Accessibility and compatibility features for signing in and creating an account | Internal Revenue Service

Accessibility and compatibility features for signing in and creating an account



About this guide

This guide is intended to assist individuals with disabilities in their use of signing in or creating an account. The guide will provide direction in accessing the features available in online account using specific technologies, including screen readers, screen magnifiers and voice command systems.

Application overview

When you access online services, we provide this registration and login system so that no one else can access your IRS online account. This also lets you access many tax tools with the same login information.

Create a account

If you are creating a new account, you’ll be asked to verify your email address, create a password, and secure your account with a secondary authentication method.

Create an account

If you are creating a new account, you’ll be asked to verify your email address, create a password, and secure your account. If the IRS service you are accessing requires identity verification, you will then be presented with an option to choose how you want to verify your identity, by either a self-service process or a “video chat agent” process. self-service identity verification

To verify your identity with’s self-service process, you'll need to provide a photo of an identity document such as a driver's license, state ID, or passport. You'll also need to take a selfie with a smartphone or a computer with a webcam. If you need help verifying your identity or to submit a support ticket, you can visit the IRS Help Site. If you need further registration assistance, a support request can be submitted on the help site by selecting “Contact Us” link. Fill out the form as instructed on the page to submit a support request. Trusted Referee (video chat agent)

If you have multiple identity verification failures via self-service identity verification, may send you to a “Trusted Referee” process where you can upload alternative identity documentation and then talk to an Trusted Referee via a video call.  This is also referred to as a “Video Chat Agent” process. You are also able to select the “Video Chat Agent” process before you begin verifying your identity, bypassing the self-service identity verification process. Video calls are offered in American Sign Language if requested.

Information about Specific Technologies, Issues and Guidance

Desktop screen readers


Sign in with an existing IRS username:

  • Currently, people with an existing IRS username can continue to sign in with their username and password. You may review the accessibility and compatibility features for Secure Access page for accessibility assistance with that sign-in option. Create Account & Sign In:

  • JAWS users who use SHIFT+TAB to navigate backwards into radio button controls will lose visual focus on their selection while inside the control.

JAWS Actions and Commands
Action Commands
Virtual HTML Features INSERT + F3
List Links INSERT + F7
Next Link TAB
Prior Link SHIFT + TAB
List Headings INSERT + F6
List of Form Fields INSERT + F5
List Buttons INSERT + CTRL + B
List Combo Boxes INSERT + CTRL + C
List Edit Boxes INSERT + CTRL + E
List Radio Buttons INSERT + CTRL + A
List Check Boxes INSERT + CTRL + X
List Tables INSERT + CTRL + T
Read from Beginning of Row to Current Cell INSERT + SHIFT + HOME
Read from Current Cell to End of Row INSERT + SHIFT + PAGE UP
Read the Current Row SHIFT + UP ARROW
Read the Current Column SHIFT + NUMPAD 5
List Frames INSERT + F9
List All Ordered, Unordered, and Definition Lists INSERT + CTRL + L

Screen Magnifiers

ZoomText (ZT)

  • There are no known issues at this time with ZoomText
ZoomText Actions and Commands
Action Commands
Virtual HTML Features INSERT + F3
Increase Magnification ALT + NUMPAD PLUS
Decrease Magnification ALT + NUMPAD MINUS
Turn Color Enhancements on or off CNTRL + SHIFT + C
Font Enhancements (xFont, Standard and None) CNTRL + SHIFT + F

Speech recognition software

Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS)

  • There are no known issues at this time with Dragon NaturallySpeaking
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Actions and Commands
Action Commands
Turn the Microphone on or off Plus key (+) on the numeric keypad
Open the Correction Menu Minus key (-) on the numeric keypad
Force Words to be Recognized as Commands Press and hold down the CTRL key
Force Words to be Recognized as Dictation Press and hold down the SHIFT key
Open the Naturally Speaking Menu Asterisk key (*) on the numeric keypad
Put the Microphone to Sleep or Wake It up Slash key (/) on the numeric keypad
Press-to-talk Zero key (0) on the numeric keypad