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Parent Directory

Name Date Size Description
wi-03-0124-0168-redacted.pdf 2024-02-20 13:23:00 109.58 KB IRM 3.12.212 Correction of Due Dates
wi-03-0224-0235-redacted.pdf 2024-02-20 13:10:00 165.55 KB IRM 3.12.15 Added Valid Tax Periods for Fields IN Section 03, 23, 24 and 25; Removed Invalid Condition for Field 01NAI
wi-03-0224-0229-redacted.pdf 2024-02-16 15:24:00 121.75 KB IRM 3.5.21 Review Requests for Proper Photocopy Fee Due to Updating Photocopy Fee
wi-03-0224-0219-redacted.pdf 2024-02-16 15:01:00 250.85 KB IRM 3.11.6 Processing and routing
wi-03-0224-0223.pdf 2024-02-16 14:59:00 102.31 KB IRM 3.12.249 Branch name change
wi-03-0224-0226.pdf 2024-02-16 14:57:00 122.62 KB IRM 3.12.16 Branch Name Change; Digital Signature Extended Date; Statute Clearing Exception Clarifications
wi-03-0224-0228.pdf 2024-02-16 14:54:00 102.2 KB IRM 3.22.110 Statute exception update
wi-03-0224-0207.pdf 2024-02-15 12:21:15 212.77 KB IRM 3.11.249 Branch Name Change; Address TC 014 Clarification
wi-03-0224-0258.pdf 2024-02-15 12:00:51 152.94 KB IRM 3.11.6 Suspense Case
wi-03-0124-0134.pdf 2024-02-15 10:51:12 70.03 KB IRM 3.12.38 Updated Branch Name
wi-25-0224-0218-redacted.pdf 2024-02-14 23:59:00 5.06 MB IRM 25.25.6 Updated Procedures for Cases With -E Freeze and 3176c Replies; Instructions for TAC and Phone Assistors for Identity Theft Victims With -E Freeze and Red Ink Editing Instructions on Reprocessed Return
wi-03-0224-0230.pdf 2024-02-14 07:57:00 97.4 KB IRM 4.19.21 Instructions to Address Undeliverable Letter 2269C
wi-03-0224-0231-redacted.pdf 2024-02-14 07:37:35 535.64 KB IRM 3.22.3 Form 13975 Paragraphs Updated; EC156 Clarification
wi-03-0224-0240-redacted.pdf 2024-02-14 07:28:51 241.18 KB IRM 3.11.15 Added instructions for refund returns; Corrected location to be edited for Form 3800, Part V indicator
wi-03-0224-0250-redacted.pdf 2024-02-14 07:19:45 308.51 KB IRM 3.11.16 Statute Clearing Exception; Computer Condition Code E; Form 1120, Schedule J Line 1, Line 9f, Line 9g & Line 9z; Corrected Naics Code Reference; Updates to Prior Year Conversion Charts & Routing Guide
wi-03-0224-0211.pdf 2024-02-06 11:17:15 89.59 KB IRM 3.12.212 Disaster extension due date February 05, 2024
wi-04-0124-0115-redacted.pdf 2024-01-31 12:43:09 208.69 KB IRM 4.19.14 Added Language for Calendar Year 2023 for Form 1099-K Transition Year; Added Note for Tracking Code 4231
wi-21-0124-0130.pdf 2024-01-31 11:14:58 113.54 KB IRM 21.7.2 ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP)
wi-01-0124-0081.pdf 2024-01-31 09:40:39 239.74 KB IRM 1.1.13 W&I Organizational realignment
wi-03-0124-0090.pdf 2024-01-31 09:36:43 105.19 KB IRM 3.30.123 IMF return transmission date
wi-21-0124-0088.pdf 2024-01-31 09:34:03 254.39 KB IRM 21.4.2 Refund trace and limited payability updates
wi-21-0124-0087-redacted.pdf 2024-01-31 09:31:50 216.65 KB IRM 21.4.1 Refund research updates
