Tax Forms Outlet Program (TFOP) | Internal Revenue Service

Tax Forms Outlet Program (TFOP)


The Tax Forms Outlet Program offers tax products to the public through participating libraries and other outlets.

TFOP resources

TFOP order process

  • TFOP partners use Form 8635, Order for Tax Forms Outlet Program, to order tax products.
  • Prior to the tax filing season, TFOP participants receive an email providing program information, with Form 8635 and instructions attached.
  • TFOP participants email the completed order form to
  • We ship tax products as they become available, beginning in January.

Complete Form 8635

  • Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete Form 8635.
  • Verify or update all contact and shipping address information at the top of the form.
  • Save the completed form.
  • Email the order form to
  • Do not share order forms with other branches or organizations. Each Form 8635 is for a specific account. Sharing order forms changes account information and can delay your order.

Change or cancel an order

  • Send an email to immediately. 
  • In the subject line type, "Change this Order" or "Cancel this Order", and the TFOP account number.
  • In the body of the email, provide contact person's name and telephone number, and explain the change.

Taxpayers have several options to get tax information and tax forms

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