2.4.52 Command Codes TPCIN and TPCOL Program Scope and Objectives Background Authority Roles and Responsibilities Program Management and Review Program Controls Terms and Acronyms Related Resources Command Code TPCIN (Definer 'A')—Input Format Command Code TPCIN (definer ‘U’) — Update Format Command Code TPCIN Error Responses Command Code TPCIN Valid Responses Command Code TPCOL(definer ' ') Command Code TPCOL Error Responses Command code TPCIN and TPCOL Paging Exhibit 2.4.52-1 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'A') Input Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-2 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'A') Response Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-3 COMMAND CODE TPCIN Error Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-4 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'U') Input Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-5 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'U') Response Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-6 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'C' or ‘L’) Response Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-7 COMMAND CODE TPCOL Input Screen Exhibit 2.4.52-8 COMMAND CODE TPCOL (definer ' ') Response Screen Part 2. Information Technology Chapter 4. IDRS Terminal Input Section 52. Command Codes TPCIN and TPCOL 2.4.52 Command Codes TPCIN and TPCOL Manual Transmittal December 18, 2024 Purpose (1) This transmits revised IRM 2.4.52, IDRS Terminal Input, Command Codes TPCIN and TPCOL. Material Changes (1) IRM 2.4.52 To ensure there is no PII and/or FTI, or improper fictionalization of tax information in the IT IRMs, many of the screen display graphic exhibits and some descriptions have been revised in accordance with current IRS guidelines.Exhibit 2.4.52-6 (2) IRM 2.4.52 revised throughout to update organizational title Taxpayer Services. Effect on Other Documents IRM 2.4.52, dated 11-09-2023, is superseded. Audience Small Business/Self-Employed(SB/SE) Effective Date (01-02-2025) Rajiv Uppal Chief Information Officer (CIO) (12-18-2024) Program Scope and Objectives Overview:This IRM provides information on CFOL Command Codes TPCIN and TPCOL. Details below: Purpose: These sections provide instructions for inputting Third Party Contact (TPC) information, using command code TPCIN, and accessing the data already on the Third Party Contact file using command code TPCOL. Audience: Taxpayer Services (TS), Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entity (TE/GE), Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS), Criminal Investigation (CI), Appeals, as well as other IRS organizations profiled for these restricted IDRS command codes. Policy Owner: Director, Corporate Data Domain Program Owner: Tax Data On-line (TDOL), a branch within Corporate Data Domain Primary Stakeholders: Taxpayer Services (TS), Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE), Tax Exempt and Government Entity (TE/GE), Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS), Criminal Investigation (CI), Appeals, Enterprise Operations (EOPS), and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA uses an extract of the Farm Subsidy Program data entered and validated using TPCIN (see SERP for details). Program Goals: These are the instructions for using the CFOL/IDRS command codes TPCIN and TPCOL. (01-02-2025) Background The Third Party Contact System (TPC) program is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) application designed to maintain a database of all third party contacts that were made regarding a taxpayer during the determination or collection of a tax liability. Each record on the database contains the contact name or general description of the third party contacted (e.g. neighbor, bank name, business associate) along with the date of contact for all contacts made relating to a specific Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). A third party contact is made when an IRS employee initiates contact with a person other than the taxpayer. Notices are provided upon request and issued on-demand to taxpayers and Power of Attorneys (POAs) that have third party contacts. TPC shares data with four (4) IRS applications, but does not connect directly to each. Data from the Automated Collection System (ACS), Automated Under Reporter (AUR), Electronic Fraud Detection System (EFDS), and the Integration Collection System (ICS) are transferred to the GSS-21 IBM Mainframe on which TPC resides using the Electronic File Transfer Utility (EFTU). Once the IBM Mainframe receives data from the ACS, AUR, EFDS, and ICS applications, a batch job is executed which “pulls” the data that each application stored into the TPC database. TPC also receives data from various 12175 forms from which data is manually entered into the TPC database by TPC Coordinators. TPC receives weekly batch files of third party contacts from the ICS, ACS, AUR, and EFDS applications. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses an extract of the Farm Subsidy Program data entered and validated using TPCIN, at the Fresno Campus. IRS clerks use the IAT tool to process USDA data, which auto fills the information for command code TPCIN with definer code A. TPCIN with definer code U is used to check that work for accuracy. The Third Party Contact System consists of two command codes, TPCIN and TPCOL. (01-02-2025) Authority This IRM and the contained subsections provide the instructions for using the CFOL/IDRS command codes TPCIN and TPCOL. Unified Work Request (UWR) 979147 (01-02-2025) Roles and Responsibilities Applications Development (AD) is responsible for operations and maintenance of the command codes. Director, Corporate Data Domain Branch Chief, TDOL (01-02-2025) Program Management and Review Project’s data source is the Third Party Contact(TPC) VSAM database (01-02-2025) Program Controls Access to this program is governed by SACS. (01-02-2025) Terms and Acronyms Acronym Definition CFOL Corporate Files Online IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System IMF Individual Master File IPPIN Identity Theft Protection Pin IRS Internal Revenue Service ISPF Interactive System Productivity Facility IT Information Technology NAP National Account Profile SSN Social Security Number TDOL Tax Data On-line Branch TIN Tax Identification Number TPC Third Party Contact TPCIN Third Party Contact input command code TPCOL Third Party Contact access command code (01-02-2025) Related Resources Functional Specifications Package (FSP), command code TPCIN Functional Specifications Package (FSP), command code TPCOL (01-01-2010) Command Code TPCIN (Definer 'A')—Input Format Command Code TPCIN with definer ‘A’— used to request an input screen for inputting taxpayer and third party contact information from Form 12175. Up to 78 MFT/Taxperiods can be input with each third party contact. The required input for command code TPCIN with definer ‘A’ without Reprisal is as follows: Command Code TPCIN Command Code Definer ‘A’ Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Display File Source Code Name Control Employee Identification Number Plan Number — Required only when EPMF account MFT/Taxperiod — At least one MFT and tax period required (except when EP/EO Determination Case Number is entered or Reprisal is ‘Y’) Contact is For Date of Contact 3RD Party Name Category Code The required input for command code TPCIN with definer ‘A’ with Reprisal is as follows: Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Display File Source Code Name Control Employee Identification Number Date of Contact Category Code (01-01-2000) Command Code TPCIN (definer ‘U’) — Update Format Command Code TPCIN with definer ‘U’ — used to request an update screen. The information relating to the input TIN will return on the screen ready for updating. By inputting the Request Type and the Contact Number at the bottom of the screen, the user will be given the capability to: change screen data, delete a contact or, display third party contact information. The required input for command code TPCIN with definer ‘U’ is as follows: Command Code TPCIN Command Code Definer ‘U’ Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Display File Source Code (01-01-2020) Command Code TPCIN Error Responses