2.4.46 Command Code EPLAN

Manual Transmittal

January 16, 2025


(1) This IRM contains procedural steps for use of the EPLAN command code. By following the processes and procedures provided by this IRM, employees will process these cases in a manner that follows IRS policy and procedures while promoting the best interests of the Government.

Material Changes

(1) IRM Updated mandatory Internal Controls.

Effect on Other Documents

IRM 2.4.46, dated May 15, 2020, is superseded.


These procedures apply to IRS employees who add, revise, and delete Employee Plans Master File (EPMF) entity records.

Effective Date


Rajiv Uppal
Chief Information Officer

Program Scope and Objectives

  1. Purpose: Use Command Code (CC) EPLAN to add, revise, or delete a plan data module of an Employee Plans Master File (EPMF) entity record.

  2. Audience: LMSB, SBSE, TEGE, TS

  3. Policy Owner: The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our systems that operate the nation’s tax infrastructure.

  4. Program Owner: AD Submission Processing

  5. Primary Stakeholders: LMSB- Large Mid Size Business Division, SB/SE- Self-Employed/Small Business Division, TE/GE- Tax-Exempt/Government Entitles Division, TS- Taxpayer Services

  6. Program Goals: The exhibits that follow this section cover specific information about using Command Code EPLAN. See Exhibit 2.4.46-1 Command Code EPLAN Request shows what data in what format to enter to get the EPLAN screen. See Exhibit 2.4.46-2 EPLAN screen layout. See Exhibit 2.4.46-3 for input fields. See Exhibit 2.4.46-4 for valid abbreviations and District Office codes. See Exhibit 2.4.46-5 for Screens messages and Error flags. See Exhibit 2.4.46-6 for a table that summarizes which transaction codes use which data entry fields. See Exhibit 2.4.46-7 through Exhibit 2.4.46-18 that covers the transaction codes individually.


  1. IDRS research tools and command codes (CCs) are available for Master File (MF) actions. CC EPLAN is used to add, revise, or delete a plan data module of an Employee Plans Master File (EPMF)account. This IRM and the contained subsections provide the user the necessary information on how to use CC EPLAN.


  1. CC EPLAN was developed as the principal means for modifying modules on Employee Plans Master File (EPMF) accounts.


  1. Provide information on who's responsible for the activities discussed in the IRM. Include employee and management responsibilities.

Program Management and Review

  1. Command codes validate user inputs and provide either “Request Completed” messages or "System Error" messages, prompting users to correct inputs.

Program Controls

  1. Security and Communication Services (SACS) controls access and authority of command codes to IRS employees, based on their role and expected job functions.


  1. The following are acronyms.

    Acronym Meaning
    CC Command Code
    EPMF Employee Plan Master File
    PDC Posting Delay Code
    PFRC Plan Filing Requirement Code
    TIN Taxpayer Identification Number

Related Resources

  1. IRM Employee Plan Master File

Command Code EPLAN Overview

  1. Use Command Code (CC) EPLAN to add, revise, or delete a plan data module of an Employee Plans Master File (EPMF) entity record. The ten transaction codes (TC) used with CC EPLAN determine the types of changes the user can make:

    TC Type of Change
    000 Add new plan to an EPMF entity
    011 Change plan number
    012 Reactivate plan
    013 Change plan name
    016 Change filing requirement code
    017 Change file folder number
    020 Delete plan
    053 Change plan year ending month
    127 Change plan administrator data
    128 Change both plan name and plan administrator data

  2. To use CC EPLAN, first enter the EPLAN request on line one of the unformatted screen. The request—assuming it passes validity checks and the database files are available—gets the formatted EPLAN screen.

  3. The EPLAN screen redisplays the request line sans definer. It displays 17 data entry fields marked by delimiters and identified with abbreviations. Each transaction code uses a unique subset of these fields. Transmitting the input brings up the response screen.

  4. The EPLAN response screen redisplays the request line sans definer and the user's input. It adds messages and error flags. Errors consist of fields with unacceptable content, required fields containing blanks, disallowed fields containing data, and related fields with inconsistent entries. For valid input EPLAN displays "REQUEST COMPLETED" and builds a GENDATA record.

