. filing requirement as he/she filed and paid all taxes to Guam. It appears when the fraudulent prior year return was backed off the account and the MFJ indicator (TC 594-84) was reversed (TC 592) on his/her account, within a few cycles a TDI erroneously generates requesting a return from the victim (who believes his/her account was resolved). A review of IRP on the affected accounts reflects all income was earned in Guam and no prior year returns were ever requested by TDI.
A taxpayer was a victim of identity theft on a tax year 2013 Married Filing Joint (MFJ) tax return. The taxpayer was listed as the secondary filer (spouse) and TC 594 posted to the victim’s 2013 tax module with a cross reference to an erroneous SSN. To reverse the erroneous TC 594, input transaction code 592, wait one week, then input TC 590 cc 020. The TC 592 must post prior to the TC 590 or the account will be in TDI status.
If an identity theft allegation is confirmed and includes a tax module in Masterfile status 02 or 03, take these actions when a taxpayer submits correspondence that includes an unprocessed return.
If the IDT TP has filing requirements and DOES NOT provide a tax return with the status of 02 or 03, see IRM, Determining Tax Liability/Form 2209 Instructions.
Use CC FRM49 with a block indicator of "BB" to generate block series 74 for all TC 594 and 599 transactions.
If And Then 1. Taxable return (return shows a tax liability before prepaid credits) 1. The Master File Status is ‘02’ 1. Input a TC 599 cc 094. 2. Taxable return (return shows a tax liability before prepaid credits) 2. The Master File Status is ‘03’ 2. Input a TC 599 cc 044. 3. Non-taxable return (Return shows no tax liability before prepaid credits) 3. The Master File Status is ‘02’ 3. Input a TC 599 cc 096 4. Non-taxable return (Return shows no tax liability before prepaid credits) 4. The Master File Status is ‘03’ 4. Input a TC 599 cc 046 Note:
Refer to your functional IRM for instructions for the processing of the return or the routing of the return to Submission Processing. See IRM, Manual Creation of a Return Delinquency Module on IDRS, and Exhibit 5.19.2-4, Resolving Issues with Manual Created RD Modules on IDRS, for more information.
If a tax year(s) on the taxpayer’s claim, or other years found through CCA, are not open modules on IDRS:
Execute FRM49 per IRM, Command Code FRM49. This will open the module on IDRS.
Input TC 590 CC 020. This will prevent any subsequent erroneous TDI’s from generating.
There may be situations when it is necessary to reverse a pending identity theft claim (taxpayer allegation of identity theft).
A pending identity theft claim is an account with an unreversed TC 971 AC 522 and no subsequent TC 971 AC 50X.
The list below briefly describes the Miscellaneous Field Codes used when reversing unsupported identity theft claims (TC 971 AC 522):
NOIDT: In the course of resolving an identity theft issue, the employee assigned determines no identity theft occurred.
NORPLY: This code is used to close a suspended case when the taxpayer fails to provide the requested claim and\or additional information within the time specified by the employee assigned.
TPRQ: The taxpayer requests the 971 be reversed and has provided a reasonable basis for that request.
IRSERR: The 971 input was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake or IRS determined possible identity theft (IRSID) and later determined no identity theft occurred.
IRSADM: The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system and must be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming glitch prevents returns from processing.
FALSE: Reserved - TBD
OTHER: The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the above reason descriptions.
When taxpayers do not respond to a request for more information (NORPLY) consider their claim invalid.
If the taxpayer does not respond to the request for additional documents or information and there is not enough information in the taxpayer’s previously submitted correspondence to allow a referral to IDTVA take the following actions:
Use Command Code REQ77 initiated from ENMOD to input a TC 972 AC 522 reflecting a Tax Administration Source Code of NORPLY and the tax year of the identity theft incident. See Exhibit 25.23.2-11, IMF Only TC 972 AC 522 – Reversal of TC 971 AC 522, for additional information.
Follow functional guidelines for additional processing instructions. IDTVA Employees: See IRM, No Reply, for more procedural information.
The following is an example of a case determined to be a no reply (NORPLY):
On February 14, 2017, the taxpayer contacted SBSE Exam regarding a 2015 statutory notice of deficiency. The taxpayer claimed that he MUST be a victim of identity theft as someone else claimed his dependents. The exam employee input a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM to flag the account as potential identity theft and requested the taxpayer provide a valid claim and\or additional information within the next 30 days. The case was put into suspense for 45 days. The taxpayer did not respond. On April 18, 2017, the exam employee reversed the pending identity theft claim using TC 972 AC 522 NORPLY and continued to work the case using normal exam procedures.
When the information taxpayers submit does not substantiate their claim of identity theft, consider their claim NOIDT.
Claims of identity theft that must be marked as NOIDT include:
Claims of dependent related identity theft where the dependent is being claimed by the other parent.
Claims of identity theft when a return is rejected for electronic filing due to any reason other than someone filing using an SSN as primary, secondary or dependent on a previous tax return for the same tax year.
Claims of identity theft where the case is determined to be a mixed entity or the taxpayer’s SSN is scrambled.
Do not reverse a TC 971 AC 522 with a NOIDT for any of the following reasons:
Account was IRS identified (ie., CP 36 Transcripts, AC 522 with IRSID for the tax year). See IRM, No Identity Theft (NOIDT) Determinations.
The taxpayer is a victim of non-tax-related identity theft. Refer to IRM, Self-Identified- Non Tax Related Identity Theft- IDT4 Overview, for actions to take on the account.
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If you determine an account has been marked with a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID for an incorrect tax year:
IF AND Then 1) The taxpayer is reporting identity theft in TY 2012 but ENMOD reflects a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID for TY 2013 1) And there was no identity theft in 2013 1) -
Confirm there was no identity theft incident in TY 2013
Reverse the TY 2013 AC 522 using TC 972 AC 522 IRSERR
Input TC 971 AC 522 IRSID, PNDCLM or UNWORK, as applicable for the correct tax year (if none already exists)
2) The taxpayer is reporting identity theft in TY 2012 but ENMOD reflects a TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM for TY 2013 2) And there was ID theft in both tax years 2) -
Input a TC 971 AC 522 UNWORK for TY 2012.
3) There is a posted TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID for TY 2011 and a history for TY 2012 (H,PNDCLM2012) 3) And you determine no identity theft occurred in either tax year 3) Reverse the TY 2011 indicator using TC 972 AC 522 NOIDT,to reverse an UNWORK and TC972 AC 522 IRSERR to reverse an IRSID.
Leave the following history H, NOIDT2012or H,IRSERR2012.4) There is a posted TC 971 AC 522 PNDCLM, UNWORK or IRSID 4) And the taxpayer did not respond to your request for a claim or additional information. 4) Reverse the indicator using TC 972 AC 522 Refer to IRM, No Reply – TC 972 AC 522 NORPLY. -
The re-engineering effort brought accounts management and certain compliance functions under the Accounts Management Identity Theft Victim Assistance Organization. There are pockets of employees outside the new organization who will be working ID theft related issues identified using systemic applications and other applications and methods.
TC 971 AC 506 is applied to a taxpayer's account when Criminal Investigation (CI) identifies identity theft incidents that have tax administration effect. Such incidents can occur when a taxpayer's identity is stolen via phishing or refund schemes verified by CI.
CI refers cases to Return Integrity and Compliance Service (RICS) Return Integrity & Verification Operations (RIVO) to input TC 971 AC 506 on an account regardless of the existence of any other identity theft indicator code (AC 501, 504, or 505) that may be present on the account. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-8, IMF Only TC 971 AC 506- IRS Determined tax-related Identity Theft Case Closure, and Exhibit 25.23.2-9, IMF Only TC 972 AC 506 tax-related, Reversal of Identity Theft Case Closure, IRS Identified, for more information about this identity theft indicator.
RIVO handles identity theft account work processes and conducts research to verify the validity of tax return information. Specifically, RIVO inputs a TC 971 AC 506 identity theft indicator on a taxpayer’s account when a false tax return has been identified by the IRS, and the tax return was not filed by the valid taxpayer. See IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Basic Authentication and Research, and IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) High Risk Authentication (HRA) Procedures, for additional procedures.
The Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) is responsible for handling potential Identity Theft cases that are scored by a set of identity theft models in the Dependent Database (DDb) or selected through a query in Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS). Refer to IRM, Responding to the Taxpayer and Case Resolution for the Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Telephone Assistors and Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, for additional information.
The Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) is responsible for handling potential Identity Theft cases. Returns are scored using a defined set of identity models in DDB; selected through filters in the Return Review Program (RRP) system; or manually selected by Return Integrity Verification Operations (RIVO). Once a return is identified as “potential” identity theft, the return is prevented from posting and either a Letter 4883C or Letter 5071C is sent to the taxpayer for verification. For additional information, refer to IRM 25.25.6, Taxpayer Protection Program and IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Procedures for Power of Attorney or Third-Party Callers.
Taxpayers who visit a TAC after receiving a TPP letter or who meet any of the other criteria in IRM, Tax Return Related Identity Theft Issues, will be required to authenticate their identity. A Form 14039 is NOT required.
In addition to authenticating their identity, the taxpayer, if they filed the return, also must provide information off their tax return to verify they filed it. The taxpayer should bring a copy of the return so they can verify they filed the return to avoid having to reschedule their appointment. For more information, refer to IRM, Referring the Caller to the Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) - Non-Taxpayer Protection Program Assistors and IRM, Taxpayer Issues Requiring a TAC Visit.
Authentication of Identity
All government issued photo IDs must be the original document, photocopies are not acceptable.
If a taxpayer indicates they have changed their name, but have NOT updated their records with SSA, proof of name change must be provided (e.g., marriage certificate, court documentation, etc.)
Powers of Attorney (POAs) cannot authenticate on behalf of taxpayers who have received the Letter 5747C. If a Letter 5747C (or the account has a TC 971 AC 123 with the literal TACAUTHONLY on TXMOD), then the taxpayer must be present at the TAC to authenticate their identity. POAs can authenticate on behalf of their clients if their client received one of the other TPP letters.
If the taxpayer provides foreign documentation for picture identification, follow IRM, Reviewing Supporting Identification Documents to determine if it is acceptable.
Any reference to "Taxpayer" means any person filing a return as the Primary or Secondary filer, no matter their age.
Members of certain religious sects (such as Amish, Mennonite and others) do not have photo IDs. In many cases a trip to the TAC presents a significant hardship to this group of taxpayers. Please advise them that if they are unable to visit a TAC, they can send the necessary document by mail to the address on the letter they received. Acceptable documents for these taxpayers are a minimum of two of the options listed below:
Birth Certificate
Bank Statements
Student Records (grade/high school/college)
Approved copy of Form 4029, Application for Exemption from Social Security and Medicare Taxes and Waiver of Benefits
Document (on Letterhead) from Health Care Provider (Doctor, Nurse or clinic)
Full Name of Taxpayer (including Parent or Guardian if minor/student)
Address, city, state, zip
Date of Birth
Date and Signature of Health Care Provider (doctor, nurse or clinic)
If taxpayer has already come to the TAC and they do not authenticate 2 or more times, the TAC will provide the "Taxpayer Cannot Authenticate" Letter 5216. Refer to IRM, The Taxpayer does not Authenticate at the Taxpayer Assistance Center, and Exhibit 25.25.6-1, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Repeater Letter 5216 - Taxpayer Cannot Authenticate, for additional information.
Beginning with 2013 returns, RICS established an MFT 32 procedure to "house" fraudulent identity theft returns discovered by the IRS. This allows certain identity theft returns to post to MFT 32 instead of posting as a TC 150 or a TC 976 on the MFT 30 account.
MFT 32 will contain tax returns that are known instances of Identity Theft (IDT). A return can be moved/posted to MFT 32 with one of the following actions:
Posting a TC 971 AC 111 to MFT 30
Editing Special Processing Code (SPC) "T" on the return
When a TC 971 AC 111 posts to MFT 30 it will contain the DLN of the Identity Theft return in the MISC field of the transaction. A TC 976 with the same DLN of the Identity Theft return will post on MFT 32. When SPC "T" is edited on the return, a TC 971 AC 111 will not appear on MFT 30. For additional information regarding MFT 32 accounts, refer to IRM, MFT 32 Procedures - How to Move Identity Theft Returns to MFT 32 During Cycles 1 - 46 and Cycles 47 - 52 in addition to your functional IRM.
All functions will work their own MFT 32 cases moved in error. For more information, see IRM, Taxpayer Protection Program (TPP) Assistors, Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Assistors, and Identity Theft Victims Assistance (IDTVA) Assistors MFT 32 Reversal Criteria & Procedures.
Submission Processing reviews returns that unpost because the taxpayer did not provide an IP PIN that matches the IP PIN listed on the account. If the review determines that the return was not filed by the SSN owner, SP will move the return to MFT 32 and input a TC 971 AC 506 identity theft indicator on the account.
Additional guidance for procedures used by Submission Processing can be found in the following IRMs:
IRM, Inputting Identity Theft Indicators.
IRM, UPC 147 Reason Code 0 Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN).
