CAAs are required to complete formal Forensic Document Training to obtain the necessary skills to determine the authenticity of identification documents. The training must provide skills to effectively recognize fraudulent documents, such as, passports, driver’s licenses, birth certificates, visas, national identification cards, military and US State identification cards.
IRS does not endorse any particular vendor for Forensic Document Training and is not responsible for the content of any vendor website. Based on comments and feedback from the CAA community, IRS developed a description of the certified forensic training requirements and issued a Request for Information (RFI) (Solicitation #TIRNO13H00000) in the Federal Business Opportunity on May 22, 2013. Responses were received from the two vendors below and the capability statements and course material was reviewed to ensure that they met the requirements.
- Buena Vista Resources LLC dba
30520 Valley View Drive
Buena Vista, CO 81211
Cost: $195.00 per person (discount provided for 10 or more persons with the same firm).
- C&C Financial Services
600 Bypass Drive, Suite 224-B
Clearwater, FL 33764
Cost: $190.00 per person (35% discount based on number of students)
Use of these vendors is not mandatory. The IRS does not have a contractual relationship with these vendors and did not conduct a procurement, or perform any procurement steps in determining the vendors whose information is posted on CAAs may continue to use basic Internet search criteria posted on the IRS website to identify a potential vendor for the required training. CAAs should evaluate training based on the types of documentation they review.