If you are filing Form 8911, Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit (revised January 2024), new mapping tool websites are provided in Notice 2024-64, to identify the 11-digit census tract GEOID for the location of your property. Tax returns filed with Form 8911 after November 15, 2024, must use the new mapping tool. Tax returns filed on or before November 15, 2024, can use either the mapping tool in Notice 2024-20 or Notice 2024-64. If you are using Worksheet 1, in the Instructions for Form 8911 (revised January 2024), to determine if your property was place in service in an eligible census tract, use the following websites: On line 2, instead of using the CDFI mapping tool, use the Census Bureau's 2015 Census Tract Identifier. On line 4, instead of using the Census Geocoder, use the Census Bureau's 2020 Census Tract Identifier. The December 2024 revision of the Form 8911 and its instructions will contain these updates. See Notice 2024-64 for full guidance.