- 21.5.10 Examination Issues
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Program Controls and Reviews
- Terms and Acronyms
- Related Resources
- What Are Examination Issues?
- Examination Issues Research
- Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) Research Exam Issues
- Pre-Refund Audits
- Examination Issue Procedures
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Other Projects
- Referring Cases to the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS)
- Compliance Refund Hold Projects
- Unallowable Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (Self Employment Tax Not Figured)
- Exam Soft Notices CP 85A, CP 85B, CP 85C, CP 87A, CP 87B, CP 87C, and CP 87D
- Audit Reconsiderations
- Requests for Copies of Audit Reports
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Other Projects
- TS Accounts Management Call Transfers to Exam
- Exhibit 21.5.10-1 Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Status Code Guide - Field Cases
- Exhibit 21.5.10-2 Audit Information Management System (AIMS) Status Code Guide - Campus Cases
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 21. Customer Account Services
Chapter 5. Account Resolution
Section 10. Examination Issues
21.5.10 Examination Issues
Manual Transmittal
September 05, 2024
(1) This transmits a revised IRM 21.5.10, Account Resolution, Examination Issues.
Material Changes
(1) IRM Updated title of subsection.
(2) IRM Updated title of subsection.
(3) IRM Updated title of subsection.
(4) IRM Changed verbiage on what taxpayer should review when verifying qualification for credits. Changes made for clarity. IPU 24U0555 issued 04-23-2024.
(5) IRM Updated where to send request for copies of Audit Reports. Changes made due to procedural updates. IPU 24U0637 issued 05-10-2024.
(6) IRM Removed notation regarding the Campus Exam EGC 5000 and updated IRM link. Changes made for clarity. IPU 24U0665 issued 05-21-2024.
(7) Exhibit 21.5.10-1 Added a note providing criteria to determine if Status Code impacts taxpayer’s inquiry. Change made for IRM clarification and to eliminate unnecessary referrals to Exam. IPU 23U1077 issued 11-08-2023.
(8) Exhibit 21.5.10-2 Added procedures to transfer the call if Status 24 and taxpayer lost or did not receive Letter 3219. Change made for missing scenario. IPU 23U1077 issued 11-08-2023.
(9) Exhibit 21.5.10-2 Added exception to not complete a referral if claim involves Employee Retention Credit (ERC). Change made due to policy moratorium on processing ERC claims. IPU 23U1175 issued 12-13-2023.
(10) Exhibit 21.5.10-2 Updated 06 status over 45 days with -E freeze information. Change made to eliminate unnecessary referrals to Exam. IPU 24U0932 issued 08-21-2024.
(11) Editorial changes were made throughout the IRM for clarity. Reviewed and updated plain language, grammar, web addresses, IRM references, legal references, and W&I to TS.
Effect on Other Documents
IRM 21.5.10 Account Resolution, Examination Issues, dated September 06, 2023 (effective October 2, 2023), is superseded. This IRM incorporates Interim Procedural Updates (IPU): IPU 23U1077 (effective 11-08-2023), IPU23U1175 (effective 12-13-2023), IPU 24U0555 (effective 4-23-2024), IPU 24U0637 (effective 5-10-2024), IPU 24U0665 (effective 05-21-2024), and IPU 24U0932 (effective 08-21-2024).Audience
All employees performing account work.Effective Date
(10-01-2024)LuCinda Comegys
Director, Accounts Management
Taxpayer Services Division
Purpose: This IRM provides instructions to Customer Service Representatives who address accounts with Examination (Exam) issues in performance of their daily duties.
Audience: The primary users of this IRM are all IRS employees in Business Operating Divisions (BODS) in contact with taxpayers by telephone, correspondence or in person.
Policy Owner: The Director of Accounts Management is the policy owner of this IRM.
Program Owner: Accounts Management Policy and Procedures IMF (PPI) is the program owner of this IRM.
Primary Stakeholders: The primary stakeholders are Return Integrity and Verification Operations (RIVO), Submission Processing, and Compliance.
Program Goals: Program goals for this type of work are:
Achieve a high customer accuracy rate for phone calls and paper adjustment requests on accounts with Examination involvement,
Create efficiency in resolving paper adjustment requests on accounts with Examination involvement,
Perform continuous assessment for program vulnerabilities and opportunities for improvement, and,
Produce effective communication with customers.
Employees in Accounts Management respond to taxpayer inquiries and phone calls, and process claims and internal adjustment requests on accounts with Examination Involvement following the procedures in this IRM.
The authorities for this IRM include:
IRC 6201, Assessment authority
IRC 6204, Supplemental assessments
IRC 6212, Notice of deficiency
Policy Statement 21-1, Service Commitment to Taxpayers Service Program
Policy Statement 21-2, The public impact of clarity, consistency, and impartiality in dealing with tax problems must be given high priority
Policy Statement 21-3, Timeliness and Quality of Taxpayer Correspondence
Policy Statement 21-4, One-stop service defined
Policy Statement 21-5, Assistance furnished to taxpayers in the correction of accounts
The Accounts Management Director oversees the instructions to the employees contained in the IRM content.
Accounts Management Policy and Procedures IMF (PPI) Tax Analyst(s) oversees the content in this IRM and acts as a point of contact for all Accounts Management sites.
Managers and leads ensure compliance with the guidance and procedures in this IRM for case resolution on accounts with Examination involvement.