Error responses are displayed on Line 24 in inverse video. The erroneous literal will display in inverse video and the cursor will appear on the input field. CC DEFINER INVALID - CHECK INPUT — The input command code definer must be A or U. Correct and re-enter. NOT EDITED TIN, PLEASE REINPUT — The input TIN must be in SSN or EIN format, or Secondary TIN is missing when contact is for BOTH or Secondary. INVALID TIN AND FS - PLEASE REINPUT — The TIN and/or Display File Source Code did not meet standard validity criteria. Correct and re-enter. RECORD NOT FOUND— There is no record found for the requested TIN on the Third Party Contact Database. INVALID INPUT - MUST BE Y / N — The REPRISAL-IND must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’. nnn MFT/ TAX PRDS CONTAIN ERRORS — Invalid or inconsistent MFT/Taxperiod(s). The nnn is the total number that are invalid on the screen input. A CONTACT TYPE MUST BE SELECTED — The screen input does not contain a Contact Type. INVALID CONTACT DATE — The screen input is a future date or does not meet standard validity criteria. ALL MFT/TAXPRDS ARE BLANK OR ERRONEOUS — All of the input MFT/Taxperiods are blank or do not meet standard validity criteria. CASE NUMBER AND/OR CASE TYPE MISMATCH — A Case Type of A, B, E or O must be input when an EP/EO Determination Case Number is input. CONTACT NAME REQUIRED — The input screen does not contain a Contact Name. NAME CONTROL NOT FOUND FOR TIN/FS — The input Name Control does not agree with the Name Control on the NAP for input TIN/FS. MINIMUM REQUIRED FIELDS — The input screen does not contain all necessary required fields. DISPLAY FS AND PLAN NUMBER INCONSISTENT — A Plan number was entered for a non-EPMF or non-NRU/NMF account. The input Display File source must be P when a Plan Number is entered for an EPMF account, or N when a Plan Number is entered for an NRU/NMF account. SSN NOT VALID WITH EP/EO CASE NUMBER — The TIN must be an EIN when EP/EO Case Number is entered. CONTACT nnn NOT FOUND — There is no contact found for the input Contact Number. PRIM AND SEC TINS CANNOT BE THE SAME — The input Primary and Secondary TINs must be unique. PLAN NUMBER NOT VALID WITH EO ACCOUNT— A Plan Number is only valid with EPMF accounts, and NMF accounts. DATA CONFLICTS — Both Secondary and BOTH are checked in the Contact Is For. Choose either Secondary or BOTH for valid input. SECONDARY TIN INVALID WITH EIN — Only a Primary TIN is valid with a BMF account. INVALID REQUEST - CHECK INPUT — The input Request Type or Contact Number is invalid. nnn ERROR WRITING TO DATABASE — There is an error updating the third party database. Contact the programmer. The nnn is the database error number. PAGING ERROR ENCOUNTERED — The attempt to retrieve an additional page was performed before an initial TPCIN/TPCOL request was made. NO SCREENS AVAILABLE— There are no additional screens available. COMMAND CODE INVALID— The system did not recognize the input command code. Correct and re-input. TINS DID NOT FILE JOINTLY FOR TAXYEARS— The primary taxpayer and secondary taxpayer did not file jointly for the input tax period(s). NAME MAY NOT CONTAIN " REPRISAL" — The work "REPRISAL" is invalid input for the 3rd Party Name. INVALID CATEGORY CODE— Valid values are 1 through 5, F and i. MUST CONTAIN NUMERICS — The input for this field must be numerics. (01-01-2000) Command Code TPCIN Valid Responses One of the following valid responses will be displayed in inverse video on line 24 when no errors are present: REQUEST COMPLETED ADD SUCCESSFUL — The third party data has been successfully added to the Third Party Contact Database. REQUEST COMPLETED DELETE SUCCESSFUL — The requested third party contact has been successfully deleted from the Third Party Contact Database. REQUEST COMPLETED CHANGE SUCCESSFUL — The requested changes are valid and have been updated to the Third Party Contact record. (01-01-2007) Command Code TPCOL(definer ' ') Command Code TPCOL, definer blank — used to display third party contact information relating to the input TIN. This command code is used when a taxpayer requests a list of contacts. The required input for