Getting started using IVES | Internal Revenue Service

Getting started using IVES


Once the IVES application and registration process are completed, your company is ready to begin taking advantage of the electronic delivery service offered under the IVES program.

Step 1: On Line 5a (designation of a third party to whom the transcript is to be delivered) insert your company's name, address, and the delegate's user-ID for secure mailbox delivery.

Note: Line 5a must be completed prior to a taxpayer providing consent and signing the Form.

Any loan or order number that you wish to appear in the subject line of your mail delivery should be written on the top right-hand corner of the Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF. You may only place one alpha-numeric number in the upper right-hand corner. This number can’t be more than 10 characters long and must not contain any part of a taxpayer identification number (SSN or EIN). The taxpayer must only sign and date once the Form 4506-C is completely filled out, which would include Line 5a information.

Step 2: Fax the completed Form 4506-C to your assigned IVES unit.

Austin IVES Team
Fax 844-249-6238

Kansas City IVES Team
Fax 844-249-8128

Ogden IVES Team
Fax 844-249-8129

All faxes must be covered by a general fax cover sheet. IVES batches must be limited to 50 tax periods and have a specific IVES cover sheet for each batch. Effective June 6, 2022, IVES participants must use the approved IVES fax coversheets for batching requests. Please contact us at if a coversheet is needed.

The IVES fax coversheet should include:

  • The name of the IVES company

  • Participant ID number
  • Company address
  • Company telephone number, and
  • Company fax number

Ensure the following identifying information is present on the cover sheet for each Form 4506-C submitted:

  • Taxpayer's name
  • Taxpayer identification number
  • Tax year(s) requested, and
  • Tax form number

Requests submitted without a cover sheet, or an incomplete cover sheet will not be processed.

Note: Effective March 1, 2023, IRS will only accept Forms 4506-C with a revision date of October 2022 or later.