Employees resolve account issues on accounts with Examination involvement.
Program Effectiveness: Program effectiveness is measured and controlled through:
Managerial reviews
Quality reviews
See the table below for a list of acronyms commonly used in this IRM. For a comprehensive listing of any IRS acronyms, please refer to the Acronym Database.
ACRONYM DEFINITION ACTC Additional Child Tax Credit AIMS Audit Information Management System AOTC American Opportunity Credit BMF Business Master File DLN Document Locator Number EGC Employee Group Code EITC Earned Income Tax Credit IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IMF Individual Master File PBC Primary Business Code PTC Premium Tax Credit RAIVS Return and Income Verification Services SSN Social Security Number TAS Taxpayer Advocate Service
Taxpayers contact Customer Account Services (CAS), Accounts Management (AM) or Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TACs) to resolve account issues or to obtain account information. Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) research may show that Examination has selected an account/module for audit or as part of a special project. For more information refer to Exhibit 21.5.3-1, Claim Processing with Examination Involvement. For more information on resolving inquiries involving Exam, refer to IRM 21.5.6, Freeze Codes; IRM 4.19.10, Examination General Overview; IRM 4.19.13, General Case Development and Resolution; and IRM 4.19.14, Refundable Credits Strategy.
The Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TBOR) lists rights that already existed in the tax code, putting them in simple language and grouping them into 10 fundamental rights. Employees are responsible for being familiar with and acting in accord with taxpayer rights. See IRC 7803(a)(3), Execution of Duties in Accord with Taxpayer Rights. For more information about the TBOR, see Taxpayer Bill of Rights and Pub 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer.
Compliance projects such as Revenue Protection Strategy and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) have baseline changes yearly. These procedures will be updated as information is available.
The Examination issue criteria is divided into two groups, Category A and Category B. Category A criteria have the highest examination potential and must be routed to Examination Classification prior to resolution of the taxpayer's issue. Refer to Exhibit 21.5.3-2, Examination Criteria (CAT-A) – General, for more information. Refer to IRM, Category B Criteria (BMF Only), for an explanation of Category B criteria.
Examination also reviews original returns which meet certain criteria. Refer to IRM, Pre-Refund Audits.
Research IDRS and provide taxpayers available information for tax returns being examined. Use the following procedures to identify if the examination is located in Field Exam or Campus Exam.
Identify tax period under examination (Is there a Transaction Code (TC) 420 or TC 424 on module?)
Research for available AIMS information for this tax period (Command Code (CC) AMDISA)
Use CC AMDIS/CC AMDISA to determine AIMS current status
Research CC AMDISA to determine the Primary Business Code (PBC)
Field Exam - Primary Business Code (PBC) 201 through 215, (International) 320 through 328, and 330 - Follow procedures in Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - FIELD CASES
Campus Exam - PBC 190 through 194, 295 through 299, and 398 - Follow procedures in Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES Field Exam - Primary Business Code (PBC) 201 through 215, (International) 320 through 328, and 330 - Follow procedures in Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - FIELD CASES
Appeals - PBC 6XX (XX = appeals office code) AIMS Statuses 80-89 - Follow procedures in Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - FIELD CASES, and Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES
Examination related freeze codes are listed below. Refer to IRM, Freeze Codes Procedures, for information on working these freezes. Account action may be restricted.
-E: TC 810 hold
-L: Open Examination Indicator
P-: Refund Cancellation
-Q: Unallowable Refund Freeze
The IRS identifies issues that indicate a taxpayer may not be entitled to all or part of the refund amount claimed. The questionable part of the refund is held pending review. Examination releases the refund when the taxpayer provides information indicating entitlement to the refund. The remaining refund is direct deposited if the taxpayer originally requested direct deposit. Refer to IRM, Compliance Refund Hold Projects.
Follow the procedures in this IRM when a contact involves an Examination issue.
Taxpayers who claim Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for a current or prior tax year may experience a delay in receipt of the EITC and/or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) portion(s) of their refunds because of a screening process which identifies questionable item(s) on their return.
The taxpayer receives a Computer Paragraph CP 75, Refund Hold - Return Being Examined Regarding Credits Claimed, Need More Information, CP 75A, Refund Hold - Return Being Examined Regarding Credits, Dependent Exemption(s) and/or Filing Status, Need More Information, CP 06, Request for Supporting Documentation, or CP 06A, Request for Supporting Documentation. The CP 75 and CP 06 notices (which generates within 17 days from the date the credit is frozen) advise the taxpayer that the refund is on hold pending the examination of the tax return.
The notices advise the taxpayer of the issues being examined. Another letter is issued within 30 days requesting the same information, if the taxpayer does not reply. The subsequent letter includes a report that proposes changes to the taxpayer's account. For more information refer to IRM, RPS Casework Procedures.
Refer taxpayers to TAS when the contact meets TAS Criteria and you can't resolve the taxpayer's issue the same day. See IRM, TAS Case Criteria, for more information. "Same Day" cases include cases you can completely resolve in 24 hours, as well as cases in which you have taken steps within 24 hours to begin resolving the taxpayer's issue. Do not refer "same day" cases to TAS unless the taxpayer asks for a referral to TAS and the case meets TAS criteria. Refer to IRM, Same Day Resolution by Operations.
Complete Form 911/e-911, Request for Taxpayer Advocate Service Assistance (and Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order), and route the form to TAS.
