IND-032-04 | Internal Revenue Service

Business Rule IND-032


The information you entered for the SPOUSE, last year's Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) or the PIN you used to sign that return, does not match IRS records.


Change the SPOUSE information you entered in Step 4, E-File your Tax Forms. If you have a copy of last year's return, use it to enter the correct information.

NOTE: Due to delayed processing, in some cases, your prior year may not have fully processed at the IRS. Entering $0 (zero) as the Spouse prior year Adjusted Gross Income may resolve your error.

If you used the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool last year to register for an Economic Impact Payment, enter "$1" as your prior year AGI. See Claiming the Recovery Rebate Credit if you aren't required to file a tax return.

If delayed processing is not the cause of your rejection:

  • Enter the exact AGI of the SPOUSE from last year's originally filed return.
  • If the SPOUSE did not file a return last year, enter a zero into the SPOUSE AGI area
  • If last year's return, for the SPOUSE, was not processed by the early part of December last year, enter a zero into the SPOUSE AGI area

If you do not know what the SPOUSE's AGI was for last year, enter last year’s Spouse Signature PIN the in the designated area for prior year SPOUSE Signature PIN.

If you do not know last year's AGI or last year's signature PIN for the SPOUSE, or you are positive you know what the AGI or PIN is, but the return rejects anyway, you will have to file a paper return.

Mailing addresses are in the Form 1040 instructions. We cannot assist you with determining what the IRS has on file for the SPOUSE AGI or PIN.

NOTE: If the SPOUSE filed jointly with the same taxpayer last year and this year, the AGI for the Spouse and taxpayer would be the same amount.

Make the correction(s) and resubmit.

If you are making a payment, you may have to re-date Step 3, Payment Options.