- 25.7.1 Exempt Organizations/Business Master File and Support Processing
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Terms and Acronyms
- Overview of Exempt Organizations Business Master File
- EO/BMF Description
- Elements and Use of the EO/BMF
- EO/BMF Submodule Records
- EO Entity Record
- EO/BMF Processing Procedures
- Transaction Codes (TC)
- TC Descriptions
- BMF TC Definer Codes
- Definer Codes
- EO/BMF Entity Module
- Data Fields
- EO Section of the BMF
- Data Fields
- Specific EO Return Elements on the BMF
- Request for IDRS Input
- Form 2363-A Preparation Instructions
- Overview of Group Exemption Procedures
- Group Exemption Requirements
- Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Responsibilities
- Establishing and Changing Group Exemptions
- New Group Exemptions
- Changing Group Exemptions
- Group Exemption Mergers
- OSPC Responsibilities
- Supplemental Group Ruling Information (SGRI)
- Group Exemption Roster
- Group Exemption Number (GEN) File
- Group Returns
- Federally-Chartered Organizations
- State-Chartered Credit Unions
- State-Chartered Credit Union
- Overview of Standard Extract Program
- Management Information Reports
- Group Exemption Roster
- EO Private Foundation Listing
- Status 40 Register
- Overview of Cumulative List
- Publication 78 On-Line Procedures
- Cumulative List Specifications
- Cumulative List Coding Specifications
- Processing Cumulative List Inquiries
- Omissions and Errors
- Coordination between HQ and AO
- CL Name File
- Multiple Listings
- Cumulative List Indicator
- Overview of Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF) Reports
- Schedule Posting Cycles
- EO Statistical Reports
- Exhibit 25.7.1-1 Group Exemption Roster
- Exhibit 25.7.1-2 EO/BMF Name Abbreviations
- Exhibit 25.7.1-3 Table of EO Status, TF, and AF Codes
- Exhibit 25.7.1-4 Table of EO SS and CL Codes
- Exhibit 25.7.1-5 Universal Location Codes
- Exhibit 25.7.1-6 BMF Filing Requirements
- Exhibit 25.7.1-7 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS CODES)
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 25. Special Topics
Chapter 7. Exempt Organizations Business Master File
Section 1. Exempt Organizations/Business Master File and Support Processing
25.7.1 Exempt Organizations/Business Master File and Support Processing
Manual Transmittal
December 13, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 25.7.1, Exempt Organizations/Business Master File and Support Processing Handbook (EO/BMF), Exempt Organizations/Business Master File and Support Processing..
This IRM contains procedures and instructions for identifying and processing Exempt Organization data posted to the Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF).
Material Changes
(1) Airlifted and consolidated content from IRM 25.7.3, Group Exemption Procedures, IRM 25.7.5, Exempt Organizations Extracts and On-Line Programs, IRM 25.7.6, Cumulative List (Publication 78), and IRM 25.7.7, EO/BMF Reports. The table below provides a crosswalk of where to find content previously contained in these now obsolete IRM sections.
Old IRM Section | New IRM Section |
---|---|, Overview of Group Exemption Procedures |, Overview of Group Exemption Procedures |, Group Exemption Requirements |, Group Exemption Requirements |, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Responsibilities |, Exempt Organizations Rulings and Agreements Responsibilities |, Establishing and Changing Group Exemptions |, Establishing and Changing Group Exemptions |, New Group Exemptions |, New Group Exemptions |, Changing Group Exemptions |, Changing Group Exemptions |, Group Exemption Mergers |, Group Exemption Mergers |, OSPC Responsibilities |, OSPC Responsibilities |, Supplemental Group Ruling Information (SGRI) |, Supplemental Group Ruling Information (SGRI) |, Group Exemption Roster |, Group Exemption Roster |, Group Exemption Number (GEN) File |, Group Exemption Number (GEN) File |, Group Returns |, Group Returns |, Federally-Chartered Organizations |, Federally-Chartered Organizations |, State-Chartered Credit Unions |, State-Chartered Credit Unions |, State-Chartered Credit Union |, State-Chartered Credit Union |, Program Scope and Objectives |, Purpose,, Audience,, Policy Owner,, Project Owner and, Stakeholders |, Terms and Definitions |, Terms and Acronyms |, Overview of Standard Extract Program |, Overview of Standard Extract Program |, Management Information Reports |, Management Information Reports |, Group Exemption Roster |, Group Exemption Roster |, EO Private Foundation Listing |, EO Private Foundation Listing |, Status 40 Register |, Status 40 Register |, Overview |, Overview of Cumulative List |, Publication 78 On-Line Procedures |, Publication 78 On-Line Procedures |, Cumulative List Specifications |, Cumulative List Specifications |, Cumulative List Coding Specifications |, Cumulative List Coding Specifications |, Processing Cumulative List Inquiries |, Processing Cumulative List Inquiries |, Omissions and Errors |, Omissions and Errors |, Coordination between HQ and AO |, Coordination between HQ and AO |, CL Name File |, CL Name File |, Multiple Listings |, Multiple Listings |, Cumulative List Indicator |, Cumulative List Indicator |, Overview of Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF) Reports |, Overview of Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF) Reports |, Schedule Posting Cycles |, Schedule Posting Cycles |, EO Statistical Reports |, EO Statistical Reports |, EO Return Posting Analysis (Statistical Summary) — Table 1 (BMF Management Information Report) |, EO Return Posting Analysis (Statistical Summary) — Table 1 (BMF Management Information Report) |, EO Entity Analysis (Statistical Summary) — Table 3 — National Totals |, EO Entity Analysis (Statistical Summary) — Table 3 — National Totals |, EO Returns Processed Statistical Summary-Table 4 |, EO Returns Processed Statistical Summary-Table 4 |
(2) Editorial Changes have been made throughout.
Effect on Other Documents
This supersedes IRM 25.7.1, dated January 1, 2020. This obsoletes IRM 25.7.3, Group Exemption Procedures, IRM 25.7.5, Exempt Organizations Extracts and On-Line Programs, IRM 25.7.6, Cumulative List (Publication 78), and IRM 25.7.7, EO/BMF Reports.Audience
Tax Exempt and Government EntitiesEffective Date
(01-01-2025)Jennifer A. Jett
Director, Business Systems Planning
Shared Services
Tax Exempt and Government Entities
Purpose: This IRM contains procedures and instructions for identifying and processing Exempt Organization data posted to the Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF), Group Exemptions, Standard Extracts, the Cumulative List, and EO/BMF Reports.
Audience: Tax Exempt and Government Entities employees are the primary audience for this IRM
Policy Owner: The Director, Tax Exempt/Government Entities, Business Systems Planning.
Program Owner: Submission Processing Programs.
Primary Stakeholders: Tax Exempt and Government Entities employees.
This IRM contains procedures and instructions for identifying and processing Exempt Organization data posted to the Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF).
The following terms apply:
Term Description AO Area Office BMF Business Master File CL Classification CC Command Code DCC Detroit Computing Center EDS EP/EO Determination System EO Exempt Organization EOMF Exempt Organization Master File FR Filing Requirement GEN Group Exemption Number HQ Headquarters IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System MCC Martinsburg Computing Center OSPC Ogden Submission Processing Center SS Subsection PLC Primary Location Code TC Transaction Code TF Foundation Code
This IRM contains procedures and instructions for identifying and processing Exempt Organization data posted to the Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF).
The Business Master File (BMF) and the Exempt Organizations Master File (EOMF) were merged January 1, 1981, and the resulting file is referred to as the EO/BMF.
The EOMF was then updated by:
The Area Office (AO) and Headquarters' (HQ), (formerly National Office).
Issuance of new determination letters and rulings for exemption via the EP/EO Determination System (EDS),( formerly the Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations Application Control System (EACS))
Vouchers prepared by various IRS functions
Items posted to the EOMF included, but weren’t limited to:
Returns received
Examination results
Collection activity
The EO/BMF, of magnetic tape records, constitutes IRS EOs basic record source. Each record is divided into two parts:
An entity module of data identifying and describing the EO and its exemption
A return section of data from EO returns and examinations.
In general, organizations included on the EO/BMF are organizations for which an application for exemption has been processed. These include the following types of organizations:
Independent organizations covered by individual rulings or determination letters
Organizations covered by group exemption letters and required to file EO returns (including both central and subordinate organizations)
Subordinate units of Federally-chartered organizations exempt under (IRC 501(c)(1). These organizations are controlled and regulated by another government agency and subject to the supervision, periodic audit and examination procedures of the agency (e.g., Federal Credit Unions, Federal Land Banks, Federal Land Bank Association, and Federal Intermediate Credit Banks).
State-chartered credit unions covered by group returns which are included in group exemptions may be omitted from the EO/BMF at the appropriate (AO) Manager’s discretion.
The EO/BMF produces the following, for HQ and AO, EO information needs:
Management information reports
Other lists
The Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC):
Maintains the tape file, which produces Master File tables for HQ and AOs.
Refers the tapes to the service centers or Detroit Computing Center (DCC) for production of appropriate printouts.
The data unique to EO (subsection (SS), classification (CL), etc.) is stored in the EO Section (Submodule) of the BMF entity.
Any common data (Filing Requirements (FRs), etc.) is stored in the regular section of the BMF entity.
The EO Entity Record for each organization consists of the unique information identifying the organization as having been granted tax exempt status.
See Title IRM EO/BMF Processing Procedures Exhibit 25.7.1-2 EO/BMF Name Abbreviations Exhibit 25.7.1-3 Table of EO Status, (TF) and AF Codes Exhibit 25.7.1-4 Table of EO SS and CL Codes
This section lists guidance to the AO and HQ Employees who work with EO and EO/BMF programs in carrying out their responsibilities under the EO/BMF system. This includes:
Preparing and processing EO/BMF vouchers
Processing exempt organization returns
Using EO/BMF output to help in administering the exempt organization provisions of law, particularly in monitoring and enhancing compliance.
Under the EO/BMF system, there are records on tape which contain data essential to administer the EO functions. The data consists of:
Name and address
Filing history
Type of organization,
IRC SS under which an organization is currently recognized as exempt, have been denied, or failed to establish exemption since January 1981, or the exemption of which has been revoked or terminated after December 1980.
When the EOMF merged with the BMF in January 1981, generally, only active EOMF accounts were placed on the BMF. The inactive accounts (except revoked private foundations) were placed on an EO Inactive Retention Register (EOIRR) for research purposes.
Changes are made to an EO/BMF account using Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) Command Code (CC) EOREQ/EOCHG or EACS.
EO entity changes are input with Document Code 80 or 81. Each of these Document Codes indicates special processing on the BMF. Both Document Codes will create an EO Section or EO Submodule on the BMF.
When Document Code 80 is used, it changes only the account for the Employer Identification Number (EIN) input.
Document Code 81 changes the Group Exemption Number (GEN) File at MCC and updates all accounts with a common GEN on the BMF.
Form 2363-A, Request for IDRS Input for BMF/EO Entity Change, or CC EOCHG is used to input TCs 000, 012, 013, 014 and 016 onto the BMF.
If the transaction is for one account, an EIN must be present.
TC 016 (Document Code 81) can also be used to change entity data to all organization(s) exempt under the same (GEN).
TC 000 — Document Code 80
Use when the EIN isn’t on the BMF. You may also use this TC to establish 941 FRs simultaneously.
Use TC 000 when adding a new organization that is a member of a Group Ruling to the BMF. This TC is primarily for campus use, but AOs or HQ may occasionally need to establish a subordinate unit.
Use when adding an EO/BMF account that isn’t a member of a Group Ruling.
TC 000 — Document Code 81
Use if the EIN isn’t on the BMF and a new subordinate is being added to an existing GEN, or if a new Group Ruling has been granted and the subordinates are being added to the BMF.
When this TC is used, a TC 016, Document Code 81, Definer Code "D" must be input to create a complete EO/BMF entity on the MF.
TC 012 — Document Code 80
Use to reopen an account that had all its FRs turned off. Must enter the SS/CL codes and at least one EO FR must be activated.
Use when an EO/BMF account has FRs consisting entirely of 8’s. The FRs become 8’s because of a partial merge (TC 011) or when a TC 020 is posted.
TC 013 — Document Code 80
Use when the Organization/Primary Name is changed. TC 013 may also be used to change the name and address of the EO account.
TC 014 — Document Code 80
Use this code when changing the address of an organization.
You may also input the care of (c/o) name and/or foreign or location addresses with this TC.
TC 016 — Document Code 80
Use when changing or adding exemption data to an account that is already on the BMF.
TC 016 — Document Code 81
Use when changing exemption data for all subordinates under one GEN Number. The input document must contain the "FROM GEN" and the Parent’s EIN and Name Control (NC).
This TC will generate a transaction identical to the input TC 016, for every subordinate on the GEN File with a common GEN.
Enter Definer Codes A, B, or C, as appropriate. You may input up to three TC Definer Codes in any order. These codes are used with TC 012/016 to instruct the computer that all the fields on sets of data must be input and validated.
For TC 012 and TC 016, a Definer Code is always required if a FR for Form 990, Form 990-T, Form 5227 or Not Required is input.
When Definer Code A, B, or C is used, all or one may be present with TC 016, Document Code 80 or 81.
When the TC is 012, Document Code 80, Definer Code A can be the only code present.
The use and required input for each Definer Code are explained below.
Definer Code A identifies a change being made to either the SS Code, CL Code, EO FR, or the TF, if applicable. The TF is a required input for SS 501(c)(3) only. These fields are considered a set and the data for all must be entered even if modifying or changing only one element on the EO/BMF.
Although not part of the set, the Fiscal Year/Month (FY/M) (accounting period) must be entered with Definer Code A, Document Code 80, when a positive FR is input (other than N/R 1).
Definer Code A, Document Code 80 — TC must be 012 or 016. At least one FR (990, 990-PF, 990-T, 5227 or Not Required(NR)) must be input. SS, TF (if applicable), CL Code and Accounting Period (FY/M) and RM must be input.
Definer Code A, Document Code 81 — TC must be 016, "FROM GEN" must be input. The FR must be NR of 1. SS, TF (if applicable), CL Code and RM must be input.
Definer Code B identifies a change being made to the Status Code (ST) and/or the Status Date. This is considered one field and all the data must be entered.
Definer Code B, Document Code 80 — TC 016. Input ST and Date (YYYYMM) and RM.
Definer Code B, Document Code 81 — TC 016. Input "FROM GEN" . Input ST and Date (YYYYMM) and RM.
Definer Code C identifies a change being made to the Ruling Date (RD) and/or AF Code. It requires TC, From Gen, and AF Code be input.
Definer Code C, Document Code 80 — TC 016. Input GEN, RD and/or AF Code and RM.
Definer Code C, Document Code 81 — TC 016. Input "FROM GEN" . Input RD and/or AF Code and RM.
A TC 000, Document Code 04, 63, 80 or 81 creates the BMF portion of the EO/BMF Entity Module and contains the following information:
NC and CD
Establishment Date
Employment Code (EC)
Filing Requirement Code (FRC)
BMF Print Name Lines
Address/City/State and Zip
Primary Location Code (PLC)
BMF Entity Module — Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) Command Code’s (CC) BNCHG or EOCHG can change the BMF Entity Module information, as specified below.
EIN — Entity Control assigns this number and each organization should have only one number. Entity Control can only change the number with a TC 011, Document Code 63. This provides for consolidation of all tax modules for an organization on BMF, under one EIN (in either an active or inactive status) and thus preserve returns data. We must refer all EIN changes to the Ogden Submission Processing Center (OSPC) to initiate the action, Attention: Entity Control Unit.
NC — The name control is created by coding the organization’s name. CC EOCHG with a Document Code of 80, TC 013 or 016 on IDRS, can only change the name control.
CD — The check digit is created from the EIN when the account posts to the BMF. It can’t be changed.
Establishment Date — The establishment date is the date that the organization started business or was established on the BMF. A TC 000 creates the establishment date. It can’t be changed.
EC — This code identifies the Type of Employment Taxes that an organization is or isn’t required to pay. A Document Code 63 or 80 can change this code.
FYM — The FYM is created when the organization is established on the BMF or when the first return is posted. Document Code 63 or 80 can change it.
FRC — Under certain conditions, exempt organizations can have a BMF FRC (Forms 941, 720, 940, 943, 1120, 1041 or 1065, etc.). These FRC’s can be changed with a Document Code 63 or 80. We can only change the positive EO FRC’s (Forms 990, 990-T, 990-PF and 5227) with a Document Code 80. To delete an EO FR, use a Document Code 63.
Print Name Lines — Four name lines are created from the EO Section in the following order:
Organization Name
Sort Name
Foreign/Location Address
C/O Name (in care of name)
The BMF Print Name Lines can only be changed with a Document Code 80. The Print Name Lines are used for the BMF outputs, such as notices, transcripts, etc. These name lines aren’t used for the EO Return Mailing Labels.