  5. The exhibits that follow this section cover specific information about using Command Code EPLAN. See Exhibit 2.4.46-1 Command Code EPLAN Request shows what data in what format to enter to get the EPLAN screen. See Exhibit 2.4.46-2 EPLAN screen layout. See Exhibit 2.4.46-3 for input fields. See Exhibit 2.4.46-4 for valid abbreviations and District Office codes. See Exhibit 2.4.46-5 for Screens messages and Error flags. See Exhibit 2.4.46-6 for a table that summarizes which transaction codes use which data entry fields. See Exhibit 2.4.46-7 through Exhibit 2.4.46-18 that covers the transaction codes individually.

EPLAN Specifics

  1. The exhibits that follow this section cover specific information about using CC EPLAN. See Exhibit 2.4.46-1,Command Code EPLAN Request, shows what data in what format to enter to get the EPLAN screen ( See Exhibit 2.4.46-2,EPLAN Screen layout). See Exhibit 2.4.46-3 and See Exhibit 2.4.46-4 deal with entering data. See Exhibit 2.4.46-5 covers messages and error flags. See Exhibit 2.4.46-6 has a table that summarizes which transaction codes use which data entry fields. See Exhibit 2.4.46-7 through See Exhibit 2.4.46-18 cover the transaction codes individually.

Command Code EPLAN Request

The EPLAN request format:

This is an Image: 28100001.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

You must enter the first 6 elements. Element 7, the TC000 intent indicator, depends on the transaction code.

Element Position Description
1 1–5 Command code (CC) EPLAN—"EPLAN"
2 6 CC definer—" R" , indicates a request for the EPLAN screen. When the EPLAN screen is displayed, this CC definer position is blank.
3 7–16 EIN. Operator enters the hyphen after the first two digits.
4 17 File source code—"P" , indicates that the record is located on the ZTIF database.
5 19–22 Name control.
6 1–4 Plan number. This field must be numeric. The valid range is 001–999.
7 6 TC000 intent indicator. You must enter "Y" for Transaction Code 000. For the other nine transaction codes you may make the intent indicator "N " or leave it blank. If you leave it blank, the EPLAN screen displays "N" by default.

A valid EPLAN request brings up the formatted EPLAN screen. See Exhibit 2.4.46-2.

EPLAN Screen

The EPLAN request ( See Exhibit 2.4.46-1 ) gets the formatted EPLAN screen that allows the user to tab from data entry field to data entry field. EPLAN screen layout:

This is an Image: 28100002.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

The EPLAN request ( See Exhibit 2.4.46-1 ) is redisplayed on line 1 positions 1–28, but the CC definer is omitted. Position 23 has default "N" if it was blank in the request.

The screen shows 18 data input fields with delimiters (" =" ,"+" , or "]" ). It identifies each field with an abbreviation (literal). The abbreviation follows the right delimiter unless it doubles as delimiter. The positions and names of the display literals:

Line Position Literal Name

EPLAN Screen Input Fields

EPLAN data entry screen layout with input fields shaded:

This is an Image: 28100003.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Data fields information:

EPLAN Screen Data Input Fields
Notes applying to all the fields:
All the delimiters are overlaid by data, except the "]" in line 4, position 1.
All entries must begin in the first position of the input field; first positions must not have blanks.
Data must not follow 2 consecutive blanks.
Screen Literal EPLAN Screen Input Fields Ln. Pos. Delimiters Valid Entries
TCN Transaction code 1 9–11 TCN 000, 011, 012, 013, 016, 017, 020, 053, 127, 128
PY Plan year ending month 1 13–14 PY 01–12
NPL New plan number 1 16–18 NPL 001–999, but not same as plan number
P1 Plan name 1st line 3 1–35 +…+ 1st-position: A–Z, 0–9.
The others: A–Z, 0–9, &, -, or blank
P2 Plan name 2nd line 4 1–35 ]…+ Must not input unless P1 has been.
A–Z, 0–9, &, %, /, or blank. Do not overlay "]" in position 1.
ADM1 Administrator name 1st line 5 1–35 =…= Must not input if ASI has been.
1st position: A–Z, 0–9. The others: A–Z, 0–9, &, -, or blank. Must not put "SAME" in pos. 1–4.
ADM2 Administrator name 2nd line 6 1–35 =…= Must not input unless ADM1 has been.
1st position: ], A–Z. 0–9, &, -, %, or /. Other positions: A–Z, 0–9, &, -, %, /, or blank. If ADM2 is not administrator secondary-sort name line, the "]" must go in 1st position. A blank cannot follow "]" . Must not put "SAME" in positions 1–4.
STR Administrator street address 7 1–35 +…+ A–Z, 0–9, &, -, %, /, or blank. See Exhibit 2.4.46-4.
CY Administrator city 8 1–20 +…+ A–Z. 0–9, or blank
ST Administrator state 8 24–25 ++ Must be input if ADM1 is.
Valid 2-character state abbreviation. See Exhibit 2.4.46-4.
ZC Administrator ZIP code 8 29–40 +…+ May be 5, 9, or 12 digits long. First 3 digits' range: 006–999. 4th & 5th positions must not be "00" .
AEIN Administrator EIN 9 1–9 +…+ Must contain nine numeric characters. The first two must be a valid District Office Code. See Exhibit 2.4.46-4.
FFN File folder number 9 11–19 +…+ Must have 9 digits. First two must be a valid District Office Code.
EFDT Plan effective date 9 21–28 +…+ Valid date in MMDDYYYY format
PRFC Plan filing requirement code 10 1 + N, T, U, X, or Z
ASI Administrator-same indicator 10 3 + 1. Must not input when ADM1 has been.
PDC Posting delay code 10 5 + 1–6
RM Remarks 11 1–25 =…= Must contain at least 3 characters.

EPLAN Data Entry: Valid Abbreviations and District Office Codes

Valid Address Abbreviations
Abbr. Words Abbr. Words Abbr. Words
AFB Air Force Base HWY Highway PO BOX P.O. Box, Post Office Box, P.O. Box No.
& And % In care of, Care of RD Road
APT Apartment LN Lane RD Rural Delivery, R.D., RFD, R.R., Rural Route
AVE Avenue N North RT Route, R., Rte
BLVD Boulevard NE Northeast S South
CIR Circle NW Northwest SE Southeast
CT Court 1/4 One-fourth, One-quarter SW Southwest
DR Drive 1/2 One-half ST Street
E East PKY Parkway TER Terrace
GEN DEL General Delivery PL Place W West
Valid State Abbreviations (ADP) and District Office Codes (DO)
State DO Abbr. State DO Abbr. State DO Abbr.
Alabama 63 AL Maryland 52 MD South Dakota 46 SD
Alaska 92 AK Massachusetts 04 MA Tennessee 62 TN
Arizona 86 AZ Michigan 38 MI Texas   TX
Arkansas 71 AR Minnesota 41 MN Austin 74  
California   CA Mississippi 64 MS Dallas 75  
Laguna Niguel 33   Missouri 43 MO Houston 76  
Los Angeles 95   Montana 81 MT Utah 87 UT
Sacramento 68   Nebraska 47 NE Vermont 03 VT
San Francisco 94   Nevada 88 NV Virginia 54 VA
San Jose 77   New Hampshire 02 NH Washington 91 WA
Colorado 84 CO New Jersey 22 NJ West Virginia 55 WV
Connecticut 06 CT New Mexico 85 NM Wisconsin 39 WI
Delaware 51 DE New York   NY Wyoming 83 WY
District of Columbia 52 DC Albany 14        
Florida   FL Brooklyn 11        
Ft. Lauderdale 65   Buffalo 16   A/C International 98  
Jacksonville 59   Manhattan 13   American Samoa   AS
Georgia 58 GA North Carolina 56 NC APO Americas   AA
Hawaii 99 HI North Dakota 45 ND APO Europe   AE
Idaho 82 ID Ohio   OH APO Pacific   AP
Illinois   IL Cincinnati 31   Federated States of Micronesia   FM
Chicago 36   Cleveland 34   Guam 98 GU
Springfield 37   Oklahoma 73 OK Mariana Islands 98 MP
Indiana 35 IN Oregon 93 OR Marshall Islands   MH
Iowa 42 IA Pennsylvania   PA Palau   PW
Kansas 48 KS Philadelphia 23   Puerto Rico 66 PR
Kentucky 61 KY Pittsburgh 25   Trust Territories    
Louisiana 72 LA Rhode Island 05 RI Virgin Islands 66 VI
Maine 01 ME South Carolina 57 SC      