IRM, Unpostable Code (UPC) 147 Reason Code (RC) 0.
Document 6209, Section 8B-3, Unpostable Codes - IMF.
See Exhibit 25.23.2-8, IMF Only TC 971 AC 506 — IRS Determined Tax-Related Identity Theft Case Closure, for more information about this identity theft indicator.
SP will edit paper tax returns containing a Form 14039 with a Special Processing Code (SPC) 8. The SPC 8 systemically generates a TC 971 AC 522 indicating receipt of an identity theft claim. CP 01S is systemically issued to the taxpayer confirming receipt of the Form 14039. Refer to Exhibit 3.21.3-1, Attachment Guide, for additional information.
The Service developed additional indicators to capture specific identity theft issues with specific characteristics. The indicators include:
AC 504: Both non-tax-related and specific tax-related identity theft issues
AC 505: IRS loss of PII
AC 523: Reserved
AC 524: Locking Decedent Accounts
AC 525: Employment related identity theft
AC 527: Online Access blocked
AC 528: IP PIN Enrollment/Suppression Bypass
AC 545: Reserved for IPSO use ONLY.
TC 971 AC 504 is intended for use on non-tax-related identity theft allegations only. For additional information see IRM, TC 971 AC 504 - Miscellaneous Field Code SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4, and EAFAIL and IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft – IDT4 Overview.
IDTVA will continue to use TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, ICMCCA, NKI or NKI-M for taxpayer allegations of identity theft that do not affect tax administration. For additional information, IRM, TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, NKI or NKI-M.
Other BOD/Functions will use TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4, and EAFAIL to mark taxpayer accounts when certain conditions apply. For additional information, see IRM, TC 971 AC 504 - Miscellaneous Field Code SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4, and EAFAIL.
Input of TC 971 AC 504 requires a miscellaneous (MISC) code when input. AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, ICMCCA, NKI or NKI-M are used for non-tax- related incidents and are reserved for use by IDTVA employees.
A TC 971 AC 504 with the Miscellaneous Field Codes above are used as closing codes. Reversal of an existing TC 971 AC 522 is not required.
Events such as a home robbery, PII was used for unemployment claims, data breach or lost/stolen PII that compromises or involves the taxpayer's SSN, putting the taxpayer at risk for tax related identity theft in the future.
Command Code REQ77 will not accept a tax year that is seven years prior to the current date. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
If a taxpayer subsequently claims tax-related identity theft, and the account was flagged with TC 971 AC 522 (PNDCLM, UNWORK, or IRSID) and TC 971 AC 504 (ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, ICMCCA, NKI or NKI-M), do not request the taxpayer provide Form 14039 or police report and proof of identity if the TC 971 AC 522/504 are within the 3 year period.
Non-tax related incidents are usually identified when the taxpayer/IDT victim checks box “2” in Section B of the Form 14039. The following MISC codes are used when resolving/closing a Non-Tax-related incident:
MISC Code Definition ACCT Reserved ACCT-M Reserved BOTH Reserved BOTH-M Reserved EMPL Victim’s SSN used for employment and/or unemployment insurance. EMPL-M Same as above – “M” identifies cases requiring a manual 4402C/SP letter instead of a systemic notice (CP 01C and CP 701C) ICMCCA Used to indicate impacted tax years identified through Complete Case Analysis (CCA) Note: There is no manual letter version for this MISC Code. A manual letter will be indicated by the literal on the year identified by the taxpayer. NKI No Known Impact was identified NKI-M Same as above – “M” identifies cases requiring a manual 4402C/SP letter instead of a systemic notice (CP 01C and CP 701C) -
One TC 971 AC 504 per ACCOUNT (TIN) is sufficient when there is no impact to tax administration for any tax year. If there are multiple years and tax administration is not impacted for any year, input the TC 971 AC 504 on the earliest year.
TC 971 AC 504 will be input for each tax year the taxpayer has been determined to be a victim of income related IDT not affecting tax administration.
Form 14039 is filed reporting someone is working under the taxpayer’s Social Security Number (SSN) for tax year 2021. You confirm the identity theft for tax year 2021. Through CCA you determine the taxpayer is also a victim of income related identity theft that does not affect tax administration for tax years 2019 and 2020. TC 971 AC 504 with MISC "EMPL-M" will be input for tax year 2021. TC 971 AC 504 with MISC ICMCCA will be input for tax years 2019 and 2020.
When inputting TC 971 AC 504, determine the secondary date using the following table:
If Secondary Date 1) Income Related IDT The tax year impacted in the format of 1231YYYY. 2) All other non-tax-related The incident date in the format of MMDDYYYY. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-4, IMF Only TC 971 AC 504, for additional information. -
If IRS employees are contacted by a taxpayer indicating a non-tax-related identity theft, see IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance, and IRM, Identity Theft - Paper Overview.
In 2014, IPSO expanded the use of TC 971 AC 504. to flag taxpayer accounts for the conditions listed in the table below.
When entering a TC 971 AC 504 with a Miscellaneous Field Codes SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4, and EAFAIL, the Secondary Date field will reflect the related tax year. The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information. It is recommended the REQ77 IAT tool be used when entering this indicator and MISC code.
This table describes when these MISC codes will be used with a TC 971 AC 504:
MISC Code Definition SPCL1 Will be used to mark an account when there is at least one incident of failed High-Risk Disclosure during a phone call and a taxpayer is requesting their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or Self Select PIN (SSP) so that they can e-file their tax return. These taxpayers will not be issued an IP-PIN based upon the input of AC 504 SPCL1. However, an IP-PIN may have been issued based upon the input of another identity theft code. SPCL2 Will be applied to a taxpayer's account when the taxpayer makes a phone inquiry or submits a Form 14039 under their SSN claiming they are a victim of BMF ID theft that is affecting their SSN. RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4 Used by IDTVA to flag closed and resolved Return Preparer Misconduct cases effective January 1, 2014. EAFAIL Formerly used by RICS to flag accounts where the Electronic Filing PIN (EFP) Application was linked to a telephone line that had been blocked after a series of attempts to secure a PIN. These taxpayers were not issued an IP-PIN based upon the input of AC 504 EAFAIL. The Electronic Filing PIN (EFP) Application is no longer functional. However, an IP-PIN may have been issued based upon the input of another identity theft code. Example:
The taxpayer receives IRS notices related to a business for which the taxpayer has no affiliations. The taxpayer asserts he/she has never applied for an EIN and has never owned or operated a business. The employee will apply TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Code SPCL2 using command code REQ77.
Prior to January 1, 2014, SPCL2 was used by the Accounts Management and Compliance to flag closed and resolved Return Preparer Misconduct cases. These taxpayers were not issued an IP PIN based upon the input of AC 504 SPCL2. However, an IP PIN may have been issued based upon the input of another identity theft code.
If, after careful review and analysis of the BMF accounts, the employee working the identity theft issue determines no identity theft occurred, the employee will reverse the TC 971 AC 504 SPCL2 on the taxpayer's SSN. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-5, IMF Only TC 972 AC 504 — Reversal of TC 971 AC 504, for additional information.
The presence of AC 504 SPCL1, SPCL2, EAFAIL, or RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4 should not prevent the taxpayer from receiving an IP PIN if they have lost, misplaced or not received their IP PIN. Refer to IRM, Lost, Misplaced or Non-Receipt of IP PIN Overview, IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication and IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication, for additional information.
In some instances, it may be necessary to manually reverse TC 971 AC 504. If reversal is indicated (TC 972 AC 504), see Exhibit 25.23.2-5, IMF Only TC 972 AC 504 - Reversal of TC 971 AC 504, for a description of reasons for the reversal.
Taxpayer requests: In situations where the taxpayer is requesting you reverse the TC 971 AC 504, the taxpayer MUST pass high risk disclosure prior to your making any account adjustments. Refer to IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication, and IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication, for additional information.
The taxpayer must provide a reasonable explanation as to why the TC 971 AC 504 marker should be removed.
The taxpayer states identity theft did not occur. The taxpayer thought a package containing PII was stolen, but the package was returned to the taxpayer in its original sealed condition.
Reversals of the AC 504 with any of the Miscellaneous codes in the table below is not limited to IDTVA-I and can be done by any employee once the request has been validated.
If AND THEN The taxpayer passes high risk disclosure The Miscellaneous Field on the TC 971 AC 504 contains any of the following: -
Reverse the TC 971 AC 504 as directed in Exhibit 25.23.2-5, IMF Only TC 972 AC 504 - Reversal of TC 971 AC 504, using "TPRQ" in the Miscellaneous field -
If you determine the TC 971 AC 504 should be reversed for other than a taxpayer request, refer to the table in Exhibit 25.23.2-5, IMF Only TC 972 AC 504 — Reversal of TC 971 AC 504, for a list of valid Miscellaneous Field Codes.
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Input of TC 971 AC 505 is limited and reserved for use by Privacy, Governmental Liaison, and Disclosure (PGLD) Incident Management employees. However, this indicator will be visible and available for reference on the individual’s account. See Exhibit 25.23.2-6, IMF Only TC 971 AC 505 — IRS Data Breaches, and Exhibit 25.23.2-7, IMF Only TC 972 AC 505 — Reversal of TC 971 AC 505, for more information about this indicator.
TC 971 AC 505 is applied to a taxpayer’s account when all of the following occur:
A taxpayer’s PII was lost, breached, disclosed, or stolen.
The breach risk assessment results in a high risk of harm to the potentially impacted taxpayer.
The IRS notifies the taxpayer of this data breach.
The TC971 AC505 does not block, or prevent, online system access, will not stop registration for online services, including Get Transcript or IP PIN and will not stop paper requests for a transcript (Form 4506/T). Blocking accounts from on-line access is a separate action. If an account is blocked from on-line access, you will see an TC 971 AC 527 on the entity module. Accounts previously disabled from the Secure Access application due to an incident or breach prior to May 2016, such as the Get Transcript Incident, have been opened and the taxpayer can now access the application. Accounts that remain disabled in Secure Access can be identified by an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 WI BREACH DSABLD on the entity. If there is an unreversed AC 527 on the account, See IRM, Disabled Accounts TC 971 AC 527.
The taxpayer will receive a data breach notification Letter 4281C, (IM Breach Notification Letter), from the IRS advising him/her that information controlled by the IRS may have been disclosed to unauthorized individuals. The notification letter contains information related to identity protection and an identity protection service arranged for the taxpayer by the IRS. Refer to IRM, Responses to IM Breach Notification Letter 4281C, for additional information.
PGLD inputs TC 971 AC 505 on an account even when another identity theft indicator code (AC 501, 504, or 506) is present on the account. In some instances, it may be necessary for PGLD personnel to manually reverse the TC 971 AC 505 with a TC 972 AC 505.
The AC 505 is used to track data breaches. For information on the Incident Management Program see IRM, Applying the IRS Data Breach Tracking Indicator to IRS Data Breaches.
The TC 971 AC 524 is an identity theft indicator used to lock the account of deceased taxpayers. It prevents a deceased taxpayer's TIN (SSN or ITIN) from being used as the primary, secondary or dependent TIN on a current or subsequent year federal income tax return. Account locks can be applied both manually and systemically using internal or external information. However, input of the TC 971 AC 524 is limited and reserved for use by IPSO and RICS Taxpayer Protection Program (RICS TPP).
TC 971 AC 524 can be viewed on the taxpayer’s entity using command codes ENMOD or IMFOLE.
The identification, development, and implementation of specific population categories for the TC 971 AC 524 will be phased in by IPSO with the goal of creating a comprehensive list of taxpayers who do not have a filing requirement. Account locks may be initiated either manually or systemically.
Manually: A manual lock is placed on a deceased taxpayer's account when a date of death (DOD) is present on the tax module and the account is identified by CI or Return Integrity & Verification Operations (RIVO) as fraudulent.
Systemically: A systemic lock is placed on a deceased taxpayer's account when we process a final return with a DOD. -
Systemic Locking of Deceased Taxpayer accounts occurs when all of the following are true:
A date of death is present on the tax module; and
A personal representative has filed a final return; and
Computer Condition Code A, F or 9 is placed on the account as indicated in the table below:
A final return is filed with CCC: Then a TC 971 AC 524 is applied to F The primary taxpayer 9 The secondary taxpayer only A Both Taxpayers -
Manual Locking occurs when individual accounts are identified by a business function and provided to IPSO or RICS for input using a systemic tool.
Returns filed on decedent accounts containing an unreversed TC 971 AC 524 DECD, will be prevented from processing.
Electronically Filed ReturnsIf the taxpayer is And the source code is Then Primary DECD Taxpayer will receive a reject code IND 901 Secondary DECD Taxpayer will receive a reject code IND 941
Paper Filed ReturnsIf the taxpayer is And the source code is Then Primary or Secondary DECD -
UPC 147 Reason Code 4 will only be set if one of the two conditions below are present:
An unreversed TC 971 AC 524 is present on the Entity Module. Any return attempting to post that has a tax period after the Secondary date of the TC 971 AC 524 will unpost and be auto archived. There are no exceptions.