command code TPCOL is as follows: Command Code TPCOL Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Display File Source Code Command Code TPCOL will display the following: Systemic Mail Date Requested Mail Date Number of Contacts for the input TIN Taxpayer TIN Contact Date Contacted Mail Out Indicator (01-01-2007) Command Code TPCOL Error Responses NO RECORD FOUND- There is no record found on the Third Party Contact database for the requested TIN. INVALID-TIN AND FS-PLEASE REINPUT — The TIN and/or Display File Source Code did not meet standard validity criteria. Correct and re-enter. nnn ERROR ACCESSING DATABASE — There is in error accessing the third party contact database. Contact the programmer. The nnn is the database error number. A PAGING REQUEST WAS ENTERED BEFORE A TPCOL REQUEST— The attempt to retrieve an additional page was performed before an initial TPCOL request was made. NO SCREENS AVAILABLE — There are no additional screens available. COMMAND CODE INVALID — The system did not recognize the input command code. Correct and re-input. NO ADDRESS FOUND — An address cannot be found on the National Account Profile(NAP) for input TIN. OUT OF RANGE FOR PARTIAL DATE — The input Print Date is either not numeric or older than 199901 or greater than the current date. NO CONTACTS WERE MADE — No contacts were made for the input TIN. PROBLEM ACCESSING CONTACT DATABASE — The Third Party Contact Database is not available. NO CONTACTS WERE MADE AND NO ADDRESS FOUND — No contacts were made and address was found on the NAP for the input TIN. NAMELINE, STREET, CITY, STATE & ZIP REQUIRED — The nameline, street, city, state or zip are either blank or not valid. INVALID COMMAND CODE DEFINER — The input Command Code Definer is not blank (01-01-2000) Command code TPCIN and TPCOL Paging Command Codes TPCIN and TPCOL will provide the following paging features: IDRS-like paging when display of multiple third party contacts fill a page. The paging routine will automatically position the cursor following the Start of Message symbol. When the ENTER key is depressed, the terminal will display the next page or any page designated by overlaying a page number onto the format by Key Input. No entry code is needed to move from one page to another. Exhibit 2.4.52-1 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'A') Input Screen Description: Screen format to request input screen. Screen format to request input screen. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code: TPCIN 1 06 Command Code Definer ‘A’ Exhibit 2.4.52-2 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'A') Response Screen Description: Screen layout for inputting Third Party Contact data. Screen layout for inputting Third Party Contact data. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code TPCIN 1 06 Command Code Definer ‘A’ 2 02–14 Taxpayer TIN literal 2 16–27 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source — must be present and in one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) 2 30–39 Name Ctrl literal 2 41–44 Taxpayer Name Control — must be present. 2 47–58 Employee ID literal 2 60–69 Employee Identification Number — must be present. 3 02–15 Secondary TIN literal 3 17–28 Secondary TIN/Display File Source — input when contact is for Secondary taxpayer or Both Primary and Secondary taxpayers. Must be in one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnN (NMF SSN) 3 47–65 Employee Telephone literal 3 67–78 Employee Telephone Number — include area code — optional. 4 47–65 Employee Mail Stop literal 4 67–76 Employee Mail Stop — optional. 6 02–16 Contact Is For: literal One of the following must be entered: 6 18–25 Primary literal 6 27 Primary Taxpayer — Input ‘X’ when the contact was made concerning the Primary taxpayer only. 6 29–38 Secondary literal 6 40 Secondary Taxpayer — Input ‘X’ when the contact was made concerning the Secondary taxpayer only. 6 42–46 Both literal 6 48 Both Taxpayers — Input ‘X’ when the contact was made concerning both the Primary and Secondary taxpayers. 8 02–17 Date of Contact literal 8 19–26 Date of Contact — must be present and in YYYYMMDD format. Cannot be a future date or before 19980101. 