For more information on routing cases to TAS refer to IRM, Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) Guidelines.
A Transaction Code (TC) 810 or TC 570 indicates a stopped/frozen refund. TC 810 or TC 570 is used by Exam or Automated Questionable Credit (AQC) if a taxpayer’s return is under review or the previous review is not closed. If the taxpayer does not claim the same items on a subsequent return, the refund is released in most cases. Consider a referral to Taxpayer Advocate Services in instances where the taxpayer indicates there is an economic hardship.
Use Audit Information Management System (AIMS) status codes to determine how to respond to the taxpayer for Exam related issues. The taxpayer has the right to finality, that is the right to be informed of the status of his or her examination and be given a clear explanation of what is expected of them or what the taxpayer may expect from IRS (including time frames). Research AIMS on the tax period that is frozen. Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - FIELD CASES, and Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES, for more information on AIMS status codes.
If the refund is held by a TC 810, then a TC 811 posts in the same cycle to release the portion of the refund not related to the audit issue, as specified below:
EITC only
EITC and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC)
EITC and Premium Tax Credit (PTC)
EITC and American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)
PTC only
American Opportunity Tax Credit only
Or other various audit combinations (e.g., EITC, ACTC, PTC, and/or AOTC)
Once Examination’s review is complete, a second TC 811 posts to release the EITC, ACTC, AOTC, or the PTC portion of the refund if applicable. -
If Command Code (CC) TXMOD shows a TC 570 or TC 810 with open AIMS information, follow procedures below for Exam related issues:
If no AIMS information and there is a TC 810 with a TC 971 Action Code (AC) 128 and a MISC field of AQCPTC###, refer the taxpayer to the Automated Questionable Credit toll-free line 855-873-2100 and provide the hours of operation, Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 9:00 p.m. CT. For correspondence inquiries, fax to number 855-855-0616. For more information refer to IRM, Phone Calls Received via Toll-Free Line 855-873-2100 or TAC Appointments.
IF AND THEN A TC 570 or TC 810 stopped the refund It is 30 days or less since the cycle date of the TC 570 or TC 810 Advise the taxpayer the IRS contacts the taxpayer within 30 days from the cycle date of the TC 570 or TC 810. Do not prepare Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral. Do not refer the calls to Campus Examination. A TC 570 or TC 810 stopped the refund It is more than 30 days since the cycle date of the TC 570 or TC 810 Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES. A TC 570 or TC 810 stopped the refund and you received correspondence concerning the Premium Tax Credit (PTC) (e.g., late reply to Letter 12C or loose Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement) It is more than 30 days since the cycle date of the TC 570 or TC 810 Refer the correspondence to Exam. Use Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES, to route the information. -
Check TXMOD for the second TC 811 and follow the procedures below:
IF AND THEN A second TC 811 is pending or posted in the applicable tax module No TC 846 (for the frozen portion of the overpayment) is present and less than 30 days from the input of the second TC 811 Advise the taxpayer to expect a refund within 4 weeks. A second TC 811 is pending or posted in the applicable tax module No TC 846 (for the frozen portion of the overpayment) is present and 30 or more days from the input of the second TC 811 Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES. A second TC 811 is not present or is unpostable in the applicable tax module, and one of the previous two year’s modules is in AIMS control status 54, 55, or 57 The taxpayer has not received a response Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES. A second TC 811 is not present AIMS control status is 90 Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES.
Refer to IRM, Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Self-Employment Tax, for EITC information. Also, see IRM (2), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) - Claims, for information regarding EITC and the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (PATH) Act.
Exam currently has two Soft Notices; CP 85 based on rules concerning the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and CP 87 based on rules that apply when two or more taxpayers claim the same individual for the EITC or an exemption under IRC 151.
The Exam Soft Notices inform the taxpayer that they claimed one of the various tax benefits for a qualifying child, exemption, and filing status. The letters address the following scenarios:
CP 85A, Exam EIC Soft Notice - Please Help Us Confirm Your Filing Status. Taxpayer claimed Head of Household filing status and may be married
CP 85B, Exam EIC Soft Notice - Please Help Us To Confirm Your Qualifying Child. Taxpayer claimed a qualifying child for EITC that may not be correct
CP 85C, Exam EIC Soft Notice - Please Help Us Confirm Income You Reported on Schedule C. Taxpayer filed a Schedule C with little or no expenses and may not have a business
CP 87A, We Need to Verify Your Dependents or Qualifying Child. Taxpayer claimed an exemption and/or qualifying child for EITC that is duplicated on another return
CP 87B, Exam DUPE TIN Notice - Please Help Us Confirm You Can Claim Yourself. Taxpayer claimed an exemption for themselves, and another taxpayer also claimed the exemption
CP 87C, We Need to Verify Your Dependents. Taxpayer claimed an exemption that is claimed on another return. The exemption claimed is over the age of 23 and filed a tax return reporting more than the exemption amount in gross income
CP 87D, We Need to Verify Your Dependents. Taxpayer claimed an exemption for self and is also claimed on a joint return
Both the CP 85 and CP 87 are sent for information only. No adjustment is made to the return unless the taxpayer initiates an adjustment. Destroy undeliverable CP 85 and CP 87 notices as classified waste.