No TC 971 AC 524 is on the Entity Module but during return processing Special Processing Code (SPC) 9 was entered on the return (see ERS EC 028). Entering SPC 9 on a return will unpost the return as UPC 147 RC 4 and the return will be auto-archived. It will unpost ONLY the return that SPC 9 was input on. This leaves the module open for posting of a legitimate return. Do NOT refer the account to ECU to unlock (the account is not locked). If it is believed that the unposted return is the legitimate return it must be requested from Files using CC ESTAB and reprocessed.
Input of a TC 972 AC 524 will reverse a TC 971 AC 524 and will “unlock” the account. If there is a date of death on CC INOLES, the input of the TC 972 AC 524 is limited and reserved for:
Identity Protection Strategy & Oversight (IPSO)
RICS Taxpayer Protection Unit (RICS TPP)
Submission Processing Entity Control Unit (ECU)
To unlock a decedent account, a taxpayer must provide information to support their request.
If a taxpayer contacts IRS relating to a locked account and there is a Date of Death (DOD) on the account and an unreversed TC 971 AC 524 DECD is present, ALL of the following documentation MUST be provided by the taxpayer:
Original/Copy of Letter/Notice from the Social Security Administration that communicates that the taxpayer is not deceased
A photocopy of at least one of the following:
Passport or Driver's License
Social Security Card
Other valid US Federal or State Government issued identification;
c) A copy of their tax return with an original signature(s);Exception:
If the request is not related to a rejected return but is being made solely to perfect the date of death, the taxpayer does not need to provide a copy of a tax return. Instruct the taxpayer to contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to correct the erroneous Date of Death (DOD).
Instruct the taxpayer to send all of the above information to the same service center the taxpayer used to file his or her original tax return. . -
If a taxpayer contacts IRS relating to a locked account and there is no longer a Date of Death (DOD) on the account and an unreversed TC 971 AC 524 DECD is present on the entity, refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-14, TC 971 AC 524- Locking SSNs - Applies to IMF Accounts Only, Exhibit 25.23.2-15, TC 972 AC 524- Reversal of TC 971 AC 524, and IRM, UPC 147 Reason Code 4 No Filing Requirement, for information.
In situations where there is no DOD on INOLES CSRs may, after completing the required taxpayer authentication, reverse TC 971 AC 524.
If there is a date of death on INOLES, do NOT reverse the TC 971 AC 524. Refer to IRM, Manually Reversing TC 971 AC 524 - Date of Death Present on Command Code INOLES, for procedures. If Death Date field on Command Code IMFOLE has a date other than all zeros, then one or more tax modules contains a TC 540 which needs to be reversed. Please see IRM, Updating the Entity on Decedent Accounts.
If a taxpayer contacts IRS relating to a locked account and there is no longer a Date of Death (DOD) on the account and an unreversed TC 971 AC 524 DECD is present on the entity, reverse the TC 971 AC 524. To reverse a TC 971 AC 524, you will need to access command code REQ77:
Access command code REQ77 from ENMOD
Enter TC 972 in the TC field
Enter the transaction date of the TC 971 AC 524 being reversed in the TRANS-DT field
In the Secondary Date Field, enter the tax year from the TC 971 AC 524. If there is no tax year present, use "1231" and the year you are reversing. If the year in question is 2015, the Secondary Date field date would be input as "12312015" .
In the MISC Field enter the appropriate BOD, Program, and Tax Administration Source Code describing why the TC 971 AC 524 is being reversed (use IRSERR when there is no date of death present)
For additional input information, refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-15, TC 972 AC 524- Reversal of TC 971 AC 524. -
Employment Related Identity Theft occurs when someone, other than the valid SSN owner, uses the SSN to obtain or retain employment. Employment Related Identity Theft is considered “non-tax” related because it does not involve the filing of a fraudulent income tax return. However, the income generated by the person other than the valid SSN owner may have a tax account impact if it results in the assessment of additional tax if not identified and treated prior to the assessment.
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Employment-related identity theft is not a tax administration issue; therefore, no TC 971 AC 522 is required.
The TC 971 AC 525 indicator code is systemically applied to the valid SSN owners account when IRS identifies an ITIN/SSN mismatch involving the taxpayer’s SSN. The placement of an indicator on the account of the valid SSN owner is not exclusive to taxpayers who have earned income or indicate that the recipient has earned income. The placement of an indicator reflects the potential use of the SSN for employment by another person. The indicator will be applied a maximum of one time each year regardless of how many times the SSN was used in the same tax year. More than one indictor may be applied in the same calendar year if the ITIN/SSN mismatch was identified on multiple tax years that are processed in the same year. See the table below for specific situations and the actions or explanations for each:
Situation Action/Explanation SSN does not exist on Master File A TC 971 AC 525 indicator will not post if there is no account on Masterfile. There is no need to establish an account if the identified SSN does not exist on Master File (MF) solely for the purpose of placing an AC 525 indicator. Dependent and Minors received a notice The CARES Act allowed for advance payment of the Recovery Rebate Credit (referred to as Economic Impact Payments (EIP)) including individuals receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and SSA Disability. As a result, dependent accounts were created on Masterfile using a TC 000. The entity account displays the dependent’s parent on the “CONT-OF-PRIM-NM” line. These accounts contain a TC 971 AC 199 MISC CODE: SSA 1099 DSI. A TC 971 AC 525 indicator may be placed on these accounts if a mismatch is identified. A person does not have a filing requirement but used the Non-Filer Tool to receive an Economic Impact Payment (EIP) If a person used the “Non-Filer” tool to register for an Economic Impact Payment. Master File created a basic 2019 Form 1040 filing, to generate the payment. A TC 971 AC 525 indicator may be placed on the account if a mismatch is identified. Cross Referencing to Identify the Source of the Misuse ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡. TC 971 AC 525 is not applied to the ITIN taxpayer's account and there is no cross-reference between the ITIN on the originating return and SSN on the mismatched W-2. Misuse cause unknown IRS is not aware if the misuse of the taxpayer’s SSN is intentional or accidental due to a mistake when preparing the Form W-2. Due to the potential for harm to the taxpayer if their SSN was compromised, IRS is treating this incident as a “potential” misuse situation and providing guidance on protecting personal and financial information as a proactive protective action. Transcript Request If the taxpayer requests copies of any of their tax information, such as transcripts or returns, refer to procedures in IRM, Transcripts and Identity Theft, for guidance. -
Authority for systemic and manual input of the TC 971 AC 525 is limited and reserved for use by Accounts Management Identity Protection (IP) staff.
The placement of the indicator on the taxpayers account prevents any income from the Form W-2 that does not belong to the valid SSN owner from being assessed against their account. There is no other impact to the taxpayer’s account.
TC 971 AC 525 can be viewed on the taxpayer’s entity module using command codes ENMOD or IMFOLE.
Notifications are issued to taxpayers who had a TC 971 AC 525 indicator placed on their account after January 1, 2017. Notifications are issued via CP01E (CP701E for Spanish) Employment Related Identity Theft notice using the name(s) and address on the last posted return (i.e., address of record). The CP01E /CP701E is generated 2 cycles after the posting of the AC 525 indicator.
Taxpayers who received an indicator prior to January 1, 2017 will be notified if an incident occurs, and an additional indicator is placed on their account after January 1, 2017
While a taxpayer’s SSN may be impacted in subsequent years, the CP01E notice will only be issued to the same taxpayer once every 3 years.
If a taxpayer receives a CP01E in 2018 and an employment related IDT incident occurs again in 2019, 2020 and 2021, an AC 525 indicator will be applied to the taxpayers account to document an identified mismatch, but the taxpayer will not receive another CP01E until 2021.
While the CP01E/701E is an informational notice only, taxpayers may react to the notice by telephone, correspondence or visiting a TAC. When responding to taxpayer inquiries, refer to the following information:
Ask the taxpayer about which notice they are calling. If the taxpayer cannot find the notice number, ask them to look on the upper right-hand corner and clearly recite the notice number. If necessary, repeat the notice number, “C, P, O, 1, E”. Pronounced “See Pea Oh 1 E” or See Pea Zero 1 E”.
Full disclosure and authentication is required for account related calls only. See IRM (4), Communication Skills, for more information.
When a taxpayer or third party contacts the IRS, and is only requesting general information regarding the CP01E, authentication and account access is not required. See IRM, Communication Skills for more information. Information that is contained within the CP01E or on IRS web pages is considered public information and can be provided without authentication.
When a taxpayer or third-party contacts the IRS, because the first name on the notice is minor child, dependent, or other non-filer, advise the caller that Employment Related Identity theft is not related to the filing of a tax return. The notice was issued because the dependents SSN may have been used for employment. A minor child, dependent, or non-filers personal information is just as vulnerable to identity theft. Because of the increased risk of identity theft, we are providing information protecting the impacted persons financial or credit records (if applicable).
The notice contains general information that is provided to all impacted persons and is not specific to tax return filers. Some protective measures may not apply to all impacted persons. The impacted persons age or lack of financial or credit history may prevent the creation of accounts on some suggested web pages that require a review of income and credit information and the ability to obtain an IP PIN.
When a taxpayer or third-party contacts the IRS, regarding a deceased person, be empathetic with the caller and advise the caller that the notice was issued to provide information on checking the decedents financial or credit records to see if there may be any impact to an estate situation.
If account access is requested or necessary, the taxpayer or third party must be authenticated. See IRM, Required Taxpayer Authentication, and either IRM, Additional Taxpayer Authentication, for taxpayers or IRM, Third Party (POA/TIA/F706) Authentication, for third party contacts.
Under no circumstances will assistors offer to, or attempt to research, the source of the AC 525 indicator including but not limited to, the tax return and/or Form W-2. There is no link to the source document and identification of the source of the indicator is not possible. Taxpayers will be provided general information only.
In all cases, refer the taxpayers to the following resources on IRS.gov for additional information:
• Understanding Your CP01E Notice,
• Guide to Employment-Related Identity Theft
• and Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft -
In addition, advise taxpayers to take the following steps to protect their financial and tax accounts as well as their personal information:
Action Description If they do not currently have one, they may request an Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) to protect their tax account. There are now 3 options for the taxpayer to get an IP PIN. See IRM, Participating in the IP PIN Program for information on how the taxpayer can obtain, request or apply for an IP PIN. Monitor their credit report and all financial accounts Obtain a copy of all financial and credit records and review them for unusual or unauthorized activity. Obtain a copy of their credit report by contacting any one of the three nationwide credit reporting companies online or through the company’s toll-free numbers listed in the CP01E Notice. Place a fraud alert on credit accounts As an extra precaution, contact one of the credit agencies listed on the CP01E and request that a fraud alert be placed on all credit accounts File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission Contact the Federal Trade Commission at: www.IdentityTheft.gov, or call FTC's Identity Theft Hotline: 1-877-438-4338; TTY: 1-866-653-4261 Review Social Security Administration records to ensure that their earnings records are correct Sign up for an electronic account at www.SSA.gov, to check for excessive income being reported
Letter 0544C: Due to a programming error that occurred in 2017 and 2018, some spouses who were listed as the secondary taxpayer on ITIN returns received a CP01E or CP701E when there was no identified ITIN/SSN mismatch. Beginning in May of 2019, these taxpayers will receive a 0544C letter notifying them the original CP 01E notice they received in 2017 or 2018 was issued in error; they are not victims of employment related IDT. When responding to these inquiries, apologize to the taxpayer and let them know:
The original letter was sent to them in error
The identity theft indicator that was mistakenly applied to their account was removed.
If they have any other identity theft indicators that were applied to their account that were unrelated to this incident, they are still in place and active.
There is no impact to their tax account
They should continue to file their tax returns, and pay their tax, normally.
Field Assistance (TAC) Only: If the TAC visit has unanswerable questions or needs additional assistance, complete Form 4442 “Inquiry Referral” by completing boxes 1 – 4, 8 – 10 and 13 – 14. In section B, input “CP01E TAC Center Visit” and the taxpayer’s question. Either enter the taxpayer’s telephone number in box 24, or the taxpayer’s e-mail address in box 25, and enter the question or issue in Section B. Forward the completed Form 4442 via encrypted email to: *TS CAS:AM:IPSO Employment Identity Theft.
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The taxpayer may not have received notification of the disabled online account. Verification for on-line services is done by a 3rd party and we cannot assist in the verification process.
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If the taxpayer states they did not receive their CP 01A or it was lost, or they have a TC 971 AC 527 on their account and can’t retrieve their IP PIN, they can have the IP PIN reissued, in most cases. See IRM , Lost, Misplaced or Non-Receipt of IP PIN for procedures to reissue their IP PIN
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The TC 971 AC 528 identity theft indicator is mainly used to enroll individuals into the IP PIN program, who verified their identity through Form 15227, Application for An IP PIN, or an in-person Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) appointment.