8 29–43 Third Party Name literal 8 45–79 Third Party Name — must be present. 9 29–43 Name Continued literal 9 45–79 Name Continued — optional, used when additional space is needed for the 3rd Party Name. 10 02–15 Category Code literal 10 17 Category Code — must be present and one of the following: 1 — Individual 2 — Financial Institution 3 — Business 4 — State/Federal Government Organization 5 — Other F — Farm Subsidy (Restricted for W&I use) i — Invalid Farm Subsidy (Restricted for W&I use) 12 02–10 Reprisal literal 12 12 Reprisal — overlay ‘N’ with ‘Y’ when reprisal is checked on Form 12175. When Reprisal is ‘Y’, only the following input is required: TIN/Display File Source Code Name Control Employee — ID Category Code Date of Contact 12 17–28 Plan Number literal 12 30–32 Plan Number — must be present when EPMF account and must be between 001–999. 12 35–66 EP/EO Determination Case Number literal 12 68–76 EP/EO Determination Case Number — if entered, last digit (Case Type) must be entered. 12 78 Case Type — must be entered when EP/EO Determination Case Number is sent, must be one of the following: A — EP Division Headquarters B — EO Division Headquarters E — EP Determination O — EO Determination the Primary and Secondary taxpayers. 14 02–16 MFT Tax Period literal 14 22–80 MFT/Taxperiods — at least one MFT and taxperiod must be entered (except when EP/EO Determination Case Number is input or when Reprisal is ‘Y’). Up to 99 can be added for each Third Party Contact. 15–23 02–80 MFT/Taxperiods Exhibit 2.4.52-3 COMMAND CODE TPCIN Error Screen Description: Screen layout for error messages. Screen layout for error messages. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code TPCIN 1 06 Command Code Definer 24 02–79 Error Message Exhibit 2.4.52-4 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'U') Input Screen Description: Screen format to request update screen. Screen format to request update screen. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code TPCIN 1 06 Command Code Definer ‘U’ 1 07–18 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source — must be in one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnN (NMF SSN) Exhibit 2.4.52-5 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'U') Response Screen Description: Screen layout for updating Third Party Contact data. Screen layout for updating Third Party Contact data. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code: TPCIN 1 06 Command Code Definer ‘U’ 1 07–18 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source — must be in one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnN (NMF SSN) 3 12–40 Third Party Database Contains literal 3 42–44 Number of Contacts 3 46–61 Contacts for TIN literal 3 63–74 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source 5, 10, 15 03–05 Contact Number 5, 10, 15 07–14 Contact literal 5, 10, 15 15–49 Contact Name 5, 10, 15 51–65 Date Contacted literal 5, 10, 15 66–73 Date Contacted 6, 11, 16 07–16 Name Ctrl literal 6, 11, 16 17–20 Taxpayer Name Control 6, 11, 16 26–39 Category Code literal 6, 11, 16 40 Category Code 6, 11, 16 46–57 Employee ID literal 6, 11, 16 58–67 Employee ID 7, 12, 17 07–17 Employee Phone literal 7, 12, 17 18–20 Employee Phone Number 7, 12, 17 32–46 Employee Mail Stop literal 7, 12, 17 47–56 Employee Mail Stop 7, 12, 17 59–67 Plan Number literal 7, 12, 17 68–70 Plan Number 8, 13, 18 07–70 MFT/Taxperiods 22 10–31 Request Type literal 22 33 Request Type — Must be input. Input one of the following: C — to change the taxpayer and/or contact information. When changing a Reprisal to a non-Reprisal, all non-Reprisal input fields must be present (see 52.1.1(3) of this IRM). When changing a non-Reprisal to a Reprisal, only the required fields for Reprisal (see 52.1.1(3)) can be changed and will be taken from the input screen to be stored to the database. D — to delete a contact L — to list all information that is stored on The Third Party Database regarding this contact 22 37–52 Contact Number literal 22 54–56 Contact Number — input the number of the corresponding Third Party Contact in which you want to perform one of the Request Type actions. Must be entered when Request Type is present. 