Each taxpayer is asked to check his/her tax return (for the tax year indicated on the notice) and ensure the information is correct. If the taxpayer is:
Entitled - no action is required
Not entitled to the exemption, Qualifying Child, Filing Status, or Schedule C income, the notice advises them to file Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, for the tax year referenced in the CP Notice, and not to make the same error on his/her next tax return
For inquiries about these letters.
ROW NUMBER IF AND THEN 1 Taxpayer calls Needs clarification of tax law Refer to IRM (5) and (6), Customer Service Representative (CSR) Duties, for more information concerning tax law questions. 2 Taxpayer calls Claims they are a victim of identity theft Refer to IRM, Telephone Inquiries Regarding Identity Theft Victim Assistance (IDTVA) Tax-Related Cases, for guidance. 3 Taxpayer calls Agrees they should not have claimed exemption/EITC, filing status or Schedule C income Advise the taxpayer to complete Form 1040-X to correct the original return. Inform the taxpayer they can obtain a copy of Form 1040-X and the instructions by going to "www.irs.gov" and selecting the forms and publication tab and typing 1040-X in the search box. If the taxpayer has no internet access offer to mail the Form 1040-X. Use the Elite tool in AMS to mail taxpayer the form. 4 Taxpayer calls Used the wrong Social Security Number (SSN) -
Advise the taxpayer to correct the SSN on future filings. If the taxpayer used a preparer to file the return, advise them to provide the preparer with the correct SSN for future filings.
Taxpayer does not need to do anything for current tax return.
Refer to IRM, Command Code (CC) DUPED and (CC) DDBCK, to determine if CC DUPED or CC DDBCK can be corrected by the CSR.
5 Taxpayer calls Wants to report information on the other taxpayer claiming exemption/EITC, for example both taxpayers are claiming the same dependent and claiming EITC -
Inform the taxpayer the IRS has all the information concerning the other taxpayer and there is no need to take any action at this time.
Explain that you cannot discuss another taxpayer's income tax return because of disclosure laws and the Privacy Act.
6 Taxpayer calls Determines they are entitled to the benefit after a review of the tax law as above -
Explain to the taxpayer that no action is needed if the SSN on the return is correct and, after reviewing the Form 1040 Instructions, they are entitled to claim the exemption, EITC, or Schedule C income.
Advise the taxpayer Exam may contact them later to verify the claim.
For written correspondence:
Individual Master File (IMF) Audit Reconsideration is the process the IRS uses to reevaluate the results of a prior audit where additional tax was assessed and remains unpaid, or a tax credit was reversed. Examination cases closed as Non-Examined with no additional tax assessed do not meet the definition and criteria of an Audit Reconsideration. Do not route to Exam. Refer to IRM, Research/Initial Case Screening, for information to determine if the case meets audit reconsideration criteria. Refer to IRM, Function Responsible & Routing Instructions, for routing instructions. Taxpayers requesting audit reconsideration typically have a balance due and may require holds on collection action. If the taxpayer is inquiring about the status of their reconsideration request, refer to IRM, Role of Contact Employees when a Reconsideration Request is Received and the Examination was Performed in the Area Office or Campus Examination Function.
Business Master File (BMF) Audit Reconsideration - BMF Audit Reconsiderations go through Exam Classification. Accounts Management works non-selected cases. Refer to IRM 4.13, Audit Reconsideration.
Send all BMF Audit Reconsiderations to Exam Classification
Secure the Transaction Code (TC) 421 document, if possible, prior to sending to Exam Classification
If Exam Classification returns the BMF Audit Reconsideration and provides instructions to allow the claim, input the adjustment with a TC 291, using Blocking Series (BS) 18.
If Exam Classification returns the BMF Audit Reconsideration and provides instructions to disallow the claim, follow procedures in IRM, Disallowance and Partial Disallowance Procedures.
Follow instructions in the table below to request copies of an audit report:
IF AND THEN The taxpayer is requesting a copy of their audit report A Transaction Code (TC) 421 is present on the module(s) -
Refer a Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, to Exam at the campus based on the Primary Business Code (PBC). Research Command Code (CC) AMDISA or CC TXMOD for the PBC.
Select "IRM" referral type and category "Audit Reports (copies)."
Note on Form 4442/e-4442:
the DLN of the audit assessment (usually the TC 300), and
the controlling DLN on CC TXMOD or CC IMFOBT.
Specify which year(s) the taxpayer is requesting.
If there is more than one audit on the same year, identify which audit the taxpayer is questioning.
For separated or divorced taxpayers, prepare the Form 4442/e-4442 referral under the requesting taxpayer’s TIN, with all the above information. Provide specific mailing instructions and address.
The taxpayer is requesting a copy of their audit report A TC 421 is not present on the module(s) TS Campus or SBSE Campus: Transfer call per procedures in IRM, TS Accounts Management Call Transfers to Exam. -
Advise the taxpayer it may take up to 60 days to receive the copy of the audit report. Do not charge the taxpayer for a copy of audit report. Forward the request to the campus where the audit occurred.
TS employees - Refer to IRM for Exam fax numbers.
SB/SE employees - Refer to SERP Who/Where Audit Reconsideration Requests, Central Reconsideration Unit (CRU) Addresses.
Accounts Management assistors have the ability to transfer calls to TS Campus Examination or SBSE Campus Examination in specific situations. This functionality is available as an alternative for routing Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral. The assistor must try to resolve the taxpayer’s issues before transferring the call to Examination. The transfer capability does not circumvent the guidelines outlined in Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES.