The table below describes the various miscellaneous codes used with the TC 971 AC 528:
Miscellaneous Field Description Input By WI IPSU TPRQ Input after Form 15227 is approved. See IRM IDTVA – IDTX Trained Employees WI FA TPRQ Input after in-person TAC verification is approved Headquarters WI IP DEPND Input after a Tax-related identity theft issue is identified for a dependent. See IRM IDTVA – Full Scope Trained Employees WI IP TPRQ Bypass certain CP01A suppression criteria Headquarters
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While completing account research, employees may identify evidence of a potential true duplicate filing condition which may be a potential identity theft case due to a data breach. When the IRS has been notified of a preparer data breach incident, the account entity will be flagged with TC 971 AC 123 PREPARER CONTACT.
Phones-If initial research suggests the taxpayer may be a victim of identity theft and the account reflects a preparer breach indicator, take the following actions:
Provide the TP with IDT general guidance see IRM, Taxpayers who are Victims of a Data Breach.
If there is an unresolved IDT tax-related issue, see IRM, Preparing an e-4442/4442, to make a referral to IDTVA for action,
If there is already an open IDTVA control, see IRM, Telephone Inquiries Regarding Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA)Tax-Related Cases. If a different open control is identified (example: TPRQ, DUPF, XRET, etc.), in the "Proposed Resolution" field, include in your recommendation the case be reassigned to IDTVA immediately.
Inform the taxpayer a referral will be issued to an employee who will review and resolve the issue identified. Provide the appropriate timeframe and apology per IRM, IDT Case Processing Time Frames.
Update AMS narratives as applicable.
Forward the referral to the systemic approval path.
Paper - The presence of a TC 971 AC 123 PREPARER CONTACT on a taxpayer’s entity does not confirm tax related identity theft but it does indicate that the taxpayer was a victim of identity theft. Complete research must be conducted to verify the taxpayer’s claim. Identity theft returns resulting from a preparer data breach may appear to be duplicate or amended returns. These fraudulent returns may include:
Duplicate or similar information to previously filed returns.
Income information that is consistent with the filing history and/or matches IRPTR data.
The same or similar tax preparer information.
Different refund/direct deposit information.
If a Form 14039 or police report is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 PREPARER CONTACT on IDRS CC ENMOD/IMFOLE, and the only difference between the posted return and duplicate return is the refund/direct deposit information, consider the taxpayer submitting the identity theft claim to be the valid taxpayer. Follow applicable procedures within IRM 25.23.4, IDTVA Paper Process, to nullify the invalid return and address any other account conditions, as necessary.
If Form 14039 or police report is received, there is a TC 971 AC 123 PREPARER CONTACT on IDRS CC ENMOD/IMFOLE, and
there is no difference between the posted return and duplicate return, the subsequent return is a true duplicate. If the name/address, dependents, income/credits, tax preparer/3rd party contact authorization, and refund/direct deposit/balance due information are all consistent with the filing history of the taxpayer or
if after researching the accounts you cannot find evidence of tax related identity theft affecting an account,
Input TC 971 AC 506, BOD: WI, Program: AM, Tax Admin Code: OTHER
Secondary Date: use current filing tax year or tax year of duplicate return filing,
DO NOT INPUT A TC 971 AC 504, unless you have determined the taxpayer is a victim of income related identity theft not affecting tax administration.
Issue a Letter 4674C --Identity Theft Post-Adjustment Victim Notification Letter (IMF) I, 7, 8, w, y, and #. For international taxpayers use / in place of #.
If the TC 971 AC 506 is not input prior to cycle 47 of the processing year, an IP PIN/CP01A will not generate for the upcoming filing season. Use the following open paragraphs in addition to the paragraphs above. Paragraph 9: "Because we processed your claim late in the year, we are unable to mail an IP PIN in December or January for this upcoming filing season. File your return as normal for this tax season. We will mail you an IP PIN next December or January. If your address changes before December, you will need to complete Form 8822, Change of Address. Visit www.irs.gov/form8822." Paragraph !: "If you want an IP PIN to use for the upcoming tax year, visit our website at www.irs.gov/getanippin. A new IP PIN generates each year in mid-January. You can retrieve it by logging into your account at www.irs.gov/getanippin. If you chose to create an account to obtain an IP PIN, you will not receive a notice in December or January as stated above. "
The IP PIN is a six-digit number assigned to taxpayers to help prevent the misuse of their TIN (i.e., Social Security number or ITIN) on federal income tax returns. An IP PIN helps the IRS verify a taxpayer’s identity and accept their electronic or paper tax return.
The IP PIN protects the taxpayer’s account, even if they no longer have a filing requirement.
A new IP PIN is generated at the end of the year for use in the next processing year for any returns filed during the processing year. This includes the current tax year return and any prior tax year returns.
Since an IP PIN is assigned to a TIN, joint filers may each apply for or have their own IP PIN.
Since there is a limited number of combinations for an IP PIN, some individuals may have the same IP PIN as others.
Participating in the IP PIN Program is voluntary for taxpayers who are not victims of tax-related identity theft.
Type of Enrollment Description Automatic Enrollment Taxpayers who have been victims of tax-related identity theft will be placed into the IP PIN Program automatically. See IRM, Automatic Enrollment in the IP PIN Program, for more information Individual Online Account Online account where taxpayers can enroll in the IP PIN Program or display their IP PIN if already enrolled. See IRM, Opting in to the IP PIN Program through the Individual Online Account, for more information. Form 15227, Application for an IP PIN Taxpayers can apply for an IP PIN by submitting Form 15227. See IRM, Application for an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) Overview - Form 15227, for eligibility. Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) IP PIN Appointment After taxpayers verify their identity in person at their local TAC, they are enrolled into the IP PIN Program. See IRM , IP PIN TAC Appointment Procedures, for when to make an appointment for the TP. -
If the taxpayer voluntarily joined the IP PIN program, are not victims of tax-related identity theft and are not interested in continuing to participate in the program then they may opt-out of the IP PIN program. To find out if they are eligible to opt-out, please advise them to log into their online account, www.irs.gov/your-account.
Taxpayers are automatically enrolled into the IP PIN Program if their account contains a tax-related identity theft indicator, TC 971 AC 501 and/or TC 971 AC 506.
In cycle 20XX49, accounts without an IP PIN requirement are analyzed to determine if the account contains such an indicator. If so, an IP PIN is generated for the account and the IP PIN requirement is set.
All individuals with an SSN or an ITIN are eligible to opt into the IP PIN program. They can opt in through their Individual Online Account at www.irs.gov/your-account . Individuals who do not already have an account must register by verifying their identity. Once enrolled, they can immediately view their IP PIN on the Profile page of their account.
Individuals need to know the following before applying for an IP PIN:
Joint filers must each apply for their own IP PIN.
Most minor dependents will not be able to verify their identity online to get an IP PIN.
Once enrolled they must log into their account every year to retrieve their new IP PIN for that processing year.
Only individuals who voluntarily joined the IP PIN program, and who are NOT victims of tax-related identity theft may opt-out of the IP PIN program. See IRM for more information.
If you receive a call from an individual about issues with accessing the IP PIN through their online account, please provide the information below for the specific scenario:
If the individual is attempting to Then Retrieve their IP PIN Refer to IRM to determine if the taxpayer is eligible to have a Letter 4869C issued. Enroll into the IP PIN Program and have received an identity theft letter that informs them that they will be receiving an IP PIN at the end of the year and invites them to enroll earlier if they choose to. Inform the taxpayer that they will receive their IP PIN via CP01A by January. Also, inform them they can file their tax return normally, without an IP PIN, if they have not filed yet. Enroll into the IP PIN Program and have received a notice inviting them to join the IP PIN Program or they are just trying to enroll. Inform the taxpayer about the other options to enroll into the IP PIN Program. See IRM Also inform the taxpayer, they can always file their return without enrolling into the IP PIN Program. Reminder:
Individuals may call asking when their IP PIN will generate online. The IP PIN for the CURRENT calendar year will be immediately available to them once they pass authentication and establish their online account. They will need to access their account each year to acquire their IP PIN to use for any filings during that calendar year.
As of January 2019, any individual who enrolled in the IP PIN Program online, will need to access their online account every year, prior to filing, to get their new IP PIN for that processing year. Any individual who has enrolled into the IP PIN program prior to January 2019 will still receive a CP01A notice containing their IP PIN for the new processing year.
Taxpayers may call the IRS to request an appointment to obtain an IP PIN.
Do not schedule TAC appointments for taxpayers who are requesting a re-issuance of their IP PIN due to lost, misplaced, or non-receipt. Please refer to IRM, Lost, Misplaced, or Non-Receipt of IP PIN.
Before offering to schedule an appointment, offer the taxpayer the alternative options available for obtaining an IP PIN. Please refer to IRM (2), Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) TAC Appointment Request Received on Toll-Free Account Lines (App 20/21, 161/162). If the taxpayer received a Letter 4403C, or other options are not applicable, or they insist on an appointment continue to paragraph 4 below.
Advise the caller two forms of identification must be presented at their TAC visit. Provide the taxpayer with the required forms of acceptable documents listed in IRM (3), Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) TAC Appointment Request Received on Toll-Free Account Lines (App 20/21, 161/162). Appointments for a dependent IP PIN will need identity documentation from both the authorized person requesting the IP PIN (parent or legal guardian) and identity documentation for the dependent. In addition, if the requester is a party other than a parent/guardian listed as custody parent on CC DDBKD, they will need to show proof of legal guardianship or custody.
If the caller is scheduling an appointment for both a primary and secondary taxpayer, each taxpayer must be present at the appointment and is required to present their own forms of identification.
If the caller is scheduling an appointment for a dependent IP PIN, the dependent does not need to be present for appointment, However, forms of identification for the dependent need to be brought to the TAC appointment along with their own identification documentation.
Once you have determined that an appointment is necessary and provided the information above, follow procedures in IRM, Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) Appointment Service.
Authenticate the requester identity. If the request is for a dependent IP PIN, the parent/legal guardian must present documentation for themselves and the dependent. The dependent does not need to be present at the appointment. See table below for identity confirmation and examples of acceptable documents:
If the taxpayer provides foreign documentation for picture identification, follow IRM, Reviewing Supporting Identification Documents, to determine if it is acceptable.
If the request is for a dependent IP PIN, the requestor must show proof of identity (above) along with two forms of identity documents listed below for the dependents. If the requestor is a party other than a parent/guardian listed as custody parent on CC DDBKD, they must show proof of legal guardianship/custody.
Identity Confirmation for minor/dependent or certain religious groups Acceptable Documentation Individual is a minor/dependent or member of a certain religious group ( Amish, Mennonite or other), who do not have a photo identification because of their religious beliefs. must provide two forms of identification -
Social Security card
State Identification card
Birth Certificate (Requires Name at Birth, Date of Birth, and City of Birth)
Bank Statements
Student Records (grade/high school/college)
Approved copy of Form 4029, Application for Exemption from Social Security and Medicare Taxes and Waiver of Benefits
Document (on Letterhead) from Health Care Provider (Doctor, Nurse or clinic)
Full Name of Taxpayer (including Parent or Guardian if minor/student)
Address, city, state, zip
Date of Birth
Date and Signature of Health Care Provider (doctor, nurse or clinic)
All documentation presented for identity verification must be notated on AMS history. IF the request is for a dependent IP PIN, notate under the dependent SSN on AMS history and the requestor SSN (parent/legal guardian) on AMS history.
If taxpayer did not pass identity verification either for themselves or their dependent or both, explain they should file as they normally would and file a return without an IP PIN. Notate on AMS History for each taxpayer who did not pass identity verification the reason why. If request for IP PIN was for a dependent, and the authorized person failed to pass identity authentication, notate this under both the requestor SSN and the dependent SSN on AMS.
If taxpayer passes authentication,
Check IMFOLE for an IP PIN indicator, see IRM, Identifying If a Taxpayer has an IP PIN Requirement. If taxpayer has an IP PIN requirement, advise the taxpayer they are already enrolled in the IP PIN program and their TIN will be sent to the Identity Protection Group for processing and approval for an IP PIN re-issuance notice. If approved, a Letter 4869C containing their IP PIN will be issued, normally within 21 days.
Check the taxpayer's address on IDRS and update if applicable.
Access the TAC IP PIN Request Tool and enter the taxpayer's TIN.
Notate on AMS History if the taxpayer has an IP PIN requirement.
If the taxpayer does not have an IP PIN requirement then check the taxpayer's address on IDRS and update if applicable.
If the request is for a dependent or a first-time filer IP PIN, and there is no entity for the SSN, notate the first, middle and last name and complete address of the dependent/first time filer under that SSN on AMS history. If request is for a dependent, also notate under the parent/legal guardian requestor SSN on AMS history.
Advise the taxpayer the IP PIN request will be sent to the Identity Protection Group for final approval and processing. If approved an IP PIN will be assigned, and a CP01A notice with their IP PIN will be issued, normally within 3 weeks. The notice will contain all necessary information on how to use their IP PIN when filing their federal tax returns. Advise the taxpayer if they don’t receive a notice with their IP PIN within 30 days, they will need to file normally without the IP PIN.
Access the TAC IP PIN Request Tool and enter the taxpayer's TIN.
