- 25.20.2 Ghost Preparer Treatment
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background of the PTIN Requirement for Paid Return Preparers
- Responsibilities
- Program Controls
- Definitions/Acronyms
- Related Resources
- Sources of Ghost Preparer Leads
- Steps in Working a Ghost Preparer Case
- Source/Lead Evaluation
- Deconfliction
- Research and Investigation
- Analysis and Determination
- Treatment
- Documentation
- Completion and Submission
- Case Revisit Procedures
- First Case Revisit
- Second/Third/Fourth Case Revisit
- Follow Up to SB/SE IRC §6695(c) Penalty Examination Referrals
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 25. Special Topics
Chapter 20. Tax Professional Oversight and Support
Section 2. Ghost Preparer Treatment
25.20.2 Ghost Preparer Treatment
Manual Transmittal
November 17, 2022
(1) This transmits revised IRM 25.20.2, Preparer Enrollment, Education and Oversight; Ghost Preparer Treatment.
Material Changes
(1) Various editorial and formatting changes made throughout the IRM.
(2) IRM Program Scope and Objective paragraph (5) removed “and clients of return preparers” from bullet 2.
(3) IRM Responsibilities paragraph (3) updated to make the statement more generalized.
(4) IRM Program Controls paragraph (1) notes was updated to make the statement more generalized.
(5) IRM Program Controls paragraph (2) added text “Other than case revisits described in IRM,”
(6) IRM Program Controls paragraph (3) removed “only” from statement.
(7) IRM Definitions and Acronyms paragraph (1) updated definition.
(8) IRM Definitions and Acronyms paragraph (2) added bullet Site Identification Number.
(9) IRM Sources of Ghost Preparer Leads paragraph (1) 3rd bullet updated definition.
(10) IRM Source/Lead Evaluation paragraph (1) removing “and” from last bullet.
(11) IRM Deconfliction paragraph (2) new instructions.
(12) IRM Deconfliction paragraph (3) deleted and replaced with instructions.
(13) IRM Deconfliction paragraph (4) reworded to include IRS command codes.
(14) IRM Deconfliction paragraph (5) was previously a bullet under paragraph (3)
(15) IRM Deconfliction paragraph (6) was previously paragraph (4)
(16) IRM Research and Investigation paragraph (1) Caution revised to make more generalized statement.
(17) IRM Research and Investigation paragraph (2) re4vised to make more generalized statement.
(18) IRM Research and Investigation paragraph (2) Caution revised to include when to contact the preparer.
(19) IRM Research and Investigation paragraph (3) adding “Return Preparer Database notes”.
(20) IRM Research and Investigation paragraph (4)
(21) IRM Analysis and Determination paragraph (1) replaced “your” with “the”.
(22) IRM Analysis and Determination paragraph (2) graph Row 2 under Action updated to read “letter/phone call”.
(23) IRM Treatment paragraph (1) changing “you” to “Analysts and removed “your”.
(24) IRM Treatment paragraph (3) 2nd bullet added “Income Tax Examination”
(25) IRM Treatment paragraph (3) 3rd bullet is new to add “Small Business/Self Employed (IRC §6695(c) Penalty Examination)”
(26) IRM Treatment paragraph (5) replaced “you” with “the analyst” and making statement more generalized.
(27) IRM Documentation paragraph (1) removed “in the order indicated”.
(28) IRM Documentation paragraph (1) removed bullet a) Return Preparer Penalty Computation Sheet.
(29) IRM Documentation paragraph (1) bullet (c) adding text “an estimation of potential IRC § 6695(c) penalties (failure to furnish identifying number),
(30) IRM Documentation paragraph (1) bullet (e) adding text “an estimation of potential IRC § 6695(c) penalties (failure to furnish identifying number),
(31) IRM Documentation paragraph (1) bullet (f) adding text “an estimation of potential IRC § 6695(c) penalties (failure to furnish identifying number),
(32) IRM Documentation paragraph (2) reword to “Referral case files will include the following:”
(33) IRM Documentation paragraph (2) removed “Name of the recipient unit on the outside of the folder” and “Form 14426, Return Preparer Office (RPO) Referral” from bullet list.