Accounts Management assistors DO NOT have the ability to transfer calls to Field Exam. For guidance on how to resolve calls for Field Exam cases, refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-1, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - FIELD CASES.
Assistors without the capability to transfer a call need to prepare a Form 4442/e-4442 and fax to Exam where the AIMS control is located. Refer to SERP Who/Where at Form 4442 Referral Fax Numbers for the fax numbers.
Transfer taxpayers with accounts meeting any of the transfer criteria outlined below:
Transfer PINs as covered in IRM, Initial Authentication Transfer Procedures/Transfer PIN, are valid only for call transfers within Accounts Management and do not apply to Exam transfers.
Taxpayers who have an open audit with an Exam Freeze Code (-L), an AIMS status code between 10 and 57, AND an unreversed Transaction Code (TC) 420 or TC 424 is on module
Taxpayers who have a closed audit with an open Exam control base on IDRS indicating there is an open Audit Reconsideration case
Any status code listed in Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES, that says to transfer the taxpayer. The call must be transferred based on the PBC code
Refer to Exhibit 21.5.10-2, Audit Information Management System (AIMS) STATUS CODE GUIDE - CAMPUS CASES, which outlines how to identify what campus the case is open in and the proper procedures to follow. Refer to IRM, Other Contact Information, for Correspondence Exam Hours of Operation.
Call transfer numbers for PBC codes in the 100 range
English - Transfer to 1517
Spanish - Transfer to 1518
Call transfer numbers for PBC codes in the 200 range
English - Transfer to 1861
Spanish - Transfer to 1862
International - Not Toll Free
267-941-1037 - Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 9:00 p.m. CT
Never tell the taxpayer there is Exam activity on the account if in Status Codes 00, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, or 10. The taxpayer is not contacted if the case is not examined. Follow normal procedures to handle unrelated inquiries.
AIMS Status may indicate a future date in the "current status code line" . This is the date the case is scheduled to enter the status indicated. Use the correct status code depending on the date of the inquiry. If the date of the call is before the future date, use the current status code indicated on Command Code (CC) AMDISA.
Always verify the current mailing address on file. If the taxpayer says they have moved, update the entity with the new address. For instructions on inputting an address change refer to IRM, Oral Statement/Telephone Contact Address Change Requirements and IRM, Adjustments With Oral Statement. Only prepare Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, for an address change when it meets the criteria for a particular AIMS status; do not forward when an address change is the only issue. Fax the Form 4442/e-4442 to the Exam (or Appeals, if applicable) function where the AIMS control is located. Do not forward a Form 4442/e-4442 to exam when the status code below says "Do Not Refer" .
Determine the AIMS control to insure proper routing of Form 4442/e-4442. Research CC AMDISA for the Primary Business Code (PBC) for Location of the Exam Employee Group Code (EGC) (1XXX or 2XXX only), for Field Office where the case is assigned.
The link to the Exam Employee Group Code is located on the SERP home page under Who/Where tab and it's provided in the table below for the fax and/or telephone numbers for Field Cases.
If taxpayers receive a notice with a contact name and phone number, advise the taxpayer they may contact the examiner directly.
00 thru 06 or 08 Examination Not Started |
This status does not have anything to do with taxpayer's inquiry |
00 thru 06 or 08 Examination Not Started |
The taxpayer filed a claim and the claim is selected for examination (e.g., Source Code 30 on AIMS) Refer to Document 6209, Section 12.5.4, Source Codes - Grouped by Category, for Source Code explanations |
07 Transfer The case is in transit to another office either by the taxpayer request or by IRS determination. |
Less than 30 days since update to Status 07, no letter/reply received | Advise taxpayer their case is in transit to another office. The receiving office contacts the taxpayer within 30 days (of status update to 07). Do not refer. |
07 Transfer The case is in transit to another office either by the taxpayer request or by IRS determination. |
30 days or more since update to Status 07, no letter/reply received |
09 thru 11 Assigned But No Time Applied |
N/A | Do not tell the taxpayer of examination involvement. Advise the caller their return is under review and the IRS contacts them if we need more information. Do not refer. |
12 thru 49 Examination Started |
N/A |
51 thru 56; 58 or 59 Preparing to Close Case |
Less than 30 days in Status code | Advise taxpayer to allow 60 days for a notice. Do not refer. |
51 thru 56; 58 or 59 Preparing to Close Case |
Taxpayer has additional information to submit or it is 30 days or more from the taxpayer's previous reply to correspondence and the taxpayer has not received a reply |
57 Surveys Taxpayer's account has a -L freeze and the account is in Status 57, the taxpayer is not aware the return is being reviewed. |
If the taxpayer filed a claim - and the opening creation date (Shown on CC AMDISA as OPNG-CRTN/TRANSFER-DT>) is 120 days or less | Advise the taxpayer their return is under review and the IRS contacts them if the return is selected for examination. A refund (if applicable) should be scheduled within 160 days of opening creation date. Do not refer. |
57 Surveys Taxpayer's account has a -L Freeze and the account is in Status 57, the taxpayer is not aware the return is being reviewed. |
120 days or more from the opening creation date |
80 thru 89 Appeals Cases referred to Appeals by taxpayer request or when a taxpayer petitions Tax Court. |
If 45 days or less since referral to Appeals (Status 81) and no correspondence received | Advise the taxpayer the case has been sent to Appeals and to expect a letter or telephone call from Appeals within 45 days. Do not refer. |
80 thru 89 Appeals Cases referred to Appeals by taxpayer request or when a taxpayer petitions Tax Court. |
46-59 days since referral to Appeals, and no contact from Appeals |
90 Closed Examination is complete. If the taxpayer has new information and/or additional information to submit - Audit Reconsideration criteria may apply. |
Taxpayer is asking about a refund or notice from the audit | Advise taxpayer to allow 6 weeks from the Status 90 date for the processing of any refund/notice. Do not refer. |
90 Closed Examination is complete. If the taxpayer has new information and/or additional information to submit - Audit Reconsideration criteria may apply. |
Taxpayer has not requested an Audit Reconsideration |
90 Closed Examination is complete. If the taxpayer has new information and/or additional information to submit - Audit Reconsideration criteria may apply. |
Less than 60 days since the taxpayer has requested an Audit Reconsideration |
Calls can be transferred to Exam following the procedures in IRM, Accounts Management Call Transfers to Exam, as a replacement for routing Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral. Follow the AIMS status code table below to determine when a call transfer or a referral would be proper. Assistors without the capability to transfer a call need to prepare a Form 4442/e-4442 and fax to Exam where the AIMS control is located. Refer to IRM, Other Contact Information, for the fax numbers or refer to the Employee Group Code (EGC) contact listing.