Address/City/State and Zip — A Document Code 63 or 80 can change the address data from the return.
Primary Location Code (PLC) — The PLC is the AO code based on the address where the taxpayer receives mail. The BMF should generate the PLC, or we can create or change it by CC BNCHG, Document Code 63 or 50. The PLC is issued to identify the campus controlling the account.
A TC 000, Document Code 80 or 81 creates the EO Submodule (EO Section) of the EO/BMF Entity Module for a new entity. If the entity is already on the BMF, a TC 016 with a Document Code 80 or 81, creates the EO Section.
CC EOCHG can only change the information on the EO Submodule (EO Section) as identified below.
Subsection (SS) — Current and Prior — Identifies the IRC Section under which the organization is exempt. It also determines the type of return the organization must file. The current SS should be shown on IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL, or ENMOD. If an incorrect SS is on the BMF with a Status 06, 07, 10, 11, 40 or 41, it can be deleted with the input of Document Code 99.
Classification Code (CL) — This code identifies the type of organization or the purpose for which it was established. One to four different codes may be present. The CL should be shown on IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL, or ENMOD.
ST — Current and Prior Status — This code shows the status of the organization. The code identifies if the organization has been granted an exemption or, if it has been applied for, revoked or terminated. The AO normally establishes the ST when the exemption is granted, denied or revoked. However, Ogden Submission Processing can establish ST Codes 06, 07, 10, 11, 12, 20, 40 and members of a Group Ruling. Also, Ogden Submission Processing must input Status 01 when:
An entity is found in a closed status on EACS/EDS.
A copy of a determination letter has been received,
To reestablish a good status after Status 20 or 21 has posted.
AF Code — This code shows whether the organization received an individual ruling or is part of a Group Ruling. We don’t normally change the AF code unless the entity is changing from a group to an individual ruling or from an individual to a group ruling. The AF should be shown on, IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL or ENMOD and the EO Registers on IDRS.
RD — This is the date the exemption was granted (ruled on). This date is normally not changed except by the AO. The RD should be shown on IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL or ENMOD.
Group Exemption Number (GEN) — When we grant the organization a group exemption, the Ohio AO assigns a GEN. This number identifies all the organizations (subordinates) that are a part of the group. The GEN should be shown on IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL, or ENMOD. It can be changed, but CAUTION must be used.
Foundation Code (TF) — All organizations that are exempt under IRC 501(c)(3) must have a TF. This code identifies the TF. The AO normally changes this code. The TF should be shown on IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL or ENMOD. If a TF remains on the BMF because the SS was changed to one that doesn’t require a TF, we can delete the TF with the input of a TC 016, TF 99, Document Code 80.
Deductibility Code and Year (DC) — This code shows whether contributions to the organization are deductible from income. The AO determines the code when they grant the exemption and only the AO can change it. The DC, with the century and year (CCYY), should be shown on IDRS.
Type of Organization (TO) — This code shows whether the organization is a trust, a corporation, an association, etc. The AO assigns the code when they grant the exemption and is normally changed by them. The TO is shown on IDRS.
Area Office (AO) — This code identifies the district where the organization’s principal place of business is located and determines the AO. The AO should be changed if the taxpayer’s address is changed. The AO is shown on IDRS.
File Folder Number (FFN) — This code identifies the Administrative Case File Folder Number located in the AO. The AO assigns the FFN when they receive an application for exemption. The FFN must normally not be changed. The FFN is shown on IDRS CC INOLE, BMFOL or ENMOD.
Pension Plan (PP) — This code shows whether the organization has a pension plan. The AO assigns it when they grant the exemption and the AO normally changes it. The PP should be shown on IDRS.
Advance Ruling Date (AD) — If the organization has an "advance ruling," the AO must input the AD. The AD should be shown on IDRS.
Large Case Code (LC) — If the AO identifies the organization as a "large case," they should input this code. The LC should be shown on IDRS.
Organization/Primary Name — The name of the organization. It is used to create the BMF print lines. The Organization/Primary Name should be shown on the EO Mailing Labels. Also, the Organization/Primary Name should be shown IDRS.
Sort Name (SN) — This is the name the organization is doing business under, and may be different from the Primary Name. The Sort Name becomes a second sort reference on the BMF Print Name Lines. It is also shown on IDRS. The input of two dollar signs ($$) in the SN field (CC EOCHG) will delete a Sort Name on the BMF.
In Care of Name (CO) — When the organization requests that all correspondence be addressed in care of someone, this name must be present. The input of two dollar signs ($$) will delete a "Care of Name" on the BMF.
Foreign or Location Address (FA) — When the organization is located in a foreign country, the complete address should be entered here. If the organization has an address where it is located that is different from the mailing address, it should be entered in this field. The input of two dollar signs ($$) deletes a Foreign or Location Address.
The following data elements are transcribed from EO returns and posted to the EO/BMF.
Total Assets (End of Year)
Total Income or Gross receipts (depending on return)
Asset Code derived from a) above
Income Code derived from b) above
Fields a–d are retained on the EO/BMF.
Form 2363-A is used to establish or change EO accounts on the BMF. Form 2363-A must be used to:
Add an EO Submodule to an account on the BMF
Update an EO Submodule to a BMF account already established on the BMF
Add or update the account of a parent or subordinate of a group on the BMF and the GEN File
These instructions are for inputting an IDRS transaction with CC EOCHG when creating an entity on the BMF (TC 000); adding or changing an EO Section on the BMF (TC 016); or changing an already established EO Section on the BMF (TC 012, 013, 014, or 016).
When the input of Form 2363-A results in a reject, see IRM 2.4.10, IDRS Terminal input - Command Codes EOREQ and EOCHG, for processing CC EOCHG. This IRM provides the validity and consistency checks for the existence of an invalid condition.
The following lists the CC EOCHG format fields:
Command Code
EIN Number
Name Control
Document Code
Transaction Code
Definer Codes
Posting Delay Code
New Name Control
Floating Fields — four available lines
Name — four available lines
Street Address
City, State, and Zip Code
Filing Requirements
The following chart shows the Floating Fields for EOCHG input:
Floating Fields Abbreviations Available Positions Activity Code AC 3–6–9 Advance Ruling AD 6 Affiliation Code AF 1 Classification Code CL 1–4 Cumulative List CU 1 Deductibility Code DY 5 Area Office AO 2 Employment Code EC 1 File Folder Number FF 2–9 In-Care-Of Name CO 35 Variables Fiscal Year-Month FY 2 Foreign Address FA 35 Variables Foundation Code TF 2 Large Case Code LC 1 New GEN NG 4 Old GEN FG 4 Type of Organization Code TO 1 Pension Plan PP 1 Remarks RM 10–35 Ruling Date RD 4 Sort Name SN 35 Variables ST and Date ST 8 Subsection SS 2 -
The following chart shows the valid fields with each document code:
Field Document 81 Document Code 80 TITLE TC 000 TC 016 TC 000 TC 012 TC 013 TC 014 TC 016 NC X X X X X X X EIN X X X X X X X TC X X X X X X X Employment Code X — X — — — X FYM X X X X — — X From GEN — X — — — — X FRC X X X X — — X Definer Codes — X — X — — X SS Code — X X X — — X Classification Codes — X X X — — X ST/Date — X X X — — X Affiliation Code — X X — — — X Ruling Date — X X — — — X New GEN X X X — — — X Type of Foundation Code — X X X — — X Deductibility Code/Year — X X — — — X Activity Codes — X X — — — X Type of Organization — X X — — — X Area Office — — X — — X X File Folder Number — X X — — — X Pension Plan — X X — — — X Advance Ruling Date — — — — — — X Cumulative List Indicator — — — — — — X Large Case Code — — — — — — X Organization Name X — X — X — X New Name Control X — X — X — X Sort Name X — X — X X X In-Care-Of-Name X — X — X X X Foreign or Location Address X — X — X X X Street Address X — X — — X — City X — X — — X — State X — X — — X — Zip Code X — X — — X — Remarks X X X X X X X
See below and IRM 2.4.10-2, Command Code EOCHG, for specific instructions to prepare Form 2363-A:
Header Area
Employer ID Number (EIN) (Box 1) — Enter the 9 digit Employer Identification Number (EIN).
Name Control (Box 2) — Enter as determined by name or the Name Control as shown on the BMF. We derive the Name Control for EO from the first four significant characters of the name. First position must be an alpha or numeric character. The remaining positions must be alpha, numeric, blank, ampersand or hyphen. Blanks in the Name Control are permissible only at the end of the Name Control to make it a four-position Name control.
Document Codes (Box 3) — Check the appropriate box. Only one box must be checked per voucher. Document Code 80 is used to update one account on the BMF. This Document Code also may be used to add or update one subordinate of a group ruling once the group parent has been established. When a Document Code 80 is used, the BMF should update only the EIN account shown on the input record. Document Code 81 is used with mass establishments, additions, or changes for group ruling organizations. This is used when the data is the same for all subordinates. When a Document Code 81 is used, the BMF should update each account that is on the GEN File for the parent EIN and From GEN input.
TCs (Box 4) — Check the appropriate box. Only one box must be checked per voucher. For CC EOCHG the TC input should determine the consistency and validity checks that must be done. The required input for each TC with each Document Code follows.
Form 2363-A TCs
TC Document Code Required Input 000 80 -
Organization Name
New Name Control
City, State, Zip and the address, if present
ST and Date
One FR (Form 990, 990-PF, 990-T, 5227, or NR) must be input. If one of the FRC’s (other than NR) is input, then SS, TC (if applicable), CL and FY must also be input.
000 81 (Campus Use Only) -
Organization Name and New Name Control or Sort Name
City, State, Zip and the address, if present
One FR — NR,, 941, 720, 940, 943, 990-T, 2290, or 11 must be input.
012 80 (only) 013 80 (only) -
Organization Name
New Name Control
014 80 (only) -
City, State and Zip
An address must be input, if present
The Area Office (AO) may also be input
016 80 -
Definer Code
One of the following floating fields must be present:
DY (Deductibility Code and Year)
TO (Type of Organization Code)
Area Office (AO)
FF (File Folder Number)
PP (Pension Plan)
AD (Advance Ruling)
LC (Large Case Code)
SN (Sort Name)
CO (In-Care-Of Name)
FA (Foreign Address/Location Address
016 81 -
From GEN
Definer Code
One of the following floating fields must be present:
DY (Deductibility Code and Year)
FF (File Folder Number)
Definer Codes (Box 5) — Enter Definer Codes A, B, C or D as appropriate. You may input up to three (3) Transaction Definer Codes in any order. These codes are used with TC 012/016 to instruct the computer that all the fields on sets of data must be input and validated. For TC 012 and 016 a Definer Code is always necessary if a FR for Form 990, 990-PF, 990-T, 5227 or NR is input. When Definer Code A, B and C is used, all or one may be present with TC 016, Document Code 80 or 81. When the TC is 012 and the Document Code is 80, Definer Code A is the only code that can be present. Use and required input for each Definer Code is below:
Form 2363-A Definer Codes
Definer Code Document Code Definition A — This code identifies a change being made to the SS Code and/or the CL Code and/or the EO FR and/or the TF (if applicable). TF is required input for IRC SS 501(c)(3) only. These fields are considered a set and the data for all must be entered even if we are modifying or changing only one element on the EO/BMF. A 80 TC must be 012 or 016. At least one FR (990, 990-PF, 990-T, 5227 or NR) must be input. SS, TF (if applicable), CL Code and Accounting Period (FY/M) and RM must be input. A 81 TC must be 016. From GEN must be input. The FR must be NR of 1, SS, TF (if applicable), CL Code and RM must be input. B — This code identifies a change being made to the ST and/or the Status Date. This is one field and all the data must be entered. B 80 TC must be 016. ST and Date (YYMM) and RM must be input. B 81 TC must be 016. From GEN must be input. ST and Date (YYMM) and RM must be input. C 81 This code identifies a change being made to the RD and/or AF Code. C 80 TC must be 016. RD and/or AF Code and RM must be input. C 81 TC must be 016. From GEN must be input. RD and/or AF Code and RM must be input. D 81 TC must be 016. No other definer code may be input. SS must be input. Classification code must be input Form 990 filing requirement must be 1. From Group GEN must be input, status code and year must be input. Ruling year and month must be input. Affiliation code must be input. -
Posting Delay Code (Box 6) - Entered when applicable with transactions when needing multiple transactions to adjust an account and some must post in later cycles than others. Transactions can be delayed from (1) cycle up to a maximum of (6) cycles. The posting of these transactions to the Master File will be deferred until the indicated number of posting cycles has passed.
New Name Control (Box 7) — Entered when TC 000 (DC 80) is indicated and must be entered if Organization Name is input via TC 013 and 016. If input the New Name Control must match the name control in the Organization Name First Line. See IRM (2)(b) for Name Control rules and examples.
Primary Name (Box 8 and 9) fixed field— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the new name as it is to appear on the EO/BMF, one character in each box. Data must begin in the first (left most) position with an alpha or numeric character. Valid characters for remaining positions are alpha, numeric, an ampersand (&), a hyphen (-), an AT sign (@), a right-hand bracket (]), or blank. Any data following two consecutive blanks on each name line is invalid. Be certain not to split a word at the end of the first three lines. Always start a new word on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th line in the first box after the less than sign (<). The 140 count includes blanks and the three preprinted, less than signs. Never enter information in the name lines that isn’t part of the organization name.
If Action The second, third, and fourth name lines are used as a continuation of the organization name Never enter a character in the first position. Never enter the SN information in the second, third, or fourth name lines. The organization is part of a group ruling and has a chapter name or number Enter it in the SN area of the floating fields sections, e.g., Shepherd Herring Post 32 would be entered by placing "Shepherd Herring Post" in the fixed filed first name line and the number "32" in the SN floating field starting after the preprinted SN. An organization has both a number and a name Enter only the number in the SN floating field. The group ruling also uses an approved abbreviation (see Document 6023, Group Exemption Roster). Enter it in the SN floating field. A New Name Control is listed Must enter the new Name Control The AT "@" sign is a special edit character used to sort certain EO entities for Publication 78, Cumulative List of Organizations For Funds and Foundations, which include an individual’s surname in their legal name, the standard BMF name control procedures require the name control to be the first four characters of the legal name. However, Pub. 78 is sorted on the surname, if included in a Fund or Foundation. The Document Code is 80 TC may be 000, 013, or 016. If only the name is to be changed, use TC 013. If only the address is to be changed, use TC 014. Document Code 81 TC must be 000 and the SN can’t be input. -
Sort Name (SN) (Box 10)— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the other name the organization is doing business under, if different from the Primary Name. Used mostly by the campus for trade names, chapter names or local numbers for subordinate organizations of group rulings.
If Action Document Code 80 TC may be 000, 013, 014, or 016. Document Code 81 TC must be 000 and, if input, the organization name mustn’t be input. SN is input First position after the SN literal must be numeric or alpha and must consist of 2–25 characters. SN should be deleted Input SN "$$." The organization has a group ruling and the primary name line is the name of the parent SN is required. Never include the SN as part of the primary name. -
In Care of Name (CO) (Box 11)— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter any In Care of Name, if appropriate.
If Action The "In Care of" Name is input Place percent sign (%) in the first position (left most) after the CO literal, then a space and the name. The CO must consist of 2–35 characters. The CO is being deleted Input CO "$$" in the first (left most) position after the CO literal. Document Code 80 TC may be 000, 013, 014, or 016. Document Code 81 TC must be 000. -
Foreign or Location Address (FA) (Box 12, 15, 16)— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the street address when the organization is located in a foreign country. Also, enter the complete address when the account has a mailing address, but is located at a different place.
If Action FA is being input The first (left most) position after the FA literal must be an alpha or numeric and must consist of 2–35 characters. Abbreviate, if necessary. FA is being deleted Input FA "$$" in the first (left most) position after the FA literal. Document Code 80 TC must be 000, 013, 014, or 016. Document Code 81 TC must be 000. -
Street Address (Box 13 fixed field) — Document Code 80 — Enter the street address, as appropriate. If entering a Foreign Address, this field must be the city or province. When entered, this field can have a maximum of 35 characters. If this field is entered, the city and state fields must also be entered. If input, data must begin in the first (left most) position with an alpha or numeric character. Valid characters for remaining positions (2–35) are alpha, numeric, hyphen (-), slash (/), ampersand (&) or blank. Any data following two consecutive blanks is invalid. See Document 7475 for address abbreviations may be used if needed to limit street address fields to 35 characters.
City (Box 14 fixed field)— Document Code 80 — Enter the city, as appropriate. If entering a Foreign Address, this field must be the country and (if present) the Zip Code must be entered here. When entered, this field can have a maximum of 20 characters. If this field is entered, the state field must also be entered. Valid characters are alpha, numeric, hyphen (-) and blank. Consecutive blanks or a blank in position one are invalid.
