There are several ways for getting tax information on our website. Our Interactive Tax Assistant tool takes you through a series of questions and gives you immediate responses to many tax law questions. The Frequently asked questions and answers for individuals and Tax topics give you instant access to a variety of tax information. Our Tools page has additional self-service options. International taxpayers can find answers on our FAQs about international individual tax matters page.
You can contact us by phone if you need help with a tax account issue (we'll need your name and social security number to resolve any issues). You can use the following phone numbers:
- 800-829-1040 for individuals (Form 1040 filers)
- 800-829-4933 for business callers
- 267-941-1000 for international callers or overseas taxpayers. (Overseas taxpayers may also fax a tax question to 681-247-3101 or use our international contact address page.)
- 800-829-1040 if you are in Guam, the Bahamas, U.S. Virgin Islands, or Puerto Rico