Check to make sure the AMS history is notated with all required information. If the request is for a dependent IP PIN, both parent/legal guardian and the dependent AMS histories must be updated with the required information. Not entering the required information on AMS history could result in the IP PIN being denied.
To determine if a taxpayer’s account had an IP PIN generated, review CC IMFOLE for an IP PIN indicator. IMFOLE line 14 will display:
IP PIN:1 if an IP PIN was generated to the taxpayer’s account.
IP PIN:0 if no IP PIN was generated to the taxpayer’s account.
IP PIN Indicator is set:
In December for accounts that contain an unreversed tax-related IDT indicator without a previous IP requirement are automatically enrolled into the IP PIN Program and the IP PIN indicator is set to “1”. OR
At the time a taxpayer opts into the IP PIN Program. The IP PIN indicator is set to “1” when the opt in transaction posts to their account; TC 016 with DLN 28263-777-77777-Y. (Y signifies the year digit.)
IP PINs are generated annually in early December for the upcoming processing year. IP PINs are generated for every TIN in the IP PIN population; however, some accounts will have an IP PIN generated but will not have a notice mailed.
CP01A Notice – This notice contains the taxpayer’s IP PIN. It is mailed starting in Mid-December and should be received by Mid-January.
Suppressed Notices – Some accounts that have an IP PIN requirement do not have notices generated due to the following reasons:
Taxpayer opted into the IP PIN Program in 2019 or later through the Get an IP PIN application or the Individual Online Account. CC ENMOD/IMFOLE will contain a TC 016 with the unique DLN of 28263-777-77777-Y (Y signifies the year digit.) with a cycle date of 201904 or greater.
Taxpayer’s account contains an undeliverable indicator. Review CC INOLES for ‘UD’ which displays on the second row.
Taxpayer has not filed a return within the past 3 years.
Taxpayer’s account contains an unreversed IDT indicator with MISC code containing ‘NOFR’ and there has been no subsequent return filed.
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If the taxpayer did not receive a CP 01A Notice, see IRM, Lost, Misplaced or Non-Receipt of IP PIN Overview.
Taxpayers who opted in online, must log into their Online Account to view their current IP PIN on the Profile page, see IRM, Opting into the IP PIN Program through the Individual Online Account.
The IP PIN Entry Tool was developed to re-issue a taxpayer’s IP PIN. The IP PIN Entry Tool will verify that an IP PIN was generated for the taxpayer for the current processing year. If an IP PIN was generated, it will transmit the TIN to Headquarters for processing of Letter 4869C which re-issues the IP PIN to the taxpayer.
Do not suggest filing a Form 15227, Application for an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN), or schedule TAC appointments for taxpayers who are requesting a re-issuance of their IP PIN because it was lost, misplaced, or the IP PIN could not be retrieved through the Individual Online Account.
The IP PIN Entry Tool is taken offline for annual end of year maintenance period in November and brought back online in mid-January. Employees will not be able to input requests during this period. A SERP Alert will be issued when the Tool is active and available for use. If the taxpayer calls requesting that we re-issue their IP PIN during this maintenance period, please explain the following:
The re-issuance process is offline for yearly maintenance and will be back online in mid-January.
They may file by paper, without an IP PIN at any time but it will delay the process of their return.
A digital copy of the CP01A notice is viewable in the Notices section of the Individual Online Account. Taxpayers with an account who received a CP01A may be able to retrieve their IP PIN, when the IP PIN Entry Tool is offline. See IRM, Online Account.
If you receive a call regarding,
A lost or misplaced IP PIN
Non-receipt of the CP01A containing the IP PIN
The IP PIN could not be retrieved through the Individual Online Account
Status of their IP PIN
If the caller is unable to pass disclosure, do not refer them to the TAC appointment line or direct them to a TAC and do not suggest filing a Form 15227. Instead, inform the caller of the self-help methods in paragraph 8 below. Explain to the caller that if they are unable to use the self-help methods to retrieve their IP PIN, they must file their tax return by paper, without an IP PIN.
If Then 1. Taxpayer calls Perform required and additional authentication on the taxpayer using the IAT Disclosure tool to assist callers. For more information see IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance. 2. Taxpayer’s Spouse calls Perform third party authentication using the IAT Disclosure tool. Follow guidance in IRM, Third-Party (POA/TIA/F706) Authentication. 3. Taxpayer's Tax Professional or anyone authorized via the Form 8821 or Form 2848 calls Perform third party authentication using the IAT Disclosure tool. Follow guidance in IRM, Third-Party (POA/TIA/F706) Authentication. 4. Parent or Legal Guardian calls regarding their minor (under the age of 18) dependent’s IP PIN -
Perform required and additional authentication on the parent or legal guardian of the dependent using the IAT Disclosure tool. For more information see IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance.
Verify the identity of the parent or legal guardian using IDRS command code DDBKD to confirm the caller is the parent or legal guardian of the minor dependent for the current year. See IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance, for additional guidance when a call is received from a parent or legal guardian and IRM, DDBKD Display Screen when Command Code Definer is ‘space’ for guidance on researching and interpreting DDBKD information.
If research confirms parent or legal guardian then conduct Required Taxpayer Authentication with the parent/legal guardian, on the dependents TIN using the IAT Disclosure Tool.
If research determines the individual is not a parent or legal guardian, then follow procedures in box 2 of the chart for continuing to authenticate the individual using third-party authorization.
5. Taxpayer calls regarding their adult (over the age of 18) dependent’s IP PIN Perform third-party authentication using the IAT Disclosure tool. Follow guidance in IRM, Third-Party (POA/TIA/F706) Authentication. Reminder:
When receiving calls from someone other than the taxpayer, notate AMS with detailed history. Under the minor or individual’s TIN, indicate the third-party individual whom you spoke with and indicate if authentication was pass/fail. See IRM, Identity Theft Telephone General Guidance for more information.
Confirm the taxpayer has an IP PIN requirement, see IRM, Identifying If a Taxpayer has an IP PIN Requirement.
Some accounts will not have the CP 01A listed because the notice was suppressed due to various reasons, see IRM, Receiving and/or Retrieving your Annual IP PIN.
Inform the taxpayer that we can re-issue their IP PIN via a Letter 4869C normally within 21 calendar days by mail, if the following is true:
The taxpayer's account is enrolled in the IP PIN program. See IRM, and
The taxpayer did not “opt in” to the IP PIN Program within the current calendar year. If the taxpayer opted in within the current calendar year, ENMOD/IMFOLE will contain a TC 016 with the unique DLN of 28263-777-77777-Y with a cycle posting date starting with the current calendar year (Y signifies the year digit.).
A CP01A was not issued prior to cycle 47 of the current calendar year.
The following information and tables are for telephone assistors.
If the taxpayer is eligible to have their IP PIN re-issued, the steps in the table below must be followed, even if the taxpayer later decides to attempt to retrieve their own IP PIN via the self-help methods mentioned in paragraph 8.
If the IP PIN Tool is: Then: Available and the tool is online Input the taxpayer’s TIN into the IP PIN Entry tool: -
Response - "XXX-XX-XXXX has been saved for processing." TIN successfully saved for processing
Response – "PY 20XX IP PIN was not generated for XXX-XX-XXXX" .
If the response indicates an unsuccessful attempt, check to ensure the TIN was input correctly, if:-
not correct – re-input TIN
correct – taxpayer was not enrolled in the IP PIN Program or has opted-in within the current year; taxpayer is not eligible for re-issuance. Inform the taxpayer they do not meet the re-issuance criteria and that they must file by paper if they are unable to use the self-help methods to retrieve their IP PIN.
Not available or offline Complete Form 4442 and forward it to your Lead. Reminder:
Inform the taxpayer that at any time they can file their return by paper. Inform the taxpayer that if they do not receive their re-issued IP PIN letter within 21 calendar days, or if they do not meet the requirements in the list above, or are unable to use the self-help methods in paragraph 8 below, filing by paper would be their only option. A paper return with a missing or incorrect primary and/or secondary taxpayer IP PIN is subjected to additional review for identity verification, which will delay return processing and issuance of any refund that may be due.
Consolidation of Forms 4442 for Processing - Using established local procedures, the TINs from all completed Forms 4442 for each site will be input into the IP PIN Entry Tool within 48 hours. As the TINs are input into the IP PIN Entry Tool, one of two responses will be displayed.
If the response states: Then TIN saved for processing. TIN has been transmitted to Headquarters for processing. PY 20XX IPPIN was not generated for XXX-XX-XXXX Check to ensure the TIN was input correctly, if: -
not correct – re-input TIN
correct – taxpayer was not enrolled in the IP PIN Program or has opted-in within the current year; taxpayer is not eligible for re-issuance. Reject the Form 4442 back to the submitter with instructions to add history on AMS stating the taxpayer doesn’t qualify to have an IP PIN reissued.
If the taxpayer contacts you regarding the non-receipt of the Letter 4869C, research their account to determine if the taxpayer was eligible to receive an IP PIN. If a letter was sent, CC ENMOD will have the history item "4869C" with an IDRS number of 1387800000.
If research reveals the taxpayer: Then advise the taxpayer: was eligible to receive the letter and the letter was sent -
What date our records indicate the letter was sent.
If within 21 calendar days, they may still receive the letter.
If beyond 21 calendar days, then filing by paper without an IP PIN would be the only option.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
was eligible to receive the letter and the letter was not sent -
That filing by paper without an IP PIN would be the only option.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
was not eligible to receive the letter -
They must file by paper without an IP PIN.
Apologize for the inconvenience.
Inform the taxpayer that they may obtain/view their IP PIN faster by accessing their Individual Online Account located online at IRS.gov/your-account . See IRM, Online Account. The IP PIN will be viewable on the Profile page of their account. Also, a digital copy of the CP 01A containing their IP PIN may be available in the Notices section of their account.
Remind the taxpayer if they change their address prior to the next filing season, they must complete Form 8822, Change of Address ( available by visiting www.irs.gov/f8822) prior to the start of the next tax season to receive their CP 01A notice. If a parent or legal guardian of a minor dependent calls requesting dependents IP PIN be re-issued remind the parent/guardian that in the future, any change of address impacting the dependent requires the submission of a Form 8822, Change of Address. This should be completed using the dependent’s TIN and name so there is no interruption in receiving their yearly CP 01A notice.
Taxpayers issued an IP PIN are required to use the IP PIN when filing their return, to avoid delays and rejection.
Electronic Filing –
Taxpayers filing electronically will be prompted by their software program to input their IP PIN and the IP PIN of anyone else on the return with a requirement. The input of the IP PIN varies with the different software programs.
Entry of an IP PIN will be required for any Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), including all Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITINs) with an IP PIN requirement including dependents being claimed on Form 2441, Child and Dependent Care Expenses; and Schedule Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
If a taxpayer contacts the service stating their electronic filing rejected due to prior use of their (TIN) even though they used their IP PIN: apologize for the inconvenience, tell the taxpayer to file a paper return using their IP PIN and do not make any statements about the IP PIN Program beyond your apology.
Paper Filing
The primary taxpayer filing on a paper Form 1040 with an IP PIN must enter the IP PIN in the boxes indicated just to the right of the "Your Occupation" space in the signature section of the form. If the secondary taxpayer, if they have an IP PIN must when filing on paper enter the IP PIN in the indicated box, just to the right of the Spouse’s Occupation space in the signature section of the form.
A paper return with a missing or incorrect IP PIN is subjected to additional review for identity verification, which will delay return processing and issuance of any refund that may be due.
During filing Season 2015, third parties gained unauthorized access to the "Get Transcript" online application using taxpayer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) they obtained through sources outside IRS. You can identify these taxpayers by reviewing ENMOD/IMFOLE for a TC 971 AC 505 with one of the following three breach numbers:
TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521512
TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521555
TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521556
Taxpayer accounts previously disabled from the Secure Access application due to the Get Transcript breach prior to May 2016, such as the Get Transcript Incident, have been opened and the taxpayer can now access the application. Accounts that remain disabled in Secure Access can be identified by an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 WI BREACH DSABLD on the entity. If there is an unreversed AC 527 on the account, See IRM, Disabled Online Accounts TC 971 AC 527.
Third parties gained unauthorized access to the "Get Your Electronic Filing PIN" online application using taxpayer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) they obtained through sources outside IRS. There was no disclosure of PII by the IRS and the IRS is taking additional steps to prevent a fraudulent return from posting to the taxpayer's account. The IRS developed methods to identify these accounts using TC 971 AC 505.
In June of 2017, the IRS announced the discontinuance of the e-File PIN application. As a result, the IRS will no longer accept the e-file PIN as a variable for validating returns. Taxpayers will now be required to use their prior year Self-Select PIN (SSP) or their prior year Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) to sign and validate their returns. Taxpayers seeking their AGI may acquire this information through Get Transcript Online or Order a Transcript by Mail (web and phone applications).
IRS grouped the unauthorized access accounts into three populations and developed coding to facilitate case recognition.