State (Box 14 fixed field) — Document 80 — Enter the valid two (2) position State Code, as appropriate, from Document 7475, State Abbreviations. If entering a Foreign Address, this field must be period (.). Must be input, if the city is input.
Zip Code (Box 14 fixed field)— Document Code 80 — Enter the proper Zip Code. Must be a 5 or 9 digit Zip Code. Valid range for the numeric Zip is 00601–99999 or 006010000–999999999, and the 5th and 6th digits may not be zeros. If entering a Foreign Address, this field must be blank.
Floating Fields — The chart in IRM (5) shows the quick reference to the floating fields. Enter the new data wanted in the appropriate boxes. This should replace all the data in that field on the EO/BMF.
Prior SS Code and ST data will be maintained at the Master File and available for reference on IDRS.
Subsection Code (SS) (Box 17) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the appropriate SS Code from Exhibit 25.7.1-4, Table of EO SS and CL Codes.
Document Code Action 80 TC may be 000, 012, 016 81 TC must be 016 81 Input the following items: -
SS must be 01–20, 23, or 70
Definer Code must be A.
If the SS=03, the TF must be 09–18.
Input CL
80 Complete the following validity and consistency checks: -
Input CL
SS must be 01–27, 40, 50, 60, 70, 71, 80, 81, 90–93.
If the SS is 03 or 71, the TF must be 02, 03, 04, or 09–18, unless the Status is 70–72, then the TF mustn’t be input.
If the TC is 012 or 016, the Definer Code must be A.
To delete a SS Code, input SS 99.
TF (Box 18) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the appropriate TF from Exhibit 25.7.1-3, Table of EO Status, Foundation, and AF Codes.
If Action Document Code 80 TC may be 000, 012, or 016 Document Code 81 TC must be 016 SS Code input is an 03 TF must be input, unless the ST is input and is 70–72 Document Code is 81 TC must be 016, and the following items must be input: -
Definer Code must be B.
ST must be 01–20, 22, 26, or 29
ST is input as ST Enter format as CCYYMM TC is 000 and Document Code is 80 Complete the following validity and consistency checks: -
ST = 01, the SS must be 01–25, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80.
ST = 07, the SS mustn’t be input and the FRC must be a 990-T of 1 and a 990 of 6.
ST = 10, the SS mustn’t be input and the FRC must be a 990 of 6.
ST = 11, the SS mustn’t be input and the FRC must be a 990 of 6.
ST = 12, the SS must be 90–93 and the FRC must be as follows:
SS = 90, the FRC must be a 5227 of 1 or 2.
SS = 91, the FRC must be a 990 of 1 or 2.
SS = 92, the FRC must be a 990-PF of 1.
ST = 40, the SS must not be input and the FRC must be NR or 1.
TC is 012 and Document Code is 80 Complete the following validity and consistency checks: -
ST = 01, the SS must be 01–25, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80.
ST = 06, 07, 10, 11, or 40, the SS must be 99 or not input.
ST = 12, the SS must be 90–92.
ST = 18, the SS must be 92.
ST = 19, the SS must be 03 and the TF must be 02, 03, or 04.
TC is 016 and Document Code is 80 Definer Code must be B. Document Code is 80 ST may be 01, 06, 07, 10–12, 18–20, 22–26, 28, 40–42, or 70–72 and complete the following validity and consistency checks: -
ST = 18, the SS must be 92.
ST = 41 or 70–72, at least one FRC of 1041, 1065, or 1120 must be present and the FRC for 990, 990-T, 5227, or 990-PF, if input, must be zero.
FRC input is a 990-PF TF must be 02, 03, or 04 FRC input is a 990 TF must be 09–18 990 FRC is a 6 TF must be a 10. TF is to be deleted. Input TF 99 -
CL Code (Box 19) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the appropriate CL Code from Exhibit 25.7.1-4, Table of EO SS and CL Codes. TC must be 000, 012 or 016 for Document Code 80 or TC 016 for Document Code 81. The valid CL codes are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. The code may be a 1-3 digit entry.
Form 2363-A Classification Codes
Document Code CL Action 80 1 SS Code must be 01–27, 40, 50, 60, 70, 71, 80, 81 or 90–92 — 2 SS code must be 03–06, 09, or 12–14 — 3 or 4 SS Code must be 03–06, or a 12 — 5, 6, 7, or 8 SS Code must be 03 — 7 SS Code must be 03 and the TF must be 09–18 81 1 SS Code must be 01–20, 23, or 70. 80 or 81 — SS Code must be input. -
AF Code (Box 20) — Document Code 80 or 81 Enter the appropriate AF Code from Exhibit 25.7.1-3, Table of EO Status, TF, and AF Codes.
Form 2363-A AF Codes
TC Document Code Action 000 80 AF Codes 1, 2, or 3. ST must be 01, 12, or 70–72. New GEN can’t be input. 016 80 AF Codes 1, 2, or 3. Definer Code C must be input. If New GEN input, it must be 9999. If New GEN input, From GEN must be input. 000 80 AF Codes 6, 7, 8, or 9. The ST must be 01. New GEN must be input in the range from 0002 to 9998. 016 80 AF Codes 6, 7, 8, or 9. Definer Code C must be input. Either New GEN or From GEN, or both, must be present. If From GEN is input, it must match the BMF GEN. If New GEN is input, the valid range is 0002 to 9998. 016 81 AF 7 or 9. Definer Code C must be input. From GEN must be input in the range from 0002 to 9998. -
Type of Organization Code (TO) (Box 21) — Document Code 80 or 81- Enter the code which best describes the legal form of the organization as follows: Corporation = 1; Trust = 2; Cooperative = 3; Partnership = 4; Association = 5; and NECT = 6 (SS must equal 91 or 92).
Form 2363-A Type of Organization Codes
If Then The Document Code is 80 The TC may be 000 or 016. The Document Code is 80 and a TC 000 The SS Code must be input. The TO agrees with the input SS code The SS Code must be as follows: -
TO = 1, SS must = 01–16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80.
TO = 2, SS must = 03–15, 17–22, 24, 25, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80.
TO = 3, SS must = 03, 50, 80, or 92.
TO = 4, SS must = 40.
TO = 5, SS must = 01–21, 23, 40, 50, 60, or 70.
TO = 6, SS must = 91 or 92.
The Document Code is 81 The TC must be 016 and the following items must be present: -
Definer Code must be D.
TO must equal 5.
ST and Date (Box 22) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the appropriate ST from Exhibit 25.7.1-3, Table of EO Status, TF, and AF Codes. For additional details on these codes see IRM, Data Fields. Enter the six-digit date in CCYYMM format as required for input.
RD (Box 23) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the date, in CCYYMM format as required for input, the determination or ruling letter was issued.
Document Code TC 80 Must be 000 or 016. -
If the TC is 000 — ST must be 01 or 70–72.
If the TC is 016, the Definer Code must be C.
81 TC must be 016 and the Definer Code must be C. -
Deductibility Code and Year (DY) (Box 25) — Document Code 80 and 81 — Enter a one-digit code followed by a two-digit century and two-digit year, in DCCYY (Deductibility code, 2 digit century and 2 digit year) format as required for input.
If Action The first position Code: -
1 — Contributions are deductible
2 — Contributions aren’t deductible
4 — Contributions are deductible under treaty provisions.
The second through fourth position It must be a century and year entry of 00–99 for each. Document Code 80 TC must be 000 or 016. Document Code 81 TC must be 016. Document Code 80 and DY is 1 or 4 SS must be 01, 03, 04, 08, 10, 13, 19, 20, 50, 60, or 70. Document Code 81 and DY is 1 SS must be 01, 03, 04, 08, 10, 13, or 19. -
From GEN (FG) (Box 26) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the four-digit number from Group Exemption Roster or other source (e.g., return, correspondence, etc.) when changing a GEN or when updating a group exemption. The TC must be 016. The From GEN can be any four-digit number between 0001–9998.
New GEN (NG) (Box 27) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the four-digit number from Group Exemption Roster or other source (e.g., return, correspondence, etc.) to add new subordinates to GEN File. This field must be entered when changing an individual determination/ ruling to a group determination/ruling. The TC must be 000 or 016 for Document Code 80 or TC 000 for Document Code 81.
Document Code TC Action 80 000 Input the following: -
NG must be between 0002–9999
AF must be a 6, 7, 8 or 9.
ST must be 01.
81 000 NG must be between 0002–0099. 80 016 Input the following: -
Input Definer Code C.
If the NG is 9999, the FG must be input and the AF must be 1, 2, or 3.
If the NG is 0002–9999, the AF must be 6, 7, 8, or 9.
File Folder Number (FFN) (next field per EOCHG input screen)— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the EACS/EDS FFN, if appropriate, or the KDO/National Office Code (left two boxes). All determination case files are now located in the Cincinnati Centralized Determination Site.
If Action Document Code 80 TC can be either 000 or 016. Document Code 81 TC must be 016. AO or HQ Code is entered Valid numbers are: -
AOs — 11, 31, 52, 75 or 95
HQ — 50
District Location (DL) (Box 29) — Document Code 80 or 81 Enter a two (2) digit code from Exhibit 25.7.1-5, Universal Location Codes, to reflect the district where the principal place of business is located. TC must be 000, 014 or 016. Input a DL when adding an EO Section to a BMF Entity with a TC 016.
Pension Plan (PP) (Box 30) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter a "1" (Yes) or "2" (No or Not Known) to show whether the organization has a pension plan. To delete a Pension Plan, input PP "9."
Document Code Action 80 TC must be 000 or 016. 81 TC must be 016, the Definer Code D, and the PP Code must be "2" . -
AD (Box 31) — Document Code 80 — Enter a six-digit code in CCYYMM format required for input, to show the ending date when an advance ruling is due to expire. When the AD is over, enter "999999" to delete the date from the EO/BMF once a final determination of whether they are a public charity or private foundation is completed. The TC must be 016 and the AD can’t be before the current input date.
Large Case Code (LC) (Box 32) — Document Code 80 — Enter a one-digit code of "1," when an organization is to be included in the Large Case Program. Enter a one-digit code of "2," to show an organization was previously a large case. Enter a one-digit code of "9," to delete a Large Case. TC must be 016.
Employment Code (EC) (Box 34)— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter a "W" for a 501(c)(3) organization (other than an instrumentality of a state, municipality or other local governmental unit) not subject to FUTA tax.Exception: If a church or qualified church-controlled organization, has filed a timely Form 8274, Certification by Churches and Qualified Church-Controlled Organizations Electing Exemption from Employer Social Security Taxes and Medicare Taxes, don’t enter an EC W. The campus has established an EC of C for these organizations. In all other cases leave this item blank.
Form 2363-A Employment Codes
If Then Document Code is 80 TC must be 000 or 016 and valid EC’s are "S," "W," "M," or 9. Document Code is 81 TC must be 000 and EC must be "W." Input EC is a "W" 941 FRC, if input, must be a 01 or 07. Input EC is a "W" SS Code, if input, must be a 03, 50, 60, or 70. Input EC is a "W" ST, if input, must be 01, 07, 10, or 11. -
Fiscal Year/Month (FY) (Box 35)— Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter the calendar or fiscal month ending date.
If the Document Code is And Then — — TC may be 000, 012, or 016. 81 — TC may be 000 or 016. 80 Positive FRC is input for a Form 990, 990-PF, 990-T, 1041, 1065, 1120, or 5227 Must input FY 81 — FY should never be input with a TC 016 unless it is intended that all subordinates must have the same fiscal year.
Filing Requirements (Box 38) - Document Codes 80 or 81
Enter a number in the box or boxes to indicate the appropriate FRC of each organization. See Exhibit 25.7.1-6, BMF Filing Requirements, "FRC" column, for BMF FRC numerics.
The FRC for Forms 941 Series Returns, 990 Series Returns and 1120 Series Returns are a two-digit code. All other FRC’s are a one-digit code.
If the Document Code is 80, a positive FRC is added by TC 000, 012 or 016.
Never delete or update a positive FRC unless there is an EO Section already on the BMF, or an EO Section is being added for the first time.
The validity and consistency checks must be performed when the input FRC is greater than zero (positive).
An EO FRC can be deleted with Document Code 80 or 63.
If Action Input is only to delete a BMF FRC Use CC BNCHG CC EOCHG is being used and the only action is to delete a FRC Input as follows: -
Document Code 80
TC 016
Pension Plan (PP) field ‘2’.
Input RM
Input a zero in the position of the FRC being deleted.
A Definer Code isn’t necessary as long as the only change being made is to delete the FRC, then items a) through e) must be input.
The FY must always be input if the FRC is for a 990, 990-PF, 990-T, 5227, 1041, 1065 or 1120.
The validity and consistency checks listed below are in the order they appear on the screen.
Code Action WW-FRC–941: Valid input codes are 00, 01, 07. -
Valid input codes are 00, 01, 07.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC must be 000, 012, 016.
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 000.
CC-FRC–1120: -
Valid input codes are 00, 01, 03, 04, 07, or 09.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC must be 012 or 016 and the Definer Code must be A
Document Code 81 is not a valid input for a Form 1120.
If the input ST is 41, 70–72 and the 1120 FRC is present, the 1041, 1065, 990, 990-PF, 990-T and 5227 FRC can’t be greater than zero.
1120–Input FRC SS-Must be: TF-Must be: EO FRC Must be: 01 03 02, 03, or 04 990-PF = 1 01 12 — 990 = 01 03 12 — 990 = 01 04 15 — 990 = 01 09 03 09–18 990 = 01 or 02 09 01. 02, 04–25, 50, 60 or 70 — 990 = 01 or 02 Code Action E-FRC–720: -
Valid input codes are 0, 1, 4, 6, or 7.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000, 012, or 016.
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 000.
Code Action H-FRC–942: It can never be greater than zero for either Document Code 80 or 81. T-FRC–1041: -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 012 or 016 and the Definer Code must be A.
If the Document Code 81 is not a valid input for an 1041.
If the input ST is 41 or 70–72, and the 1041 FRC is a 1, the 1120, 1065, 990, 990-PF, 990-T and 5227 FRC can’t be greater than zero.
1041–Input FRC SS-Must be: EO FRC Must be: 1 90 5227 = l or 2 1 91 990 = l or 2 1 92 990-PF = 1 Code Action P-FRC–1065 -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000, 012, or 016.
If the Document Code is 80 and the TC is 012 or 016, the Definer Code must be A.
Document Code 81 is not a valid input for a 1065.
If the input code is a 1, the 55 must be 40, unless the ST is 41 or 71–72. The NR (Not Required) must be a 1.
If the input ST is 41 or 70–72 and the 1065 FRC is a 1, the 1041,1120, 990, 990-PF, 990-T and 5227 FRC can’t be greater than zero.
M-FRC–1066 It can’t be greater than zero for either Document Code 80 or 81. R-FRC-CT 1 It can’t be greater than zero for either Document Code 80 or 81. F-FRC–940 -
Valid input codes are 0,1, or 7
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000,012, or 016.
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 000.
If the input FRC is a 1 or 7, the EC mustn’t be a W; the 941 FRC or 943 FRC must be input and be the same value as the 940 FRC.
A-FRC–943 -
Valid input codes are 0,1, or 7.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000, 012, or 016.
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 000.
K-FRC–1042 It can’t be greater than zero for either Document Code 80 or 81. T-FRC-990T -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000, 012, or 016.
If the Document Code is 80 with a TC 012 or 016:
The Definer Code must be an "A"
The SS Code must be 02–25, 50, 60, or 70; and
The 990 FRC must be 01, 02, 04, 06, 04, or 13; or
The 990-PF FRC must be a
If the SS Code isn’t input, the Definer Code must be a B, with a ST of 06, 07, 10, or 11; and,
If the ST is 07, 10, or 11, then the 990 FRC must be 01, 02, 04, 06, or 13; or
If the ST is 06, the 990 FRC must not be input.
If the SS Code input is 99, then the Status must be 06, 07, 10, or 11.
For Document Code 80 with a TC 000:
The SS Code must be 02–25, 50, 60, or 70; or
The Status must be 07, 10, or 11,
The 990 FRC must be 01, 02, 04, 06, or 13; or
The 990-PF FRC must be a
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 000.
N-FRC-5227 -
Valid input codes are 0,1, or 2.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC must be 000, 012, or 016 and the SS must be 90.
If the TC is 012 or 016, the Definer Code must be A.
Document Code 81 is not a valid input for a 5227.
P-FRC-990PF -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1 or 3.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC must be 000, 012, or 016 and the SS must be 92 or 03 with TF 02 (effective 01–01–86), 03 or 04.
If the TC is 012 or 016, the Definer Code must be A.
Document Code 81 is not a valid input for a 990-PF.