(34) IRM Documentation paragraph (2) updated bullet removing “followed by supporting research documents” from “Research Activity and Conclusion Lead Sheet followed by supporting research documents”
(35) IRM Documentation paragraph (2) added bullet “Research”
(36) IRM Documentation paragraph (2) deleted Note: Do not include the Preparer Penalty Computation Sheet.
(37) IRM Documentation paragraph (3) clarified what type of SBSE referral and what type of documentation to include.
(38) IRM Added paragraph (4) and previous paragraph (4) became paragraph (5)
(39) IRM Completion and Submission paragraph (2) a) removed reference to IRM paragraph (2).
(40) IRM Completion and Submission paragraph (2) b) updating instructions on how to put the case file together.
(41) IRM Completion and Submission paragraph (2) c) Changing two cases to singular case and removing “referral copy of the”
(42) IRM Completion and Submission paragraph (3) b) adding “and include the letter” and removing “the two copies” and what to do with the copies.
(43) IRM Completion and Submission paragraph (3) d) removing “to the compliance ghost group manager for approval” and adding “for review and processing”.
(44) IRM Completion and Submission paragraph (3) d) note: removing “sign, date and mail one copy of the letter” and replacing that with the letter will be mailed and a copy saved.
(45) IRM Case revisit procedures paragraph (1) removing “also referred to as look backs,”.
(46) IRM Case revisit procedures paragraph (2) revised with more detailed instructions.
(47) IRM Paragraph (3) removed “now”
(48) IRM Paragraph (4) replacing “look back” with “case revisit” and removing “Prepare a second case file if you recommend a referral.”
(49) IRM Paragraph (5) removing “to the Compliance Ghost Group manager” and adding “for review and processing”.
(50) IRM is a new subsection titled “Follow Up to SB/SE IRC §6695(c) Penalty Examination Referrals”
Effect on Other Documents
Analysts in the Return Preparer Office (RPO) Compliance department.Effective Date
(11-17-2022)Carol A. Campbell
Director, Return Preparer Office
Purpose: This section describes the procedures for investigating and treating return preparers who do not comply with Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) requirements. For purposes of this IRM 25.20.2, these preparers are known as ghost preparers.
Audience: These instructions are for Return Preparer Office (RPO) Compliance department employees responsible for investigating and treating ghost preparers.
Policy Owner: The RPO Director is responsible for the administration of PTIN requirements.
Program Owner: The RPO Compliance department identifies, investigates and treats ghost preparers.
Primary Stakeholders: RPO Compliance’s ghost preparer work intersects with:
Return Preparers
Criminal Investigation
Wage and Investment
Small Business/Self-Employed
Lead Development Center
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Office of Professional Responsibility
Other RPO departments
Program Goals: To ensure all paid return preparers comply with PTIN requirements.
In June 2009, the IRS initiated a study to analyze the state of the return preparer industry, with the primary focus of understanding the impact the return preparer population has on the taxpaying public and assessing the consistency and quality of services provided by paid preparers. The Return Preparer Review Final Report (Pub 4832) was published in December 2009 and made numerous recommendations, including a mandatory registration requirement for paid tax return preparers.
A PTIN must be obtained by all return preparers who are compensated for preparing, or assisting in the preparation of, all or substantially all of any U.S. federal tax return, claim for refund, or other tax form submitted to the IRS unless the form is specifically exempted. All Enrolled Agents are also required to obtain a PTIN.
The RPO Compliance director is responsible for oversight of the identification, investigation, and treatment of ghost preparers.
The Compliance Ghost Group manager is responsible for supervising the analysts who investigate and treat ghost preparers.
Compliance Ghost Group analysts are responsible for investigating ghost preparer leads, administering treatments, and documenting case determinations and actions.
All employees must act in accord with the Taxpayer Bill of Rights while carrying out duties related to the ghost preparer program. For additional information, see Policy Statement 1-236 and the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
Workload inventory (i.e., leads) for the Ghost Group originates with sources outside the group, such as with RPO Compliance-Complaint Referrals or RPO Compliance-Compliance Planning and Direction.
