Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS) FAQs | Internal Revenue Service

Tax Exempt Organization Search (TEOS) FAQs


Frequently asked questions about the 990 bulk download data

How do I convert the index file from scientific to text?

Take the following steps:

  1. Download the file. Do not open or save the file. You will access it from your Downloads folder in the following steps.
  2. Open a blank workbook in Excel, select the Data ribbon, then select "From Text/CSV"
  3. Select the downloaded saved file and click "Import".
  4. A preview window will open. Ensure the delimiter box shows "Comma".
  5. Click on "Transform Data".
  6. Select the DLN column.
  7. Select the Transform ribbon, then click on Data Type Whole Number.
  8. Select "Text" from the list.
  9. Click on Replace Current.
  10. Select the Object ID column.
  11. Repeat steps 7 through 9.
  12. Click on "Close and Load" from the Home ribbon.

How is the index used with the data?

The index includes the Return ID, Filing Type, EIN, Tax Period, Submission Date, Taxpayer Name, DLN and Object ID. The Object ID is used to find the return in the data: open the data and, using the find option (ctrl F), type or paste in the Object ID to find the return.

How often is the data updated?

See the TEOS dataset guide PDF.