H-FRC-2290 -
Valid input codes are 0,1, or 2.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000 or 016.
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 000.
C-FRC-11C -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000 or 016.
If the FRC is a 0, the 730 FRC must be a 0.
If the FRC is a 1, the 730 FRC must be a 1.
Document Code 81 is not a valid input for an 11C.
W-FRC-730 -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC may be 000 or 012.If the FRC is a 0, the 11C FRC must be a 0.
f the FRC is a 1, the 11C FRC must be a 1.
Document Code 81 is not a valid input for a 730.
OO-FRC-990: -
Valid input codes are 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 13 or 14.
If the Document Code is 80, the TC must be 000, 012, or 016.
If the Document Code is 81, the TC must be 016; the Definer Code must be a D, and the 990 FRC must be a 1.
If the TC is 012 or 016, the Definer Code must be an A.
INPUT 990 FRC SS-MUST be TF-MUST be ST-MUST be CL-MUST be 01 02, 04–20,22–25, 50, 60,70 or 91 — — — 01 03 09–18 — — 02 02, 04–20,22–25, 50, 60,70 or 91 — — — 02 03 09–18 — — 03 02, 04–20, 23 or 70 — — — 03 03 09–18 — — 04 21 — — — 06 03 10 — — 06 99 or blank — 07, 10, or 11 — 07 01 — — — 13 03 09–18 — 7 14 01 — — Code Action N-FRC-NOT REQUIRED: -
Valid input codes are 0 or 1.
It is valid with Document Code 80 and 81 for TC 000 or 016.
If the TC is 016, the Definer Code must be an A.
If the ST input is 40, then the Definer Code B must be input also.
RM (Box 39) — Document Code 80 or 81 — Enter data to leave a history for future reference, e.g., TF follow-up. RM must consist of 10–35 characters with no consecutive blanks.
Preparer's Information (Boxes 40-43) - Document Code 80 or 81.
Prepared by (Signature) (Box 40)— Enter the name of the person who prepared this form.
Date Signed (Block to the right of Box 40) - Enter the current date in this block.
Organization Symbols (Box 41)— Enter function, group number, etc.
Preparers’ Group or IDRS Number (Box 42)
Preparers’ phone number (Box 43) - Enter phone number of the person who prepared this form.
A central organization which is tax exempt under IRC 501(c) may obtain exemption recognition, on a group basis, for subordinate organizations under its general supervision or control. The purpose of the group exemption is to relieve subordinate organizations from filing their own exemption applications.
Central organizations that apply for a group exemption letter must obtain their own exempt status recognition. See Sec. 4 of Rev. Proc. 80–27 , 1980–1 C.B. 677, for the requirements for inclusion in a group exemption letter.
Central organizations must establish that the subordinates included in the group exemption letter are:
Affiliated with it.
Subject to its general supervision or control.
Exempt under the same IRC 501(c) paragraph.
Not a private foundation, as described in IRC 509(a), if requesting IRC 501(c)(3) status.
In the same accounting period as the central organization, if included in a group return.
Not organized and operated in a foreign country.
Subordinate organizations seeking IRC 501(c)(3) exemption recognition are subject to the 15-month provision of IRC 508(a).
If all subordinate organizations have been formed within the 15-month period before the group exemption application submission date, the subordinate organizations may receive exemption recognition effective as of their creation dates.
However, the IRS may issue a group exemption letter covering subordinates, one or more of which haven’t been organized within the 15-month period before the submission date, if all subordinates are willing to accept exemption recognition as of the application date.
To be included in the group exemption letter, each subordinate organization must submit written authorization to the central organization.
A duly authorized officer of the subordinate must sign the authorization.
The central organization must keep the authorization for as long as the group exemption is in effect.
All applications, except those meeting certain criteria, undergo review by Exempt Organization Ruling and Agreements (EO R&A) in Cincinnati, OH.
Issues group exemption ruling or determination letters.
Prepares the EO/BMF vouchers on Form 2363–A.
The following procedures apply for establishing and changing group exemption designations on the EO/BMF.
When ready to issue a group exemption letter, prepare a Form 2363-A voucher in duplicate.
Stamp or annotate Form 2363-A in the upper margin "New Group Exemption Letter" and leave the floating field area (new group exemption number) blank.
Use Form 3210, Document Transmittal, to send the original Form 2363-A to the Ogden Submission Processing Center (OSPC), along with a copy of the list of the subordinates included in the group determinations.
Include all EINs known and attach any SS-4s.
Annotate the subordinate listing, "Form SS-4 previously forwarded to IRS" for each entity, if appropriate.
File a duplicate copy of Form 2363-A in the administrative case file for any follow-up action (i.e., shipment lost in transit, unpostables, etc.).
Enter the following information on the Form 2363-A:
Parent’s name control and EIN (document, transaction and definer codes may be left blank)
Appropriate subsection code (SS)
Foundation code (TF), if the SS is 03
Appropriate classification code(s) (CL)
Status code and date (ST)
Appropriate affiliation code (AF)
Group ruling date (RD)
Organization type (TO)
Fiscal year (FY)
File folder number (FF)
NAICS and NTEE code(s)
Deductibility code year (DY)
Pension plan (PP)
Between 10–35 characters in the remarks area (RM)
Parent’s name, leave address area blank
Appropriate Form 990 filing requirement (see IRM (6))
If appropriate, enter a Form 990-T filing requirement
Preparer’s name and symbols
Use these codes to indicate the appropriate Form 990 filing requirement:
Code Form 990 Filing Requirement 01 All subordinates over $50,000 gross receipt, or if unknown. 02 All subordinates $50,000 or less. 06 Church or integrated auxiliary of a church. Enter an asterisk (*) in the 990 box if the group ruling is for a church. 1 07 501(c)(1) government instrumentality. Note:
1. Enter in the shaded area to the right of the filing requirements section: "Enter 1 if N/A or 6, if a true church or unknown." This alerts OSPC employees to give a non-integrated auxiliary of a church filing a Form 990 a filing requirement of 1, or give an integrated auxiliary of a church, or if it is unknown whether an entity is integrated or non-integrated, a filing requirement of 6.
Use these procedures to change group exemptions.
If Changing Then The group exemption Prepare Form 2363-A. An existing group exemption Process Form 2363-A for the central (parent) organization and affected subordinates. From an individual to group exemption Document Code 80 (TC 0l6). -
If the group ruling affects all subordinates, update all entities covered under the group ruling by using the GEN in the "From GEN" field of the floating field area and the name control and EIN of the parent. This changes all entities established with the specific GEN entered, e.g., subsection/classification change for all entities.
EO R&A: prepare mass change Form 2363-A, Request for IDRS Input for BMF/EO Entity Change, as follows:
Floating fields
Enter new data as appropriate
Fixed fields: Leave blank (can’t be used for mass changes)
Remarks section
Check document code 81 at the top
Forward mass posting voucher under separate cover to the local terminal input function
In addition to the mass posting voucher, prepare another Form 2363-A marked "Pilot Voucher" in the upper right-hand corner, entering the same data elements as listed in IRM (1).
You can only change the following fields en masse:
Subsection/classification/foundation codes
Status code and date
New GEN with affiliation code entered and ruling date (merger)
Deductibility code and year
Activity codes (NAICS and NTEE)
DOL (only if all subordinates are located within the same district)
File folder number
Abbreviation name
Fiscal year/month (only if all subordinates are included in a group return)
EO R&A: When you complete the review and approval process, send group ruling merger correspondence ( i.e., the merger of two group rulings or two group rulings merging to form a new group) to Ogden Campus, Attn: Entity Control Function. OSPC:
Update the BMF (except name and address changes for subordinates) to reflect the mergers.
Prepare and distribute new pilot vouchers to the administrative file in Cincinnati.
EO R&A: If we already recognized a subordinate as tax exempt under IRC 501(c), prepare Form 2363-A to change the individual ruling/determination status to a group exemption status.
Establish the group exemption number (GEN) on masterfile.
Maintain the annual supplemental group ruling information (SGRI) listing.
To maintain a group exemption letter, the central organization must submit annually to the IRS various statements and listings as described in Sec. 6 of Rev. Proc. 80-27. This material is due 90 days before the close of its annual accounting period. Group returns are filed at OSPC which processes EO returns.
Organizations submit their own listings that contain all information required by Rev. Proc. 80–27.
OSPC must write to the central organization, if they don’t receive the supplemental information within 90 days before the end of the parents’ accounting period.
Document 6023, Group Exemption Roster, helps us identify organizations covered by group exemptions and provides key exemption data. It serves as a convenient reference to outstanding group exemptions when we:
Process applications for exemption.
Prepare vouchers for the BMF System.
Respond to requests for group exemption information.
Process unpostable Forms 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax.
The roster reprints semiannually to reflect all active parent accounts as of the date of issuance. It contains a(n):
Alphabetical listing of organizations covered by group exemptions.
Numerical listing in group exemption number (GEN) order.
Table of BMF abbreviations for group exemption organizations, where applicable. It also identifies the number of organizations with the same GEN.
The alphabetic listing for each group exemption includes the:
Name of the organization
The home city and state of the central organization
The IRC 501(c) exemption subsection
The group exemption letter date
Group exemption number (GEN)
Parents’ EIN
BMF standard abbreviation for the organization (where applicable)
The names of the central organizations are alphabetically listed as they appear on BMF.
The table of BMF abbreviations lists the abbreviations in alphabetic sequence and is cross-referenced to the organization’s name as it appears in the main listing.
There’s no requirement for a central organization to certify that its group roster doesn’t contain subordinate organizations that are currently autorevoked.
However, Notice 2011-44 states that an organization whose exemption has been revoked for failure to file for three years can’t reinstate that exemption by joining a group exemption ruling as a subordinate or getting the central organization to add it back to the group exemption roster. The autorevoked entity must apply for exemption, whether or not it was originally required to so apply.
The GEN file is a computer file controlling the EO/BMF accounts of every parent or subordinate organization containing a GEN. It:
Ensures every group exemption has only one parent account.
Prevents a subordinate account from establishing unless a parent containing that GEN already exists.
Stops invalid GEN’s or affiliation codes from passing on to the EO/BMF.
IDRS compares every entity change transaction containing either a "From GEN" or "New GEN" to the GEN file before posting to the EO/BMF.
Transactions failing to pass GEN file validity checks unpost with Unpostable Code 370, and return to the initiator.
Transactions that pass GEN file validity checks generate either new or updated accounts on the GEN file, and post to the EO/BMF.
The GEN file contains the following information:
Parent EIN, name control, affiliation code and organization name.
Subordinate EIN, name control and affiliation code.
A central organization may file, in addition to its own annual information return, a group return on behalf of two or more of its subordinate organizations covered by a group exemption letter which are:
Affiliated with the central organization at the close of its annual accounting period.
Subject to the central organization’s general supervision.
Tax exempt under the same IRC 501(c) paragraph.
Filed on the basis of the established annual accounting period of the central organization.
An agency of the federal, state, or local government, although not required to file information returns for itself, may file a group return on Form 990 on behalf of subordinates under its supervision covered by a group exemption letter.
The group return may include only those exempt subordinates that:
Authorized in writing to include them in the return.
Provided statements specifying gross income, receipts and disbursements to the central organization.
Gave required related information to be stated in the return.
Organizations file the group return with the OSPC, which processes EO returns. Filing a group return is in lieu of filing separate returns for each of the subordinate organizations included in the group return.
The group return has separate schedules attached which include names, addresses and ElNs of all subordinates, both included and excluded from the return.
Since exempt subordinate units may opt in or out of a group return, OSPC establishes all subordinates in a new group letter on the EO/BMF with a Form 990 filing requirement of "1" (gross receipts are over $50,000). This ensures that we check for return filings for subordinate units which do not elect to be included in a group return are checked for return filings.
Some central organizations generally include all exempt subordinates in a group return and operate in such a manner as to eliminate the need for separate return controls on the EO/BMF for subordinates.
Campus processing of group returns includes:
Perfecting the return.
Posting the receipt of the group return for the central organization.
Posting of satisfaction of filing requirements (TC 590) to the EO/BMF accounts of exempt subordinate organizations included in the group return.
Subsequent storage and maintenance of the return.
When an exempt central organization files a separate return for itself and files a group return for its subordinates, BMF won’t accept both returns unless there are separate entity records, each with a different EIN.
When there is only one entity record, OSPC prepares Form 2363-A to reflect the same entity data as that found on the pilot voucher entry. OSPC adds the words "Group Return" to the end of the name of the organization and assigns a separate EIN the new entity entry.
The deductibility code is 2 and filing requirement code is 3 (990 — Group Return). This permits both returns to post to BMF (one individual and one group return). The group return entry won’t appear in the cumulative list.
Certain organizations covered by group exemption letters and required to file EO returns (including both central and subordinate organizations) aren’t on the EO/BMF. This includes subordinate units of federally-chartered IRC 501(c)(1) exempt organizations controlled and regulated by another government agency and subject to the supervision, periodic audit and examination procedures of the agency. In these cases, an EO/BMF account exists for the central organization only.
Federal credit unions
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal home loan banks
Federal land banks
Federal intermediate credit banks
Federal National Mortgage Association
Federal land bank associations (formerly national farm loan associations)
Federal reserve banks
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)
Public Housing Administration
State and municipal instrumentalities aren’t tax exempt under IRC 501(c)(1).
IRC 501(c)(1) refers to certain instrumentalities of the United States organized under Acts of Congress. In order to establish IRC 501(c)(1) exemption, Congress must specifically:
Provide for the corporation’s exemption in the Internal Revenue Code,
Provide in a non-Code provision of a revenue act, or
List the corporation in IRC 501(c)(1).
IRC 501(c)(1) exempt organizations aren’t subject to the Form 990 filing requirement provisions of IRC 6033 if they are corporations wholly owned by:
The United States
An agency
An instrumentality thereof
We may omit state-chartered credit unions covered by group returns, included in group exemptions, from the EO/BMF.
IRC 501(c)(14)(A) provides exemption from federal income tax for credit unions without capital stock, organized and operated for mutual purposes and without profit. State law determines whether organizations are credit unions. Generally, we consider an organization formed under a state credit union law, subject to the supervision of a state agency, such as a state banking commissioner, to be a state-chartered credit union.
State-chartered credit unions are authorized in most states.
To qualify as a credit union under IRC 501(c)(14)(A), a credit union must hold a charter under a state credit union law, and operate without profit and for the mutual benefit of its members.
A state agency may file a Form 990, group information return, for the exempt state-chartered credit unions under its supervision and control (Rev. Rul. 60–364 , 1960–2 C.B. 382.)
The parent organizations filing group returns are usually controlling state agencies who are neither entitled to exemption under IRC 501(a), nor required to file Forms 990 on their own behalf. Most, but not all, state agencies filing group returns for credit unions in their states obtained a group exemption from the IRS.
This presents an exception to other parent organizations which file group returns. Other parent organizations must obtain group exemption numbers and must file Forms 990 for themselves, in addition to any group return filed on behalf of their subordinates.
We process group returns filed by controlling state agencies for their state-chartered credit unions on the EO/BMF according to whether or not we issued the state a group exemption.
OSPC processes group returns filed by states in receipt of group exemptions in the same manner as normal group returns. OSPC assigns a Form 990 filing requirement of "3" (group return filer), and adds the words "group return" to the end of the parent’s name line.
OSPC processes group returns filed by states not in receipt of group exemptions according to whether the parent organization has an account established on the EO/BMF.
If Then Group returns filed by States that Assign these accounts a… Don’t have accounts on the EO/BMF. Establish on MF with IDRS Transaction Code 000. Form 990 Filing Requirement of 01 and add group return to the EO/BMF following the name line. Have accounts on the EO/BMF. Update on MF with IDRS Transaction Code 016. Form 990 Filing Requirements of 01 and also add group return to the name line. -
The Exempt Organizations (EO) Standard Extract Program is a computer program that is run monthly (except in January) at the Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC), to extract entity and limited return information from EO accounts on the Business Master File (BMF).
IRS employees, and, to the extent provided in IRC 6104 members of the general public may use Standard Extract listings
Standard Extract data has proven useful in providing information on specific types or classes of organizations, without doing special programming to extract this data. Typical examples for using this data include:
Identify all organizations exempt under a specific IRC subsection
All status 20 organizations located within a certain Area Office (AO)
All organizations containing a specific group exemption number, activity code (see Document 6379, Exempt Organizations Management Information Systems Codes) or accounting period, etc..
You may use downloadable EO files found on https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/exempt-organizations-business-master-file-extract-eo-bmf, and data on the Return Information Control System (RICS) database, to obtain extracts previously handled by the standard extract program.
The following management information reports are sent to the AO:
Private School Listing
Group Exemption Roster (Document 6023)
EO Private Foundation Listing
The Group Exemption Roster serves as a convenient reference and provides key data on:
Processing applications for exemption (EACS/EDS)
Preparing vouchers for the Master File systems
Processing required returns from EOs
Responding to information requests concerning organizations holding group exemptions.