Determine the AIMS control to insure proper transfers of calls and/or routing of Form 4442/e-4442. Research Command Code (CC) AMDISA for the Primary Business Code (PBC). All Campus examinations reflect an Employee Group Code (EGC) (5XXX).
Correspondence Exam cases are located in the Campus and can be identified by the 3-digit Primary Business Code (PBC), located on CC AMDISA. See Form 4442/e-4442 Referrals section in the chart below.
IF PBC Code IS | TRANSFER TO | REFER FORM 4442/e-4442 TO |
190 | English - Transfer call to 1517 Spanish - Transfer call to 1518 |
Andover |
191 | English - Transfer call to 1517 Spanish - Transfer call to 1518 |
Atlanta |
192 | English - Transfer call to 1517 Spanish - Transfer call to 1518 |
Austin |
193 | English - Transfer call to 1517 Spanish - Transfer call to 1518 |
Fresno |
194 | English - Transfer call to 1517 Spanish - Transfer call to 1518 |
Kansas City |
295 | English - Transfer call to 1861 Spanish - Transfer call to 1862 |
Brookhaven |
296 | English - Transfer call to 1861 Spanish - Transfer call to 1862 |
Cincinnati |
297 | English - Transfer call to 1861 Spanish - Transfer call to 1862 |
Memphis |
298 or 398 | English - Transfer call to 1861 Spanish - Transfer call to 1862 |
Ogden |
299 | English - Transfer call to 1861 Spanish - Transfer call to 1862 |
Philadelphia |
International - Not Toll Free
267-941-1037 - Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 9:00 p.m. CT
Refer to IRM, Other Contact Information, for Correspondence Exam hours of operation.
AIMS Status may indicate a future date in the "current status code line" of CC AMDISA. This is the date the case is scheduled to enter the status indicated. Use the correct status code depending on the date of the inquiry.
Always verify the current mailing address on file. If the taxpayer says they have moved, update the entity with the new address. For instructions on inputting an address change refer to IRM, Oral Statement/Telephone Contact Address Change Requirements. Only prepare Form 4442/e-4442 for an address change when it meets the criteria for a particular AIMS status; do not forward when an address change is the only issue. Fax the Form 4442/e-4442 to the Exam (or Appeals, if applicable) function where the AIMS control is located. Do not forward a Form 4442/e-4442 to Exam when the status code below says "Do Not Refer" .
Special guidance for Status 24, 33, 34, or 51 in PBC 295, 298 and 398.
If in Status 24, 33, or 34, in PBC 295 and in EGC range of 5400-5499 or 5800-5899, it is Brookhaven Service Center (BSC) Campus Pass-through Function (CPF). Send the Form 4442/e-4442 to the BSC CPF AIMS/PCS Coordinator at BSC mail stop 630 or fax to 855-849-3258.
If in Status 24, 33, 34, or 51, in PBC 298 or 398 and in the EGC range of 5400-5499, 5700-5799, or 5800-5899, it is Ogden Service Center (OSC) Pass-Through Entities (PTE). Send the Form 4442/e-4442, Inquiry Referral, to the OSC PTE AIMS/PCS Coordinator at OSC mail stop 4590 or fax to 855-235-6800.
If the claim involves Employee Retention Credit (ERC), do not prepare a referral if instructed below. Apologize to the taxpayer for the inconvenience they are experiencing while the amended quarterly tax return is being processed. Advise them their claim for ERC is under review.