Other than case revisits described in IRM, the Compliance Ghost Group manager approves all ghost preparer case closures.
Permission to edit the Ghost Inventory Tracking System is granted as needed.
Ghost Inventory Tracking System – The Compliance Ghost Group uses a module in the Return Preparer Database to document ghost preparer activity,
Ghost Preparer – For purposes of this IRM 25.20.2, a ghost preparer is a compensated tax return preparer who does not comply with the PTIN requirements in IRC 6109 and Treasury Regulation 1.6109-2. On returns they prepare, a ghost preparer will:
Fail to include any identifying number,
In place of their PTIN, include a number that is not their PTIN, such as:
• Series of random numbers,
• SSN,
• EIN,
• Site Identification Number,
• PTIN issued to another preparer,
• Made-up PTIN, or
• PTIN issued under the IRS’s discontinued PTIN issuance system (a.k.a. a legacy PTIN).
Preparer Tax Identification Number – A unique number issued by the IRS to a return preparer that must be included in the Paid Preparer Use Only section of tax returns prepared for compensation and filed after December 31, 2010. Only PTINs issued under the Tax Professional PTIN System are valid. PTINs are in the format of P followed by eight numeric characters.
Return Preparer Database – A consolidation of a wide variety of information on return preparers designed for use by IRS compliance and enforcement employees.
Tax Professional PTIN System – The system through which the IRS has issued and administered PTINs since September 28, 2010.
Acronyms used in this IRM include:
Acronym Definition CI Criminal Investigation EIN Employer Identification Number EUP Employee User Portal GITS Ghost Inventory Tracking System IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System LDC Lead Development Center OPR Office of Professional Responsibility PTIN Preparer Tax Identification Number RPO Return Preparer Office SB/SE Small Business/Self-Employed SSN Social Security Number
Common sources of ghost preparer leads are:
Complaints from the Complaint Referrals team, within the RPO Compliance department.
Research Datasets - RPO technical analysts and other IRS employees can identify groups of potential ghost preparers then deliver them to the Compliance Ghost Group.
Self-Developed Leads - Analysts may identify other ghost preparers when they are working on a case.
Work a ghost preparer case in the following order:
Source/Lead Evaluation
Research and Investigation
Analysis and Determination
Completion and Submission
Review the lead to determine:
what information is provided,
whether the information is current,
what research needs to be performed to confirm the preparer’s identity and the PTIN noncompliance.
Deconfliction is performed to ensure an identified ghost preparer’s case is not being worked by another IRS business unit.
Use the IDRS Command Codes IMFOLI and IMFOLT to look for a -Z Freeze Code (CI). If the freeze code is present, contact the CI controlling agent. Offer to provide a copy of the case file. If the offer is accepted, provide the case file without performing additional research and close the case as a transfer to CI. If the offer is declined, close the case with no further action. In either case, document the communication with the agent in the Compliance Analyst Activity Record and the Return Preparer Database notes.
Use the IDRS Command Codes IMFOLI and IMFOLT to look for a -L Freeze Code (SB/SE Examination). If the freeze code is present, contact the SB/SE group manager. Ask if RPO Compliance treatment will interfere with the examination and offer to provide a copy of the case file. If treatment will not interfere, proceed with the treatment. If treatment will interfere, close the case as a transfer to SB/SE with no further action. In either case, document the communication with the group manager in the Compliance Analyst Activity Record and the Return Preparer Database notes and provide a copy of the case file if requested.
Use the Return Preparer Database to determine whether the LDC has a case open on the ghost preparer. If so, contact the controlling employee. Ask if RPO Compliance treatment will interfere with the investigation and offer to provide a copy of the case file. If treatment will not interfere, proceed with the treatment. If treatment will interfere, close the case as a transfer to the LDC with no further action. In either case, document the communication with the LDC employee and provide a copy of the case file if requested.
Use the Criminal Sanction/Civil Injunction module of the Return Preparer Database to determine if restrictions/prohibitions have been imposed on the ghost preparer. If so, contact the RPO Compliance Fraud Analyst for guidance on next steps and case closure.