Document 6023, Group Exemption Roster is produced semi-annually in February and August. The document contains:
A table of Master File abbreviations for organizations holding group exemptions.
An alphabetic listing of all central organizations covered by a group exemption still in effect.
A listing, in numeric sequence by Group Exemption Number, of all active group rulings.
The alphabetic listing will show all accounts with:
An Affiliation Code of "6" or "8" (parent)
The Parent’s name (50 characters)
Group Exemption Number (GEN)
Ruling date
Subsection Code
Classification Code(s)
Status Code
File Folder Number
Primary Activity Code
Deductibility Code and Year
The City and State where the parent is currently located
The total number of active central organizations, as of the revision date, is at the end of the alphabetic listing, following the last account. The numeric listing contains the same organizations in GEN order but also shows the number of subordinate organizations with the same GEN (Number of Local Affiliates or NLA). This information may be used to reply to inquiries concerning the number of active subordinates with the same GEN. It also contains the parent EIN and GEN.
The roster can be used to identify organizations that may be covered by a group ruling. See IRM, Group Exemption Roster, for an explanation.
The EO Private Foundation Listing is a list of all active BMF accounts with an EO Foundation Code of "02" , "03" or "04."
It is produced each February and is sorted by state, so that each state can be found separately.
Within each state, the listing is sorted by Asset Code (high to low) and finally alphabetically.
This means that the Asset Code 9’s will appear first alphabetically, then down to the zeros being last.
The Asset Code is printed on the first line of each account on the right-hand side.
At the end of each state, there is a summary of accounts for that state showing the total number of private foundations in that state by Asset Code. Also included is a summary of the Income Codes, even though the Income Code doesn’t show on any listing page. This is for statistical purposes.
Organizations with a Foundation Code "02," exempt operating foundations, and "03," operating foundation, will have the literal "OP" (operating foundation) in the "Foundation Type" field. Organizations with a Foundation Code "04," non-operating, show the literal "NO."
The Cumulative List of organizations (CL) described in Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (IRC) 170(c), CL, commonly known as Publication 78, is a computer generated listing of names of organizations. These organizations have been determined to be entitled to receive tax deductible contributions by donors, as provided in IRC 170.
The CL provides information and guidance on exempt organizations to both Service personnel and the public. With few exceptions, the CL includes only those organizations that hold a ruling or determination letter that specifically states that contributions to the organization are tax deductible.
The exempt organization (EO) community has become increasingly dependent upon their listings in the CL to prove to potential contributors that contributions to them are deductible. The fact that an organization may hold a favorable determination letter is often not sufficient to satisfy some contributors, especially in those cases where the Service issued an organization’s letter many years ago.
Generally, the CL program has been effective in identifying IRC 170 organizations. However, as with any computer-generated listing, it is only as good as the data extracted. Therefore, it is imperative that the EO entity data contained on the BMF be accurate. Every Service employee who issues a determination or conducts an examination of an exempt organization, is responsible for ensuring that the Master File reflects any actions taken and that any other errors identified on a Master File entity are corrected.
The CL (Publication 78 data) is available in a researchable database on the Internet. It is one part of the Tax Exempt Organization Search Application that also includes the cumulative listing of organizations whose exemption has been revoked, the database of 990-N filings, Determination Letters, and Copies of Returns. This database may be used for researching exempt organizations who have been granted contribution deductibility, and is available to anyone with Internet access.
A user-friendly format allows for a search by the EIN, name, or portions of the name, city, state, or Deductibility Status Code.
The listing is accessible through the "Charities & Non-Profits" section on the IRS website (http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits ), by selecting the Tax Exempt Organization Search topic, and is updated monthly (except for January).
This file is also found in a downloadable format on the website.
To be included on the Cumulative List, an organization must have:
a Deductibility Code 1 or 4 (treaty) , and
a Subsection Code of 01, 03, 04, 08, 10, 13, 19, 50, 60 or 70, and
an Affiliation Code of 1, 2, 3, 6 or 8 (selects group centrals and independents but eliminates subordinates), and
a Status Code of 01, 02, or 25 (an active entity), and
a Form 990 Filing Requirement of 1, 2, 6 or 7, or Form 990–PF Filing Requirement of 1 , 2 or 3.
IRC 501(c)(3) (referred to as subsection (c)(3)) entries for subordinates included in group exemptions or Group Return accounts are not included in the CL (Pub 78 data).
Any organization that requests to be listed in the CL and has not been issued a ruling or determination letters, must apply for such a letter to be included in the CL. In the past, several dummy entries for widely known religious, charitable and educational organizations that had not formally applied for ruling or determination letters were added to the CL. This practice is no longer permitted under current CL procedures.
Non-Exempt Charitable Trusts, BMF/Subsection Codes 90, 91 and 92 NECTS, are not included despite the other criteria. These are included on the BMF only for returns processing purposes.
Codes for the CL identify each organization listed by type and limitation on deductibility. The codes, with an explanation of each, are as follows:
Code Type of organization and use Deductibility Limitation Programming PC A public charity 50% — POF A private operating foundation 50% Foundation Code is 02 or 03 and the Current EO Status Code is not 25 PF A private foundation 30% (generally) Foundation Code is 04 and the Current EO Status Code is not 25 GROUP Generally, a central organization holding a group exemption letter, whose subordinate units covered by the group exemption are also eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions, even though they are not separately listed. Depends on various factors Affiliation Code 06 or 08 LODGE A domestic fraternal society, operating under the lodge system, but only if the contribution is to be used exclusively for charitable purposes. 30% Current Subsection Code 08 or 10 UNKWN A charitable organization whose public charity status has not been determined. Depends on various factors Current Subsection Code is 03 and the Foundation Code is 09 EO An organization described in IRC 170(c) other than a public charity or private foundation. Depends on various factors Current Subsection Code is 04, 08, 10, 13 or 19 OR Current Subsection Code is 01 and the Activity Codes present are other than 925 FED An organization to which contributions are deductible if made for the use of a federal governmental unit. 50% Current Subsection Code is 01 and at least one of the Activity Codes is 925 FORGN A foreign-addressed organization. These are generally organizations formed in the United States that conduct activities in foreign countries. Certain foreign organizations that receive charitable contributions deductible pursuant to treaty are also included, as are organizations created in U.S. possessions Depends on various factors Universal Location Code is 98 and the State is indicating a foreign address SO A type 1, type 2, or functionally integrated type 3 supporting organization 50% Foundation Code is 21, 22, or 23 SONFI A non-functionally integrated type 3 supporting organization 50% Foundation Code is 24 SOUNK A supporting organization, unspecified type 50% Foundation Code is 17
Inquiries regarding omissions, coding errors, etc. should be referred to the Cincinnati Area Office (AO) Customer Service Unit. If a special listing is requested or a systemic problem is suspected, refer to TE/GE HQ (SE:T:HQ:SS:BSP:SPP).
Inquiries received at service centers must be forwarded to the Cincinnati AO for resolution and response.
AOs are responsible for correcting the BMF if necessary, and responding to the inquirer. This includes referrals of inquiries other than those described herein.
Omission inquiries should be handled using the unpostable procedures.
For omissions where there is a BMF entity but it fails to meet the CL criteria described in IRM , review the entity data, make corrections if necessary, and reply to the requester.
Copies of ruling or determination letters referred to AOs or Cincinnati by the Ogden Submission Processing Center (OSPC) are reviewed to decide if Form 2363A, Exempt organization BMF Entity Change, should be prepared to add the exempt organization to the file.
Inquiries about CL codes are reviewed and the BMF is corrected, if necessary, to reflect correct deductibility limitation codes. Such corrections may include a change to the BMF Foundation Code, Subsection Code, etc.
Inquiries regarding the alphabetic placement of an organization’s name in the CL should be researched to decide if that placement is correct.
If Then The name is correctly listed, Inform the inquirer that a change to their listing will require that their governing instrument (articles of incorporation, bylaws, etc.) be amended to reflect their correct legal name. A legal name is incorrectly placed, Prepare Form 2363-A with a TC 013 to correct.
AOs are responsible for assisting HQ in those instances where they are unable to decide the validity of a CL omission, inclusion, coding error, etc., through EO/BMF research. This assistance may consist of securing an organization’s administrative file to decide a cause. It may also be necessary to coordinate with other functional areas, e.g., Appeals, Reporting Compliance SE:T:EO, or Regional Counsel, etc.
SE:T:BSP and QAM:MSB:EO provide advice and direction to the continuous CL purification.
Office of Business Systems Planning, Submission Processing Programs, SE:T:BSP:SPP is responsible for—
preparing any necessary documents and initiate any coordination with other Service functions to identify and correct any systemic errors encountered in the CL program, or
to include or delete an organization from the CL where normal BMF processing does not provide for the situation.
A CL Name File at the Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC), accepts input only from SE:T:HQ:SS:BSP:SPP. This file contains a generic listing of well-known religious denominations and several organizations listed in the CL under names other than the legal names shown on their ruling or determination letters. This file is to be used for the following reasons:
Dummy Accounts — Those that have never applied for or received a ruling or determination letter.
Special Capitalization — When an organization uses an abbreviation that would not normally be capitalized, e.g., ABC Foundation. The computer would print this name as Abc Foundation.
This supplemental file provides a regularly-updated entity listing for Publication 78. MCC must run this special file monthly.
Coordinate Cumulative List matters involving group exemptions with HQ, SE:T:HQ:SS:BSP:SPP.
Many organizations are generally known by names other than the legal name under which a ruling or determination letter was issued. Organizations that do business under another name or an acronym, e.g., CARE, may be unknown to potential contributors and Service personnel under their legal names. Therefore, the Cumulative List Name File can be used to establish an entry under its commonly known name and also its legal name. The Service’s policy is to discourage multiple listings in the CL. However, in rare circumstances, an organization may be given one additional listing if requested in writing to SE:T:HQ:SS:BSP:SPP. Requests for more than one additional listing will be denied.
Prior to 2012, the CL indicator is a code that, if input to an EO entity , would cause that EO entity to appear in the next printed quarterly supplement to the CL, rather than the next complete annual revision extracted at the end of October. This code enabled Service personnel to relist an organization that may have been erroneously omitted, or that successfully contested a revocation of its IRC 170(c) status because of a declaratory judgment suit.
Since January 2012, the cumulative list is updated monthly and is no longer printed, so the Cumulative List Indicator should not be used.
Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF) outputs consist of management information/statistical tabulation summaries.
EO outputs consist of two general types:
Existing BMF outputs
EO/BMF outputs
The production of EO outputs from the BMF is based on a schedule at the Martinsburg Computer Center (MCC). Most EO outputs are produced monthly. The Ogden Submission Processing Center (OSPC) processes EO returns and entity transactions weekly. This includes data entry through the Integrated Submission and Remittance Processing System (ISRP) and error correction for all errors detected during computer processing at the service center. . Any return or entity transaction input that is not acceptable at MCC will become unpostable. EO unpostables are returned to OSPC for resolution under the Generalized Unpostable Framework (GUF) system.
Periodically (monthly, quarterly, etc.), MCC will produce EO outputs to reflect all returns and entity transactions posted to BMF since the last time that particular output was produced.
Since MCC processes weekly, it can accept requests for returns from AIMS, search for the return(s) (bulk order) and generate either an AIMS reject or AIMS opening account. Both of these are sent back to the OSPC for printing, in the case of the reject register or "loading" onto the AIMS Data Base at the service center. At this point the return charge-out and AIMS labels are printed.
EP/EO Determination System/EP/EO Application Control System (EDS/EACS) updates its data base and sends any TC 000, or TC 016, to the BMF weekly. However, it is possible that the EDS/EACS TC 000 will unpost since the EIN could conceivably be on the BMF before the TC 000 attempts to post.
The following reports are generated from the EO/BMF:
Table Title Report Name 1 EO Return Posting Analysis (Statistical Summary) 180-7F-11 3 EO Entity Analysis (Statistical Summary) 180–7L-11 4 EO Returns Processed Statistical Summary 180–7O-11
The EO Return Posting Analysis (Statistical Summary) — Table 1 — Report is a computerized report produced quarterly showing:
EO returns posted by gross receipts (year to date) sequenced by area office. Gross receipts levels coincide with the EO Income Codes of 0–9. This portion of Table 1 will provide management with the number of returns available at any one time for classification purposes and provide the universe of returns available for exempt organizations concerning case assignment guidelines.
The total active EO entities by IRC Subsection sequenced by AO and National totals. This portion of Table 1 will provide management with the total EO universe by Subsection and information concerning workload studies according to geographic location.
This report is housed on Control-D and can be found by searching for report name 180-7F-11.
The EO Entity Analysis (Statistical Summary) — Table 3 — National Totals — is a computerized National report produced monthly (with the exception that January and February months will be combined) showing:
Total EO entities, new additions and deletions for report period
Total active EO entities by Affiliation, Foundation, Deductibility and Employment Codes
Total EO entities sorted by Status Codes (both active and inactive) within each IRC Subsection
Return Filing Requirement by month of accounting period ending
This report provides management with data concerning the total number of Revocations, Terminations, Denials, etc. and is used for the Commissioner’s Annual Data Book Report, Congressional hearings, etc.
This report is housed on Control-D and can be found by searching for report name 180–7L-11
The EO Returns Processed (Statistical Summary) - Table 4 is a computerized report produced quarterly showing:
Returns processed this quarter. This section is broken down further by:
current tax year,
first prior tax year,
all prior tax years,
total (all tax years together), and
amended returns.
Returns processed year to date. This section is broken down further by:
current tax year,
first prior tax year,
all prior tax years,
total (all tax years together), and
amended returns.
Each section of this report is broken down by subsection if applicable.
There is a section for each EO form including:
Form 990
Form 990-EZ
Form 990N
Form 990-PF
Form 4720
Form 5227
Form 1065
Form 8871
Form 8872
Form 5768
Form 5578
and Form 1041-A.
This report is housed on Control-D and can be found by searching for report name 180–7O-11.
