About Form 8933, Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit | Internal Revenue Service

About Form 8933, Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit


Use Form 8933 to claim the section 45Q carbon oxide sequestration credit.

Current revision

Recent developments


Use Schedule A (Form 8933) if you’re the owner (or one of the owners) of the geological disposal site or the EOR project at which captured qualified carbon oxide was injected during the year.

Schedule A (Form 8933) PDF​​​

Use Schedule B (Form 8933) if you’re the operator (or designated operator) of a geological disposal site at which captured qualified carbon oxide was injected during the year.

Schedule B (Form 8933) PDF

Use Schedule C (Form 8933) if you’re the operator (or designated operator) of an enhanced oil or gas recovery project (EOR project) at which captured qualified carbon oxide was injected during the year.

Schedule C (Form 8933) PDF

Use Schedule D (Form 8933) if you’re the operator or owner of the geological disposal site or EOR project to report a recapture event.

Schedule D (Form 8933) PDF

Use Schedule E (Form 8933) if (1) you’re the owner of the capture facility that supplied qualified carbon oxide to another person that was properly disposed of in geological storage, used in an EOR project, or utilized in a manner consistent with section 45Q(f), and (2) you elect under section 45Q(f)(3)(B) to allow the credit to that person.

Schedule E (Form 8933) PDF

Use Schedule F (Form 8933) if you’re the owner of the utilization facility who utilized qualified carbon oxide during the year.

Schedule F (Form 8933) PDF

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