IR20160127510 Successfully obtained E-File PIN
IR20160127513 Unsuccessfully attempted to obtain E-File PIN
IR20160614508 (this number designates a separate incident and identifies both successful and unsuccessful attempts.)
Affected accounts are blocked from on-line applications. These taxpayers will NOT be able to log into on-line accounts or services (for example: Get Transcript, IP PIN and Online Payment Agreement (OPA) due to the fraud incident. As access to OPA is not available, CSRs will assist taxpayers who wish to establish an installment agreement, refer to IRM, Streamlined Installment Agreements, for additional information on installment agreements.
Taxpayer accounts previously disabled from the Secure Access application due to the Get an Electronic Filing PIN breach prior to May 2016, have been opened and the taxpayer can now access the application. Accounts that remain disabled in Secure Access can be identified by an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 WI BREACH DSABLD on the entity. If there is an unreversed AC 527 on the account, See IRM, Disabled Online Accounts TC 971 AC 527.
Between January, 2017 and March, 2017, third parties gained unauthorized access to the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) that is accessed from the Department of Education’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) website to retrieve tax information for student loan applications and repayment plans, using taxpayer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) they obtained through sources outside IRS. The individuals can be identified by reviewing ENMOD/IMFOLE for a TC 971 AC 505 with breach number CR20170228961 and a secondary date of 01/31/2017. A history item was placed on IDRS.
DRT is now available. The individuals whose information may have been accessed were sent letters (4281C). The letter notified these individuals that their personal identity information and tax data could be at risk. It also provided guidance on how to enroll for free identity theft protection for one year through Equifax and how to obtain an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN).
If you receive questions about these letters, advise individuals to file as normal (if applicable) and follow the instructions in the letter they received. For additional guidance, see IRM 10.5.4, Incident Management Program.
Each day a taxpayer’s account in the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT) is accessed, the IRS will issue a CP302 to notify the taxpayer.
If the taxpayer calls about the receipt of a CP302, explain that they will receive a notice each day the DRT is accessed using their information. Probe the caller to ascertain if the taxpayer, or their parent, guardian, representative, etc. made the access.
Full disclosure and authentication are required for account related calls only. See IRM (4), Communication Skills, for more information.
If the caller states that the access was not made by them, or by anyone on their behalf, take the following actions:
Advise the taxpayer of actions to take to protect their identity. See IRM, Taxpayer Interaction, for a list of actions.
TC 971 AC 522 with MISC Code of OS PHSH IRSID and
TC 971 AC 504 with MISC Code of NKI
Third parties gained unauthorized access to an online application using taxpayer Personally Identifiable Information (PII) they obtained through sources outside IRS. You can identify these taxpayers by reviewing ENMOD/IMFOLE for a TC 971 AC 505 with the breach number CR20170421067 or LR20170421067 with a Breach Date of 3/30/2017. Letter 4281C was issued to the taxpayers impacted by the incident.
Taxpayer accounts previously disabled from the Secure Access application due to this breach prior to May 2016, have been opened and the taxpayer can now access the application. Accounts that remain disabled in Secure Access can be identified by an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 WI BREACH DSABLD on the entity. If there is an unreversed AC 527 on the account, See IRM, Disabled Online Accounts TC 971 AC 527.
These accounts are identified by breach number IR20170425509. The taxpayers affected by this breach have been notified via Letter 4281C.
The majority of the accounts do not have their online account blocked, but there are a few whose on-line accounts are currently blocked from another breach, for example Get Transcript or Efile PIN.
Taxpayer accounts previously disabled from the Secure Access application due to this breach prior to May 2016, have been opened and the taxpayer can now access the application. Accounts that remain disabled in Secure Access can be identified by an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 WI BREACH DSABLD on the entity. If there is an unreversed AC 527 on the account, See IRM, Disabled Online Accounts TC 971 AC 527.
The victims with blocked accounts were told that they need to file a Form 14039 if they would like to obtain an IP PIN. Those taxpayers not blocked were sent instructions to OPT-IN for an IP PIN on-line if they so choose.
An Identity Theft (IDT) Functional Liaison is representative of their function. The Liaison’s name, contact phone and fax number are listed on the IDT Functional Liaison listing located on Servicewide Electronic Research Program (SERP). IDTVA Employees refer to this listing to identify a point of contact (POC) for referral purposes.
Processes which require referrals from the IDTVA IPSU staff to the functions for action include:
Form 14027-B, Identity Theft Case Referral, which is currently used exclusively for Global Review (GRVW) referrals.
IDT Liaisons will receive cases by secure e-mail or through CII.
IDT Liaisons will process identity theft referrals as priority. All cases involving identity theft will receive priority treatment. This includes functions not located within the IDTVA framework.
Employees will receive Form 14027-B, Identity Theft Case Referral, through their designated IDT Liaisons to resolve a tax related issue involving identity theft whether or not there is an open control for the case on IDRS or CII.
Employees can identify cases related to Form 14027-B on AMS/CII and their Automated Age Listing (AAL) by a multiple control with a case controlled with Category Code GRVW and a Priority Code 1 on the IDT control.
Use the step chart below when a Form 14027-B is received.
Step Action 1 Review sections I and II of F14027-B to ensure the tax related identity theft issue has been forwarded to the correct IDT liaison. 2 Acknowledge receipt of the form within 5 business days by filling out Section V on page 2 of the form and notating receipt of Form 14027-B on IDRS or AMS. 3 Provide status updates to the taxpayer (interim letters or phone calls). 4 Record periodic status updates or enter history items (every 45 days) on IDRS or AMS. 5 Complete Form 14027-B through VIII when the case is resolved and closed. 6 Return the completed Form 14027-B to the IDTVA-I caseworker through the IDT Liaison, when applicable, upon resolution of the case.
The following tables describe the terms and acronyms used for the TC 971 AC 501, 504, and 506 identity theft indicator codes. The three tables are: 1) BOD/Function, 2) Program Name, and 3) Tax Administration Source. Not all Tax Administration Source Codes are available to all BOD/Functions. For specific BOD/Function information, refer to the applicable Exhibit for the Action Code, for example TC 971 AC 501 or AC 506.
Term/Acronym Description AP Appeals CI Criminal Investigation LBI Large Business & International IT Information Technology OS Operations Support PPDS Identity Protection Strategy & Oversight formerly Privacy, Governmental Liaison & Disclosure SBSE Small Business / Self-Employed TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service TS (formerly WI) Taxpayer Services (formerly Wage & Investment) -
Program Name
Term/Acronym Description ACS Automated Collection System AM Accounts Management (IRS or TP identified identity theft) AMTAP Return Integrity & Verification Operations (RIVO) formerly Accounts Management Taxpayer Assurance Program (AMTAP) AP Appeals ASFR Automated Substitute for Return AUR Automated Underreporter CA TAS Case Advocate CFBALDUE SB/SE: Field Collection - Taxpayer Delinquency Accounts CFDELRET SB/SE: Field Collection - Taxpayer Delinquency Investigations CONGINQ Congressional Inquiry CORR SB/SE Correspondence Exam CSCO Compliance Services Collection Operations CSIRC Computer Security Incident Response Center EXAM TS Correspondence Exam FA Field Assistance FO Field Office FLDEXAM Field Exam FLDADV Field Advisory FLDINSLV Field Insolvency RIVO Return Integrity & Verification Operations LBI Large Business & International OPIP Identity Protection Strategy & Oversight PHSH Phishing PREREF Pre-Refund Program PRP Pre-refund Program RC Refund Crimes RFND Refund Scheme RICS Return Integrity & Compliance Services SP Submission Processing TDI Tax Delinquency Investigation TEFRA Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 WHC Withholding Compliance -
Tax Administration Source
The new MISC codes that contain an “M” next to them identify cases requiring a manual 4402C instead of a new systemic notice (CP01C (English) and CP701C (Spanish)). The new notices will be issued once the TC 971 AC 504 and original MISC codes posts to the TP’s account.
Term/Acronym Description ACCT and ACCT-M Non-tax-related issues: One or more personal accounts have been opened under the victim's identity or the victim reported questionable account activity. BOTH and BOTH-M Non-tax-related issues: Both EMPL and ACCT DDb Used by RICS Pre-Refund for cases selected by DDb filter and identified as an Identity Theft return DECD Taxpayer is deceased EAFAIL Non-tax-related issue: Used exclusively by RICS for situations where the Electronic Filing PIN (EFP) Application has been linked to a telephone line which has been blocked after a series of attempts to secure a PIN EMPL and EMPL-M Non-tax-related issue: Victim's SSN Used for Employment. ERC027 Primary Taxpayer under 14 years old IDT Used by RICS Pre-Refund for CI Cases where a bad return was filed under the taxpayer’s SSN INCOME Identity theft identified and substantiated due to an underreporting of income IRSID During the normal course of business, the IRS suspects identity theft may have occurred, and the case is not yet resolved. MULTFL Identity theft identified and substantiated due to two or more tax returns filed for one taxpayer INCMUL Identity theft identified and substantiated due to both underreporting of income and multiple filings NKI and NKI-M No known taxpayer impact NOFR Substantiated identity theft incidents where the victim does not have a filing requirement OTHER Identity theft which cannot be identified as related to any existing Tax Administration Source types OTHER1 Used by RICS to identify an SSN where there is at least one good return filed with a valid address PNDCLM The taxpayer makes an initial claim of identity theft. They have not yet submitted their claim. PRISNR Taxpayer is incarcerated RFND Identity theft identified by the filing of a false return in order to obtain a refund SSA Used by RICS Pre-Refund for cases identified by SSA filters, but are confirmed Identity Theft cases RPM1, RPM2, RPM3, RPM4 Used by AM and Compliance functions to flag Return Preparer Misconduct cases. Employees will notify these taxpayers that the Service will provide identity protection via the IP PIN as they are vulnerable because of their dealings with a bad preparer. SPCL1 Applied when there is at least one incident of failed High-Risk Disclosure during a phone call and a taxpayer is requesting their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or Self Select PIN (SSP) so that they can e-file their tax return SPCL2 TC 971 AC 504 SPCL2 will be applied to a taxpayer's SSN when the taxpayer alleges BMF ID theft that is affecting their SSN.
Prior to January 2015, used by AM and Compliance functions to flag Return Preparer Misconduct cases. Employees will notify these taxpayers that the Service will provide identity protection via the IP PIN as they are vulnerable because of their dealings with a bad preparer.UNAUDP Unauthorized use of a dependent person UNWORK An identity theft claim has been received but has not been resolved yet. See Exhibit 25.23.1-1, Glossary of Identity Protection Terms and Definitions, for more information. UPC147 Input on the identified IRSN corresponding to the non-legitimate unpostable return with UPC147 RC 1 as identified and determined by SP UPCMUL Input on true SSN owner’s account when a non-legitimate unpostable return with UPC147 RC 1 has been filed using the taxpayer’s SSN as identified and determined by SP
The exhibit below demonstrates how IDTVA inputs a TC 971 AC 501 when the taxpayer is a victim of income related identity theft affecting tax administration.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Input instructions for TC 971 AC 501 are as follows:
Obtain the following information:
Entity - SSN;
Business Operating Division (BOD)/Function (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions;
Program Name (See table in (7) below);
Tax Administration Source (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions; and
Tax Year affected by identity theft (Secondary-DT Field).
The tax year affected by the identity theft cannot be the current year. For example, the taxpayer gave you a valid claim during the current year, for a 2012 tax year issue. You have resolved the issues, verified and updated the address. You will input TC 971 AC 501 for tax year 2012 by entering 12312012 in the Secondary-DT field on FRM77.
The tables provided below display the available Tax Administration Source Codes by BOD/Function/Program. Do not attempt to use Tax Administration Source Codes not listed for your BOD/Function (Program).
Navigate to CC FRM77
Sign into IDRS
Enter ENMOD (SSN), then press ENTER
Enter CC REQ77
CC FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN
The Secondary Date field on CC REQ77 is limited to the current calendar year (cannot be the current day or any future date) and 7 prior years. The secondary date field will not allow the input of any date outside that range. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
Enter the TC 971 AC 501
Enter the TC with 971
TRANS-DT is auto populated with the current date
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year affected by the identity theft incident in the format MMDDYYYY)
Enter MISC (enter your specific BOD/Function, Program Name, and Tax Administration Source, see Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions
Tax Administration Source Codes for use with TC 971 AC 501 - Taxpayer Identified Case Closure
Taxpayers affected by Get Transcript breach will be flagged with TC 971 AC 506 WI AM OTHER. You can identify these taxpayers by reviewing CC ENMOD for a TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521512, TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521555 or TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521556
Tax Administration Source Code Definition of Tax Administration Source Code ALTRD Identity theft identified and substantiated due to an altered return INCOME Identity theft identified and substantiated due to an underreporting of income MULTFL Identity theft identified and substantiated due to two or more tax returns filed for one taxpayer INCMUL Identity theft identified and substantiated due to both underreporting of income and multiple filings OTHER Identity theft which cannot be identified as related to any existing Tax Administration Source types NOFR Identity theft identified by the filing of a false return in order to obtain a refund and the victim does not have a filing requirement DECD Deceased taxpayer PRISNR Incarcerated Taxpayer REFCCA IDTVA use only - Used for additional impacted years identified through Complete Case Analysis when the taxpayer has been determined to be a victim of refund related identity theft. ICMCCA IDTVA use only – Used for additional impacted years identified through Complete Case Analysis when the taxpayer has been determined to be a victim of income related identity theft affecting tax administration. -
Do not attempt to use a Tax Administration Source Code that your BOD/Program (Function) is not profiled to use. The following table identifies the BOD/Programs and applicable Tax Administration Source Codes. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions, for definitions of the Program Name codes.