• | Name of Organization (first 50 characters) |
• | Subsection Code |
• | Group Exemption Number (GEN) |
• | EIN |
• | City and State (where central organization is located) |
• | Ruling Date of Group Exemption Letter |
Standard Union Abbreviations - (AFL-CIO affiliated unless otherwise shown)
Name | Abbreviation | GEN |
Air Line Dispatchers Association | ADA | — |
Air Line Pilots Association; International | APA | — |
Allied and Technical Workers District 50 International Union | ATW-50 | 526 |
Allied Industrial Workers of America International Union | AIWA | 948 |
Aluminum Workers International Union | AWU | 1403 |
Amalgamated clothing Workers of America | ACW | 364 |
Amalgamated Meat cutters & Butcher Workmen of North America | MCBW | 92 |
Amalgamated Transit Unit (F/K/A SERE) | ATU | 155 |
Amalgamated Transit Union Women’s International Auxiliary | ATU-Aux | 813 |
American Communications Association (Ind.) | ACA | 834 |
American Federation of Government Employees | AFGE | 194 |
American Federation of Grain Millers | AFGM | 1060 |
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations | AFL-CIO | 1338 |
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations — Auxiliaries | AFL-CIO Aux | 1417 |
American Federation of Musicians of the U.S. and Canada | AFM | 122 |
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees | SCME | 1381 |
American Federation of Teachers | AFT | 787 |
American Federation of Technical Engineers | FTE | 720 |
American Flint Glass Workers Union of North American | FGWU | 710 |
American Newspaper Guild | ANG | 723 |
American Railway Supervisors | ARS | 811 |
Bakery and Confectionery Workers’ International Union of America | BCWI | 96 |
Bill Posters, Billers and Distributors of the U.S. and Canada International Alliance | BPBD | 1054 |
Boot & Shoe Workers Union | BSWU | 852 |
Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers’ International Union of America | BMPI | 133 |
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers | BLE | 603 |
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Auxiliary | BLE-Aux | 455 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees | BMWE | 438 |
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Ladies Auxiliaries | BMWE-Aux | 1043 |
Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen | BRS | 394 |
Brotherhood of Railway, Airline and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers | BRAC | 683 |
Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of America | RCA | 687 |
Brotherhood of Shoe and Allied Craftsmen | NSAC | 533 |
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Train Chair Car Coach Porters & Attend. | SCP | 844 |
Brotherhood of Utility Workers of New England | UWNE | 775 |
Christian Labor Association of the United States of America (Ind.) | CLA | — |
Cigar Maker’s International Union of America | CIUA | 100 |
Communication Workers of America | CWA | 1102 |
Cooper’s International Union of North America | CIU | 340 |
Cordova District Fisheries Union | CDFU | 2326 |
Distillery, Rectifying, Wine and Allied Workers International Union | DWAW | 1336 |
Flight Engineers’ International Association | FEIA | 1167 |
Glass Bottle Blowers Association of the U.S. and Canada | GBBA | 183 |
Granite Cutter’s International Association of America | GCIA | 54 |
Hotel and Restaurant Employees’ and Bartenders International Union | HREU | 328 |
Independent Watchmen’s Association | WA | 2168 |
Insurance Workers International Union | IWIU | 1492 |
International Alliance of Theatrical State Employees & Moving Picture Operators | LATSE | 386 |
International Association of Fire Fighters | LAFF | 160 |
International Association of Fire Fighters Auxiliary | LAFF-Aux | 1386 |
International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers | AWIA | 225 |
International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers | LAM | 264 |
International Association of Marble, Slate & Stone Polishers, etc. | MSSP | 354 |
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths | BMIS | 1252 |
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers | IBEW | 64 |
International Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers | FOIB | 329 |
International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades | BPAT | 444 |
International Brotherhood of Potters and Allied Workers | BOP | 334 |
International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers of America (Ind.) | TCWH | 320 |
International Chemical Workers Union | ICWU | 793 |
International Die Sinker’s Conference | DSC | 816 |
International Guards Union of America | GUA | 1266 |
International Jewelry Workers Union | IJWU | 780 |
International Ladies Garment Workers Union | ILGW | 375 |
International Leather Goods, Plastic & Novelty Workers Union | LGPW | 692 |
International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union | ILWU | 576 |
International Longshoremens Association (Ind.) | ILA | 313 |
International McClass Sailboat Racing Association (Ind.) | IMCCSRA | 2307 |
International Mailers Union | IMU | 808 |
International Molders & Allied Workers Union | MAWU | 455 |
International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots | MMPI | 719 |
International Plate Printers, Die Stampers & Engravers Union of North America | PPEU | 699 |
International Printing Pressmen & Assistants Union of North America | IPP | 488 |
International Stereotypers & Electrotypes Union of North America | ISEU | 673 |
International Typographical Union of North America | ITU | 10 |
International Union of Electrical Radio and Machine Workers | IUE | 1095 |
International Union of Elevator Constructors | ECI | 680 |
International Union of Journeymen Horseshoers of the U.S. and Canada | HSIU | 960 |
International Union of Life Insurance Agents | LIA | 888 |
International Union of United Brewery, Flour Cereal, Soft Drinks and Distillery Workers of America | BSDW | 370 |
International Woodworkers of America | IWA | 716 |
Journeymen Barbers, Hairdressers, Cosmetologists & Proprietors A/K/A Barbers, Beauticians & Allied Industries | BHCI/BBAI | — |
Laborers International Union of North America | HCL | 121 |
Laundry & Dry Cleaning Workers International Union | LDCI | 1479 |
Laundry & Dry Cleaning Workers International Union (Ind.) | LWIU | 485 |
Leather Workers International Union of America | LWIUA | 1511 |
Marine & Shipbuilding Workers of America, Industrial Union | MSWA | 484 |
Metal Polishers, Buffers, Platers & Helpers International Union | MPBP | 90 |
National Alliance of Postal & Federal Employees (F/K/A NAPE) | NAPFE | 913 |
National Association of Broadcast Employees & Technicians | NABET | 1536 |
National Association of Government Employees (Ind.) | NAGE | 2480 |
National Association of Letter Carriers of the U.S.A. | NALC | 685 |
National Association of Post Office Mail Handlers, Messengers and Group Leaders | POMH | 1439 |
National Congress of Industrial Waterproofing & Misc. Workers of America (Ind.) | NCIWMWA | 2315 |
National Federation of Federal Employees (Ind.) | NFFE | 193 |
National League of Postmasters of the U.S. (Ind.) | NLP | 765 |
National Marine Engineers Beneficial Assn. Of the U.S.A. | MEBA | 664 |
National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (Ind.) | RLCA | 2377 |
National Treasury Employees Union (F/K/A NAIRE) (Ind.) | NTEU | 878 |
Office & Professional Employees International Union | OEIU | 940 |
Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union | OCAW | 1315 |
Operative Plasterer’s & Cement Masons International Association | PCM | 39 |
Pattern Makers’ League of North America | PML | 709 |
Railroad Yardmasters of America | RYA | 874 |
Railway Patrolmen’s International Union | IURP | 1161 |
Retail Clerks International Association | RCIA | 278 |
Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union | RWDS | 635 |
Seafarers’ International Union of North America | SIU | 677 |
Service Employees International Union (F/K/A DSE) | SEIU | 647 |
Sheet Metal Workers International Association | SMW | 148 |
Stove, Furnace & Allied Appliance Workers International Union of North America | SFAW | 624 |
Textile Workers Union of America | TWUA | 166 |
Tobacco Workers International Union | TWIU | 521 |
Transport Workers Union of America | TWU | 694 |
United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Industry | PPF | 297 |
United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricultural Workers of America | UAW | 427 |
United Brick & Clay Workers of America | BCW | 149 |
United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America | BCJ | 143 |
United Cement, Lime & Gypsum Workers International Union | CLGW | 156 |
United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of Americ (Ind.) | UE | 735 |
United Furniture Workers of America | FWA | 822 |
United Garment Workers of America | UGWA | 284 |
United Glass & Ceramic Workers of North America | GCW | 582 |
United Hatters Cap & Military Workers International Union | HCMW | 94 |
United Mine Workers of America (Ind.) | UMW | — |
United Paperworkers International Union (from the merger of PMPW & PSPM) | UPIU | 2506 |
United Plant Guard Workers of America (Ind.) | PGW | 1069 |
United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America | RWA | 165 |
United Shoe Workers of America | SWA | 378 |
United Slate, Tile & Composition Roofers, Damp & Waterproof Workers of Assn. | RDWA | 764 |
United Steelworkers of America | USW | 260 |
United Telegraph Workers | UTW | 1281 |
United Textile Workers of America | UTWA | 695 |
United Transport Service Employees of American International Union | TSEA | 712 |
United Transportation Union | UTU | 2025 |
Upholsterers’ International Union of N.A. | UIUA | 722 |
Utilities Workers Union of America | UWUA | 733 |
Window Glass Cutters League of America | GCLA | 2411 |
Wood, Wine & Metal Lathers’ International Union | IUWM | 272 |
Standard Nonunion Abbreviations
Name | Abbreviation | GEN |
American Association of University Women | AAUW | 1180 |
American Medical Association | AMA | — |
American Veterans of World War II | AMVETS | 838 |
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks | BPOE | 527 |
Boy Scouts of America | BSA | 1761 |
Camp Fire Girls | CFG | 1409 |
Daughters of the American Revolution | DAR | 1050 |
Disabled American Veterans | DAV | 557 |
Future Farmers of America | FFA | 776 |
Girl Scouts of America | GSA | — |
Knights of Columbus | KC | 188 |
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | NAACP | 1531 |
Parents Teachers Association | PTA | * |
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing of America | SPEBSQA | 943 |
Veterans of Foreign Wars | VFW | * |
Young Men’s Christian Association | YMCA | — |
Young Women’s Christian Association | YWCA | — |
* Each State has separate GEN
ST | Definition |
00/blank | EO Section established without a status |
01 | Unconditional Exemption—Active |
02 | Conditional Exemption—Active |
06 | State operated university or college filing Form 990-T |
07 | Church filed a Form 990-T—Active |
10 | Post-Examination of Church—Active |
11 | School Certification—Active |
12 | A Formal Exemption Not Granted—filing an EO Return—Active Form 990 Under IRC 4947(a)(1); Form 990-PF Under IRC 4947(a)(1); Form 5227 Under IRC 4947(a)(2) Trust; Form 1120-C Taxable Farmer's Cooperative. |
18 | Temporary Revocation of Private Foundation (Trust) (Required to File 990-PF and 1041)—Active |
19 | Revocation of Private Foundation (Required to File 990-PF and 1120)—Active |
20 | Termination—Inactive (Out of Business, etc.) |
21 | Unable to Locate—Inactive/Active (New Address Needed) |
22 | Revocation—(required to file Form 1120) - Inactive |
23 | 507(a) Termination—Inactive |
24 | 507(b)(1)(A) Termination—Inactive |
25 | 507(b)(1)(B) Termination— |
26 | Termination Merger—Inactive |
28 | No Longer Member of Group Ruling |
29 | A Group Ruling Has been Dissolved |
30 | Churches Voluntarily filing Form 990 (beginning 2001) |
31 | Small Organizations, other than Private Foundations (beginning 2001) |
32 (Obsolete 2008) | Non-Responders to CP 140/144 (CP 140/144 obsolete 1/2008) |
33 | Foreign Private Foundations described in IRC 4948(b) (beginning 2001) |
34 | IRC 527 Political Organization (beginning 2001) |
35 | Foreign Entities Exempt by Treaty with U.S. |
36 | Non IRC 501(c)(3), (9), (17), or (29) filers — No exemption |
40 | Return Filed, No Record of Exemption |
41 | No Reply to Solicitation—Inactive—No Exemption |
42 | Extension of Time to File (TC 460)/ posting payments to 1st EO Return |
70 | Denied—Inactive—No Exemption Granted |
71 | Failed to Establish—No Exemption Granted |
72 | Refusal to Rule—Inactive—No Exemption Granted |
97 | Exemption Revoked (Failure to file Form 990-N, 990 or 990-PF for 3 consecutive years). Form 1120 Filing Requirement will replace all EO Return FRC. |
98 | Terrorist Organization - No Exemption |
99 | Dump code - No exemption |
EO TF - These codes are present with SS 03 accounts only
If | Definition |
00 | 4947(a)(1) |
02 | Private operating foundation exempt from payment of section 4940 taxes on investment income |
03 | Private operating foundation |
04 | Private non-operating foundation |
09 | Suspense (a specific type not identified) |
10 | Church—IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(i) |
11 | School—IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) |
12 | Hospital—IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii) |
13 | Organizations operated for the benefit of a college or university—IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) |
14 | Federal, State or local government unit—IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(v) |
15 | Organization receiving support from governmental unit or general public—IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) |
16 | General, public charity—IRC Section 509(a)(2) |
17 | Public charity supporting (FC 09–15)—IRC Section 509(a)(3) |
18 | Public safety—IRC Section 509(a)(4) |
21 | Supporting organization - IRC 509(a)(3) - Type I |
22 | Supporting organization - IRC 509(a)(3) - Type II |
23 | Supporting organization - IRC 509(a)(3) - Type III functionally integrated |
24 | Supporting organization - IRC 509(a)(3) - Type III not functionally integrated |
EO AF Codes
AF Code | Definition |
1 | Central Organization (Individual Ruling) |
2 | Intermediate Organization (Individual Ruling) |
3 | Independent organization (Individual Ruling) |
6 | Parent of a group ruling (not a church) |
7 | Intermediate parent (subordinate by state) |
8 | Parent of a church |
9 | Subordinate of a group ruling (also, group return) |
SS Code | CL Code | Classification | IRC SS |
01 | 1 | Government instrumentality | 501(c)(1) |
02 | 1 | Title-holding corporation | 501(c)(2) |
03 | 1 | Charitable Organization | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 2 | Educational organization | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 3 | Literary organization | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 4 | Organization to prevent cruelty to animals | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 5 | Organization to prevent cruelty to children | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 6 | Organization for public safety testing | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 7 | Religious organization | 501(c)(3) |
03 | 8 | Scientific organization | 501(c)(3) |
04 | 1 | Civic league | 501(c)(4) |
04 | 2 | Local association of employees | 501(c)(4) |
04 | 3 | Social welfare organization | 501(c)(4) |
05 | 1 | Agriculture organization | 501(c)(5) |
05 | 2 | Horticulture organization | 501(c)(5) |
05 | 3 | Labor organization | 501(c)(5) |
06 | 1 | Board of Trade | 501(c)(6) |
06 | 2 | Business league | 501(c)(6) |
06 | 3 | Chamber of Commerce | 501(c)(6) |
06 | 4 | Real estate board | 501(c)(6) |
07 | 1 | Pleasure, recreational, or social club | 501(c)(7) |
08 | 1 | Fraternal beneficiary society, order or association | 501(c)(8) |
09 | 1 | Voluntary employees’ beneficiary association (Non-government) | 501(c)(9) |
09 | 2 | Voluntary employees’ beneficiary association (Government emp.’s) | 501(c)(9) |
10 | 1 | Domestic fraternal societies and associations | 501(c)(10) |
11 | 1 | Teachers’ retirement fund association | 501(c)(11) |
12 | 1 | Benevolent life insurance association | 501(c)(12) |
12 | 2 | Mutual ditch or irrigation company | 501(c)(12) |
12 | 3 | Mutual or cooperative telephone company | 501(c)(12) |
12 | 4 | Mutual electric company, mutual water company, etc. | 501(c)(12) |
13 | 1 | Burial association | 501(c)(13) |
13 | 2 | Cemetery company | 501(c)(13) |
14 | 1 | Credit Union | 501(c)(14) |
14 | 2 | Other mutual corporation or association | 501(c)(14) |
15 | 1 | Mutual insurance company or association other than life or marine | 501(c)(15) |
16 | 1 | Corporation financing crop operation | 501(c)(16) |
17 | 1 | Supplemental unemployment compensation trust or plan | 501(c)(17) |
18 | 1 | Employee funded pension trust (created before 6–25–59) | 501(c)(18) |
19 | 1 | Post or organization of war veterans | 501(c)(19) |
20 | 1 | Legal Services Organization | 501(c)(20) |
21 | 1 | Black Lung | 501(c)(21) |
22 | 1 | Multiemployer Pension Plan | 501(c)(22) |
23 | 1 | Veterans Association Founded Prior to 1880 | 501(c)(23) |
24 | 1 | Trust described in Section 4049 of ERISA | 501(c)(24) |
25 | 1 | Title Holding Corporation or Trust | 501(c)(25) |
26 | 1 | State-sponsored High-Risk Health Insurance Org. Effective (1/1/99) | 501(c)(26) |
27 | 1 | State-sponsored Worker’s Compensation Reinsurance Organization (Effective 1/1/99) | 501(c)(27) |
28 | 1 | National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust Classification | 501(c)(28) |
29 | 1 | Qualified non profit Health Insurance Issuers | 501(c)(29) |
40 | 1 | Apostolic and religious organization | 501(d) |
50 | 1 | Cooperative hospital service organization | 501(e) |
60 | 1 | Cooperative service organizations of operating education org’s | 501(f) |
70 | 1 | Child care under 501(k) | 501(k) |
71 | 1 | Charitable Risk Pool (Effective 1/1/99) | 501(n) |
80 | 1 | Farmers’ Cooperative | 521 |
81 | 1 | Qualified State-Sponsored Tuition Program | 529 |
82 | 1 | IRC 527 | 82 |
90 | 1 | Non-exempt charitable trust 4947(a)(2) (Split Interest) | 4947(a)(2) |
91 | 1 | Non-exempt charitable trust (Public Charity) | 4947(a)(1) |
92 | 1 | Non-exempt charitable trust (Trust treated as Private Foundation) | 4947(a)(1) |
93 | 1 | Taxable Farmer’s Cooperative | 1381(a)(2) |
Code | District | Code | District |
04 | New England (Massachusetts) | 58 | Georgia |
06 | Connecticut/Rhode Island | *59 | North Florida |
*11 | Northeast (Brooklyn) | 62 | Kentucky/Tennessee |
*13 | Manhattan | *65 | South Florida |
*16 | Upstate New York (Buffalo) | 66 | Puerto Rico |
22 | New Jersey | 72 | Gulf Coast (Louisiana) |
23 | Pennsylvania | 73 | Arkansas/Oklahoma |
31 | Ohio | *74 | South Texas |
*33 | Southern California (Laguna Niguel) | *75 | North Texas |
35 | Indiana | *76 | Houston |
36 | Illinois | *77 | Central California (San Jose) |
38 | Michigan | 84 | Rocky Mountain (Colorado) |
39 | Midwest (Wisconsin) | 86 | Southwest (Arizona) |
41 | North Central (Minnesota) | 91 | Pacific Northwest (Washington) |
43 | Kansas/Missouri | *94 | Northern California (Oakland) |
52 | Southeast (Maryland) | *95 | Western (Los Angeles) |
54 | Virginia/West Virginia | 98 | International |
56 | North Carolina/South Carolina | — | — |
* Denotes Zip Code Range for Determination of Correct District Office as follows:
ULC Code | State | Zip Code Range(s) |
11 | New York (Northeast AO) | 110–129 |
13 | New York (Manhattan) | 100–109 |
16 | New York (Upstate) | 130–149 |
74 | Texas (South) | 766–767, 774, 778–789, 798–799 |
75 | Texas (Midstates) | 750–764, 768–769, 790–797 |
76 | Texas (Houston) | 770–773, 775–777 |
33 | California (Southern) | 90274–90278, 90500–90505, 90507–90510, 90620–90631, 90680–90721, 90731–90840, 91701, 91710, 91720, 91730, 91739, 91743, 91749, 91751–91753, 91755–91764, 91769, 91786, 92001–92807 |
