Sales Tax Deduction Calculator: Accessibility | Internal Revenue Service

Sales Tax Deduction Calculator: Accessibility



About this guide

This guide is intended to assist people with disabilities in their use of the Sales Tax Deduction Calculator. The guide provides direction in accessing the calculator’s features using specific technologies, including screen readers, screen magnifiers and speech recognition software.

Application overview

The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator is a mobile-friendly digital application that lets you determine the amount of optional state and local sales tax you can claim on Schedule A of Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.

Each section of the application is labeled with a heading. These headings can be used to navigate the application. All buttons and links can be identified and accessed.

Technologies, issues and guidance

Sticky nav bar overlaps content

The Sales Tax Deduction Calculator has a sticky nav bar that will scroll with you as you complete the form.  The sticky navbar can sometimes overlap page content, preventing you from seeing options available. 

You can view content if you Shift + Tab to scroll the page up.

Elements not visible in high contrast

If you enter the Sales Tax Deduction Calculator with the high contrast settings on, some elements will not be visible.  These include:

  • White contrast:
    • Header - IRS Logo
    • Progress Tracker – completed checkmark symbol
    • General/Income Page – Checkbox border
  • Black contrast:
    • General/Income Page – Checkbox border

Dragon checkbox functionality

If you enter the application using Dragon, you won’t be able to use the command click checkbox to select options available on the General and Income pages. 

To select the checkboxes, you can use one of these Dragon features:

  • Mouse Grid command
  • Move Mouse command

JAWS known issues

Focus on global header and footer

If you enter the application using JAWS, the focus will stay on certain elements while it reads through the page. These include:

  • Header – Focus stays on the “English” option
  • Step Indicator – Missing visual focus
  • Footer – Focus stays on the headings of each column section

Skip to main content covers U.S. flag banner

If you enter the application using JAWS with the magnification of 150% or higher, the Skip to Main Content box will cover the US flag banner at the top of the page. 

To see all content on the page, use 100% magnification. 

Mac OS voice over language pronunciation 

If you enter the application using Mac OS voice over, the foreign language choice will spell out character by character instead of being pronounced as a word.

Mac OS voice control interaction with bullet points

If you enter the application using Mac OS voice control, bullet points will be recognized as interactable elements. This only occurs in tooltips that include links. 

Android mobile menu focus

If you enter the application using Android screen reader, the Mobile Menu links receive focus multiple times.