EPLAN Screen Messages and Error Flags

EPLAN flags errors with asterisks (*). This screen layout shades the error indicator locations and the message line:

This is an Image: 28100004.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Message line 24 of the EPLAN screen can display any of these messages:

EPLAN Messages Displayed on Screen Line 24 Explanation
ACCOUNT IS ALREADY ON FILE The dummy account created by EPLAN is already on the TIF.
ADMINISTRATOR DATA MUST BE INPUT Invalid entry of " SAME" in administrator name first line.
DATA IN NON-INPUT FIELD Data entry outside the delimited input positions.
EPMF TIN NEEDED FOR EPLAN-RESTART The TIN or file source code is not valid for EPMF.
ID INFO CHANGED-RESTART The TIN, name control, plan number, or TC000 intent indicator on screen display line 1 has been altered after initial request input. Restart CC EPLAN.
INVALID DATA WITH TRANS CODE Each TC has unique required, optional, and not-allowed fields.
INVALID EPLAN DEFINER Definer must be " R" on initial request and blank for data input.
INVALID TRANS CODE Valid TCs: 000, 011, 012, 013, 016, 017, 020, 053, 127, or 128.
ONE ENTRY REQUIRED IN EITHER FIELD The given transaction code requires and entry in either the administrator-same indicator field or the administrator name field.
PLEASE CORRECT INCONSISTENCY Interrelated fields failed a crosscheck.
REQUEST COMPLETED All validity checks have been passed.
REQUIRED FIELD MISSING A field required by a given transaction code is blank.
SYSTEM ERROR ON DATA BASE ACCESS An irrecoverable error. Notify RPA.
TC000 PENDING FOR THIS PLAN NUMBER The plan number has been set up but not yet posted to the TIF.

The message "REQUEST COMPLETED" indicates successful data input. It is the only non-error message.

Summary of EPLAN Input Fields by Transaction Code

The table below gives a summary of the required (R), optional (O), and disallowed (shaded black) input fields for the ten transaction codes used with EPLAN. See Exhibit 2.4.46-7 through See Exhibit 2.4.46-18 show the input screen layouts for the individual transaction codes (TC).

This is an Image: 28100005.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Note that both TC000 and TC128 have two versions of the required, optional, or disallowed data entry fields. You enter either the administrator-same indicator or the full administrator information.

EPLAN with Transaction Code 000—Add New Plan—First Version

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN screen request to use with Transaction Code 000. On the EPLAN screen layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out of character by character, and the required fields are shaded as well as blocked.

Here is the first ( See Exhibit 2.4.46-8 for the second) of two screens for TC000 showing the input with the administrator-same indicator:

This is an Image: 28100006.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

The required input fields for TC000, first version:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 000

  2. Plan year ending month (PY)

  3. Administrator same indicator (ASI), which must be 1

  4. Remarks (RM)

  5. Plan name first line (P1)

The optional input fields for TC000, first version:

  1. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Posting delay code (PDC)

  4. Plan name second line (P2)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 000—Add New Plan—Second Version

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN screen request to use with Transaction Code 000. On the EPLAN screen layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are shaded as well as blocked.

Second ( See Exhibit 2.4.46-7 for the first) of two screens for TC000, showing the input that does NOT use the administrator-same indicator:

This is an Image: 28100007.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

The required input fields for TC000, second version:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 000

  2. Plan year ending month (PY)

  3. Remarks (RM)

  4. Plan name first line (P1)

  5. Administrator name first line (ADM1)

  6. Administrator city (CY)

  7. Administrator state (ST)

  8. Administrator ZIP code (ZC)

  9. Administrator EIN (AEIN)

The optional input fields for TC000, second version:

  1. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Posting delay code (PDC)

  4. Plan name second line (P2)

  5. Administrator name second line (ADM2)

  6. Administrator street address (STR)

EPLAN with Transaction code 011: Change Plan Number

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 011. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC011:

This is an Image: 28100008.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC011:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 011

  2. New plan number (NPL)

  3. Remarks (RM)

Optional input field for TC011:

  1. Posting delay code (PDC)

EPLAN with Transaction code 012—Reactivate Plan

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 012. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC012:

This is an Image: 28100009.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

The required input fields for TC012:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 012

  2. Remarks (RM)

The optional input fields for TC012:

  1. Plan year ending month (PY)

  2. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  3. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  4. Posting delay code (PDC)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 013—Change Plan Name

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 013. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

CC EPLAN input screen for TC013:

This is an Image: 28100010.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC013:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 013

  2. Remarks (RM)

  3. Plan name first line (P1)

Optional input fields for TC013:

  1. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Administrator-same indicator (ASI), which must be 1

  4. Posting delay code (PDC)

  5. Plan name second line (P2)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 016—Change Filing Requirement Code

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 016. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC016:

This is an Image: 28100011.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC016:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 016

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Remarks (RM)

Optional input field for TC016:

  1. Posting delay code (PDC)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 017—Change File Folder Number

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 017. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC017:

This is an Image: 28100012.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC017:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 017

  2. File folder number (FFN)

  3. Remarks (RM)

Optional input fields for TC017:

  1. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Posting delay code (PDC)

EPLAN with Transaction code 020—Delete Plan

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 020. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC020:

This is an Image: 28100013.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC020:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 020

  2. Remarks (RM)

Optional input field for TC020:

  1. Posting delay code (PDC)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 053—Change Plan Year Ending Month

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 053. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC053:

This is an Image: 28100014.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC053:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 053

  2. Plan year ending month (PY)

  3. Remarks (RM)

Optional input field for TC053:

  1. Posting delay code (PDC)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 127—Change Administrator Data

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph (2)—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN request format to use with Transaction Code (TC) 127. On the layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are gray as well as blocked.

EPLAN input screen layout for TC127:

This is an Image: 28100015.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Required input fields for TC127:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 127

  2. Remarks (RM)

  3. Administrator name first line (ADM1)

  4. Administrator city (CY)

  5. Administrator state (ST)

  6. Administrator ZIP code (ZC)

  7. Administrator EIN (AEIN)

Optional input fields for TC127:

  1. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  2. Posting delay code (PDC)

  3. Administrator name second line (ADM2)

  4. Administrator street address (STR)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 128—Change Administrator Data and Plan Name, First Version

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN screen request to use with Transaction Code (TC) 128. On the EPLAN screen layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are shaded as well as blocked.

First ( See Exhibit 2.4.46-18 for the second) of two screens for TC128, showing the input without the administrator-same indicator:

This is an Image: 28100016.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

The required input fields for TC128, first version:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 128

  2. Plan year ending month (PY)

  3. Remarks (RM)

  4. Plan name first line (P1)

  5. Administrator name first line (ADM1)

  6. Administrator city (CY)

  7. Administrator state (ST)

  8. Administrator ZIP code (ZC)

  9. Administrator EIN (AEIN)

The optional input fields for TC128, first version:

  1. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Posting delay code (PDC)

  4. Plan name second line (P2)

  5. Administrator name second line (ADM2)

  6. Administrator street address (STR)

EPLAN with Transaction Code 128—Change Administrator Data and Plan Name, Second Version

See Exhibit 2.4.46-1, paragraph 2—especially the description of element 7—for the EPLAN screen request to use with Transaction Code 000. On the EPLAN screen layout below the only permitted input fields are blocked out character by character, and the required fields are shaded as well as blocked.

Second See Exhibit 2.4.46-17 for the first) of two screens for TC000, showing the input version with the administrator-same indicator:

This is an Image: 28100017.gif

Please click here for the text description of the image.

Second version of the required input fields for TC128:

  1. Transaction code (TCN), which must be 128

  2. Plan year ending month (PY)

  3. Administrator same indicator (ASI), which must be 1

  4. Remarks (RM)

  5. Plan name first line (P1)

Second version of the optional input fields for TC128:

  1. Plan effective date (EFDT)

  2. Plan filing requirement code (PFRC)

  3. Posting delay code (PDC)

  4. Plan name second line (P2)