77 | California (Central) | 91320, 91359–91363, 93001–93505, 93511–93531, 93541–93542, 93545–93549, 93554–93558, 93561–93562, 94564–93962, 94022, 94035, 94040–94043, 94086–94088, 94301–94306, 95002–95199, 95301–95303, 95305–95313, 95315–95319, 95321–95329, 95333–95335, 95338–95365, 95367–95375, 95379–95384, 95386–95389, 96107, 96133 |
94 | California (Northern) | 94002–94201, 94025–94030, 94037–94038, 94044–94080, 94101–94199, 94401–94501, 94507–94515, 94516–94550, 94553–94580, 94583–94587, 94589–94599, 94601–94721, 96201–96699, 94801–94974, 95201–95258, 95304, 95314, 95320, 95330–95331, 95336, 95366, 95376, 95385, 95401–96106, 96108–96132, 96134–96137 |
95 | California (Western) | 90000–90272, 90280–90400, 90506, 90601–90610, 90638–90670, 90723, 91001–91316, 91321–91356, 91364–91613, 91702–91707, 91711, 91722–91724, 91731–91734, 91740, 91744–91748, 91750, 91754, 91765–91768, 91770–91780, 91789–91803, 93510, 93532– 93535, 93543–93544, 93550–93553, 93560, 93563 |
59 | Florida (North) | 320–326, 32701–32714, 32720–32798, 32801–32815, 32817–32826, 32830, 332848, 32853–32858, 32860, 32862, 32867, 32877, 32901–32903, 32905–32907, 32920, 32922–32927, 32931, 32935–32937, 32947, 32949–32954, 32959, 33504, 33511–33513, 33515–33520, 33525–33528, 33534–33535, 33538–33544, 33546–33547, 33549, 33552–33553, 33556–33557, 33562–33563, 33565–33572, 33574–33575, 33584, 33589–33590, 33592, 33594, 33597–33598, 336–337, 33801– 33803, 33805–33807, 33820, 33823, 33825, 33827, 33830–33831, 33833, 33835, 33837–33841, 33843–33844, 33846–33860, 33863, 33866–33868, 33870–33871, 33877, 33880–33883, 34248–34249, 34252–34262, 34265–34269, 34271, 34273, 34279, 34283, 34286, 34288–34291, 34294–34299 |
65 | Florida (South) | 32715, 32859, 32861, 32948, 32957–32958, 32960–32965, 32970–32971, 330–334, 33501, 33505–33510, 33522, 33529, 33532–33533, 33545, 33548, 33551, 33555, 33559, 33561, 33564, 33577–33583, 33591, 33595, 33596, 33821, 33834, 33842, 33864–33865, 33873, 33890, 339, 34201–34203, 34240–34243, 34264, 34270, 34277–34278, 34280, 34282, 34284 |
Form | MFT | FRC | Title | Explanation |
Any | All | 0 | All Returns | Return not required to be filed. |
11C | 63 | 1 | Occupational Tax and Registration Return for Wagering | Return required date business commences and yearly thereafter on July 1. |
706 | 52 | 1 | United States Estate (and Generation- Skipping Transfer) Tax Return | Return due 15 months after date of death or 9 mos. if DOD 1-1-71 or later. |
706A | 52 | 1 | United States Additional Estates Tax Return | Return due 15 months after date of death or 9 mos. if DOD 1-1-71 or later. |
709 | 51 | 1 | United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return | Return yearly 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after end of taxable year. |
720 | 03 | 1 | Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return | Return required quarterly last day of the month following the end of the quarter. |
720 | 03 | 4 | Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return | Casual filer (not required quarterly). |
720 | 03 | 6 | Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return | Windfall Profit Tax (quarterly filer). |
720 | 03 | 7 | Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return | Windfall Profit Tax (filing time optional once during the year). |
730 | 64 | 1 | Monthly Tax return for Wagers | Return required last day of month following the month the income was earned |
940 | 10 | 1 | Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return | Return required annually, due the last day of the month following the end of the calendar year. |
940PR | 10 | 7 | Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return, Puerto Rico | Return required annually, due the last day of the month following the end of the calendar year. Location Code (86601). |
941 | 01 | 1 | Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return | Return required quarterly. Due last day of month following end of quarter. |
941 | 01 | 03 | Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return | Computer generated. No longer liable for 941. Change Filing requirements to "0" . |
941SS | 01 | 06 | Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa | Return required quarterly. Virgin Islands, America Samoa. Primary Location Code 9801 and 6601. |
941PR | 01 | 07 | Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, Puerto Rico | Return required quarterly. Limited to Puerto Rico Location Code 86601. |
941M | 01 | 09 | Employer's Monthly Federal Tax Return | Return required monthly. Criminal Filers. |
941M | 01 | 10 | Employer's Monthly Federal Tax Return | Return required monthly. Civil Filers. |
943 | 11 | 1 | Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees | Return required annually, due the last day of the month following the end of the calendar year. |
943PR | 11 | 7 | Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees, Puerto Rico | Return required annually. Limited to Puerto Rico, Location Code 86601. |
990 | 67 | 01 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Return due 41/1 months or the 15th day of the 5th month after end of taxable year. |
990 | 67 | 02 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Gross receipts of $25,000 or less, $50,000 or less for 2010 and subsequent forms. |
990 | 67 | 03 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Group return filed. Return due 41/1 months or the 15th day of the 5th month after end of taxable year. |
990 | 67 | 06 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Church — Not required to file. |
990 | 67 | 07 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Government — Not required to file. |
990 | 67 | — | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Exempt applied but not granted yet. Not required to file. |
990 | 67 | 13 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Religious Organizations (non-church) - Not required to file. |
990 | 67 | 14 | Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax | Instrumentalities of States or Political Sub-divisions - Not Required to File |
990BL | 67 | 4 | Information and Initial Excise Tax Return for Black Lung Benefit Trust and Certain Related Persons | Black Lung return, NMF |
990-T | 34 | 1 | Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return | Return due 41/1 months or the 15th day of the 5th month after the end of the taxable year. |
990-T | 34 | 2 | Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return | IRC 401 (a) or 408(e) IRA filer. Return due 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the taxable year. Not required to file annually. |
990-PF | 44 | 1 | Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Non-exempt Charitable Trust | Return due 41/1 months or the 15th day of the 5th month after the end of the taxable year. |
990-PF | 44 | 2 | Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Non-exempt Charitable Trust | Revoked, required to file Form 990-PF and Form 1120. |
990-PF | 44 | 3 | Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Non-exempt Charitable Trust | Presumptive |
1041 | 05 | 1 | U.S. Income Tax Return (for Estates and Trusts) | Return required annually 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the taxable year. |
1041A | 36 | 1 | U.S. Information Return - Trust Accumulation of Charitable Amounts | Return due 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the taxable year. |
1042 | 12 | 1 | Annual Withholding Tax Return for US Source Income of Foreign Persons | Annual Return required annually 2 1/1months or the 15th day of the 3rd month after the end of the taxable year. |
1065 | 06 | 1 | U.S. Return of Partnership Income (Publicly Traded Partnerships) | Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1066 | 07 | 1 | Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit Income Tax Return | Annual Return due 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the taxable year. |
1120 | 02 | 01 | U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return | Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120S | 02 | 02 | U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation | Small Business Corporations. Return required annually, due date, see Document 62091/1 months or the 15th day of the 3rd month after the end of the taxable year. |
1120L | 02 | 03 | U.S. Life Insurance Company Income Tax Return | Life Insurance Corporations. Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120PC | 02 | 04 | U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax Return | Property and Casualty Insurance. Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120F | 02 | 06 | U.S. Income Tax Return of Foreign Corporations | Foreign Corporations. Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120 | 02 | 07 | U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return | Return required annually with permanent 6 months extension, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120POL | 02 | 09 | U.S. Income Tax Return of Political Organization | Political Organizations. Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120H | 02 | 10 | US Income Tax Return for Homeowner Associations | Homeowners Association. Return required annually, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120ND | 02 | 11 | Return for Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts and Certain Related Persons | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120 | 02 | 14 | U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return | Subsidiary Organization. Computer generated by into to TC 590, CC 14. Not required to file. Subsequent payment will restore FRC to 01. |
1120FSC | 02 | 15 | U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Sales Corporation (PSC Only) | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 PRC — generated from processing of the application to be a FSC. |
1120SF | 02 | 16 | U.S. Income Tax Return for Settlement Funds (Under Section 468B) | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120RIC | 02 | 17 | U.S. Income Tax Return for Regulated Investment Companies | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120frrrrrrREIT | 02 | 18 | U.S. Income Tax Return for Real Estate Investment Trusts | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120 | 02 | 19 | U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 |
1120 | 33 | 01 | US Income Tax Return for Cooperative Associations (Replaces 990C) | Annual return required, due date, see Document 6209 |
2290 | 60 | 1 | Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Form | Return required last day of the month following the month first used. |
4720 | 50 | 1 | Return of Certain Excise Taxes on Charities and Other Persons Under Chap. 41 and 42 of the IRC | Same due date as Forms 990-PF, 990 or 5227 filed by same organization. |
4720 | 50 | 2 | Return of Certain Excise Taxes on Charities and Other Persons Under Chap. 41 and 42 of the IRC | Other Excise Tax (IRC 4965, 4966, and 644(c)). Same due dates as Forms 990-PF, 990 or 5227 filed by same organization. |
5227 | 37 | 1 | Split-Interest Trust Information Return | Return due 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the taxable year. |
5227 | 37 | 2 | Split-Interest Trust Information Return | Return due 31/1 months or the 15th day of the 4th month after the end of the taxable year. Form 1041 also required. |
CT–1 | 09 | 1 | Employer's Annual Railroad Retirement Tax Return | Return required yearly on or before the last day of February following the end of the calendar year. |
112000 | Animal Production |
115000 | Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry |
511000 | Publishing Industries |
512000 | Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries |
513000 | Broadcasting and Telecommunications |
514000 | Information Services and Data Processing Services |
522000 | Credit Intermediation and Related Activities |
523000 | Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related Activities |
524000 | Insurance Carriers and Related Activities |
525000 | Fund, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles |
541000 | Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services |
561000 | Administrative and Support Services |
611000 | Educational Services |
621000 | Ambulatory Health Care Services |
622000 | Hospitals |
623000 | Nursing and Residential Care Facilities |
624000 | Social Assistance |
711000 | Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries |
712000 | Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions |
713000 | Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries |
721000 | Accommodation |
812000 | Personal and Laundry Services (death care services) |
813000 | Religious, Grant-making, Civic, Professional, and Similar Organizations. The industry groups within the SS are defined in terms of their activities, such as establishments that provide funding for specific causes or for a variety of charitable causes; establishments that advocate and actively promote causes and beliefs for the public good; and establishments that have an active membership structure to promote causes and represent the interests of their members. |
921000 | Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support |
923000 | Administration of Human Resource Programs |
999000 | Unknown |
A - Arts, Culture, and Humanities (NTEE CODES)
Code | Organization |
A01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
A02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
A03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
A05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
A11 | Single Organization Support |
A12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
A19 | Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.* |
A20 | Arts, Cultural Organizations — Multipurpose |
A23 | Cultural, Ethnic Awareness |
A25 | Arts Education |
A26 | Arts Council/Agency |
A30 | Media, Communications Organizations |
A31 | Film, Video |
A32 | Television |
A33 | Printing, Publishing |
A34 | Radio |
A40 | Visual Arts Organization |
A50 | Museum, Museum Activities |
A51 | Art Museums |
A52 | Children’s Museums |
A54 | History Museums |
A56 | Natural History, Natural Science Museums |
A57 | Science and Technology Museums |
A60 | Performing Arts Organizations |
A61 | Performing Arts Centers |
A62 | Dance |
A63 | Ballet |
A65 | Theater |
A68 | Music |
A69 | Symphony Orchestras |
A6A | Opera |
A6B | Singing, Choral |
A6C | Music Groups, Bands, Ensembles |
A6E | Performing Arts Schools |
A70 | Humanities Organizations |
A80 | Historical Societies, Related Historical Activities |
A84 | Commemorative Events |
A90 | Arts Service Organizations and Activities |
A99 | Arts, Culture, and Humanities N.E.C.*. |
B - Education
Code | Organization |
B01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
B02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
B03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
B05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
B11 | Single Organization Support |
B12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
B19 | Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.*. |
B20 | Elementary, Secondary Education, K–12 |
B21 | Kindergarten, Preschool, Nursery School, Early Admissions |
B24 | Primary, Elementary Schools |
B25 | Secondary, High School |
B28 | Specialized Education Institutions |
B30 | Vocational, Technical Schools |
B40 | Higher Education Institutions |
B41 | Community or Junior Colleges |
B42 | Undergraduate College (4-year) |
B43 | University or Technological Institute |
B50 | Graduate, Professional Schools (Separate Entities) |
B60 | Adult, Continuing Education |
B70 | Libraries |
B80 | Student Services, Organizations of Students |
B82 | Scholarships, Student Financial Aid Services, Awards |
B83 | Student Sororities, Fraternities |
B84 | Alumni Associations |
B90 | Educational Services and Schools — Other |
B92 | Remedial Reading, Reading Encouragement |
B94 | Parent/Teacher Group |
B99 | Education N.E.C.*. |
C - Environmental Quality, Protection, and Beautification
Code | Organization |
C01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
C02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
C03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
C05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
C11 | Single Organization Support |
C12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
C19 | Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.*. |
C20 | Pollution Abatement and Control Services |
C27 | Recycling Programs |
C30 | Natural Resources Conservation and Protection |
C32 | Water Resources, Wetlands Conservation and Management |
C34 | Land Resources Conservation |
C35 | Energy Resources Conservation and Development |
C36 | Forest Conservation |
C40 | Botanical, Horticultural, and Landscape Services |
C41 | Botanical Gardens, Arboreta and Botanical Organizations |
C42 | Garden Club, Horticultural Program |
C50 | Environmental Beautification and Aesthetics |
C60 | Environmental Education and Outdoor Survival Programs |
C99 | Environmental Quality, Protection, and Beautification N.E.C |
D - Animal — Related
Code | Organization |
D01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
D02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
D03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
D05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
D11 | Single Organization Support |
D12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
D19 | Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.*. |
D20 | Animal Protection and Welfare |
D30 | Wildlife Preservation, Protection |
D31 | Protection of Endangered Species |
D32 | Bird Sanctuary, Preserve |
D33 | Fisheries Resources |
D34 | Wildlife Sanctuary, Refuge |
D40 | Veterinary Services |
D50 | Zoo, Zoological Society |
D60 | Other Services — Specialty Animals |
D61 | Animal Training, Behavior |
D99 | Animal — Related N.E.C.*. |
E - Health — General and Rehabilitative
Code | Organization |
E01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
E02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
E03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
E05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
E11 | Single Organization Support |
E12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
E19 | Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.*. |
E20 | Hospitals and Related Primary Medical Care Facilities |
E21 | Community Health Systems |
E22 | Hospital, General |
E24 | Hospital, Specialty |
E30 | Health Treatment Facilities, Primarily Outpatient |
E31 | Group Health Practice (Health Maintenance Organizations) |
E32 | Ambulatory Health Center, Community Clinic |
E40 | Reproductive Health Care Facilities and Allied Services |
E42 | Family Planning Centers |
E50 | Rehabilitative Medical Services |
E60 | Health Support Services |
E61 | Blood Supply Related |
E62 | Ambulance, Emergency Medical Transport Services |
E65 | Organ and Tissue Banks |
E70 | Public Health Program (Includes General Health and Wellness Promotion Services) |
E80 | Health, General and Financing |
E86 | Patient Services — Entertainment, Recreation |
E90 | Nursing Services (General) |
E91 | Nursing, Convalescent Facilities |
E92 | Home Health Care |
E99 | Health — General and Rehabilitative N.E.C.*. |
F - Mental Health, Crisis Intervention
Code | Organization |
F01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
F02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
F03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
F05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
F11 | Single Organization Support |
F12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
F19 | Nonmonetary Support N.E.C.*. |
F20 | Alcohol, Drug and Substance Abuse, Dependency Prevention and Treatment |
F21 | Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Prevention Only |