Use the following resources to identify the ghost preparer, confirm PTIN noncompliance, and determine if return preparation income is commensurate with the number of returns prepared:
CDW Knowledge Graph Environment
Employee User Portal
Generalized IDRS Interface
Integrated Data Retrieval System
Return Preparer Database
Tax Professional PTIN System
yK-1, Link Analysis Tool
Other systems as needed or developed
As part of case research, analysts may communicate with third parties, other IRS units, and/or the return preparer. Comply with the requirements in IRM 25.27.1, Third-Party Contact Program.
Include copies of correspondence in the case file and log telephone calls in the Compliance Analyst Activity Record and the Return Preparer Database notes.
If a ghost preparer is identified during case research, follow IRM , Deconfliction.
Evaluate the results of the investigation, formulate a conclusion, then recommend a course of action.
There are four possible conclusions:
Conclusion Action Reference There are no PTIN or personal tax compliance issues. Close case with no action IRM, Completion and Submission A preparer was identified, is PTIN or tax noncompliant, and is not under investigation in another unit. Referral or letter/phone call treatment IRM, Treatment A preparer was identified and is under investigation in another unit. • CI: Provide copy of case file if requested and close case with no further action. • SB/SE and LDC: Letter treatment if authorized, close case no action if letter treatment is not authorized. Provide copy of case file if requested. IRM, Deconfliction A preparer was identified and a Criminal Sanction/Civil Injunction has been imposed. Contact the Compliance Fraud Analyst for guidance on next steps and case closure. IRM, Deconfliction
Analysts must exercise professional judgment when deciding on the appropriate treatment. Options are:
Refer the case to another IRS unit based upon the business unit specific criteria found on the RPO Compliance SharePoint site, or
Issue an RPO Compliance treatment letter and potentially contact the preparer by phone to address the PTIN noncompliance. (e.g., used an SSN, EIN, expired PTIN, etc.)
To determine the appropriate treatment, consider the following factors (there may be additional factors):
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The potential referral recipients are:
Criminal Investigation
Small Business/Self-Employed (Income Tax Examination)
Small Business/Self Employed (IRC §6695(c) Penalty Examination)
Lead Development Center
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Office of Professional Responsibility
Wage and Investment
Other RPO departments
If a case is referred to another unit, explain in detail on the Research Activity and Conclusion lead sheet why the case meets the referral criteria.
If a case does not meet the criteria for referral to another unit, but the analyst believes a referral is warranted, they will discuss the case with the Compliance Ghost Group manager.
Include the following in the completed case file:
Compliance Analyst Activity Record: Use this sheet to document all case related activities and their corresponding time charges. This sheet contains preparer contact information and scheduled case revisit dates.
Research Activity and Conclusion Lead Sheet: Use this sheet to document the research completed, an estimation of potential IRC § 6695(c) penalties (failure to furnish identifying number), conclusions reached, and treatment recommended when the case is originally worked.
Research: After the Research Activity and Conclusion Lead Sheet and each Closed Case Revisit Lead Sheet (see below), include relevant research documents such as prints from IDRS, EUP, Return Preparer Database, etc.
Closed Case Revisit Lead Sheet: Use this lead sheet to document research completed, an estimation of potential IRC § 6695(c) penalties (failure to furnish identifying number), conclusions reached, and treatment recommended when the first revisit is performed.
Closed Case 2nd, 3rd, 4th Revisit Lead Sheets: Use these lead sheets to document research completed, an estimation of potential IRC § 6695(c) penalties (failure to furnish identifying number), conclusions reached, and treatment recommended when subsequent case revisits are performed.
Correspondence: Include copies of all letters, e-mails, or other communications with the return preparer, third parties, and other IRS operating divisions.