24 11–14 Page literal 24 16–18 Current Screen Number 24 20–21 Page literal 24 23–25 Total number of screens 24 41–45 Command Code to retrieve additional screen 24 47–49 Next screen number Exhibit 2.4.52-6 COMMAND CODE TPCIN (definer 'C' or ‘L’) Response Screen Description: Screen response when Request Type C or L is input. Note: When Request Type 'D' is input, the contact will be deleted from the Third Party Contact Database and only a 'REQUEST COMPLETED-DELETE SUCCESSFUL' message will display on Line 24. Screen response when Request Type C or L is input. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code TPCIN 1 06 Command Code Definer C or L (Request Type) 2 02–14 Taxpayer TIN literal 2 16–27 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source — will be in one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnN (NMF SSN) 2 30–39 Name Ctrl literal 2 41–44 Taxpayer Name Control 2 47–58 Employee ID literal 2 60–69 Employee Identification Number 3 02–15 Secondary TIN literal 3 17–28 Secondary TIN/Display File Source — if present, will be one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnN (NMF SSN) 3 47–65 Employee Telephone literal 3 67–78 Employee Telephone Number — include area code. 4 47–65 Employee Mail Stop literal 4 67–76 Employee Mail Stop 6 02–16 Contact is for: literal 6 18–25 Primary literal 6 27 Primary Taxpayer 6 29–38 Secondary literal 6 40 Secondary Taxpayer 6 42–46 Both literal 6 48 Both Taxpayers 8 02–17 Date of Contact literal 8 19–26 Date of Contact 8 29–43 Third Party Name literal 8 45–79 Third Party Name 9 29–43 Name Continued literal 9 45–79 Name Continued 10 02–15 Category Code literal 10 17 Category Code — will be one of the following: 1 — Individual 2 — Financial Institution 3 — Business 4 — State/Federal Government Organization 5 — Other F — Farm Subsidy (Restricted for W&I use) i — Invalid Farm Subsidy (Restricted for W&I use) 12 02–10 Reprisal literal 12 12 Reprisal — ‘Y’ when checked on Form 12175. 12 17–28 Plan Number literal 12 30–32 Plan Number 12 35–66 EP/EO Determination Case Number literal 12 68–76 EP/EO Determination Case Number 12 78 Case Type 14 02–16 MFT Taxprd literal 14 22–80 MFT/Taxperiods 15–23 02–80 MFT/Taxperiods Exhibit 2.4.52-7 COMMAND CODE TPCOL Input Screen Description: Screen format to request display screen. Screen format to request display screen. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code: TPCOL 1 06 Command Code Definer blank 1 07–18 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source — must be in one of the following edited formats: nn-nnnnnnnN (NMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnnP (EPMF EIN) nn-nnnnnnn (BMF EIN) nnn-nn-nnnn (IMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnn* (IMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnV (BMF SSN) nnn-nn-nnnnW (BMF SSN invalid) nnn-nn-nnnnN (NMF SSN) Exhibit 2.4.52-8 COMMAND CODE TPCOL (definer ' ') Response Screen Description: Screen layout for displaying Third Party Contact data. Screen layout for displaying Third Party Contact data. Please click here for the text description of the image. LINE POSITION DESCRIPTION 1 01–05 Command Code: TPCOL 3 01–79 literals 4 01–29 literals 4 31–38 Systemic Mail Date 6 01–79 literals 7 01–17 literals 7 19–26 Taxpayer Request Mail Date 9 01–43 Third Party Database Contains literal 9 45–47 Number of Contacts 9 49–64 Contacts for TIN literal 9 66–77 Taxpayer TIN/Display File Source 11, 14, 17, 20 01–07 Contact literal 11, 14, 17, 20 11–45 Contact name 11, 14, 17, 20 47–60 Date Contacted literal 11, 14, 17, 20 64–71 Date Contacted 11, 14, 17, 20 75–76 Mail Out Indicator S — the contact was on a list which was mailed to the taxpayer in the periodic mail out. R — the contact was on a list which was mailed to the taxpayer by taxpayer request. 12, 15, 18, 21 11–45 Name continued 24 14–17 Page literal 24 19–21 Current Screen Number 24 23–24 Page literal 24 26–28 Total number of screens 24 40–44 Command Code to retrieve additional screen 24 47–49 Next screen number More Internal Revenue Manual