wi-21-0124-0086.pdf 2024-01-31 09:29:40 129.25 KB IRM 21.7.1 Taxpayer authentication for Letter 147C; new phone number Ogden Large Corp; updated link to LB&I LC application form and PSP Analysts contacts
wi-21-0124-0083.pdf 2024-01-31 09:25:02 112.67 KB IRM 21.1.1 Provides instructions for after hour transfers and procedures for voice bot
wi-03-0124-0102.pdf 2024-01-30 17:15:29 162.84 KB IRM 3.22.3 Updates to Processing Excess SST/RRTA
wi-03-0124-0120.pdf 2024-01-25 22:20:45 94.37 KB IRM 3.12.15 Added Prior Year Procedures for Section 06 Fields; Updated Paper Processing Branch to Return Processing Branch
wi-03-0124-0012.pdf 2024-01-16 16:09:04 303.27 KB IRM 3.12.2 Updated credit reduction states; removed Action Code 336; updated field names
wi-03-0124-0005.pdf 2024-01-16 16:01:43 116.61 KB IRM 3.21.110 PY 2024 Start-up changes
wi-03-0124-0080.pdf 2024-01-16 15:20:20 73.16 KB IRM 3.12.38 Clarified the note pertaining to the use of COMPA
wi-03-0124-0042-redacted.pdf 2024-01-16 12:36:52 1000.25 KB IRM 3.12.15 2024 Start-up changes
wi-03-0124-0052.pdf 2024-01-16 12:34:26 179.8 KB IRM 3.11.6 Routing to LB&I
wi-03-0124-0049.pdf 2024-01-16 12:33:36 220.42 KB IRM 3.11.23 2024 Start-up changes
wi-03-0124-0073.pdf 2024-01-16 12:32:50 95.39 KB IRM 3.11.212 Disaster extension due dates January 10, 2024
wi-03-0124-0074.pdf 2024-01-16 12:31:24 91.91 KB IRM 3.12.212 Disaster extension due dates January 10, 2024
wi-03-0124-0076.pdf 2024-01-16 12:29:47 122.25 KB IRM 3.11.23 2024 Start-up changes
wi-03-0124-0041.pdf 2024-01-16 11:01:20 118.94 KB IRM 3.11.15 2024 Start-up changes
wi-03-0124-0029.pdf 2024-01-16 10:59:56 172.14 KB IRM 3.11.16 2024 Start-up changes
wi-21-0124-0062-redacted.pdf 2024-01-16 10:56:45 104.13 KB IRM 21.2.3 Call closure delivery timeframes
wi-25-0124-0037-redacted.pdf 2024-01-12 13:41:58 103.01 KB IRM 25.23.3 IP PIN paper application updated AGI limits
wi-25-0124-0038-redacted.pdf 2024-01-12 13:36:56 107.9 KB IRM 25.23.12 IP PIN paper program AGI limits update
wi-03-0124-0017.pdf 2024-01-10 12:06:27 96.96 KB IRM 3.11.212 Start-up
wi-03-0124-0019.pdf 2024-01-10 07:51:09 95.3 KB IRM 3.21.19 Start-up
wi-03-0124-0020.pdf 2024-01-10 07:43:41 77.62 KB IRM 3.22.19 Start-up
wi-03-0124-0016-redacted.pdf 2024-01-10 07:08:51 171.28 KB IRM 3.13.2 Start-up changes
wi-03-0124-0018.pdf 2024-01-09 17:53:42 93.58 KB IRM 3.12.212 Start-up
wi-21-1223-1190.pdf 2023-12-22 07:47:51 167.91 KB IRM 21.1.1 Update to Transfer Numbers; TAC Appointment Lines; Clarified Procedures for Balance Due; Bad Line Calls
wi-21-1223-1191.pdf 2023-12-22 07:44:45 161.9 KB IRM 21.4.1 Various IRM Updates
wi-21-1223-1192-redacted.pdf 2023-12-22 07:42:46 281.71 KB IRM 21.4.2 Various IRM Updates
wi-21-1223-1200.pdf 2023-12-22 07:11:45 99.73 KB IRM 21.3.3 Update to Entity Change Procedures for Incarcerated taxpayers when a prisoner number is not available; Changed "deceased" to "DECD" for consistency with other IRMs; Corrected links to CP Notices
wi-21-1223-1193-redacted.pdf 2023-12-21 07:40:00 285.04 KB IRM 21.4.3 Various IRM Updates