Referral case files will include the following:
Compliance Analyst Activity Record
Research Activity and Conclusion Lead Sheet
Closed Case Revisit Lead Sheets (if any) followed by supporting research documents
Correspondence (if any)
Lead/Source Document (if any)
For SB/SE income tax examination referrals, include the items from (2) and:
SB/SE White Paper (a.k.a. RPO Compliance Case File Assembly)
Form 14426, Return Preparer Office (RPO) Referral
For SB/SE IRC § 6695(c) penalty examination referrals, include the items from (2) and:
Letter 6030, RPO Compliance Penalty Referral, prepared for mailing
A Research Activity and Conclusion Lead Sheet or the Closed Case Revisit Lead Sheet which includes an explanation of why the return preparer is not being referred to SB/SE for an income tax examination.
For OPR referrals, include the items from (2) and:
professional designation documentation
If no action is required on a case:
Build the case file according to IRM, Documentation
Submit the completed case file to the Compliance Ghost Group manager for approval.
If referring a case to another unit:
Build the Compliance Ghost Group copy of the case file according to IRM, Documentation,
For cases warranting a letter treatment as well as a referral, complete the fillable fields of the letter except the date, and include the letter in the case file.
Submit the case file to the Compliance Ghost Group manager for approval.
If a letter is the appropriate treatment:
Build the case file according to IRM, Documentation
Other than the date, complete the fillable fields of the letter and include the letter in the case file.
Enter the scheduled case revisit date on the Compliance Analyst Activity Record. See IRM, Case Revisit Procedures.
Submit the case file for review and processing.
Regardless of a case’s outcome, create a case record in GITS.
Case revisits, are conducted to determine if previous treatments brought the return preparer into compliance or if additional treatment is warranted.
Schedule the 1st and the 2nd case revisits approximately 60 days from the previous case work but no later than the 3rd consecutive month after the last case action.
If circumstances warrant, and with managerial concurrence, the time for the 1st and 2nd case revisits can be extended beyond the recommended time frame. Analysts will exercise professional judgment when choosing a delayed case revisit date. Document the exception and enter the date on the Compliance Analyst Activity Record. Enter NA if a case revisit is not planned or needed
Conduct the research needed to determine if the ghost preparer has come into compliance. See IRM, Research and Investigation.
Evaluate the research and decide on the appropriate action. See IRM, Analysis and Determination.
If additional treatment is warranted, ensure the ghost preparer’s case is not open in another unit. See IRM, Deconfliction. Administer treatment according to IRM, Treatment.
Update the case file with information and documentation from the case revisit. Refer to IRM, Documentation.
Update the case file to meet the requirements in IRM, Completion and Submission, then submit it for review and processing.
Follow up action may be required after a case is referred to SB/SE for an IRC § 6695(c) penalty examination.
SB/SE will review referrals and ask RPO Compliance to mail Letter 6030, RPO Compliance Penalty Referral to the return preparer. RPO Compliance’s Ghost Group manager will authorize and sign the letter. The preparer has 14 days to respond.
Follow these instructions next:
IF.... THEN... If the return preparer does not respond, -
Ghost Group analysts do not need to take any action.
The Compliance Ghost Group manager will oversee the delivery of the case file to SB/SE.
If the return preparer responds and immediately comes into PTIN compliance (e.g., by renewing their expired PTIN), -
Document the return preparer’s response and the step(s) they took to come into compliance on the Compliance Analyst Activity Record and in the Return Preparer Database notes.
The case file will not be delivered to SB/SE.
If the return preparer responds and states their intent to become PTIN compliant -
Document the return preparer’s response on the Compliance Analyst Activity Record and in the Return Preparer Database notes.
Schedule a case revisit to take place before Compliance makes the next scheduled referral delivery to SB/SE. Enter the case revisit date in GITS. See IRM, Case Revisit Procedures for instructions on scheduling a case revisit.
Follow instruction for the case revisit in the table below.
Follow these instructions for the case revisit:
IF... THEN... If the return preparer has not come into PTIN compliance, -
Without administering additional treatment, close the case for an SB/SE IRC § 6695(c) penalty examination again.
Do not include Letter 6030 in the case file as described in IRM (4), Documentation because a second Letter 6030 will not be mailed.
The Compliance Ghost Group manager will oversee the delivery of the case file to SB/SE.
If the return preparer has come into PTIN compliance -
Close the case as one requiring no action.
The case file will not be delivered to SB/SE.