Appeals is profiled to use the following codes:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code AP AP INCOME, MULTFL, INCMUL, OTHER, NOFR, and DECD -
Criminal Investigation is profiled to use the following codes:
Large Business & International is profiled to use the following codes:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code LBI LBI INCOME, INCMUL, MULTFL, OTHER, NOFR, PRISNR, and, DECD -
IT is profiled to use the following codes:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code MITS CSIRC DECD, OTHER, NOFR, and PRISNR -
IPSO is profiled to use the following codes:
SBSE is profiled to use the following codes:
TS is profiled with the following codes:
The exhibit below demonstrates how ACS inputs a TC 972 AC 501 when they determine identity theft was indicated by IRS in error.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Input instructions for TC 972 AC 501 are as follows:
Obtain the following information:
Navigate to CC FRM77
Sign into IDRS
Enter ENMOD SSN, then press ENTER
Enter CC REQ77
CC FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN
Enter the TC 972 AC 501
Enter the TC with 972
Enter TRANS-DT (enter the transaction date of the TC 971 AC 501 being reversed)
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year of the TC 971 AC 501 being reversed in the MMDDYYYY format)
Enter MISC (Modify the Reason Code field with the reason for the reversal). Select the Reason code that reflects the reason for the reversal from the options below
Enter REMARKS (enter your remarks)
See Exhibit 25.23.2-2, IMF Only TC 971 AC 501 — Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Case Closure (Tax-Related) - TC 971 AC 501, for Secondary Date limitations and other necessary input. For more information on CC REQ77 see IRM 2.4.19, Command Codes REQ77, FRM77 and FRM7A, or the IDRS Command Code Job Aid.
Tax Administration Source Codes for use with TC 972 AC 501 - Reversal of TC 971 AC 501 - are as follows:
TC 972 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code Definition TPRQ The taxpayer requests the 971 be reversed. IRSERR The 971 was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake. IRSADM The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system, and should be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming issue. FALSE RESERVED OTHER The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the reason descriptions above. -
The following tables describe the TC 972 AC 501 reason codes by BOD/Function and Program. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions, for definitions of the Program Name codes.
Appeals is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
BOD Name Program Name TC 972 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code AP AP TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER -
Criminal Investigation is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
BOD Name Program Name TC 972 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code CI FO TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER CI RC TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER -
Large Business & International (LB&I) is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
BOD Name Program Name TC 972 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code LBI LBI TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER -
IT is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
BOD Name Program Name TC 972 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code MITS CSIRC TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER -
The IPSO is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
Small Business Self Employed (SBSE) is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
BOD Name Program Name TC 972 AC 501 Tax Administration Source Code TAS TAS TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER -
Taxpayer Services (TS) is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 501:
TC 971 AC 504 is displayed on IDRS command code ENMOD and consists of the following data elements:
Input date of TC 971 AC 504 | Date identity theft occurred (Use the table below to determine the secondary date. | Taxpayer impact. (Use the table below to determine the correct MISC code based on the impact to the taxpayer.) | Comments |
If making a determination of Income Related IDT, the secondary date will be the tax year impacted in the format of 1231YYYY. See IRM, TC 971 AC 504 with Miscellaneous Field Codes ACCT, ACCT-M, BOTH, BOTH-M, EMPL, EMPL-M, ICMCCA, NKI or NKI-M for more information.
If a TC 971 AC 504 is input as a closing code, then a reversal of the existing TC 971 AC 522 is not required.
Use the tax year of the incident in the Secondary Date Field if applying the AC 504 using SPCL1, SPCL2, RPM1, RPM2, RPM3 AND RPM4, or EAFAIL.
If | THEN |
1. Form 14039 specifies an incident date that is complete | Use the date provided on Form 14039. |
2. Additional documentation attached specifies an incident date that is complete. | Use the completion date provided in the additional documentation. Example: The Form 14039 does not include a complete incident date, but a copy of the police report is included with the claim. The report indicates the identity theft occurred on March 10, 2020; the secondary date will reflect 03102020 |
3. Form 14039 indicates an incident date of only a month and year | Use the first day of the month provided by the taxpayer on Form 14039. |
4. Form 14039 lists a tax year (or multiple years), but there is no indication of tax related identity theft and no specific incident date is provided in the explanation. | Use the earliest tax period listed on Form 14039. |
5. Form 14039 does not include an incident date. | Use the Received date on the Form 14039. |
Input of Action Code 504 for non-tax related identity theft purposes is limited and reserved for use by IDTVA in TS Accounts Management. The following Miscellaneous Field Codes are used for non-tax-related identity theft while inputting TC 971 AC 504 using CC REQ77 or the REQ77 IAT tool:
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
The MISC codes contain a “M” next to them to identify cases requiring a manual 4402C instead of a systemic notice (CP01C (English) and CP701C (Spanish)). The notice will be issued once the TC 971 AC 504 and original MISC codes posts to the TP’s account. Refer to IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft – IDT4 Overview, for circumstances that would require the issuance of a manual 4402C letter.
Caution: Taxpayer accounts disabled from the Secure Access application who filed Form 14039, will be flagged with TC 971 AC 506 WI AM OTHER. You can identify these taxpayers by reviewing CC ENMOD or IMFOLE for an unreversed TC 971 AC 527 WI BREACH DSABLD
The following Miscellaneous Field Codes are used for BMF and RPM inventory programs using CC REQ77 or the REQ77 IAT tool:
Impact to Taxpayer | |
Miscellaneous Field Codes | Description |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ | ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ |
The miscellaneous field for TC 972 AC 504 reflects the reason for the reversal of TC 971 AC 504. See the TC 972 AC 504 Miscellaneous Field chart below for the reasons and values for the MISC field.
Reason | Description | Value |
Taxpayer Request | The taxpayer requests the 971 be reversed. | TPRQ |
Keying or Internal Error | The 971 was due to a typographical mistake or other internal mistake. | IRSERR |
Internally Identified Negative Impact | The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system, and should be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming issue. | IRSADM |
False Identity Theft Claim | RESERVED | FALSE |
Other | The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the reason descriptions above. | OTHER |
Important: Input of Action Code 505 is limited and reserved for use by PGLD personnel.
TC 971 AC 505 is displayed on IDRS command code ENMOD and consists of the following data elements:
TC 971 AC 505 input date | Date the data breach occurred. | Incident Reference Code number assigned to the data loss case. Usually, this number begins with the literal "IR" and is followed by 11 numeric digits. For example: IR20080211034 |
The miscellaneous field for TC 972 AC 505 reflects the reason for the reversal of TC 971 AC 505. See the following chart for reasons and values for the MISC field:
Reason | Description | Value |
Keying or Internal Error | The 971 was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake. | IRSERR |
Internally Identified Negative Impact | The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system, and should be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming issue. | IRSADM |
Other | The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the above reason descriptions. | OTHER |
The exhibit below demonstrates how SP inputs a TC 971 AC 506 when resolving IRS-identified identity theft issue involving an unpostable.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Input instructions for TC 971 AC 506 are as follows:
Obtain the following information:
Entity - SSN;
Business Operating Division (BOD)/Function (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions;
Program Name (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions);
Tax Administration Source (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions); and
Tax Year affected by identity theft.
The tables provided below display the available Tax Administration Source Codes by BOD/Function (Program). Do not attempt to use Tax Administration Source Codes not listed for your BOD/Function (Program).
Navigate to CC FRM77
Sign into IDRS;
Enter ENMOD (SSN), then press ENTER;
Enter CC REQ77;
FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN.
Enter the TC 971 AC 506
Enter the TC with 971;
TRANS-DT is auto populated with the current date;
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year affected by the identity theft incident in the format MM-DD-YYYY);
See Exhibit 25.23.2-2, IMF Only TC 971 AC 501 — Taxpayer Initiated Identity Theft Case Closure (Tax-Related) - TC 971 AC 501, for Secondary Date limitations and other necessary input. For more information on CC REQ77 see IRM 2.4.19, Command Codes REQ77, FRM77 and FRM7A, or the IDRS Command Code Job Aid.
Enter MISC (enter your specific BOD/Function, Program Name, and Tax Administration Source; see the BOD/Function tables below); and
Tax Administration Source Codes for use with TC 971 AC 506 - IRS Determined Case Closure
Taxpayers affected by Get Transcript incident who filed Form 14039, will be flagged with TC 971 AC 506 WI AM OTHER. You can identify these taxpayers by reviewing CC ENMOD for a TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521512, TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521555, or TC 971 AC 505 IR20150521556.
TC 971 AC 506 Tax Administration Codes Definition of Tax Administration Source Code INCOME Identity theft identified and substantiated due to an underreporting of income MULTFL Identity theft identified and substantiated due to two or more tax returns filed for one taxpayer INCMUL Identity theft identified and substantiated due to both underreporting of income and multiple filings OTHER Identity theft which cannot be identified as related to any existing Tax Administration Source types or when TP files F 14039 in response to EPSS disabled account to put TP in CP01A population. OTHER1 Used exclusively by RICs to identify an SSN where there is either: -
Used to mark accounts that have been identified as having previous tax-related identity theft situation, but have a good taxpayer involved with a verified good address of record. These markers will receive the IP PIN notice
OTHER2 FS 2015- Used Exclusively by RICS to issue the CP01F IP PIN OPT-In Notice for the TC 971 504 EAFAIL population, as well as TINS identified by CI to be compromised by a data breach when the posted return was verified as Non-IDT based on IRP and the zip code on the return matches the current year IRP address. LIST1 Used exclusively by RICs to accounts referred by Criminal Investigation (CI) involving data breach lists. Also includes high risk (e.g., PII, hacked preparer) and imminent lists such as Traffic Stops, Search Warrants, and Informant Leads, with no returns filed. NOFR Identity theft identified by the filing of a false return in order to obtain a refund and the good taxpayer has no filing requirement DECD Deceased taxpayer PRISNR Incarcerated Taxpayer NKI and NKI-M Used by RICS Pre-Refund for CI cases with no known impact on taxpayer account IDT Used by RICS Pre-Refund for CI Cases where a bad return was filed under the taxpayer’s SSN DDb Used by RICS Pre-Refund for cases selected by DDb filter and identified as an Identity Theft return SSA Used by RICS Pre-Refund for cases identified by SSA filters, but are confirmed Identity Theft cases OMM Previously used by RICS Pre-Refund for cases selected by DDb Filter that are OMM Cases. UPCMUL Input on true SSN owner’s account when a non-legitimate unpostable return with UPC147 RC 1 has been filed using the taxpayer’s SSN as identified and determined by SP UPC147 Input on the identified IRSN corresponding to the non-legitimate unpostable return with UPC147 RC 1 as identified and determined by SP OMMGB Valid return filed by the legitimate taxpayer who was previously identified as OMM ERC027 Primary Taxpayer under 14 years old -
Do not attempt to use a Tax Administration Source Code that your BOD/Program (Function) is not profiled to use. The following table identifies the BOD/Programs and applicable Tax Administration Source Codes. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions, for definitions of the Program Name codes.
The following BODS are not profiled to use TC 971 AC 506: Appeals, TAS, LB&I, and IT.Important: Input of Action Code 506 is limited and reserved for use by designated functions. The BOD Tables below illustrate only those Functions/Programs authorized to use TC 971 AC 506.
Criminal Investigation is profiled to use TC 971 AC 506 as follows:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 506 Tax Administration Source Code CI PHSH Field intentionally left blank CI RFND Field intentionally left blank CI OTHER Field intentionally left blank CI RC PRISNR CI RC DECD -
SBSE is profiled to use the following codes:
Taxpayer Services (TS) is profiled with the following codes:
The illustration below demonstrates how Accounts Management reverses a TC 971 AC 506 using a TC 972 AC 506.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Input instructions for TC 972 AC 506 are as follows:
Obtain the following information:
Entity - SSN;
BOD/Function (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions);
Program Name (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions);
Tax Year of the TC 971 AC 506 being reversed; and
Transaction date of the TC 971 AC 506 being reversed.
Navigate to CC FRM77
Sign into IDRS;
Enter ENMOD SSN, then press ENTER;
Enter CC REQ77;
FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN.
Enter the TC 972 AC 506
If the year in question being reversed is older than the current calendar year minus 7 years, CC REQ77 will not accept the year. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue for more information.