00 Returns in Transit |
There is a frozen refund, a -R or P- freeze on the account, the taxpayer has received notification from Exam Operation, and
Prepare Form 4442/e-4442 and fax to Exam where the AIMS control is located. Refer to IRM, Other Contact Information, for the fax numbers. |
00 Returns in Transit |
There is a frozen refund, a -R or P- freeze on the account, and the taxpayer has not received a
Prepare Form 4442/e-4442 and fax to Exam where the AIMS control is located. Refer to IRM, Other Contact Information, for the fax numbers. |
00 Returns in Transit |
Less than 90 days since update to Status 00 | If the refund is being held, or the taxpayer says Exam contacted them for the issue in question, advise the taxpayer their return is under review because of a questionable item and the IRS contacts them if the return is selected for examination. Do not refer. |
00 Returns in Transit |
90 days or more and taxpayer has not received a letter or response |
01 Unstarted Claims |
60 days or more since updated to Status 01 |
06 Awaiting Classification Cases not yet screened for possible selection for examination. Taxpayer is not aware their case is being screened for possible selection for examination. Return may not be examined. |
There is a frozen refund (-R or P- freeze), the taxpayer has received notification from Exam Operation, and
06 Awaiting Classification Cases not yet screened for possible selection for examination. Taxpayer is not aware their case is being screened for possible selection for examination. Return may not be examined. |
There is a frozen refund (-R or P- freeze), the taxpayer has not received a
06 Awaiting Classification Cases not yet screened for possible selection for examination. Taxpayer is not aware their case is being screened for possible selection for examination. Return may not be examined. |
Less than 45 days since updated to Status 06 | If the refund is being held, or the taxpayer says Exam contacted them for the same issue, advise the taxpayer the return is being screened for possible examination and the IRS contacts the taxpayer if the return is selected for examination. Do not refer. |
06 Awaiting Classification Cases not yet screened for possible selection for examination. Taxpayer is not aware their case is being screened for possible selection for examination. Return may not be examined. |
45 days or more and taxpayer has not received a letter or response |
07 Transfer The case is in transit to another office either by the taxpayer request or by IRS determination. |
Less than 30 days since updated to Status 07, no letter/reply received | Advise the taxpayer their case is in transit to another office. The receiving office contacts the taxpayer within 30 days (of the Status 07). |
07 Transfer The case is in transit to another office either by the taxpayer request or by IRS determination. |
30 days or more since the update to Status 07, no letter/reply received |
08 Selected Not Assigned Prior to Exam contacting the taxpayer. |
Less than 30 days since update to Status 08, initial contact letter not sent | If the refund is being held, advise the taxpayer their return is under review due to a questionable item and the IRS contacts them within 30 days if the return is selected for examination. At that time, Exam explains what information is needed. Do not refer. |
08 Selected Not Assigned Prior to Exam contacting the taxpayer. |
30 days or more since update to Status 08 input |
09 Correspondence Exam Prior to Exam contacting the taxpayer. |
If less than 30 days since update to Status 09 | Advise the taxpayer their return is under review due to a questionable item and the IRS contacts them within 30 days if the return is selected for examination. Do not refer. |
09 Correspondence Exam Prior to Exam contacting the taxpayer. |
30 days or more since update to Status 09 |
10 Initial Contact Letter Sent Audit process has begun. The following are Initial Contact Letters (ICLs)
14 days or less since update to Status 10 and taxpayer has received a letter |
10 Initial Contact Letter Sent Audit process has begun. The following are Initial Contact Letters (ICLs)
14 days or less since update to Status 10 and taxpayer has not received a letter |
10 Initial Contact Letter Sent Audit process has begun. The following are Initial Contact Letters (ICLs)
It is more than 14 days since the update to Status 10 and,
10 Initial Contact Letter Sent Audit process has begun. The following are Initial Contact Letters (ICLs)
Taxpayer has received the letter and responded | Advise the taxpayer to allow 30 days for a response. |
12 Special Contact Letter Sent This status is the same as Status 10. Some campuses use this status on certain cases. |
Less than 45 days since update to Status 12 |
12 Special Contact Letter Sent This status is the same as Status 10. Some campuses use this status on certain cases. |
45 days or more since the taxpayer responded to any initial contact letter and taxpayer has not received a letter or response |
17 Referral for ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡. |
Less than 30 days since taxpayer submitted information | Advise the taxpayer their case is being evaluated and the Examiner contacts them within 30 days. |
17 Referral for ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡. |
30 days or more since taxpayer submitted information |
20 Backdown From Appeals Case is in transit from Appeals to Exam Operation. |
Less than 30 days since taxpayer submitted information | Advise taxpayer to allow 30 days for a response. |
20 Backdown From Appeals Case is in transit from Appeals to Exam Operation. |
30 days or more since the taxpayer submitted the information |
22 30-Day Cover letter for the first proposed Examination report issued which gives the taxpayer 30 days to respond. 30-day Letters:
Less than 30 days since update to Status 22, no letter/reply received by taxpayer |
22 30-Day Cover letter for the first proposed Examination report issued which gives the taxpayer 30 days to respond. 30-day Letters:
30 days or more since update to Status 22, no letter/reply received by taxpayer |
22 30-Day Cover letter for the first proposed Examination report issued which gives the taxpayer 30 days to respond. 30-day Letters:
Taxpayer received the report and has information to submit | Ask the taxpayer to submit the additional information to the requestor. |
22 30-Day Cover letter for the first proposed Examination report issued which gives the taxpayer 30 days to respond. 30-day Letters:
Less than 30 days since the taxpayer responded and no letter or response received | Advise the taxpayer to wait 30 days for a response. Do not refer. |
22 30-Day 30-day Letters:
30 days or more since the taxpayer responded |
23 Revised Report Sent - Awaiting Reply Taxpayer information considered and a revised Examination report issued with a Letter 692. |
Less than 30 days since update to Status 23 and no letter/report received by the taxpayer |
23 Revised Report Sent - Awaiting Reply Taxpayer information considered and a revised Examination report issued with a Letter 692. |
30 days or more since update to Status 23 and no letter/report received by the taxpayer |
23 Revised Report Sent - Awaiting Reply Taxpayer information considered and a revised Examination report issued with a Letter 692 |
Taxpayer received the report and has information to submit | Ask the taxpayer to submit the additional information to the requestor. |
23 Revised Report Sent - Awaiting Reply Taxpayer information considered and a revised Examination report issued with a Letter 692 |
Less than 30 days since the taxpayer responded and no letter or response received | Advise the taxpayer to wait 30 days for a response. Do not refer. |
24 90-Day Letter - (Notice of Deficiency) This is the taxpayer's legal deficiency notification and it is sent by certified mail. Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency or Letter 555, Notification of Findings Based on Taxpayer Data - Tax Liability, (response to mail received during 90-day time frame.) |
Less than 90 days (150 days for international taxpayers) since AIMS Status 24 date and taxpayer has not submitted additional information |
24 90-Day Letter - (Notice of Deficiency) This is the taxpayer's legal deficiency notification and it is sent by certified mail. Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency or Letter 555, Notification of Findings Based on Taxpayer Data - Tax Liability, (response to mail received during 90-day time frame.) |
Less than 90 days (150 days for international taxpayers) since AIMS Status 24 date and taxpayer has lost or not received the letter |
24 90-Day Letter - (Notice of Deficiency) This is the taxpayer's legal deficiency notification and it is sent by certified mail. Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency or Letter 555, Notification of Findings Based on Taxpayer Data - Tax Liability, (response to mail received during 90-day time frame.) |
Taxpayer submitted additional information |
24 90-Day Letter - (Notice of Deficiency) This is the taxpayer's legal deficiency notification and it is sent by certified mail. Letter 3219, Notice of Deficiency or Letter 555, Notification of Findings Based on Taxpayer Data - Tax Liability, (response to mail received during 90-day time frame.) |
Taxpayer indicates they have not provided the information and the time frame for the Letter 3219 has expired |
25 Additional Information Requested |
Less than 30 days since update to AIMS Status 25 | Advise the taxpayer Exam reviewed the additional information they submitted and more information is required. The taxpayer should hear from Exam within 30 days. |
25 Additional Information Requested The information submitted by the taxpayer was not sufficient to change report and additional information was requested. |
Taxpayer did not receive request for additional information |
25 Additional Information Requested The information submitted by the taxpayer was not sufficient to change report and additional information was requested. |
Taxpayer responded to the request for additional information less than 45 days ago | Advise the taxpayer to allow 45 days for a response from Exam or EITC Certification Operation. |
25 Additional Information Requested The information submitted by the taxpayer was not sufficient to change report and additional information was requested. |
Taxpayer responded to request for additional information and 45 days or more have passed and the taxpayer has not received a letter or response |
38 Suspense - Other Cases referred to the campus fraud coordinator and the response from the coordinator is expected to take longer than 30 days. |
Less than 60 days since taxpayer submitted information |
51 Manual Case to Close Preparing to Close Case |
Less than 30 days since taxpayer submitted information |
51 Manual Case to Close Preparing to Close Case |
Taxpayer submitted additional information |
52 and 53 90-Day - Statutory Notice of Deficiency being prepared |
Less than 30 days since the taxpayer submitted information |
52 and 53 90-Day - Statutory Notice of Deficiency being prepared |
More than 30 days since update to status 52 or 53 and no letter/ report received by the taxpayer |
52 and 53 90-Day - Statutory Notice of Deficiency being prepared |
Taxpayer submitted additional information |
54 Reviewing Taxpayer Response |
If less than 30 days from Correspondence Receive Date (CRD) |
54 Reviewing Taxpayer Response |
If 30 days or more but less than 45 days from the Correspondence Receive Date (CRD) and taxpayer has not received a response |
54 Reviewing Taxpayer Response |
45 days or more have passed from the Correspondence Receive Date (CRD) and taxpayer has not received a letter or response |
54 Reviewing Taxpayer Response |
Taxpayer has received CP 3500 |
55 Interim Letter Sent |
Less than 45 days since interim letter issued, and Status 55 date |
56 | Taxpayer has additional information to submit or it is 30 days or more from the taxpayer's previous reply to correspondence and the taxpayer has not received a reply |
57 Over 115 days since the taxpayer response - Third interim letter sent. |
Less than 30 days since interim letter issued, and Status 57 date |
57 Over 115 days since the taxpayer response - Third interim letter sent. |
30 or more days elapsed since interim letter |
80 through 89 Appeals |
Less than 45 days since referral to Appeals (Status 81 - 89) and no correspondence received | Advise the taxpayer the case has been sent to Appeals and to expect a letter or telephone call from Appeals within 45 days. |
80 through 89 Appeals |
46-59 days since referral to Appeals and no contact from Appeals |
90 Closed |
The taxpayer is asking about a refund or notice from the audit |
90 Closed |
Taxpayer has not requested an Audit Reconsideration |
90 Closed |
Less than 60 days since the taxpayer has requested an Audit Reconsideration |
90 Closed |
Between 60-119 days since taxpayer has requested Audit Reconsideration |