F22 | Alcohol, Drug Abuse, Treatment Only |
F30 | Mental Health Treatment |
F31 | Psychiatric, Mental Health Hospital |
F32 | Community Mental Health Center |
F33 | Residential Mental Health Treatment |
F40 | Hot Line, Crisis Intervention Services |
F42 | Rape Victim Services |
F50 | Addictive Disorders N.E.C.*. |
F52 | Smoking Addiction |
F53 | Eating Disorder, Addiction |
F54 | Gambling Addiction |
F60 | Counseling, Support Groups |
F70 | Mental Health Disorders |
F80 | Mental Health Association |
F99 | Mental Health, Crisis Intervention N.E.C.*. |
G - Diseases, Disorders, Medical Disciplines
Code | Organization |
G01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
G02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
G03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
G05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
G11 | Single Organization Support |
G12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
G19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
G20 | Birth Defects and Genetic Diseases |
G25 | Down Syndrome |
G30 | Cancer |
G32 | Breast Cancer |
G40 | Diseases of Specific Organs |
G41 | Eye Diseases, Blindness and Vision Impairments |
G42 | Ear and Throat Diseases |
G43 | Heart and Circulatory System Diseases, Disorders |
G44 | Kidney Disease |
G45 | Lung Disease |
G48 | Brain Disorders |
G50 | Nerve, Muscle and Bone Diseases |
G51 | Arthritis |
G54 | Epilepsy |
G60 | Allergy Related Diseases |
G61 | Asthma |
G70 | Digestive Diseases, Disorders |
G80 | Specifically Named Diseases |
G81 | AIDS |
G83 | Alzheimer’s Disease |
G84 | Autism |
G90 | Medical Disciplines |
G92 | Biomedicine, Bioengineering |
G94 | Geriatrics |
G96 | Neurology, Neuroscience |
G98 | Pediatrics |
G99 | Voluntary Health Associations & Medical Disciplines N.E.C |
G9B | Surgery Specialities |
H - Medical Research
Code | Organization |
H01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
H02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
H03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
H05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
H11 | Single Organization Support |
H12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
H19 | Support N.E.C |
H20 | Birth Defects, Genetic Diseases Research |
H25 | Down Syndrome Research |
H30 | Cancer Research |
H32 | Breast Cancer Research |
H40 | Diseases of Specific Organ Research |
H41 | Eye Diseases, Blindness & Vision Impairments Research |
H42 | Ear and Throat Research |
H43 | Heart, Circulatory Research |
H44 | Kidney Diseases Research |
H45 | Lung Diseases Research |
H48 | Brain Disorders Research |
H50 | Nerve, Muscle, Bone Diseases Research |
H51 | Arthritis Research |
H54 | Epilepsy Research |
H60 | Allergy Related Disease Research |
H61 | Asthma Research |
H70 | Digestive Disease, Disorder Research |
H80 | Specifically Named Diseases Research |
H81 | AIDS Research |
H83 | Alzheimer’s Disease Research |
H84 | Autism Research |
H90 | Medical Specialty Research |
H92 | Biomedicine, Bioengineering Research |
H94 | Geriatrics Research |
H96 | Neurology, Neuroscience Research |
H98 | Pediatrics Research |
H9B | Surgery Specialities Research |
H99 | Medical Research N.E.C.*. |
I - Crime, Legal Related
Code | Organization |
I01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
I02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
I03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
I05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
I11 | Single Organization Support |
I12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
I19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
I20 | Crime Prevention |
I21 | Delinquency Prevention |
I23 | Drunk Driving Related |
I30 | Correctional Facilities N.E.C.*. |
I31 | Half-Way House for Offenders, Ex-Offenders |
I40 | Rehabilitation Services for Offenders |
I43 | Inmate Support |
I44 | Prison Alternatives |
I50 | Administration of Justice, Courts |
I51 | Dispute Resolution, Mediation Services |
I60 | Law Enforcement |
I70 | Protection Against, Abuse |
I71 | Spouse Abuse, Prevention |
I72 | Child Abuse, Prevention |
I73 | Sexual Abuse, Prevention |
I80 | Legal Services |
I83 | Public Interest Law |
I99 | Crime, Legal Related N.E.C.*. |
J - Employment, Job Related
Code | Organization |
J01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
J02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
J03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
J05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
J11 | Single Organization Support |
J12 | Fund Raising and/or Fund Distribution |
J19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
J20 | Employment Procurement Assistance |
J21 | Vocational Counselingg |
J22 | Job Training |
J30 | Vocational Rehabilitation |
J32 | Goodwill Industries |
J33 | Sheltered Employment |
J40 | Labor Unions |
J99 | Employment N.E.C.*. |
K - Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition
Code | Organization |
K01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
K02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
K03 | Professional Societies & Associations |
K05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
K11 | Single Organization Support |
K12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
K19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
K20 | Agricultural Programs |
K25 | Farmland Preservation |
K26 | Animal Husbandry |
K28 | Farm Bureau, Grange |
K30 | Food Programs |
K31 | Food Banks, Pantries |
K34 | Congregate Meals |
K35 | Soup Kitchens |
K36 | Meals on Wheels |
K40 | Nutrition s |
K50 | Home Economics |
K6A | Meat Markets |
K6B | Confectionery and Nut Stores |
K6C | Caterers |
K6D | Mobile Food Services |
K6E | Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) |
K6F | Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars |
K90 | Limited-Service Restaurants |
K9I | Supermarkets and Other Grocery (except Convenience) Stores |
K92 | Convenience Stores |
K93 | Fruit and Vegetable Markets |
K94 | All Other Specialty Food Stores |
K95 | Food (Health) Supplemental Stores |
K96 | Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters |
K97 | Food Service Contractors |
K98 | Full-service Restaurants |
K99 | Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition N.E.C.*. |
L - Housing, Shelter
Code | Organization |
L01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
L02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
L03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
L05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
L11 | Single Organization Support |
L12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
L19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
L20 | Housing Development, Construction, Management |
L21 | Low-Income & Subsidized Rental Housing |
L22 | Senior Citizens’ Housing/Retirement Communities |
L24 | Independent Housing for People with Disabilities |
L25 | Housing Rehabilitation |
L30 | Housing Search Assistance |
L40 | Temporary Housing |
L41 | Homeless Shelters |
L50 | Homeowners & Tenant Associations |
L80 | Housing Support |
L81 | Home Improvement and Repairs |
L82 | Housing Expense Reduction Support |
L99 | Housing, Shelter N.E.C.* |
M - Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness, and Relief
Code | Organization |
M01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
M02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
M03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
M05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
M11 | Single Organization Support |
M12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
M19 | Support N.E.C.* |
M20 | Disaster Preparedness and Relief Services |
M23 | Search and Rescue Squads |
M24 | Fire Preventionl |
M40 | Safety Education |
M41 | First Aid |
M42 | Automotive Safety |
M60 | Public Safety Benevolent Associations |
N - Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics
Code | Organization |
N01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
N02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
N03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
N05 | Research Institutes and/or Public Policy Analysis |
N11 | Single Organization Support |
N12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
N19 | Support N.E.C.* |
N20 | Camps |
N2A | RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Campgrounds |
N2B | Recreational and Vacation Camps (Except Campgrounds) |
N30 | Physical Fitness and Community Recreational Facilities |
N31 | Community Recreational Centers |
N32 | Parks and Playgrounds |
N40 | Sports Associations & Training Facilities |
N50 | Recreational Clubs |
N52 | Fairs |
N60 | Amateur Sports |
N61 | Fishing, Hunting |
N62 | Basketball |
N63 | Baseball, Softball |
N64 | Soccer |
N65 | Football |
N66 | Racquet Sports |
N67 | Swimming & Other Water Recreation |
N68 | Winter Sports |
N69 | Equestrian |
N6A | Golf |
N70 | Amateur Sports Competitions |
N71 | Olympics |
N72 | Special Olympics |
N80 | Professional Athletic Leagues |
N99 | Recreation & Sports N.E.C.*. |
O - Youth Development
Code | Organization |
O01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
O02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
O03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
O05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
O11 | Single Organization Support |
O12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
O19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
O20 | Youth Centers, Clubs |
O21 | Boys Clubs |
O22 | Girls Clubs |
O23 | Boys and Girls Clubs |
O30 | Adult, Child Matching Programs |
O31 | Big Brothers, Big Sisters |
O40 | Scouting |
O41 | Boy Scouts of America |
O42 | Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. |
O43 | Camp Fire |
O50 | Youth Development Programs |
O51 | Youth Community Service Clubs |
O52 | Youth Development — Agricultural |
O53 | Youth Development — Business |
O54 | Youth Development — Citizenship |
O55 | Youth Development — Religious Leadership |
O99 | Youth Development N.E.C.*. |
P - Human Services — Multipurpose and Other
Code | Organization |
P01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
P02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
P03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
P05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
P11 | Single Organization Support |
P12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
P19 | Support N.E.C.* |
P20 | Human Service Organizations |
P21 | American Red Cross |
P22 | Urban League |
P24 | Salvation Army |
P26 | Volunteers of America |
P27 | Young Men’s or Women’s Associations |
P28 | Neighborhood Centers |
P29 | Thrift Shops |
P30 | Children’s, Youth Services |
P31 | Adoption |
P32 | Foster Care |
P33 | Child Day Care |
P40 | Family Services |
P42 | Single Parent Agencies |
P43 | Family Violence Shelters |
P44 | In-Home Assistance |
P45 | Family Services for Adolescent Parents |
P46 | Family Counseling |
P47 | Pregnancy Centers |
P50 | Personal Social Services |
P51 | Financial Counseling |
P52 | Transportation Assistance |
P58 | Gift Distribution |
P60 | Emergency Assistance |
P61 | Travelers’ Aid |
P62 | Victims’ Services |
P70 | Residential Care & Adult Day Programs |
P71 | Adult Day Care |
P73 | Group Homes |
P74 | Hospices |
P75 | Supportive Housing for Older Adults |
P80 | Centers to Support the Independence of Specific Populations |
P81 | Senior Centers |
P82 | Developmentally Disabled Centers |
P84 | Ethnic, Immigrant Centers |
P85 | Homeless Centers |
P86 | Blind/Visually Impaired Centers |
P87 | Deaf/Hearing Impaired Centers |
P88 | LGBT Centers |
P99 | Human Services N.E.C.*. |
Q - International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security
Code | OOrganization |
Q01 | Alliance/Advocacy Organizations |
Q02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
Q03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
Q05 | Research Institutes and Pubic Policy Analysis |
Q11 | Single Organization Support |
Q12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
Q19 | Support N.E.C.*. |
Q20 | Promotion of International Understanding |
Q21 | International Cultural Exchange |
Q22 | International Academict Exchange |
Q23 | International Exchange, N.E.C.*. |
Q30 | International Development |
Q31 | International Agricultural Development |
Q32 | International Economic Development |
Q33 | International Relief |
Q34 | International Education Development |
Q35 | International Democracy & Civil Society Development |
Q36 | International Science & Technology Development |
Q38 | International Environment, population & Sustainability |
Q39 | International Health Development |
Q40 | International Peace and Security |
Q41 | Arms Control, Peace |
Q42 | United Nations Association |
Q43 | National Security |
Q50 | International Affairs, Foreign Policy, & Globalization |
Q51 | International Economic & Trade Policy |
Q70 | International Human Rights |
Q71 | International Migration, Refugee Issues |
Q99 | International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security N.E.C.*. |
R - Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy (R)
Code | Organization |
R01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
R02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
R03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
R05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
R11 | Single Organization Support |
R12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
R19 | Support N.E.C.* |
R20 | Civil Rights |
R21 | Immigrant’s Rights |
R22 | Minority Rights |
R23 | Disabled Persons’ Rights |
R24 | Women’s Rights |
R25 | Seniors’ Rights |
R26 | Lesbian, Gay Rights |
R27 | Patient’s Rights |
R28 | Children’s Rights |
R29 | Employee & Workers Rights |
R30 | Intergroup, Race Relations |
R40 | Voter Education, Registration |
R60 | Civil Liberties |
R61 | Reproductive Rights |
R62 | Right to Life |
R63 | Censorship, Freedom of Speech and Press Issue |
R65 | Freedom of Religion Issues |
R67 | Right to Die, Euthanasia Issues |
R99 | Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy N.E.C.*. |
S - Community Improvement, Capacity Building
Code | Organization |
S01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
S02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
S03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
S05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
S11 | Single Organization Support |
S12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
S19 | Support N.E.C.* |
S20 | Community, Neighborhood Development |
S21 | Community Coalitions |
S22 | Neighborhood, Block Associations |
S30 | Economic Development |
S31 | Urban, Community Economic Development |
S32 | Rural Economic Development |
S40 | Business and Industry |
S41 | Chambers of Commerce & Business Leagues |
S43 | Small Business Development |
S46 | Boards of Trade |
S47 | Real Estate Associations |
S50 | Nonprofit Management |
S80 | Community Service Clubs |
S81 | Women’s Service Clubs |
S82 | Men’s Service Clubs |
S99 | Community Improvement, Capacity Building N.E.C |
T - Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations
T01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
T02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
T03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
T05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
T11 | Single Organization Support |
T12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
T19 | Support N.E.C.* |
T20 | Private Grantmaking Foundations |
T21 | Corporate Foundations |
T22 | Private Independent Foundations |
T23 | Private Operating Foundations |
T30 | Public Foundations |
T31 | Community Foundations |
T40 | Voluntarism Promotion |
T50 | Philanthropy, Charity Voluntarism Promotion |
T70 | Federated Giving Programs |
T90 | Named Trusts N.E.C |
T99 | Philanthropy, Voluntarism, and Grantmaking Foundations N.E.C |
U - Science and Technology
U01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
U02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
U03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
U05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
U11 | Single Organization Support |
U12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
U19 | Support N.E.C.* |
U20 | General Science |
U21 | Marine Science and Oceanography |
U30 | Physical & Earth Sciences |
U31 | Astronomy |
U33 | Chemistry, Chemical Engineering |
U34 | Mathematics |
U36 | Geology |
U40 | Engineering and Technology |
U41 | Computer Science |
U42 | Engineering |
U50 | Biological & Life Sciences |
U99 | Science and Technology N.E.C |
V - Social Science
V01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
V02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
V03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
V05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
V11 | Single Organization Support |
V12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
V19 | Support N.E.C.* |
V20 | Social Science |
V21 | Anthropology, Sociology |
V22 | Economic |
V23 | Behavioral Science |
V24 | Political Science |
V25 | Population Studies |
V26 | Law, Jurisprudence |
V30 | Interdisciplinary Research |
V31 | Black Studies |
V32 | Women’s Studies |
V33 | Ethnic Studies |
V34 | Urban Studies |
V35 | International Studies |
V36 | Gerontology |
V37 | Labor Studies |
V99 | Social Science N.E.C |
W - Public & Societal Benefit
W01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
W02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
W03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
W05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
W11 | Single Organization Support |
W12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
W19 | Support N.E.C.* |
W20 | Government and Public Administration |
W22 | Public Finance, Taxation, Monetary Policy |
W24 | Citizen Participaton |
W30 | Military, Veteran’ Organizations |
W40 | Public Transportation Systems |
W50 | Telecommunications |
W60 | Financial Institutions |
W61 | Credit Unions |
W70 | Leadership Development |
W80 | Public Utilities |
W90 | Consumer Protection |
W99 | Public, Society Benefit N.E.C |
X - Religion-Related
X01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
X02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
X03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
X05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
X11 | Single Organization Support |
X12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
X19 | Support N.E.C.* |
X20 | Christianity |
X21 | Protestant |
X22 | Roman Catholic |
X30 | Judaism |
X40 | Islam |
X50 | Buddhism |
X70 | Hinduism |
X80 | Religious Media, Communications |
X81 | Religious Film, Video |
X82 | Religious Television |
X83 | Religious Printing, Publishing |
X84 | Religious Radio |
X90 | Interfaith Coalitions |
X99 | Religion Related N.E.C |
Y - Mutual/membership Benefit
Y01 | Alliance/Advocacy |
Y02 | Management & Technical Assistance |
Y03 | Professional Societies, Associations |
Y05 | Research Institutes and Public Policy Analysis |
Y11 | Single Organization Support |
Y12 | Fund Raising and Fund Distribution |
Y19 | Support N.E.C.* |
Y20 | Insurance Providers |
Y22 | Local Benevolent Life Insurance Associations |
Y23 | Mutual Insurance Company & Associates |
Y24 | Supplemental Unemployment Compensation |
Y25 | State-Sponsored Worker’s Compensation Reinsurance Organizations |
Y30 | Pension and Retirement Funds |
Y33 | Teachers Retirement Fund Association |
Y34 | Employee Funded Pension Trusts |
Y35 | Multi-Employer Pension Plans |
Y40 | Fraternal Societies |
Y41 | Fraternal Beneficiary Societies |
Y42 | Domestic Fraternal Societies |
Y43 | Voluntary Employees Beneficiary (Non-Government) |
Y44 | Voluntary Employees Beneficiary (Government) |
Y50 | Cemeteries |
Y99 | Mutual/Membership Benefit N.E.C |
Z - Unknown
Z99 | Unknown |