Form 990 series which forms do exempt organizations file filing phase in | Internal Revenue Service

Form 990 series which forms do exempt organizations file filing phase in


Most tax-exempt organizations are required to file an annual return. Which form an organization must file generally depends on its financial activity, as indicated in the chart below.

Status Form to File Instructions
Gross receipts normally ≤ $50,000
Note: Organizations eligible to file the e-Postcard may choose to file a full return
990-N  User Guide for Form 990-N PDF
Gross receipts < $200,000, and
Total assets < $500,000

990-EZ PDF

or 990 PDF

Instructions PDF
Gross receipts ≥ $200,000, or
Total assets ≥ $500,000
990 PDF Instructions PDF
Private foundation - regardless of financial status 990-PF PDF Instructions PDF