Enter the TC with 972;
Enter TRANS-DT (enter the transaction date of the TC 971 AC 506 being reversed);
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year of the TC 971 AC 506 being reversed in the MMDDYYYY format);
Enter MISC (Modify the Reason Code field with the reason for the reversal). Select the Reason code that reflects the reason for the reversal from the options below; and
Enter REMARKS (enter your remarks).
Tax Administration Source Code is entered into the Miscellaneous field and displays the reason for the reversal. See TC 972 AC 506 Miscellaneous Field chart below for reasons and values for the MISC field:
TC 972 AC 506 Tax Administration Source Code Definition TPRQ The taxpayer requests the 971 be reversed. IRSERR The 971 was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake. IRSADM The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system, and should be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming issue. FALSE RESERVED OTHER The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the reason descriptions above. -
The following BODS are not profiled to use TC 972 AC 506: Appeals, TAS, LB&I, and IT.
The following tables describe the TC 972 AC 506 reason codes by BOD/Function and Program. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions, for definitions of the Program Name codes.
Criminal Investigation is profiled to use TC 972 AC 506 as follows:
Operations Support (OS) is profiled to use TC 972 AC 506 as follows:
BOD Name Program Name TC 972 AC 506 Tax Administration Source Code OS PIPDS TPRQ, IRSERR, IRSADM, FALSE, and OTHER -
Small Business Self Employed (SBSE) is profiled to use TC 972 AC 506 as follows:
Taxpayer Services (TS) is profiled to use TC 972 AC 506 as follows:
The exhibit demonstrates how AUR inputs a TC 971 AC 522 when the taxpayer initially asserts identity theft.
If the allegation or suspicion of IDT is for an Economic Impact Payment (EIP), check the TC 971 AC 199 on IMFOLE to see the source of the EIP. If the source is a 2018 return, input 2018 as the tax year affected by IDT. If the source is something other than a 2018 return, input 2019 as the tax year affected.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Input instructions for TC 971 AC 522 are as follows:
Obtain the following information:
Entity - SSN;
BOD/Function (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions);
Program Name (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions);
Tax Administration Source (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions); and
Tax Year affected by identity theft.
The tables provided below display the available Tax Administration Source Codes by BOD/Function (Program). Do not attempt to use Tax Administration Source Codes not listed for your BOD/Function (Program).
Navigate to CC FRM77
Sign into IDRS;
Enter ENMOD SSN, then press ENTER;
Enter CC REQ77;
FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN.
Enter the TC 971 AC 522
TC> Enter the TC with 971;
TC 971/151-CD> Enter 522
TRANS-DT is auto-populated with the current date;
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year affected by the identity theft incident in the format MMDDYYYY);
Enter MISC (enter your specific BOD/Function, Program Name, and Tax Administration Source) see Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions, and
Tax Administration Source codes for use with TC 971 AC 522 – Identity Theft Account Status:
TC 971 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code Definition PNDCLM The taxpayer has made an allegation of identity theft by telephone, has filed a return with a claim attached or has sent a reply to a Compliance function alleging identity theft without a Form 14039 or police report. IRSID During the normal course of business, the IRS suspects identity theft may have occurred, and the case is not yet resolved. NODCRQ Beginning in 2015, used in conjunction with BOD PPDS and Program OPIP (TC 971 AC 522 PPDS OPIP NODCRQ) to identify/track on-line accounts and EPSS accounts disabled due to identity theft.
Prior to 2015, NODCRQ was applied when the taxpayer claimed identity theft and there was a posted TC 971 AC 501/ 506.UNWORK An Identity Theft Claim ( see Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions) has been received but has not been resolved yet. -
The tables provided below display the available Tax Administration Source Codes by BOD/Function and Program. Do not attempt to use Tax Administration Source Codes not listed for your BOD/Function.
Appeals (AP) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code AP AP ALTRD, INCMUL, INCOME, IRSID, MULTFL, NODCRQ, NOFR, OTHER, PNDCLM and UNWORK -
Criminal Investigation (CI) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
Large Business & International (LB&I) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code LBI LBI INCMUL, IRSID, INCOME, MULTFL, NODCRQ, NOFR, PNDCLM, UNWORK and OTHER -
IT is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code MITS CSIRC ALTRD, NOFR and OTHER -
Operations Support (OS) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code OS PHSH NODCRQ, IRSID and UNWORK -
Small Business Self Employed (SBSE) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name Program Name TC 971 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code TAS CA PNDCLM, IRSID, and UNWORK -
Taxpayer Services (TS) is profiled to use the following codes for TC 971 AC 522:
The exhibit demonstrates how IDTVA inputs a TC 971 AC 522 when no identity theft occurred.
The TC 971 AC 504 is a closing code, just like the AC 501 and AC 506. All three identify the resolution of identity theft cases and close the TC 971 AC 522 claim. Do not manually reverse a TC 971 AC 522 previously closed with TC 971 AC 501/504/506. A TC 971 AC 522 that is unresolved may be reversed even if the secondary date is the same as a TC 971 AC 522 previously resolved by a TC 971 AC 501/504/506.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Obtain the following information:
Entity - SSN;
BOD/Function (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions );
Program Name (See Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions);
Tax Year of the TC 971 AC 522 being reversed; and
Transaction date of the TC 971 AC 522 being reversed.
Navigate to FRM77
Sign into IDRS;
Enter ENMOD SSN, then press ENTER;
Enter CC REQ77;
FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN.
Enter the TC 972 AC 522
If the year in question being reversed is older than the current calendar year minus 7 years, CC REQ77 will not accept the year. See IRM, Command Code REQ77 Secondary Date and Old Case Year Issue, for more information.
Enter the TC with 972;
Enter TRANS-DT (enter the transaction date of the TC 971 AC 522 being reversed);
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year of the TC 971 AC 522 being reversed in the MMDDYYYY format);
Enter MISC (Modify the Reason Code field with the reason for the reversal). Select the Reason code that reflects the reason for the reversal from the options below; and
Enter REMARKS (enter your remarks).
The following tables describe the TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Codes by BOD/Function and Program.
Reason | Description | Tax Administration Source Code |
Taxpayer claimed Identity Theft and Identity Theft has NOT occurred | In the course of resolving an identity theft issue, the employee assigned determines no identity theft occurred. | NOIDT |
The taxpayer did not provide a valid claim or the requested additional information | This code is used to close a suspended case when the taxpayer fails to provide a valid claim or the requested additional information within the time specified by the employee assigned. | NORPLY |
Taxpayer Request | The taxpayer requests the 971 be reversed. | TPRQ |
Keying or Internal Error | The 971 was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake. | IRSERR |
IRS determined possible identity theft (IRSID) and later determined no identity theft occurred | In the course of working the account, the employee assigned to the case subsequently found that no identity theft occurred | IRSERR |
Internally Identified Negative Impact | The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system, and should be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming issue. | IRSADM |
False Identity Theft Claim | RESERVED | FALSE |
Other | The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the above reason descriptions. | OTHER |
The following tables describe the TC 972 AC 522 reason codes by BOD/Function and Program. Refer to Exhibit 25.23.2-1, Acronyms and Definitions, for definitions of the Program Name codes.
Appeals is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
CI is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
LB&I is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
IT is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
Operations Support is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
IPSO is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
SBSE is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
TAS is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
Taxpayer Services (TS) is profiled to use the following codes to reverse a TC 971 AC 522:
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 522 Tax Administration Source Code |
WI | AM | TPRQ |
Important: Input of Action Code 523 is limited and reserved for use by PGLD.
The miscellaneous field for TC 972 AC 523 reflects the reason for the reversal of TC 971 AC 523.
Important: Input of TC 971 AC 524 is limited and reserved for use by Identity Protection Strategy & Oversight (IPSO) and RICS.
The TC 971 AC 524 is displayed on IDRS command code ENMOD and consists of the following data elements:
Input date of TC 971 AC 524 | Tax year of date of death | BOD, Function, and Program that input the TC 971 AC 524. (See the Miscellaneous Field table below.) |
Below is a summary of the TC 971 AC 524 Miscellaneous Field elements:
Description | BOD / Function | Program Name | Tax Administration Source |
Deceased Taxpayer | PPDS | OPIP | DECD |
Deceased Taxpayer | WI | PREREF | DECD |
Important: Input of TC 972 AC 524 when there is a Date of Death is limited and reserved for use by the IPSO and Taxpayer Services (RICS TPP & Submission Processing Entity).
When there is NO date of death present CSRs may, after completing the required taxpayer authentication, reverse TC 971 AC 524.
The miscellaneous field for TC 972 AC 524 reflects the reason for the reversal of TC 971 AC 524. The transaction date of the TC 972 must match the original TC 971. See the TC 972 AC 524 Miscellaneous Field chart below for the reasons and values for the MISC field.

Please click here for the text description of the image.
Obtain the following information:
Navigate to CC FRM77
Sign into IDRS;
Enter ENMOD SSN, then press ENTER;
Enter CC REQ77.
CC FRM77 is displayed for the selected SSN.
Enter the TC 972 AC 524
Enter the TC with 972;
Enter TRANS-DT (enter the transaction date of the TC 971 AC 524 being reversed);
Enter SECONDARY-DT (enter the tax year of the TC 971 AC 524 being reversed in the MMDDYYYY format);
Enter MISC (BOD, Program and the reason for the reversal). Select the Reason code that reflects the reason for the reversal from the options below;
and -
Enter REMARKS (enter your remarks).
The following tables describe the TC 972 AC 524 Tax Administration Source Codes by BOD/Function and Program.
BOD Name | Program Name | TC 972 AC 524 Tax Administration Source Code |
TC 972 AC 524 Miscellaneous Field:
Reason | Description | Tax Administration Source Code |
Taxpayer Request | The taxpayer requests the 971 be reversed. | TPRQ |
Keying or Internal Error | The 971 was due to a typographical mistake or another internal mistake. | IRSERR |
Internally Identified Negative Impact | The 971 is causing a negative impact on another internal process or system, and should be reversed to discontinue the negative impact. For example, a programming issue. | IRSADM |
False Identity Theft Claim | RESERVED | FALSE |
Other | The reason for the 971 reversal does not meet any of the above reason descriptions. | OTHER |
Employees in IDTVA-I/A will control Identity theft cases using the following category codes:
Category Code | Description | Used By |
IDT1/IDS1 | Taxpayer self-identified identity theft (English and Spanish). See IRM, Taxpayer Inquiries Involving Identity Theft (IDT). | IDTVA-A employees working Identity Theft cases. IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft – IDT4 Overview, for information on open IDT1 and IDT4 control bases receiving a TC 971 AC 123 with MISC Code: IDTVACASE. |
IDT3/IDS3 | Involves IRS identified identity theft. See IRM, Taxpayer Inquiries Involving Identity Theft (IDT). | IDTVA-A employees working Identity Theft cases. |
IDT4 | Taxpayer self-identified non-tax-related identity theft. See IRM, Self -Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft – IDT4 Overview. | Primarily IDTVA IPSU, but may be systemically associated with existing tax related IDTVA controls by CII. IRM, Self-Identified - Non-Tax-Related Identity Theft – IDT4 Overview, for information on open IDT1 and IDT4 control bases receiving a TC 971 AC 123 with MISC Code: IDTVACASE. |
IDT5 | Responses to CP 01 Notices and/or Letter 4445C, TC 971 AC 501 Acknowledgement Notification letters. See IRM, Responses to Identity Theft and IM Breach Notification Letters/Notices - IDT5 | IDTVA-I employees only. |
IDT6 | For more information see IRM, Credit Transcripts - IDT6/IDS6. | IDTVA-A employees working credit transcripts. |
IDT8/IDS8 | CP 05A, (cases with prior Return Integrity & Verification Operation (RIVO) (formerly known as AMTAP) involvement) and Deceased Taxpayer cases only. | IMF AM CSRs working a tax-related issue involving identify theft. See IRM, Streamline Identity Theft (IDT) Case Identification and Processing |
IDTX | Taxpayer filed Form 15227. For more information see IRM, Application for an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) Overview - Form 15227. | All IDTVA Employees |
GRVW | Global Review. See IRM, Global Review - GRVW. | IDTVA-I employees only. |
Specialty Resolution (formerly IDTVA Compliance) employees use the Category Codes listed below to track the case status:
Category Code | Title | Definition |
IDI1 | Exam | Specialty Resolution - Examination cases. |
IDI2 | AUR | Specialty Resolution - AUR cases. |
IDI3 | ACSS | Specialty Resolution - ACS Support cases. (Both Domestic and International). This includes IDRS status 3. |
IDI4 | ASFR/CSCO | Specialty Resolution - ASFR/ASFR Recon cases. CSCO/CSCO Recon refund hold cases. |
IDI5 | DITA referral-Campus | Cases referred to DITA from a Specialty Resolution team for resolution. |
IDI6 | DITA referral - Field | Case referred to DITA from a Field operation. |
IDI7 | Reserved | |
IDI9 | CSCO - TDI/TDA Programs | Specialty Resolution - CSCO - OIC, TDI and TDA. |
IDII | RPM1, RPM2, RPM3 AND RPM4 | Use for RPM cases |